Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Questions on DDC output

2008-01-18 Thread Firas A.


Checkout the USRP measurement pointed by :

May be it will answer some of your questions. Keep in your mind that USRP is
not a measurement device. It is an SDR peripheral device. If you want to use
it as a measurement device, you should use a calibration method to modify
its output to fit into your requirements.



Brook Lin wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I found one of replies sent by Eric said that: 
>>What are the units of the Y axis of usrp_oscope? 
>>They are the output of the digital down converter. 
>>They are not calibrated to any particular voltage level. 
>>The levels depend on the gain setting too. 
> My first question now is whether the red and blue lines on the oscope are
> the numbers which are the 12-bit output of the ADC multiply the
> sine/cosine @ IF? Eric said that the levels depend on the gain setting
> too. If the gain is 0, do these show the actual signal receving by the
> USRP in time domain? So the Y-axis should be mV when gain is 0, right?
> However, I don't think the gain and the output are linear. How does the
> gain effect the output of the DDC?
> My second question is when gain is 0, shows the actual signal
> in frequency domain, and Y-axis are in mdB. Am I right? What is the 0dB in
> fft? Is it exact 0 or some reference number?
> Thanks,
> Brook

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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Need info for paper.

2008-01-18 Thread Tom Rondeau

John Clark wrote:

George Nychis schrieb:

Hi John,

There are a couple other SDR-type platforms in the academic world... 
but none really come close to the code base of GR IMO.

Some of these seemed pretty 'expensive' to get into... the use of 
ASICs, and the like, also, they seem to be directed to pretty
specific implementations of transmissions, even though one could 
conceivably load in a new chunk of firmware 'on the fly' perhaps...
Along those lines are Lyrtech's boards (the Small Form Factor (SFF) SDR) 
and TI has something similar. These are almost all FPGA-based SDR 
devices, and I'm not sure what kind of software you get with them to do 
any communications. And they are very expensive.

WARP is a very expensive platform IMO, and they are not as modular as 
GNU Radio.  I would say GNU Radio has far more in the PHY layer, and 
WARP has 1 PHY (OFDM) + a bunch of MAC implementations.
Looked interesting, but did have this overhead of ASIC, and buying the 
attendant boards.

The KU Agile radio is still pretty new, Prof. Minden gave a talk here 
about it last semester and it seemed the hardware was pretty concrete 
but the software was still in progress... which is what truly 
separates SDR platforms :)

Looks closest to what I'm doing... albeit not with a PPC core...
Gary's new design uses an Intel chip, though I'm not sure where they are 
on production. I've seen them work, though, and they provided a nice 
demonstration of the KUAR at the IEEE DySPAN conference in Dublin last 
year. I hope to get them back for this year's, too.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Measure BER

2008-01-18 Thread irene159

Hi all,
I'm currently working on a GSMK modem, and I would like to calculate the BER
of the link. I send data using gr.vector_source_b( ) connected to a GMSK
modulator/demodulator and receive the signal in gr.vector_sink_b( ).
1) How can I measure BER from the vector_source and vector_sink ?
2) Does a BER calculator recovering from clock shifting (bit lost by clock
sliding) exist ?
Thanks !
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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Need info for paper.

2008-01-18 Thread Michael Dickens

On Jan 17, 2008, at 8:57 PM, Martin Dvh wrote:

If you need any other kind of info, please let me know.
I have done some presentations on GnuRadio and Software Defined  
Radio and I am preparing for some GnuRadio courses that I will be  
It would be appreciated if you made the paper public and available  
somewhere on the web.

Martin - Are your presentations linked into the Wiki, or available  
elsewhere for general viewing?  I, for one, would love to see them.   
I, too, am writing a paper that will (among other things) discuss GNU  
Radio and USRP and alternatives to them.  I'm happy to provide a  
summery, on or off-list, of what I've learned / written. Assuming the  
paper gets published, then we'll make sure to link it in the GR wiki.  

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnu Radio Companion (GRC) 0.69 experience

2008-01-18 Thread Ed Criscuolo

I've seen this exact same behavior for some time.  I'm currently
running the latest GnuRadio release and GRC 0.69 on Mac OSX 10.4.11

@(^.^)@  Ed

Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:

I would like to thank again Josh for the wonderfull job on GRC:
I am now using it regularly  for my classroom demonstrations on 
analog/digital communications.

