Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-08-01 Thread Marc Sherman
mwoodroof wrote:
> Then when I go through the next stage, trying the auto DHCP setup, it
> fails to connect and I get a 169 IP address. I think this means that I
> need to use a static IP address (same as I was doing on my last
> router).

Does your router run a DHCP server? If not, then you'll have use a
static IP.

> So I go through the setup putting the following settings in:-
> IP address of player: 
> (my router assigns addresses in the range to 254,
> following advice read in the wiki am using this IP - is this right?)

Just make sure that 15 isn't being used by anything else. When you say
it "assigns addresses", that implies that perhaps it actually does
include a DHCP server? You should look into that.

> Network subnet:
> (have also tried, my router setup says one is the
> ADSL port subnet and one is the LAN port subnet. Which should I be
> using?) is correct. This value is a mask that indicates which IPs
are part of the same network, which you indicated above were 192.168.0.*.

> Default gateway:
> (this is what my router setup says is the ADSL Port Gateway IP - is
> this right?)

This is almost certainly the source of your problem. This should be the
IP address of the router, which I'm going to guess is It
tells the squeezebox that all traffic destined for the rest of the
internet has to be routed via the gateway at The router
itself then passes that traffic on to its own gateway (your ISP's
router), which would be

> DNS Server:
> (have also tried - these are what my router setup says
> are the ADSL Port DNS servers - is this right?)

It should be fine to use your ISPs DNS server here, if the router
doesn't provide a caching DNS server itself. It might work to put the
routers address here too, if your router does provide a caching server.

- Marc
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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-08-01 Thread mwoodroof

Thanks so much for the quick reply!

I have tried changing the gateway address to, which is what
the router setup says is the LAN port IP address, so I think you were
right with that. Unfortunately it still doesn't work!

Regards the router having a DHCP server, I think it does, but seeing as
I get the 169 address when I try to use the auto setup, I am guessing
that my SB doesn't like it, same as it didn't like the DHCP server on
my last router. That is why I am trying to set it up on a static IP, as
I had before. 

I have checked the "attached devices" list in the router setup, and
there are no others listed other than my desktop and laptop, so I think should be available for the SB to use. I have tried 10 and
11 too and get the same result.

What about the IP address I am trying to connect to the slimserver on -
am I right that this should be my desktop's IP address (the computer
that slimserver is running on)?

If I am, then it seems to me I have all the IP settings right, so 
maybe it is a problem with slimserver and this new router. I could try
upgrading my slimserver (am only on 6.2.2, never upgraded to the latest
as I had such a nightmare getting it working before that when it was
working I didn't want to change anything!) Do you think that this could
be causing the problem?

I remember there was a wiki somewhere on here that had specific issues
listed by router model, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone know
where it is?

Thanks again for all your help, without you guys the SB3 would be a
much worse product - it can be very tricky to set up!!! Fortunately I
know that once it is set up, it works a treat and is fantastic!!!


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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-08-02 Thread Mark Lanctot

The router page would be here:

but it's probably not much use to you.  It was started when there were
compatibility problems 18 months ago and hasn't really been updated
since because most of those problems were solved.

Thoughts on your issue:

- seeing that you have a draft-n router, do you have any draft-n
features enabled?  Make sure it's running 802.11g only, no throughput
enhancement/turbo, etc.

- perhaps your router doesn't like static IP assignments in its DHCP
pool.  Try restricting the DHCP pool range to - and give the Squeezebox an address of

- try wired first.  If that works, IP address assignment is correct and
it's a wireless issue.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-08-03 Thread mwoodroof

Thanks a lot for the suggestions, will try them out when I get a chance
and post results, though it may not be a while as I am off on hols soon
- yay for summer finally arriving in the UK!!!


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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-08-03 Thread duraace

mwoodroof;218798 Wrote: 
> Thanks a lot for the suggestions, will try them out when I get a chance
> and post results, though it may not be a while as I am off on hols soon
> - yay for summer finally arriving in the UK!!!

I too had extremely unreliable operation on the SB with the Apple
Airport Extreme 802.11n router, until I switched the default channel
(Auto) to one of the non-overlapping channels 1, 6 or 11.  I chose 11
and the SB is working so well I can't believe it.  I'm currently using
802.11n (b or g compatible) and WPA/WPA2 encryption, on channel 11.  SB
is working perfectly all the time!


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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-09-09 Thread rdb001

I also had Airport Extreme problems.  The TP couldn't even see the SSID.
I switched to channel 11 (from auto) and it now is working.


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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-10-07 Thread Big AAC

Hi Guys, reading through this thread has highlighted some problems that
i'm having It seems that i need to set my PC up with a static IP
address.  Question is, does anybody have a step-by-step guide to doing
this with Vista?



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Re: [slim] Problems Connecting to SlimServer

2007-10-07 Thread pfarrell

You don't *have* to have a static IP address for your Slimserver, but it

In general, on Windows, you go to Control -> Network -> pick the NIC,
-> TCP/IP -> properties and click off "DHCP" and enter a fixed IP
address, netmask and router/gateway IP.

But, you shouldn't set this blindly. Which raises questions on how your
SlimServer PC is getting its DHCP address. If its from a
router/wireless/cable model, then you should got to it, and find out
what ranges of IP addresses you can reserve. Then pick a fixed address
in the same subnet but outside the dymanic range.



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