[Discuss-gnuradio] Beagle board update

2008-10-23 Thread Philip Balister
I have some NEON code in the fff dotproduct routine, the qa code passes:

. [generic] [cortex_a8]
. [generic] [cortex_a8]
. [generic]
. [generic]
. [generic]
. [generic]
.>>> gr_fir_fff: using cortex_a8
OK (9 tests)

generic: taps:  256  input: 4e+07  cpu: 968.586  taps/sec:  1.057e+07
 cortex_a8: taps:  256  input: 4e+07  cpu: 45.703taps/sec:  2.241e+08


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] installation problem

2008-10-23 Thread Umair Nasir
> Since they only have swig 1.3.29 installed, I installed myself 1.3.36 on
> my space (at least as a temporary solution).
> Now when I run "configure" in gnuradio it does not recognize the new
> swig, but the old one...
> In addition, after "configure" is run, when I do "which swig" I get the
> old version not the one I installed and similarly "swig -version" gives
> me the old one (ie, the one originally installed in the system).

Did you uninstall the older version with make uninstall?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Catching mouse clicks in fft_sink

2008-10-23 Thread Josh Blum

For the gl fft sink, try to bind it to the self.spectrum.win.plotter

plotter is a gl canvas


Steve Glass wrote:


I've been using the following to catch mouse clicks in the original

self.spectrum.win.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.spectrum_on_left_click)

to invoke the following method:

def spectrum_on_left_click(self, event):
x, y = self.spectrum.win.GetXY(event)

but since I've switched to using the new fftsink2 class no clicks get caught
by this method. I've tried using the eventmanager too but no joy with that
approach either. Is this simply my code or are others having problems
getting mouse click events in fftsink2?



The highest human happiness is not the exploitation of the present but the
preparation of the future.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Catching mouse clicks in fft_sink

2008-10-23 Thread Steve Glass

I've been using the following to catch mouse clicks in the original

self.spectrum.win.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.spectrum_on_left_click)

to invoke the following method:

def spectrum_on_left_click(self, event):
x, y = self.spectrum.win.GetXY(event)

but since I've switched to using the new fftsink2 class no clicks get caught
by this method. I've tried using the eventmanager too but no joy with that
approach either. Is this simply my code or are others having problems
getting mouse click events in fftsink2?



The highest human happiness is not the exploitation of the present but the
preparation of the future.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] forecast method for HDLC transmit block

2008-10-23 Thread Eric Blossom
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 05:52:18PM -0400, Ed Criscuolo wrote:
> Eric Blossom wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 04:56:04PM -0400, Ed Criscuolo wrote:
> >
>>> At this point, I think I'll embed all the packet reading AND
>>> hdlc processing into a single source block with no flow
>>> inputs.  This way the block can check for packets on the TUN
>>> device, read them, bitstuff and hdlc frame them, and put them
>>> into an internal ring buffer. Then it would return as many bits
>>> as requested, or flags if the ring buffer was empty.
>> OK.  The only problem that I can see with this is that the scheduler
>> will run this block whenever there is space available in the
>> downstream buffer.  If your data rate is low (100's of b/s) we could
>> be adding a serious amount of latency to the system.  If this is a
>> deep space probe, no problem :-)  otherwise we may need to cookup some
>> way to limit the amount of buffer used between the blocks.  The
>> default is ~32KB.  If the data rate is relatively high, the 32KB of
>> buffering may not be an issue.
> It's not deep space, just LEO (Low Earth Orbit), so speed-of-light
> latency is only on the order of 5 - 30 mS.
> This flow will be feeding the uplink, which runs at 9600 bits/sec.
> Not that low, but not very high either.


> My initial plan, was to have the block output an unpacked stream
> of bits, one per byte.  Now, if I'm understanding you correctly,
> the scheduler will request as much as 32KB of output from this
> hdlc source block at one time.  At one bit/byte, and 9600 bits/sec,
> that amounts to just over 3 seconds worth of data.  If my ring
> buffer just happens to be empty, this means I'm going to insert
> 3 seconds worth of flags into the stream at once, even if I have
> a packet come along in the next millisecond.  This would cause
> me to fall behind, never to catch up.  The overall effect would
> be to reduce my effective data rate to something less than 9600.

> Seems like I should be checking for newly arrived packets after
> sending each flag, not just once per invocation of the work method.
> But this sounds like a lot of extra processing overhead.  Is it
> possible for a block to return less than the number of outputs
> requested? (I think the answer is yes for a block, no for a sync
> block).

