[discuss] dates are never autoformatted correctly

2006-10-24 Thread Kyle Bowles
I'm a student at Oregon State University where you may know Open Office 
has its server in the Open Source Labs.  I just began using open office 
since I came to campus and am finding one feature extremely annoying.  I 
personally like to write my dates .mm.dd however, as you may know 
Open Office Calc is VERY picky about them being one way and ONLY one 
way.  Even Microsoft Office has more date options that really do work.  
Whenever I happen to write a date, I have my date changed, to the format 
mm/dd/yy not only is this one of the worst, most illogical ways for a 
date to be kept, but unless I insert an additional symbol, it is the 
format Open Office is trying to inflict upon me.  For the sake of people 
who use different formats everywhere, open your options to include all 
the date types windows supports.  Everytime it's changed is another time 
I feel like I should just reinstall Microsoft Office.  My date format is 
perfect for my use, and my company's use.  It's also the most intuitive, 
and its a big problem if I can't easily insert it.  And if I'm having 
problems with software, I'm not going to be refering people to it so 
much.  Thank you for your time.  Have a nice day.

Kyle Bowles

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Re: [discuss] dates are never autoformatted correctly

2006-10-24 Thread Peter Hillier-Brook

Kyle Bowles wrote:
I'm a student at Oregon State University where you may know Open Office 
has its server in the Open Source Labs.  I just began using open office 
since I came to campus and am finding one feature extremely annoying.  I 
personally like to write my dates .mm.dd however, as you may know 
Open Office Calc is VERY picky about them being one way and ONLY one 
way.  Even Microsoft Office has more date options that really do work.  
Whenever I happen to write a date, I have my date changed, to the format 
mm/dd/yy not only is this one of the worst, most illogical ways for a 
date to be kept, but unless I insert an additional symbol, it is the 
format Open Office is trying to inflict upon me.  For the sake of people 
who use different formats everywhere, open your options to include all 
the date types windows supports.  Everytime it's changed is another time 
I feel like I should just reinstall Microsoft Office.  My date format is 
perfect for my use, and my company's use.  It's also the most intuitive, 
and its a big problem if I can't easily insert it.  And if I'm having 
problems with software, I'm not going to be refering people to it so 
much.  Thank you for your time.  Have a nice day.

What on Earth are you talking about? Have a look at Format>Cells>Numbers 
and either use one of the many formats available there, or roll your own!!

Of course, if you are referring to the input line, then it shows the 
date in the style of the underlying operating system - which you have 
presumably specified - but it appears formatted as you have chosen in 
the cell(s).

Peter HB

Peter HB

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Re: [discuss] dates are never autoformatted correctly

2006-10-24 Thread jonathon . blake

Kyle wrote:

personally like to write my dates .mm.dd however, as you may know 
Open Office Calc is VERY picky about them being one way and ONLY one 

That "pickyness" is because OOo is style dependent.  Everything in OOo 
revolves around styles, and if you don't grok styles, you wont' be able 
to use OOo successfully. OTOH, once you grok styles, you'll wonder how 
you survived without them.

Even Microsoft Office has more date options that really do work.  

 Whenever I happen to write a date, I have my date changed, to the format
mm/dd/yy not only is this one of the worst, most illogical ways for a 

That happens because you:
* Selected the default locale to be English(USA)
* Did not change the default date format in your cell styles to 
something more logical.

Go into your default calc template, and change the default date format 
to the one that you want.

who use different formats everywhere, open your options to include all 
the date types windows supports.  

The last time I counted, OOo supported five different calender systems, 
and about 35 different formats for entering dates in those calender 
systems. IOW, it covers the same date formats, and calender systems as 
windows covers.

Everytime it's changed is another time 

There are two known time issues with OOo & calenders.
It does not correctly calculate the start of the day for either the 
Jewish Calender, or the traditional African (Swahili) calender.

Other than miscalculating the date of Easter, it works correctly with 
both the standard Julian Calender, and standard Gregorian Calender.
[I'd file an issue here, but it gets into theology, and the feast of the 

and its a big problem if I can't easily insert it.  And if I'm having 

Spend a couple of hours learning about styles, and how to use them.  The 
issue here is that you configured styles for one date format, and want 
to use a different date format.



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Re: [discuss] dates are never autoformatted correctly

2006-10-24 Thread Terry

Kyle Bowles wrote:
.  I just began using open office since I came to campus and am 
finding one feature extremely annoying.  I personally like to write my 
dates .mm.dd however, as you may know Open Office Calc is VERY 
picky about them being one way and ONLY one way.  

Kyle Bowles 
What OpenOffice needs is a method for the user to change the default 
date format.  You could contribute to the project by filing an issue 
requesting a feature enhancement.  First, you must register here: 

In the meantime, there is a simple way to achieve what you want.