I have noticed (it has been more than 6 months since the last time I 
used it) that 0.69 version crashes a lot with my fedora 7 (64 bit).
In fact, 8 out of 10 times that I stop a running graph (usually with 4-5 
graphical sinks running) either by closing the graph window or by 
pressing the "stop" button on the graphical editor of GRC, it closes the 
entire GRC editor...

Can someone confirm this behavior?


PS: I have to add one more item on my wish list for 0.70 :-)
In the "open file" and "save file" dialog boxes, make "open" and "save" 
the default action when pressing "enter", so you wont have to press the 
button with the mouse...

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Measure BER

2008-01-18 Thread George Nychis


BER is defined as the % of bits that have errors to the total number of 
bits.  Therefore, you need to calculate the number of incorrect bits. 
To do this you would need to know the correct bits to compare your 
received bits to.  You can then easily compute the number of incorrect bits.

Therefore, if the input to gr.vector_source_b() is your input data, you 
would compare it to the output of gr.vector_sink_b() and calculate the 
bit difference.  If 1 bit out of 10^3 bits are different, your BER is 
1/10^3.  The more input, the more accurate your BER estimate is.

I don't think a BER calculator exists in GR, but it shouldn't be that 
difficult.  The block would take two input streams, one being the 
correct data and the other being the decoded data.  It could then 
compare the two.

Or you could compare the two outside of GNU Radio pretty easily.

It's not clear to me if you're performing the modulation and 
demodulation on the same machine.  If so you have easy access to both 
data sets.  Otherwise, transfer the known data to the receiver in a 100% 
accurate method and then compare.

- George

irene159 wrote:

Hi all,
I'm currently working on a GSMK modem, and I would like to calculate the BER
of the link. I send data using gr.vector_source_b( ) connected to a GMSK
modulator/demodulator and receive the signal in gr.vector_sink_b( ).
1) How can I measure BER from the vector_source and vector_sink ?
2) Does a BER calculator recovering from clock shifting (bit lost by clock
sliding) exist ?
Thanks !

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] blks2.synthesis_filterbank

2008-01-18 Thread Johnathan Corgan
On 1/18/08, beezle bub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It might be the case that if I fix my own code, I can also fix the 
> blks2.synthesis_filterbank.

Let me know what you find.  I haven't looked at your bug report yet.

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Enterprises LLC

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnu Radio Companion (GRC) 0.69 experience

2008-01-18 Thread Josh Blum
The error seems to come from gtk.main and not from the GRC source 
itself. Perhaps this is the result of a race condition (in grc) between 
the the main thread and the thread waiting on the flow graph to finish.

->By clicking the kill button, the waiting thread finishes by calling 
the very same method that handles the "kill button" press. Perhaps in 
all the ruckus, some gtk functions get called by 2 threads at once, and 
eventually gtk gets upset and dies/crashes...

I committed a fix for this in the GRC trunk. Can somebody with this 
issue try out the trunk fix and let me know?


Ed Criscuolo wrote:

I've seen this exact same behavior for some time.  I'm currently
running the latest GnuRadio release and GRC 0.69 on Mac OSX 10.4.11

@(^.^)@  Ed

Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:

I would like to thank again Josh for the wonderfull job on GRC:
I am now using it regularly  for my classroom demonstrations on 
analog/digital communications.

I have noticed (it has been more than 6 months since the last time I 
used it) that 0.69 version crashes a lot with my fedora 7 (64 bit).
In fact, 8 out of 10 times that I stop a running graph (usually with 
4-5 graphical sinks running) either by closing the graph window or by 
pressing the "stop" button on the graphical editor of GRC, it closes 
the entire GRC editor...

Can someone confirm this behavior?


PS: I have to add one more item on my wish list for 0.70 :-)
In the "open file" and "save file" dialog boxes, make "open" and 
"save" the default action when pressing "enter", so you wont have to 
press the button with the mouse...

