RE: Client Custom Header

2010-05-06 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Jean-Philippe,


Both Client and Filter classes extend the base Restlet class and implement the 
Uniform interface, so you should be able to expose the same API to your 


Filters can be chained together, chained with Router and all sorts of Restlet 
handlers that materialize the call process flow. This diagram illustrates the 
intended design:


In your case, I would recommend to use the higher-level ClientResource class 
instead of the Client one to prepare your client-side calls, unless you are 
implementing a reverse proxy or something especially intensive. The 
ClientResource has a “next” property that can be used to point to a Filter or a 
Client to effectively process the client calls.


Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
Noelios Technologies ~





De : Jean-Philippe Steinmetz [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 5 mai 2010 18:07
À :
Objet : Re: Client Custom Header


Hi Jerome,


As I said the server side isn't an option and I need to do this systematically. 
The Filter seems like the way to go. You're right that I was sending through 
the client instead of the filter. However my aplication expects a Client object 
and the Filter does not have the same API. Do I need to instead extend Client 
instead of filter?


You may want to reconsider how Filter hooks in. It's inappropriate for it to 
change the API. A Filter should really attach to an object, not wrap it. 




On May 5, 2010, at 4:36 AM, Jerome Louvel wrote:

Hi Jean-Philippe,


If your goal is to systematically add cookies to your client requests, you 
should definitely use the Restlet API (Request#cookies property) instead of 
setting a custom header. To set the cookies on the server-side, you need 
instead to use the Response#cookieSettings property. For complete mapping 
between Restlet API and HTTP headers, check this page:


The Client class is a stateless connector that is not appropriate for cookie 
management. It was designed to be shared by several threads/applications. Even 
though it is possible to instantiate several of them in the same JVM, it is 
recommended to share them (of course based on the protocol they support, 
HTTP(S) in your case).


I would instead suggest using a CookieFilter in front of the Client to 
systematically add the cookies (maybe based on the target URI…). I don’t see 
why this wouldn’t work as you say in your previous email. Note that your 
“clientHelper” bean doesn’t seem used nor useful.


Are you sure that you send outgoing requests to the “myFilter” bean and not 
just to the “client” one? In order for filtering to happen, you need to 
explicitly call it. It will then forward the call to the ‘next’ Restlet 
attached, the “client” one in your case.


Also, note that we have a RFE to provide a cookie manager filter, able to store 
cookie settings and to send them again based on target URI and other criteria:


Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~
Noelios Technologies ~






De : Jean-Philippe Steinmetz [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 5 mai 2010 04:38
À :
Objet : Re: Client Custom Header


Since no one seems to have responded to this problem I was hoping someone could 
shed some light on cookie setting. Similarly to adding my own header to all 
outgoing client requests I could instead set a cookie. My one requirement here 
is that I don't want to modify every outgoing request individually. In other 
words, the following code won't work...

request.getCookies().add(myCookie, value);

Instead I need a solution where I set the cookie for the Client instance once 
and it is respected across all future connections and requests. Is this 
possible? Or am I really stuck having to add it to every outgoing request? Also 
please note it is not possible to set the cookie on the server side.

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz 

Hi Stephan,

Thank you for the response. I've implemented a filter and created one while 
setting the next property to be my client but I am not getting any calls to 
the beforeHandle function. My code looks like the following.

class MyFilter extends Filter
public MyFilter() { this(null);
public MyFilter(Context context) { this(context, null); }
public MyFilter(Context context, Restlet next) { super(context, next); }

public int beforeHandle(Request request, Response response)

Re: 304 responses cause WARN logging

2010-05-06 Thread David Fogel
Is anyone else getting these spurious warnings logged during 304s?  Is
anyone else using EmptyRepresentation?


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:43 PM, David Fogel wrote:
 We recently updated to the newest RC (actually to revision 6570 of
 trunk), and now every single 304 response our server returns causes a
 WARN-level message to appear in the logs, like this:

 WARNING: Responses with a 304 (Not modified) status can't have an
 entity. Only adding entity headers for resource

 This doesn't seem desirable.



