Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-12 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 12/03/06, bgriffis
> I've installed Moose v0.26 on two of my computers now and am happy to
> report that it is working quite well for the most part.  What a
> fantastic program!  Anyone out there who is looking for a nice GUI
> front-end to Slim Server should try this out!

Excellent, glad you like it.. :-)

> I did have one problem -- I'm trying to scan the Slim Server library
> from a *different* computer using the SQlite mode.  Every time I do
> this Moose crashes!  I worked around this by doing the "folder" mode.

Ah, yes, sounds like the standard SQLite problem.. Trouble with SQLite
is that each database only reliably supports one application at a time.
When Slimserver is running, that's the application, so when Moose comes
along and jumps in, it's just luck whether something happens.

The way round this is either to stop slimserver whilst scanning, or to
make a copy of the db file, and point Moose at that copy. Neither are
ideal, but it's just the way SQLite is.

Other ways round are to change your server to use MySql or, as you've
found, the folder mode.

> Other things that are non critical but would be nice would be to have
> the option to be able to view all albums (currently you can only view
> all artists and then by clicking on an artist you can see their
> albums).

If you type any character in the library filter control, then quickly
delete that
character so the control's empty, the album list will do a filter based on
nothing - the result is that it shows all the artists on the left and all the
albums on the right. I think this is the state it's in when you first open the

It's not ideal though and Im hoping to add some more view modes shortly.

> It would also be nice to be able to right-click on songs in
> the library and choose Add/Insert/Play.  Same goes for right-clicking
> on an artist or an album...  The current layout of the library makes it
> very "laborsome" to click on a song way down at the bottom left of the
> screen and then go way up to the top right to add it to the play list.
> Minor things, but would be nice.

Indeed, it does need popup menus.. If you double-click items it plays
them without the need for clicking the buttons.. I think if you ctrl+click it
appends too - I've not got moose to hand though, so cant check that.

Hope that helps,

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-10 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 09/03/06, Mark Lanctot
> O yeah!  So it uses SlimServer's database!
> Yup, seems to work well!  Thanks.

Yup.. BTW, if you're using SQLite, make sure you either stop slimserver
briefly, or point Moose at a copy of the db file - SQLite only likes 1 program
talking to it at a time.. If you dont, one in five times (ish) it seems to crash
the server or just not fully populate the library.. Not a problem with MySql

> About the only thing that's missing now is something with the
> functionality of the SlimServer random mix plugin.  I see where you can
> add one random track at a time, but new tracks are not added
> automatically.

There's a bit on the website about assigning the blank 'popcorn' button to
launch random-mix.. Sadly random-mix and other plugins arent directly
accessible to the CLI, so control is a little limited.

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-10 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 09/03/06, Mark Lanctot
> So I decided to drink the Kool-Aid and tried Moose.

Oh dear, you dont wanna do that.. Welcome on board though.. ;-)

> .NET 2.0 is a huge improvement.  No impact on boot-up times and no
> annoying 'ASP .NET' user.

Yeah, I was quite suprised at the difference it seems to make.. The only
downside is Im going to need a faster machine to speed up MS's new
development environment.. Shiny but slow..

> And Moose?  Wow!  What a cool app!  Fast, efficient, clean, uncluttered
> UI, bug-free.

Cool, glad you like it.. Dont know about bug-free, but it's getting there.. :-)

> I have a few minor niggles:
> 1.  Stop does not work.  Pause does, but pressing the Stop button on
> the bottom right has no effect.

Hmm, I'll check this out.. Those buttons just do the same as the ones
on the remote (in theory).. Things keep changing on the server, so maybe
something's broken..

> 2.  Changing players is not as intuitive or simple as other operations.
> I guess this has to be done by the radio button in preferences?
> Personally I'd prefer a simple button somewhere in the main UI.
> Something that would call up a drop-down list.

Yes, currently it's a bit tucked away.. The original intention was to have
a Now Playing window for each unit.. Then you could drag/drop playlists
between them, etc.. I think a simple switcher - maybe just a submenu of
players - might be the simplest/quickest solution in the short-term..

Hmmm, testing could be a problem here.. If SD fancy donating a
few SB3's to the cause, dont be shy.. ;-)

> 3.  I couldn't get the external tagger to work (Mp3tag).  It errored
> out with a German dialog.  I've seen this issue mentioned before, I
> just have to look for the solution.

Ahh, just tried mp3tag.. Seems not to like spaces in its arguments..
Just fixed Moose to get round this, so should work in the next release..

> 4.  It waits a fairly long time for the server response when starting
> up.  10-15 seconds.  No big deal, but I thought there was a problem
> when I first started it.

10-15 seconds seems pretty slow.. Which server version are you
running ? With 6.5 nightlies and MySQL it takes roughly 2 seconds
for Moose to appear and show the playlist and album-art on my
machine here..

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-08 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 08/03/06, ezkcdude
> 0.26 working a treat here. The only thing annoying me know is the lack
> of album art in the now playing window. Does anybody else experience
> this? when browsing the library the album art is fine so I don't really
> understand what is happening.

Dont understand this.. I know there was a problem with 6.5 nightlies
a few weeks back that would cause the problem - you'd sometimes
get art on the first couple of tracks from an album, but non after that.
Is this what you're seeing ?

Otherwise, if you're server's not set to look for artwork, it could cause
a problem.. If it works in the web ui though it should work in Moose.

Contact me off-list if you like and we can work out what's going on..

> Also, what happened to the background colors? Is there a reason for the
> drop-down menu for this option being disabled?

Well, the moving backgrounds were consuming too much CPU time, so
I optimised the code for a flat background. I'll put the grad fill background
back in at some point.. I could put the animated ones back in too if people
liked them ?

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-03 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 03/03/06, mattybain
> Okay it is just my cr*ppy ISP (bloody NTL), seems fine from work.

Hmmm, interesting..

I've just duplicated the file online now which should fix things with NTL..
I'll try and remember to do this for the next version too.. It's now there
as both and

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-02 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 03/03/06, ezkcdude
> Love the updates. However, my playlist is not showing up. The songs are
> playing in the correct order (which I can see on the SlimServer
> browser). Not sure what's going on.
> Edit: Well, it's working now. I hit the shuffle mode button a couple of
> times, and that must have done something.

That sounds strange. Is it a recurring problem ? If so, does the
Playlists->Refresh menu item sort it ? Which version of SS are you
running ?

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Moose 0.25 now up

2006-03-02 Thread Dr Lovegrove
On 03/03/06, mattybain
> Still no joy downloading 0.25 :( what am I doing wrong (apart from
> waking up at 4.30!!!)

Strange.. Just checked and it does contain 0.25.. Are you
using a proxy server or anything ? Might be worth clearing your internet
temporary files if using IE ? Maybe if you do a Save As and call it
something other than, then extract it ? I could email it if
you're still having problems ?

> Did you enjoy the cake by the way? any pieces left?

Blimey, didnt think people would read that.. ;-)

- Dr Lovegrove
Discuss mailing list