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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Information on ticket:181 and invitation to help (long)

2008-01-18 Thread Ed Criscuolo

Here's a sample with:
  Gnu Radio 3.1.1
  g++ 4.0.1
  Python 2.4.4
  Swig 1.3.33
  OSX 10.4.11

[eds-mac:~] edwardc% python
Python 2.4.4 (#1, Dec 19 2007, 10:55:40)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from gnuradio import gr
>>> gr.firdes.hilbert(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
line 2837, in hilbert

return _gnuradio_swig_py_general.firdes_hilbert(*args)
IndexError: Hilbert:  Must have odd number of taps
>>> ^D

[eds-mac:~] edwardc% g++ --version
i686-apple-darwin8-g++-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

[eds-mac:~] edwardc% swig -version

SWIG Version 1.3.31

Compiled with /usr/bin/g++-4.0 [i686-apple-darwin8.8.2]
Please see for reporting bugs and further information

[eds-mac:~] edwardc% uname -a
Darwin 8.11.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed 
Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386

@(^.^)@  Ed

Johnathan Corgan wrote:

So far from all the reports (thanks guys, keep them coming), the
works/fails distinction is whether gcc is < 4.1 or not.  But we don't
have enough "works" examples to really draw that conclusion yet.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Measure BER

2008-01-18 Thread Tom Rondeau

George Nychis wrote:


BER is defined as the % of bits that have errors to the total number 
of bits.  Therefore, you need to calculate the number of incorrect 
bits. To do this you would need to know the correct bits to compare 
your received bits to.  You can then easily compute the number of 
incorrect bits.

Therefore, if the input to gr.vector_source_b() is your input data, 
you would compare it to the output of gr.vector_sink_b() and calculate 
the bit difference.  If 1 bit out of 10^3 bits are different, your BER 
is 1/10^3.  The more input, the more accurate your BER estimate is.

I don't think a BER calculator exists in GR, but it shouldn't be that 
difficult.  The block would take two input streams, one being the 
correct data and the other being the decoded data.  It could then 
compare the two.
The only difficulty is the delay introduced by the flowgraph, 
specifically through filters. You can brute force this by looking at the 
output and figuring out the delay. I noticed, though, when I was working 
on my dissertation, certain flow graphs would have an uncertain delay, 
though I wasn't sure why (I think it was GMSK, too, which would have a 7 
or 8 sample delay on any given run).

Or you could compare the two outside of GNU Radio pretty easily.

It's not clear to me if you're performing the modulation and 
demodulation on the same machine.  If so you have easy access to both 
data sets.  Otherwise, transfer the known data to the receiver in a 
100% accurate method and then compare.
Much easier on the same machine. The BER block I wrote works well in 
this case and automatically adjusts for the delay by looking for a start 
packet. It's a bit crude and awkward to use the block, which is why I 
haven't checked it into the project yet. The results, though, were 
_very_ good. Within a few tenths of a dB to theory. GMSK had a problem 
at SNRs lower than about 5 dB.


- George

irene159 wrote:

Hi all,
I'm currently working on a GSMK modem, and I would like to calculate 
the BER

of the link. I send data using gr.vector_source_b( ) connected to a GMSK
modulator/demodulator and receive the signal in gr.vector_sink_b( ).
1) How can I measure BER from the vector_source and vector_sink ?
2) Does a BER calculator recovering from clock shifting (bit lost by 

sliding) exist ?
Thanks !

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

RE: [Discuss-gnuradio] blks2.synthesis_filterbank

2008-01-18 Thread beezle bub

So, interesting things.  Incidentally, I was the guy who posted about the 
segfault in top_block.

1) On my laptop runing ubuntu 7.10 natively with latest stuff installed, I got 
the segfault.  On my virtualized ubuntu on my macbook, I got a real error 
message (btw & fyi, ubuntu + parallels does not work with the USRP).  
2) The error message that I got as that was segfaulting the native ubuntu was 
the same error message I was getting for the blks2.synthesis_filterbank:

"insufficient connected output ports (2 needed, 1 connected)"

The difference is that I'm getting the error because of my C++ block (either 
because of the C++ code, or how it was connected in the python).