SSL issue with Jetty, Simple

2010-05-06 Thread David Fogel
Hi all-

We're having a problem with serving our restlet web application over
SSL.  It's very possible that we're doing something wrong with how
we're setting up the keystore and cert.

We had previously set up SSL with a self-signed cert, generated using
java keytool.  This worked fine on Jetty and, until recently, with the
Simple connector, which had some hanging issues a few revisions ago
(but which may have been fixed, we're not sure.  overall we'd prefer
to get back to using the simple connector).

Our configuration involved something like this:
SeriesParameter params =
 s.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS, 8443)
params.add(keystorePath, path/to/keystore.jks);
params.add(keystorePassword, secret);
params.add(keyPassword, secret);

So, like I said, this worked fine with a self-signed cert, although
obviously browsers complain at first.

We recently decided to acquire a real CA-signed cert, which we got
from  I built up a keystore which imports their root
certs and the cert they signed for us.  Doing a keytool -list
command shows something like this:

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 3 entries, Apr 26, 2010, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
30:B0:5A:F7:B2:F4:BE:0C:28:67:15:EA:CC:5B:24:20, Apr 26, 2010, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
startcom pfx certificate, Apr 26, 2010, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5):

Here is what we experience now:

With Jetty:
  - everything seems to work great in our Safari, Chrome, and IE
browsers, in that HTTPS works and the browser doesn't complain.
  - Firefox complains that the cert is Untrusted

With Simple extension, and using the same configuration:
  - no access at all via HTTPS.  no response or log message at all on
the server at startup or on request

Anyone else successfully serving up CA-signed HTTPS using Jetty or
Simple?  And why doesn't the default connector do HTTPS?  Also, I've
never been clear on what the org.restlet.ext.ssl module is for- will
it add HTTPS support to the default restlet connector?

  -Dave Fogel


Re: SSL issue with Jetty, Simple

2010-05-06 Thread Bruno Harbulot
Hi Dave,

On 06/05/2010 15:16, David Fogel wrote:

 We had previously set up SSL with a self-signed cert, generated using
 java keytool.  This worked fine on Jetty and, until recently, with the
 Simple connector, which had some hanging issues a few revisions ago
 (but which may have been fixed, we're not sure.  overall we'd prefer
 to get back to using the simple connector).

Have you tried the Simple connector since 2.0-RC2? It should incorporate 
the fix discussed in the thread you started at the end of March
(a newer release of the Simple library).

 Our configuration involved something like this:
 SeriesParameter  params =
   s.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTPS, 8443)
 params.add(keystorePath, path/to/keystore.jks);
 params.add(keystorePassword, secret);
 params.add(keyPassword, secret);

This looks correct (although you might need to configure a truststore 
too if you're using the Simple connector, see below).

 We recently decided to acquire a real CA-signed cert, which we got
 from  I built up a keystore which imports their root
 certs and the cert they signed for us.  Doing a keytool -list
 command shows something like this:

  Keystore type: JKS
  Keystore provider: SUN

  Your keystore contains 3 entries, Apr 26, 2010, trustedCertEntry,
  Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
 30:B0:5A:F7:B2:F4:BE:0C:28:67:15:EA:CC:5B:24:20, Apr 26, 2010, trustedCertEntry,
  Certificate fingerprint (MD5):
  startcom pfx certificate, Apr 26, 2010, PrivateKeyEntry,
  Certificate fingerprint (MD5):

 Here is what we experience now:

 With Jetty:
- everything seems to work great in our Safari, Chrome, and IE
 browsers, in that HTTPS works and the browser doesn't complain.
- Firefox complains that the cert is Untrusted

What does Firefox say in detail? Usually, you can get the certificate 
and it will tell you what's wrong with it (on the first dialog after the 
warning page, the one where you can get the cert and choose to 
accept/refuse it).