You can return less.  In any event, the scheduler will call you again
if there's still room in the output buffer.

> Would that be a better way to limit the amount of data output at once?

I think the right answer is to come up with a way to limit the total
buffer space you see.

My suggestion is to not worry about it right now, get the rest of it
working, then we can fix this problem.  It shouldn't be a big deal.

(I just spent a couple of minutes looking at it.  It won't be hard to
limit the buffer space seen.  We just need to come up with a
reasonable API for it.)


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] forecast method for HDLC transmit block

2008-10-23 Thread Ed Criscuolo

Eric Blossom wrote:

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 04:56:04PM -0400, Ed Criscuolo wrote:


At this point, I think I'll embed all the packet reading AND
hdlc processing into a single source block with no flow
inputs.  This way the block can check for packets on the TUN
device, read them, bitstuff and hdlc frame them, and put them
into an internal ring buffer. Then it would return as many bits
as requested, or flags if the ring buffer was empty.

OK.  The only problem that I can see with this is that the scheduler
will run this block whenever there is space available in the
downstream buffer.  If your data rate is low (100's of b/s) we could
be adding a serious amount of latency to the system.  If this is a
deep space probe, no problem :-)  otherwise we may need to cookup some
way to limit the amount of buffer used between the blocks.  The
default is ~32KB.  If the data rate is relatively high, the 32KB of
buffering may not be an issue.

It's not deep space, just LEO (Low Earth Orbit), so speed-of-light
latency is only on the order of 5 - 30 mS.

This flow will be feeding the uplink, which runs at 9600 bits/sec.
Not that low, but not very high either.

My initial plan, was to have the block output an unpacked stream
of bits, one per byte.  Now, if I'm understanding you correctly,
the scheduler will request as much as 32KB of output from this
hdlc source block at one time.  At one bit/byte, and 9600 bits/sec,
that amounts to just over 3 seconds worth of data.  If my ring
buffer just happens to be empty, this means I'm going to insert
3 seconds worth of flags into the stream at once, even if I have
a packet come along in the next millisecond.  This would cause
me to fall behind, never to catch up.  The overall effect would
be to reduce my effective data rate to something less than 9600.

Seems like I should be checking for newly arrived packets after
sending each flag, not just once per invocation of the work method.
But this sounds like a lot of extra processing overhead.  Is it
possible for a block to return less than the number of outputs
requested? (I think the answer is yes for a block, no for a sync
block).  Would that be a better way to limit the amount of
data output at once?

@(^.^)@  Ed

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] forecast method for HDLC transmit block

2008-10-23 Thread Eric Blossom
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 04:56:04PM -0400, Ed Criscuolo wrote:
> Eric Blossom wrote:
>> Ed, 
>> The problem is that you need to know when the output is about to
>> underrun, and only then insert flags.
>> Is there any external reference clock or other way to tell when the
>> external stream needs data?   In general, GR has no tie to an external
>> timebase, except indirectly through sinks or sources that consume data
>> at a fixed rate (e.g., USRP, audio card, etc).  If there is some way
>> to tell when the external world is ready for more data, we can solve
>> this problem.  
> The data stream needs to be at a fixed rate.  I was planning to add
> a throttle block to insure this.

You definitely don't want to use a throttle block for this purpose.
It's only reason for existence is so that file driven GUI test code
doesn't suck down all the CPU available.

>> Is the USRP the final sink for the modulated bits?
> Yes, after it's upsampled and modulated, the USRP is the final sink.


> I realize that this should pace things, but I figured the throttle
> block would be a good idea in that it would allow me to test
> without a USRP hooked up, just a spectrum display.

I strongly suggest not using the throttle block.  Definitely don't use
it if the USRP is in the graph.  There should be only a single clock
in the system.

> At this point, I think I'll embed all the packet reading AND
> hdlc processing into a single source block with no flow
> inputs.  This way the block can check for packets on the TUN
> device, read them, bitstuff and hdlc frame them, and put them
> into an internal ring buffer. Then it would return as many bits
> as requested, or flags if the ring buffer was empty.

OK.  The only problem that I can see with this is that the scheduler
will run this block whenever there is space available in the
downstream buffer.  If your data rate is low (100's of b/s) we could
be adding a serious amount of latency to the system.  If this is a
deep space probe, no problem :-)  otherwise we may need to cookup some
way to limit the amount of buffer used between the blocks.  The
default is ~32KB.  If the data rate is relatively high, the 32KB of
buffering may not be an issue.

> I'm assuming that the scheduler would keep asking for enough bits
> from this source block to keep the flow going at the throttled rate.
> (assuming I have enough CPU power to keep up).


