Hello Gary,

will the formulas be stored as the string that I type in the spreadsheet application, or will the tree structure of the formula be analyzed and stored in a appropriate XML structure with different attributes for operator, operand.
Will cell references be parseable and resolveable by XSLT?

Regards Jörg Wartenberg

PS: Unfortunatley I'am not a XML expert, but I hope my questions are reasonable for you too.

Gary Edwards schrieb:
Hi Marco,

There has been much discussion at the OpenDocument TC regarding the "OpenFormula Project", initiated by David Wheeler in October of 2004. This was a concern for the EU, and lucky for us David took up the challenge.

Dr. Nathaniel Borenstein, one of the IBM representatives who recently joined the OpenDoc TC, is also very interested in the OpenFormula Project. David has posted many discussions of OpenFormula to the OASIS OpenDoc public comment list serve. Your might want to check these conversations out. He has also posted a rough draft of the OpenFormula spec.

It is at:

Other stuff is at:

A sample clip of David's discussion:
<David Wheeler> "I believe that OpenDocument's release should NOT depend on the completeness of OpenFormula - send OpenDocument on to its next stage when you're ready!"

"The only issue I have with OpenDocument related to formulas is that I think anim:formula and draw:formula should be changed to use ";" as their function parameter separators. If the OpenDocument spec is changed to make ";" the separator, then they become compatible with table:formula, and I think that'd be a good idea."

--- David A. Wheeler </>

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