Maybe the StartSSL CA certificates aren't installed in this Firefox (it 
may also vary depending on the distribution on Linux for example).
I'm afraid I haven't tried StartSSL.
The ability for a CA to be trusted by a browser often has nothing to do 
with the browser or its technical capabilities, but is rather an 
administrative, legal or political issue as to which CAs get bundled 
with the browser's installer.

 With Simple extension, and using the same configuration:
- no access at all via HTTPS.  no response or log message at all on
 the server at startup or on request

Perhaps try setting the truststore to use the keystore too?
params.add(truststorePath, path/to/keystore.jks);
params.add(truststorePassword, secret);

Otherwise, you might run into a similar problem as in this thread:

(This is due to the fact that Simple always ask for a client-certificate 
at the moment).

 Anyone else successfully serving up CA-signed HTTPS using Jetty or
 Simple?  And why doesn't the default connector do HTTPS?

I have. Admittedly, mostly with the UK e-Science CA: its certificates 
aren't bundled by default with browsers, but that's an admin/trust 
problem, not a technical one.

  Also, I've
 never been clear on what the org.restlet.ext.ssl module is for- will
 it add HTTPS support to the default restlet connector?

The SSL extension is mostly useful if you want advanced SSLContext 
settings (e.g. specific client certificate settings or non-default trust 
models such as those used with FOAF+SSL or grid computing). You probably 
don't need it if you're not using client certificates at all.

Best wishes,



Annotated Get method and Content Negotiation procude undesired result

2010-05-06 Thread webpost

using Content Negotiation together with annotated get methods produce an 
undesired behaviour in our case. We have a ServerResource with some annotated 
get methods and content negotiation enabled. In case that the client calls with 
Accept: application/pdf (which is allowed in other parts of the app) the get 
method for xml is called. This also happens in the attached testcase.

We are using Restlet 2.0rc3.

Thanks for your help,

Description: Binary data

NullPointerException from converter when passing empty form in 2.0 RC3

2010-05-06 Thread Jean-Baptiste Dusseaut

Since Restlet 2.0RC3, ConverterService throws a nullPointerException when 
attempting to resolve an empty form. 

Here is a short code exemple : 

ClientResource resource = new ClientResource(uri); Form()); 

From the server side, the post handle looks like this : 

@Post create(Form form) {
 // do stuff

And finally, the stack trace we got : 

at org.restlet.engine.util.FormReader.addParameters(
at org.restlet.engine.util.FormUtils.parse(
at org.restlet.resource.ServerResource.doHandle(

The question is, okay we really want a well formed form here, but it seems to 
us that throwing a nullpointer when receiving en empty form is a bit to 
excessive :)



2010-05-06 Thread webpost
Just wanted to say hello Caron is just as excited about getting her MSA 
registration  doing her first training days italy I like this site.
 marriott mark,
 park leave a lot to be desired,
 short,  kiss


Serving Static Files with RC3

2010-05-06 Thread klaas klaas

I setup this little test case as described in the Restlet 2.0 tutorial. I'm 
using RC3.
When I run it and try to access just one file several times the Restlet server 
that means I don't get a response. Any ideas? Can you reproduce this?

package de.klaq.test;

import org.restlet.Application;
import org.restlet.Component;
import org.restlet.Restlet;
import org.restlet.resource.Directory;

public class RestletStaticTest {
public static final String ROOT_URI = file:/Users/klaas/_temp/;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create a component
Component component = new Component();
component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);

// Create an application
Application application = new Application() {
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
final Directory directory = new 
Directory(getContext(), ROOT_URI);
return directory;

// Attach the application to the component and start it

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(RestletStaticTest.main: + e);

I thought this issue would be related to the 304 warning discussed earlier, but 
it isn't.

Best regards, Klaas.


Re: 304 responses cause WARN logging

2010-05-06 Thread klaas klaas
Any news on this?