> Does this approach sound like it will work?


Let us know how it works out!


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] installation problem

2008-10-23 Thread Eric Blossom
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:31:19AM -0400, Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install gnuradio on a Linux system for which I am not the
> owner (university-wide computing at U of Michigan).
> Since they only have swig 1.3.29 installed, I installed myself 1.3.36 on
> my space (at least as a temporary solution). I also added the path to  
> the new swig in my path variable and
> verified that
>> which swig
> /afs/engin.umich.edu/u/a/n/anastas/mylocal/bin/swig
> and
>> swig -version
> SWIG Version 1.3.36
> Fine so far.

Be sure your PATH is set correctly.

> Now when I run "configure" in gnuradio it does not recognize the new
> swig, but the old one...
> In addition, after "configure" is run, when I do "which swig" I get the
> old version not the one I installed and similarly "swig -version" gives
> me the old one (ie, the one originally installed in the system).

I suspect you were doing this in a different window then when you
first typed 'which swig'


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to get wireless carrier signal in GNU Radio

2008-10-23 Thread Shirve

Hi Zhenghao,
Thank you for your valuable reply. I appreciate it. As per your supplied
information, I will start looking for CSMA code in tunnel.py, though if you
can send me your code, it will be quite helpful too. I hope that using
tunnel.py code and help from you I will be able to get the carrier sense
capability for my application.


Zenny Zhang wrote:
> Sachin,
> I don't know if this is helpful, just sharing my experience.
> 1. You may want to check tunnel.py, in which there is a CSMA scheme --
> Eric told me this a couple of weeks ago.
> 2. It is possible to do some carrier sensing by ourself. You can just
> read the signal from the USRP and compare the signal strength level
> with a threshold. Of course a filter is needed. I tried this last week
> and it is working, although the threshold may need some tuning. If you
> need I can send you the code written in python.
> Zhenghao
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Shirve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As per the current status of GNU Radio, I got to know that there is no
>> MAC
>> (CSMA) implementation. Therefore I am not sure if I can get the signal
>> from
>> signal processing blocks of GNU Radio about the carrier sensed by USRP
>> receiver.
>> Please help me in this regard.
>> Till now I am able to locate the message queue mechanism to get the
>> received
>> packets from the other USRP transmitter, which is in gr_msg_que.cc in
>> runtime library of GNUradio-core. But this mechanism just indicates the
>> received packets (correct or corrupted), while the signal sensing (packet
>> start) starts much earlier than the complete packet reception.
>> Is it possible to get the information about the wireless carrier signal
>> in
>> the vicinity of USRP receiver from the current GNU Radio framework? I am
>> using GNU Radio 3.1.1 version.
>> Your help will greatly help me in my goal. Thanks in advance and
>> expecting
>> your kind reply.
>> - Sachin
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/how-to-get-wireless-carrier-signal-in-GNU-Radio-tp20120856p20120856.html
>> Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> ___
>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
>> Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
>> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio
> ___
> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
> Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio

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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] forecast method for HDLC transmit block

2008-10-23 Thread Ed Criscuolo

Eric Blossom wrote:


The problem is that you need to know when the output is about to
underrun, and only then insert flags.

Is there any external reference clock or other way to tell when the
external stream needs data?   In general, GR has no tie to an external
timebase, except indirectly through sinks or sources that consume data
at a fixed rate (e.g., USRP, audio card, etc).  If there is some way
to tell when the external world is ready for more data, we can solve
this problem.  

The data stream needs to be at a fixed rate.  I was planning to add
a throttle block to insure this.

Is the USRP the final sink for the modulated bits?

Yes, after it's upsampled and modulated, the USRP is the final sink.
I realize that this should pace things, but I figured the throttle
block would be a good idea in that it would allow me to test
without a USRP hooked up, just a spectrum display.

At this point, I think I'll embed all the packet reading AND
hdlc processing into a single source block with no flow
inputs.  This way the block can check for packets on the TUN
device, read them, bitstuff and hdlc frame them, and put them
into an internal ring buffer. Then it would return as many bits
as requested, or flags if the ring buffer was empty.

I'm assuming that the scheduler would keep asking for enough bits
from this source block to keep the flow going at the throttled rate.
(assuming I have enough CPU power to keep up).

Does this approach sound like it will work?

@(^.^)@  Ed

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRp clock sync

2008-10-23 Thread Ronaldo Nunez
Can I get the clock signal from the usrp? I know that I can get it via
hardware, but, it's possible to do this via software?
For example, if I create a counter, wich just increment a number on a USRP
clock rise or fall. It's possible to do this on GNUradio?