It might be the case that if I fix my own code, I can also fix the 



> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:42:21 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] blks2.synthesis_filterbank
> Eric Blossom wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 11:18:15PM -0800, benjar wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> I was wondering if the whole hier_block2 thing was working yet.
> To answer this particular question--yes.  The new top_block/hier_block2
> code has been in the stable branch since 3.1.0, and all our examples and
> QA code have been switched over to use it on our development trunk.  So
> it gets exercised quite frequently.
>>> Is this a bug in the filterbank code
> I suspect that when the block was switched to use the new
> top_block/hier_block2 code, a bug was introduced.
> However, the gr-pager scripts use blks2.analysis_filterbank successfully.
> From Eric:
>> Not sure what the other problem is.  
>> Johnathan, can you take a look at this?
> Will do.
> -- 
> Johnathan Corgan
> Corgan Enterprises LLC

Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnu Radio Companion (GRC) 0.69 experience

2008-01-18 Thread Berndt Josef Wulf

Still crashes here with the following error messages:

No module named serial  in RS232 Source! -> continuing...
No module named serial  in RS232 Sink! -> continuing...
Removing empty category "Custom"...
>>> Verbose:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wulf/projects/gnuradio/grc/src/", line 248, 
in ?
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

>>> Done
The program '' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length 
  (Details: serial 10975 error_code 16 request_code 151 minor_code 23)
  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

cheerio Berndt 

On Saturday 19 January 2008 05:38:46 Josh Blum wrote:
> The error seems to come from gtk.main and not from the GRC source
> itself. Perhaps this is the result of a race condition (in grc) between
> the the main thread and the thread waiting on the flow graph to finish.
> ->By clicking the kill button, the waiting thread finishes by calling
> the very same method that handles the "kill button" press. Perhaps in
> all the ruckus, some gtk functions get called by 2 threads at once, and
> eventually gtk gets upset and dies/crashes...
> I committed a fix for this in the GRC trunk. Can somebody with this
> issue try out the trunk fix and let me know?
> -Josh
> Ed Criscuolo wrote:
> > I've seen this exact same behavior for some time.  I'm currently
> > running the latest GnuRadio release and GRC 0.69 on Mac OSX 10.4.11
> >
> > @(^.^)@  Ed
> >
> > Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
> >> I would like to thank again Josh for the wonderfull job on GRC:
> >> I am now using it regularly  for my classroom demonstrations on
> >> analog/digital communications.
> >>
> >> I have noticed (it has been more than 6 months since the last time I
> >> used it) that 0.69 version crashes a lot with my fedora 7 (64 bit).
> >> In fact, 8 out of 10 times that I stop a running graph (usually with
> >> 4-5 graphical sinks running) either by closing the graph window or by
> >> pressing the "stop" button on the graphical editor of GRC, it closes
> >> the entire GRC editor...
> >>
> >> Can someone confirm this behavior?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Achilleas

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Need info for paper.

2008-01-18 Thread Bob McGwier
I have two of the Lyrtech boards and with the develpment tools for DSP 
chip and FPGA.  Using Matlab simulink, and code generation, etc. for 
rapid prototyping  this is just about ohh,   one hundred grand..

The Matlab is shared license at work as is the DSP and FPGA development 
tools but this is well out of reach of most.


Tom Rondeau wrote:

John Clark wrote:

George Nychis schrieb:

Hi John,

There are a couple other SDR-type platforms in the academic world... 
but none really come close to the code base of GR IMO.

Some of these seemed pretty 'expensive' to get into... the use of 
ASICs, and the like, also, they seem to be directed to pretty
specific implementations of transmissions, even though one could 
conceivably load in a new chunk of firmware 'on the fly' perhaps...
Along those lines are Lyrtech's boards (the Small Form Factor (SFF) 
SDR) and TI has something similar. These are almost all FPGA-based SDR 
devices, and I'm not sure what kind of software you get with them to 
do any communications. And they are very expensive.

---   snip  

Gary's new design uses an Intel chip, though I'm not sure where they 
are on production. I've seen them work, though, and they provided a 
nice demonstration of the KUAR at the IEEE DySPAN conference in Dublin 
last year. I hope to get them back for this year's, too.


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