I'm serving a static directory with this code:

component.getDefaultHost().attach(/s/, new Application() { 
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
final String basedirPath = /directory/;
final Directory directory = new 
Directory(getContext(), LocalReference.createFileReference(basedirPath));
return directory;

And I get the error as well:

WARN  Server - Responses with a 304 (Not modified) status can't have an entity. 
Only adding entity headers for resource'

But it gets worse. if I use my application with Safari, Safari hangs and can 
not download the file at all.

I'm using the current RC3.

Best Regards, Klaas.

On 03.05.2010, at 18:43, David Fogel wrote:

 We recently updated to the newest RC (actually to revision 6570 of
 trunk), and now every single 304 response our server returns causes a
 WARN-level message to appear in the logs, like this:
 WARNING: Responses with a 304 (Not modified) status can't have an
 entity. Only adding entity headers for resource
 This doesn't seem desirable.
 This message is generated in the ServerAdapter.commit() method, if the
 status us 304 and isEntityAvailable() returns true.  This implies it
 is incorrect for an representation at this stage (having gone through
 condition request handling) to be available.
 One change from 3 weeks ago that I found looking at SVN commits was a
 change to which makes it available, instead
 of unavailable.  (It now passes 'true' instead of 'false' to
 setAvailable() in its constructor).  This seems like a pretty
 significant change, especially given that there isn't much
 documentation for how the EmptyRepresenation is supposed to behave.
 In fact, it was our impression that the only way for us to return any
 entity metadata during a 304 was in fact to use a subclass of
 EmptyRepresentation.  (Although I also noticed a current restlet issue
 which claims that this metadata is not, in fact, being actually sent!)
 So now, since an EmptyRepresentation is available, the ServerAdapter
 is WARNing about a 304 with a, entity.
 However, I don't think the problem is just with EmptyRepresentation,
 something else must have changed, maybe in the conditional request
 handling, because we have other resources which have no special code
 in them at all, but which happen to publish an eTag in the
 representation subclass, and which therefor sometimes cause a 304 when
 requested, and we also see this warning showing up now for these
 1) what should the state of a representation be after conditional
 request handling?
 2) how is the EmptyRepresentation supposed to be used?
 3) Why is there a warning during a 304 response with an entity?
  -Dave Fogel


getting DOM from Response

2010-05-06 Thread webpost

I am new to using restlets and have the 2.0 version of the GWT release for the 
client and the 2.0 version of the J2EE for the server.

I am getting a Response back from the server and would like to get the 
information without parsing raw XML. I have seen many ways to do this, like 
using the representation in the constructor to DomRepresentation, but it seems 
things have been shuffled around in 2.0 as compared to previous versions. I 
cannot find an example of how to do this in 2.0. 

Does anyone have any pointers?

I did see some use of wrappers and annotations in one example on the wiki. Is 
this preferred?

Many Thanks!



Multipart form post from android client

2010-05-06 Thread Chris Davis
Hi, I was wondering if you guys had implemented the multi-part form request
in the android client lib yet?
If not I understand I can use the apache httpclient? could anyone point me
at a good example of how to do this?

thanks in advance
Chris D


Android OutOfMemory

2010-05-06 Thread Pierre Lecointre
I try to send a file this way, from Android, with Restlet 2.0RC3

ClientResource clientResource = new ClientResource(URL);
FileResource filesResources = clientResource.wrap(FileResource.class);
FileRepresentation fileEntity = new FileRepresentation(file, 

It works fine, I sent some 3Mo files without any error.
But I always have an OutOfMemory error on a 7Mo file, which is not so big.
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance,

05-04 11:21:41.320: ERROR/dalvikvm-heap(29653): Out of memory on a 7199005-byte 

05-04 11:21:41.330: INFO/dalvikvm(29653): AsyncTask #2 prio=5 tid=23 RUNNABLE
05-04 11:21:41.330: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   | group=main sCount=0 dsCount=0 
s=N obj=0x437c8118 self=0x22c728
05-04 11:21:41.330: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   | sysTid=29932 nice=10 sched=0/0 
05-04 11:21:41.330: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at$HttpOutputStream.init(
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.350: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.360: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.360: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.360: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.360: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.360: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at 
05-04 11:21:41.360: INFO/dalvikvm(29653):   at $Proxy5.upload(Native Method)


RE: Re: Android and WCF DataService

2010-05-06 Thread webpost

Your log looks very similar to mine, only I never see the log entries my code 
should write when the data actually comes back from the service.  Does it just 
take a long time?  Do you know if navigation properties on the Entity Model 
impacts performance?  Mine are lazy loaded, so they shouldn't be an issue at 
this point, as I'm just querying a single entity.

