Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-03-25

2014-03-27 Thread Torrie Fischer
Minutes are up again as of last night. Here's a copy:

|venue=48 South Summit

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' Chrystin
* '''Moderator:''' Torrie

== Introduction and Names ==

* Invite a knowledgeable member to explain what SYNHAK is about, if 

anyone new is present:
blockquoteSYNHAK is an infrastructure provider for people who want to 

make things. SYNHAK provides space, tools, and infrastructure to help 

others learn new skills and create cool things. SYNHAK exists through and 

depends on membership dues, donations, and the hard work of individuals 

such as ourselves. Our code of conduct is Be excellent to each 

* Round of introductions
** What is your name?
** What do you do?
** If this is your first time, how did you hear about SYNHAK?

* Dave - amateur historian, videographer
Jimmy - UA student, CS major, making an MPD client for jukebox
Tim - design control systems for packaging machines
Mike - makes stew
Martha - walks and trains dogs
Becca - makes bread
Steve - likes Mike's stew, plays old school video games
Philip - old, lots of time, tinkerer
Frank - retired from polymer industry
G - software engineer
Chris - making the other half of a bicycle tag-along/tow behind
Rich - electronics, computers
Chris - asst admin/IT guy
Devon - machinist, makes swords
Don - writer, learned about Synhak from ABJ
Andy - builds pinball machines
Jeff- healthcare, technology, computers
Alex - IT specialist
Andrew - sponsors Jimmy
Robert - first timer, works at Akron water supply, biology, 

Chrystin - ESL teacher, invited by Andy
Torrie - facilitates
Paul - recently not attending
== Announcements ==

* Any cool new projects? Something you want everyone to know?
Maker faire, Saturday, 10-5, Cleveland, 100 exhibitors, make and take 

activities, lots of kids, carpool?
Notacon, April 10-13, starts on a Thursday (=free day), main talks start 

on Friday, Friday and Saturday are presentation days
April 19th, Greater Akron Robotics Club, next mtg - a good time!
Cool retro air gauge will be changed into a pneumatic speedometer
Speaker's Bureau here tomorrow, Amazon web services/, see how 

to build it and all the things that run on the servers - 8pm
April 9, Alex's pre-pre-talk, wireless networks
Startup dinner, starts at 6

* Any happenings that people should be aware of?

== Membership ==
* Read off any names open for application
 Jimmy - to develop software at Synhak and to be able to use the network 

for testing. Improve Synhak website.

* Anyone eligible should:
** Introduce yourself
** Answer any questions
 What makes you happy? Socializing, working on things
How can you benefit Synhak? Make a client for the Jukebox/touchscreen 

How can Synhak benefit you (in Soviet Allows me to test 

things that I can't do otherwise; learned about welding from the class 

the other day
What year are you in school? sophomore
Favorite class? CS
Unusual talents outside of computers? No, not exactly. More jack than a 

Favorite part of Synhak? The class that was done before, things like that
Favorite language? The one with all the clicking
How do you get a key? Go on the wiki, learn how to do it, and follow the 

Nintendo or Sega? Nintendo
What kind of car do you drive? Toyota Camry, 1996
Preferred OS? Linux
In the short-term, what project do you wish to complete here? The touch 

interface for the jukebox 
Cookies or cupcakes? Cookies

** Leave the area
* Members present should reach consensus on whether or not they join
* Applicants may return

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank: $18,936.27
Accts receivable: $2,515.20
Liabilities: $2,866.26
Total Liabilities and Equity: $15,610.27
Budget, about $30 left in general operating budget for the month 

== Proposals ==

* Check the page at [[Proposals/Open]].
Andy - wood to finish shelves in basement, release funds for this
comments: donate tarps for temporary walls on both ends?
solution for walls? do measurements to determine how much material is 

actually needed, probably get it delivered here b/c it will be large qty 

fire-proof drywall behind welding area?
roll around tarps to square off welding areas?
fire-resistant drywall to meet code
will walls be built all the way to the ceiling? 
steel studs
definition of a wall? wall vs dividers, w/purpose of enclosing dust, etc.
does it make sense to have it closed off? yes, electronics and dust don't 

mix, concern about breathing, hearing, etc.
Andy should come up with a quick price list and bring it up to membership
Build a room w/2 doors, enclosed room for the shop, consider building a 

10 foot room, use loft area as storage
concern about loft storage: this significantly increases the cost and 

work, must do load analysis, figure out how many lbs/sq ft you want to 

have, very expensive
how fast would walls get put up? 2 

[SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-03-25

2014-03-26 Thread Phong
Namaste, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2014-03-25 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at I've also included them in this 
mail for reading at your leisure:

|venue=48 South Summit

This page was automatically copied from [[Meetings/Template]] by 
[[User:Phong]]. If you would like to change the structure of how meetings 
future perform, please make any modifications to [[Meetings/Template]]. If you 
would like to propose something at the meeting, send it to, or bring it up at a meeting.

= Instructions =
* Read the instructions out loud for all to comprehend if there are new people 
* '''Delete these instructions prior to posting completed minutes'''
* Pick a moderator and note-taker

== Note-taker ==
* Open a text editor to take down some '''detailed''' minutes.
** Detail is important. If it isn't written down, it never happened.
* Project the minutes and notes throughout the meeting
* Follow the instructions in the End of Meeting section at the appropriate time.
* Tell and if there are new members. 
If the [[treasurer]] is already present, there is no need to email them.

== Moderator ==
* Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak
* Speak minimally yourself
* Keep the meeting moving
* Handle the membership voting process
* Be sure to thoroughly follow the procedure outlined in this document, as the 
template may occasionally change without warning.
** The order of things is also important. We induct new members prior to 
proposals, so that they too may have a say in things.

== Participants ==
* Say your name the first time you speak
* Remain on-topic
* Remain respectful of other participants

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' FIXME
* '''Moderator:''' FIXME

== Introduction and Names ==

* Invite a knowledgeable member to explain what SYNHAK is about, if anyone new 
is present:
blockquoteSYNHAK is an infrastructure provider for people who want to make 
things. SYNHAK provides space, tools, and infrastructure to help others learn 
new skills and create cool things. SYNHAK exists through and depends on 
membership dues, donations, and the hard work of individuals such as ourselves. 
Our code of conduct is Be excellent to each other./blockquote
* Round of introductions
** What is your name?
** What do you do?
** If this is your first time, how did you hear about SYNHAK?

== Announcements ==

* Any cool new projects? Something you want everyone to know?
* Any happenings that people should be aware of?

== Membership ==
* Read off any names open for application
* Anyone eligible should:
** Introduce yourself
** Answer any questions
** Leave the area
* Members present should reach consensus on whether or not they join
* Applicants may return

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank: 

== Proposals ==

* Check the page at [[Proposals/Open]].

== Discussion Items ==

If an item of discussion drags on too long, further discussion may be postponed 
until after the meeting ends.

During discussion, it is not necessary to write down exactly what each person 
says. Record the topics of discussion, and any items of consensus or 
controversy here. Detailed descriptions of the conversation should go on the 
discuss page for this meeting.

= End of Meeting =
* Delete the Instructions section at the top of this page.
* Post the notes to the wiki
* Notify and about new members 
(unless they are present at the meeting)
* Discuss any items for which there was not enough time during the meeting
* Delete this bit of magical text, which lets [[User:Phong]] know that the 
minutes are ready for distribution to phongMinutesNotReady/
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