First, you need to create a Style.  Use F11, right-click on "Default" 
and select "New".  On the first tab, give your style a recognisable name 
such as "_Date".  On the Numbers tab, select the format you want.

Then, associate the style with a keyboard combination (I use Ctrl+D) 
with Tools >Customise : Keyboard.

I usually use the same column/s for dates in spreadsheet, so I 
pre-format those columns by applying my date cell style to them.  Click 
on the column header to select the column.  Then Ctrl+D or F11 > 
double-click on the style name or use the "paint" icon.  (I don't even 
do that because I have templates pre-set and macros which configure a 
spreadsheet or enter / reformat data.)


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[discuss] Genogram symbols?

2006-10-24 Thread Nicole Greenwood

Hello to whomever reads this,

I use Open Office and NeoOffice at home, and now for school and my 
internship (and probably work in the future) as well.  I love using Draw 
to make genograms for my client's and their families (I work in mental 
health) and thought that if at some point someone were able to add some 
of the symbols that are commonly used in the standardized genograms, 
that would be excellent.  I think this is where ideas of this sort are 
sent, so here's a short list of some things that I've noticed that I 
think would be pretty simple to add, but I don't really know as I'm not 
nearly knowledgeable enough to develop and code any of this myself...

1) different line styles in addition to the ones available: parallel 
lines (this indicates a very close relationship or coalition), jagged 
zigzag lines (this indicates a conflictual relationship).  Generally I 
make do with what is available, or hand draw some things after it is 
printed out for the file.
2) the ability to fill in half of a 2d shape, I think I figured out that 
with squares (which represent males) that I can simply make two objects, 
the square that is not filled in and a rectangle half the size which is 
filled in, and superimpose them, then I can get this effect.  However, 
females are represented by circles, and without a half circle tool 
handy, it's difficult to fill in a half or three quarters of the shape.  
This type of shading can indicate a history of substance abuse or mental 
illness, depending on the direction and the quadrants which are filled in.

That's really everything for right now.  I love this product and am so 
happy to be able to share it with my classmates and colleagues.



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[discuss] Localization Proposal

2006-10-24 Thread Peter Damiana

Dear All,
  I'm hereby sending my proposal for the localization of the Papiamento
Peter Damiana
PS.: My e-mail for this project will be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Localisation proposal-Papiamentu.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
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[discuss] Calc suggestion/question...

2006-10-24 Thread James Baker

Dear OpenOffice,


I’m sure this question has been posed more than once
but I couldn’t find anywhere in the site where it had been
answered.  “How soon, if ever, will you increase the number of rows
in Calc past 32,000?”  Supposedly, Excel in Office 2007 is going to
go to a million rows and years ago Quattro Pro already set that as the
standard.  Calc I know is a spreadsheet, however, because of the ease of use;
many still use it as a data storage container instead of placing it in SQL or an
alternative.  I’d be interested in your thoughts and plans if you
can acquiesce.  Thanks!    


Best regards,


James Baker

Operations Analyst

Big Dog
Motorcycles, LLC 


ph: 316.219.7031

fx: 316.219.7131




Re: [discuss] dates are never autoformatted correctly

2006-10-24 Thread Robert Derman


Kyle wrote:

personally like to write my dates .mm.dd however, as you may know 
Open Office Calc is VERY picky about them being one way and ONLY one 

That "pickyness" is because OOo is style dependent.  Everything in OOo 
revolves around styles, and if you don't grok styles, you wont' be 
able to use OOo successfully. OTOH, once you grok styles, you'll 
wonder how you survived without them.

Even Microsoft Office has more date options that really do work.  

 Whenever I happen to write a date, I have my date changed, to the format

mm/dd/yy not only is this one of the worst, most illogical ways for a 

That happens because you:
* Selected the default locale to be English(USA)
* Did not change the default date format in your cell styles to 
something more logical.

Go into your default calc template, and change the default date format 
to the one that you want.

who use different formats everywhere, open your options to include 
all the date types windows supports.  

The last time I counted, OOo supported five different calender 
systems, and about 35 different formats for entering dates in those 
calender systems. IOW, it covers the same date formats, and calender 
systems as windows covers.

Everytime it's changed is another time 

There are two known time issues with OOo & calenders.
It does not correctly calculate the start of the day for either the 
Jewish Calender, or the traditional African (Swahili) calender.

Other than miscalculating the date of Easter, it works correctly with 
both the standard Julian Calender, and standard Gregorian Calender.
[I'd file an issue here, but it gets into theology, and the feast of 
the Apostles.

and its a big problem if I can't easily insert it.  And if I'm having 

Spend a couple of hours learning about styles, and how to use them.  
The issue here is that you configured styles for one date format, and 
want to use a different date format.

Actually I would like to see a toggle function that would turn off 
styles entirely at times and permit totally manual formatting.

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