I'm well versed in C#/.NET, but just getting into Android/Java development.  I 
read the Restlet oData tutorial 
 and thought it sounded perfect for what I want to do.  Unfortunately, I 
haven't been able to get it working despite several late nights messing with it.

Thanks in advance for any help you or anyone else can provide!


 I have been working on my android app...but noticed some strange behaviors in 
 the android logs that I wanted to pass your way.
 Here is a cut of sample code I am using in my app.
 String remoteServiceEndPoint = 
   Service myService = new Service(remoteServiceEndPoint);
   SysShoot ActiveShoot= new SysShoot();
   ShootProviderHelper myHelper = new ShootProviderHelper();
   QuerySysShoot theShootQuery = 
 myService.createQuery(/sysShoots()?$filter=isActive eq true, 
   IteratorSysShoot iShoot= theShootQuery.iterator();
 Below is a snipit of log from my app that spits out for the above code.  I 
 wanted to check with you on a few things.
 04-30 11:15:32.625: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:33.115: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:33.575: INFO/org.restlet(518): Starting the default HTTP client
 04-30 11:15:34.034: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedInputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:34.055: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:45.764: INFO/org.restlet(518): Get the metadata for at$metadata
 04-30 11:15:45.945: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:46.485: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:46.965: INFO/org.restlet(518): Starting the default HTTP client
 04-30 11:15:47.275: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedInputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:47.295: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:15:53.944: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 12463 objects / 646712 
 bytes in 109ms
 04-30 11:16:01.104: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:16:01.725: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:16:02.234: INFO/org.restlet(518): Starting the default HTTP client
 04-30 11:16:02.555: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedInputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:16:02.574: INFO/global(518): Default buffer size used in 
 BufferedOutputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k 
 buffer is required.
 04-30 11:16:06.775: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 14622 objects / 764968 
 bytes in 98ms
 04-30 11:16:11.654: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 13481 objects / 835208 
 bytes in 107ms
 04-30 11:16:16.834: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 13575 objects / 809480 
 bytes in 92ms
 04-30 11:16:22.145: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 13529 objects / 808816 
 bytes in 111ms
 04-30 11:16:27.974: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 14672 objects / 874640 
 bytes in 113ms
 04-30 11:16:33.394: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 13786 objects / 820520 
 bytes in 99ms
 04-30 11:16:38.265: DEBUG/dalvikvm(518): GC freed 13235 objects / 822288 
 bytes in 101ms
 So for 
 Service myService = new Service(remoteServiceEndPoint);
 QuerySysShoot theShootQuery = 
 myService.createQuery(/sysShoots()?$filter=isActive eq true, 

Re: SSL issue with Jetty, Simple

2010-05-06 Thread David Fogel
Hi Bruno-

Thanks for responding about this, comments inline..

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Bruno Harbulot wrote:
 Have you tried the Simple connector since 2.0-RC2? It should incorporate
 the fix discussed in the thread you started at the end of March
 (a newer release of the Simple library).

Our current issue with Simple is based on the most recent released
simple jar and the restlet trunk for org.restlet.ext.simple.  However,
I have not yet retried simple with the self-signed cert, so it's
possible it will work with that.

 This looks correct (although you might need to configure a truststore
 too if you're using the Simple connector, see below).

I will try simple with the truststore configured.