Thank you all,

Ronaldo A. Viera Nunez
Acadêmico/Engenharia Elétrica Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Santa Maria - RS - Brasil

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 External Clock

2008-10-23 Thread Matt Ettus

Mamoru Yamamoto wrote:

Would you please inform us what spec. 10MHz 
and 1PPS signals are needed?  What waveform 
are they?  

The Reference input can take a square or sine wave input, it is 
DC-blocked and is terminated in 50 ohms.  The input should be less than 
3V pk-pk.

The PPS input is not DC blocked.  It is AC terminated in 50 ohms, DC 
terminated in 1K.  The digital signal you put in should be between 0 and 
5 V.  It should never go below 0V and never above 6V.

What phase relation do you expect 
between 10MHz and 1PPS? 

The PPS signal should be synchronous to the 10 MHz reference.

It doesn't actually have to be a PPS signal, it can be any digital 
signal, but you would need to figure out how to deal with it in the FPGA.

It is helpful if you could show us examples 
of the matching GPS clock/receiver models, too.

Nearly any GPS frequency reference should work.  Everything from 
http://jackson-labs.com would suffice.  Tell them I sent you :)

May I just miss finding the information 
from the wiki?

I will put it there.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Last few packets dropped

2008-10-23 Thread Zheng Zeng
Hi all

When I ran benchmark_ofdm_tx.py, I noticed that the last few packets 
(5-20, depends on the packet size and modulation) always got dropped. The 
spectrum analyzer shows nothing transmitted. Using --discontinuous helps to 
reduce the # of dropped packets, but the 2-3 packets of the last run still got 

Similar case when I run tunnel.py under the example ofdm folder. When I 
ping another machine, spectrum analyzer shows no transmission at all although 
the laptop screen shows "Tx: len(payload)=42". 

I searched the mailing list and found similar discussion two years ago 
about the dropped packets problem but no solusion there. Has anybody 
successfully got tunnel.py working? 

My OS is Ubuntu 7.04 and I checked the gnuradio several days ago. I use 
USRP1 and RFX2400. Thanks!

Best regards, 
Zheng Zeng

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] US Spectrum Allocation Details

2008-10-23 Thread Sam Bretheim
isaacgerg wrote:
>   I am looking for a detailed spectrum allocation guide for the US.  Im not
> talking the default "US Frequency Allocations Chart."  but something more
> like a book or guide.  Does such a thing exist?

That data is scattered all over the place at the moment, and we've had to spend
a large amount of time digesting and marking it up.  We'll post our code and
tidy XML representations of the data soon.  Generally speaking, the sources you
would have to dig through to get the full details of US spectrum allocations 

1) The FCC regulations, 47 CFR, contain band allocations, power restrictions, 


2) Additional information on federal band allocations can be found in the NTIA


3) Most allocations to non-Federal organizations are in the FCC Universal
Licensing System.  You can download the entire contents of this database as
delimited text files, but they're an amazingly awful mess and require
substantial pre-processing.


4) AM, FM, and TV broadcast stations are in the FCC CDBS, which is not nearly
as bad as ULS:


5) Shortwave broadcast stations are on the FCC HF Broadcasting site:


6) Federal allocations are listed in the NTIA Government Master File.  This is
a classified database, but we managed to get half of the GMF records in a FOIA
request last summer, and we'll be requesting an updated and expanded version.

7) Some additional information is available in the FCC IBFS, COALS, and
Equipment Authorization databases, and in various DISA JSC databases.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Signal processing and GPU

2008-10-23 Thread Hew How Chee
--- Martin DvH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All that said. I do have a complete WFM receiver
> which is running
> completely on the GPU.
> (using FIR and/or FFT filters, quadrature_demod,
> fm-deemph)
> At the moment it is not running faster then on the
> CPU, mainly because
> of the call overhead. (too little work items done
> per call)
> And the extra copying done to emulate circular
> buffers.

Do share with us which video card you are using and
roughly how much slower is the GPU WFM ?



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] installation problem

2008-10-23 Thread Achilleas Anastasopoulos


I am trying to install gnuradio on a Linux system for which I am not the
owner (university-wide computing at U of Michigan).
Since they only have swig 1.3.29 installed, I installed myself 1.3.36 on
my space (at least as a temporary solution). I also added the path to 
the new swig in my path variable and

verified that

which swig



swig -version

SWIG Version 1.3.36

Fine so far.