 What does Firefox say in detail? Usually, you can get the certificate
 and it will tell you what's wrong with it (on the first dialog after the
 warning page, the one where you can get the cert and choose to
 accept/refuse it).

firefox is saying: uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

 Maybe the StartSSL CA certificates aren't installed in this Firefox (it
 may also vary depending on the distribution on Linux for example).
 I'm afraid I haven't tried StartSSL.
 The ability for a CA to be trusted by a browser often has nothing to do
 with the browser or its technical capabilities, but is rather an
 administrative, legal or political issue as to which CAs get bundled
 with the browser's installer.

Looking at firefox's list of certificate authorities, I see the
various startcom certs.  So as far as I understand it, it should work.
 From what I've heard elsewhere, firefox differs from other browsers
in part by using it's own list of trusted root certs, instead of the
host system's built-in list.  But either way, the certs seem to be

I'm pretty sure that the startcom/startssl certs are widely enough
used that they're trusted by all browsers and operating systems.  They
also specifically claim this on their site.  So I feel it is more
likely that I've misconfigured the keystore or misconfigured



Re: SSL issue with Jetty, Simple

2010-05-06 Thread Bruno Harbulot
Hi Dave,

On 06/05/2010 17:07, David Fogel wrote:
 What does Firefox say in detail? Usually, you can get the certificate
 and it will tell you what's wrong with it (on the first dialog after the
 warning page, the one where you can get the cert and choose to
 accept/refuse it).

 firefox is saying: uses an invalid security certificate.

  The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.

  (Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

 Maybe the StartSSL CA certificates aren't installed in this Firefox (it
 may also vary depending on the distribution on Linux for example).
 I'm afraid I haven't tried StartSSL.
 The ability for a CA to be trusted by a browser often has nothing to do
 with the browser or its technical capabilities, but is rather an
 administrative, legal or political issue as to which CAs get bundled
 with the browser's installer.

 Looking at firefox's list of certificate authorities, I see the
 various startcom certs.  So as far as I understand it, it should work.
   From what I've heard elsewhere, firefox differs from other browsers
 in part by using it's own list of trusted root certs, instead of the
 host system's built-in list.  But either way, the certs seem to be

 I'm pretty sure that the startcom/startssl certs are widely enough
 used that they're trusted by all browsers and operating systems.  They
 also specifically claim this on their site.  So I feel it is more
 likely that I've misconfigured the keystore or misconfigured

One way to diagnose what certificates are configured is to use OpenSSL 
(often pre-installed on Linux/OSX):

echo  | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

The command above isn't configured with any trusted certificate, so it 
will most likely say verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in 
certificate chain, which you can ignore.

The important part is that it should show the certificate chain after:

Certificate chain
  0 s:/C=UK/O=eScience/OU=Manchester/L=MC/CN=.../emailAddress=...
i:/C=UK/O=eScienceCA/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science CA
  1 s:/C=UK/O=eScienceCA/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science CA
i:/C=UK/O=eScienceRoot/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science Root
  2 s:/C=UK/O=eScienceRoot/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science Root
i:/C=UK/O=eScienceRoot/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science Root
Server certificate
issuer=/C=UK/O=eScienceCA/OU=Authority/CN=UK e-Science CA

Here, cert 0 (the server's) was issued by 1, which was issued by 2. I 
didn't have anything explicit to do to get the server to serve the full 
chain. I'm only using a keystore that contains these certs + the private 
key for the server's cert, with extra config. (My keystore is in PKCS#12 
format, but that really shouldn't make any difference, your JKS seemed 
fine, provided it contains the right intermediate certs.)

What you should have is a chain that's not broken and that builds up to 
at least something that's in Firefox's trusted CA certificates.

Best wishes,



Directory and FTP

2010-05-06 Thread Jean-Christophe Malapert

I would like to use Directory class with FTP. I wrote the following code

Router router = new Router();
Directory dir = new Directory(getContext(),
return router;

I expected a result as FILE protocole, I mean a HTML representation if I use
my browser. But, instead of a HTML representation, I have something else : a
popup appears to me for asking to save a file.
How can I have a HTML representation using directory with FTP ?

Thanks a lot,