Now when I run "configure" in gnuradio it does not recognize the new
swig, but the old one...
In addition, after "configure" is run, when I do "which swig" I get the
old version not the one I installed and similarly "swig -version" gives
me the old one (ie, the one originally installed in the system).

I could circumvent this problem by changing the configure script by adding


right before the part of the code that checks for the swig version.
Now "configure" works fine.

However i would like to know what I am doing
wrong in the first place.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] US Spectrum Allocation Details

2008-10-23 Thread isaacgerg

  I am looking for a detailed spectrum allocation guide for the US.  Im not
talking the default "US Frequency Allocations Chart."  but something more
like a book or guide.  Does such a thing exist?

Thanks in advance,
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] [Install gnuradio_r7596]

2008-10-23 Thread Rita's pfc

several months ago I've installed gnuradio version 3.1.2, but now I want to
use the ofdm module, so I followed this "how to install"
https://www.cgran.org/wiki/SPAN80211b#HowToInstall, but I have had some
problems. I do the bootstrap, and it seems to run ok. Then I do the
configure (./configure --with-boost=/opt/boost_1_36_0 >& configure.log &),
and It seems the make doesn't find the make in the directory
/gnuradio_r7596/python. Looking in this directory there is no a Makefile,
and looking in to the trace, It doen't seem that it was generated.
Another thing, when i do de configure, at the end say: "The following
components were skipped either because you asked not to build them or they
didn't pass configuration checks:
These components will not be built. "

My operative system is Ubuntu 7. 


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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Transmission power and GUI

2008-10-23 Thread kaleem ahmad


I am using RFX2400+USRP+SUSI, and I have two questions:

1)  I am extending my main class from gr.top_block and I have noticed that
all application examples which implement GUI are using
stdgui.gui_flow_graph. I have tried stdgui.but in my application that
cant be used because I have to run parallel/multiple flowgraphs but I want
to implement GUI as well. Can some one guide me how can integerate GUI with
such an application using gr.top_block, it would be better if one could
refer me to some example code.

2)  After reading many posts on this forum I have got an idea how the
transmission power is controlled and implemented but still I am unable to
get exact figure in dB. I mean I read that the transmission power is set by:

u.set_pga(0/1, gain)By doing this we set the maximum balue of gain, but
it is not setting the amplitude of transmitted signal (i.e. transmission
power) or in other words it simply set what can be the maximum transmission
power (maximum limit allowed).

But the actual transmission power is set by the following:
gr.multiply_const_cc(AMPLITUDE)..and the maximum AMPLITUDE is ~32000

It means that maximum AMPLITUDE i.e ~32000 can only be set if first we have
set gain by set_pga() to maximum allowed value.
---Please let me know if above concept is

Now I want to know what is the exact (or almost) transmission power in dB
corresponding to different values of AMPLITUDE, e.g. what for the following:

AMPLITUDE = 32000..  ?? dB
AMPLITUDE = 26000..  ?? dB
AMPLITUDE = 2..  ?? dB
AMPLITUDE = 16000..  ?? dB
AMPLITUDE = 1..  ?? dB

and is there any standard formulea which I can use to exactly calculate the
dB value corresponding any AMPLITUDE value?

Thanks in advance

Kaleem Ahmad
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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] A Verilog question or two

2008-10-23 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On Thursday 16 October 2008 01:00:19 Jason Uher wrote:
> 2008/10/14 Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Wednesday 15 October 2008 01:15:48 Sebastiaan Heunis wrote:
> >> always @(posedge clk)
> >> begin
> >>  tap1 <= #1 input;
> >>  tap2 <= #1 tap1;
> >>  tap3 <= #1 tap2;
> >> end
> >>
> >> the #1 ensures that tap1 gets updated before tap2?
> >
> > According to what I have read with about synthesis tools the delays will
> > be ignored totally.
> >
> > I see a lot of it though, so I don't know if it's superstition or the
> > manual lies.
> I think the delays are just for simulation.  In synthesis the
> assignments take a real amount of time to complete (because it's
> hardware).  If you are dependent on that delay, you need to signify
> that in simulation, otherwise the assignment would occur at the same
> simulation timestep as everything else and you could be using new data
> instead of old.  Most likely synthesis ignores them, but they are
> needed for the simulation (I'm not 100% sure, I usually remove all
> such delays before synthesis testing).

Hmm.. I think it's more likely to be superstition for broken simulators then..

A book I have (Kilts - Advanced FPGA design) states that 
"Delays are always ignored by synthesis tools, and this type of modeling can 
easily create mismatches between simulation and synthesis." (page 167).

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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