[Discuss-gnuradio] Ettus Research, Inc purchase by NI

2010-02-06 Thread Bob McGwier
The endeavors of the those I work with has involved applying serious 
research in SDR with the aid of people at Ettus and other GNURadio 
developers.  We have applied serious funding to Ettus Research, Inc. in 
particular and GNURadio in general.  We have every intention of 
continuing this and expanding it.   We write GPL v3 code and we insist 
on the openness continuing.  We have given code back to the repository 
for years and this will continue.  A recent example is the new polyphase 
filter bank and arbitrary rate resampler code checked in by one of the 
developers for GNURadio.

The amount of money and people time involved is significant to anyone's 
way of thinking and has directly impacted, in my view for the better, 
the quality and the quantity of the code currently in the repository. 
This too will continue.  Companies,  governments, scientists, engineers 
and even those that don't know it yet, NEED open source and open 
hardware and are supporting it and using it because of their need. Many 
in older stodgier communities have been slow to follow but are now 
really getting into the act.  It is as simple as that. This trend will 
continue and you are seeing this trend reported about openly in various 
media.  One needs only to decide to pay attention to see it.

I would say for now, fear not, and congratulation to Matt. In my 
conversations with him,  he feels that NI has left him in charge (he is 
the president of the new Ettus) and that while Ettus is a wholly owned 
subsidiary, it is not a small office inside the megalith of immovable 
bureaucracy.  Ettus is a maker as are many of the rest of the developers 
in GNURadio.  I think NI does not want to foul up what is working.  In 
my mind, knowing something of Matt for years,  he would not compromise 
his idealism for a buck.  I have personal knowledge of at least one 
incident where he turned away enough money to satisfy dream's of avarice 
for most of us in a stand in defense of his idealism.  I am proud to 
know him.   The maker mentality's time has come and while USRP is not 
yet in the ideal "maker format" (no 3d printers are involved YET) it is 
moving that way with the inexpensive plug in cards.  Hopefully you won't 
mind me plugging my favorite ex-EFF employee and favorite current syfy 
author's book on the subject.



(P.S. I was not informed before it the NI deal was a fait d'accompli and 
after I spent some time having contracting officers and project managers 
deal with it all, I am personally feeling this will work for us)

(Co)Author: DttSP, Quiktrak, PowerSDR, GnuRadio
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
“Our beds are empty two-thirds of the time. Our
 living rooms are empty seven-eighths of the
 time. Our office buildings are empty one-half
 of the time. It’s time we gave this some
 thought.” -- R. Buckminster Fuller
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[Discuss-gnuradio] RE: Ettus Research News.

2010-02-06 Thread L. Van Warren
I send this to Matt yesterday, but it really belongs in this forum:

I wish I had known about the NI acquistion. I have seen this before.

The company of some extraordinary contributors, the Zachman brothers, 

who wrote Hypersignal Ride DSP, was acquired by National Instruments in

The availability of their product has dwindled, their initiative has been
swallowed and they have disappeared from the DSP scene.

As in - without a trace.

Suppose you're a person interested in SDR. Click  ni.com/labview. The
barrier to entry is now extraordinarily high.

The exact opposite of the Gnu model in hardware and software.

I would be remiss if I did not mention this.

That said, good luck to you in your endeavors.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio support for Ettus Research USRP1/2

2010-02-06 Thread Johnathan Corgan
I'd like to clarify and respond to some concerns expressed about the
software side of the GNU Radio/USRP SDR combination.

First, we remain committed to maintaining Free Software Foundation
copyrighted, GPLv3 licensed host code that provides the C++, Python
and GNU Radio Companion interfaces to the USRP1 and USRP2 hardware
within the GNU Radio framework.

Today, this comes in two forms.  The first is the two C++ "libusrp"
and "libusrp2" shared libraries that provide low-level configuration
and sample based access to the USRP hardware over their respective
hardware interfaces.  This is the kind of framework-independent driver
code that is typically provided by hardware vendors and allows its use
with a variety of software packages.  Analogous drivers are the
libasound driver for audio hardware or libhamlib for communication
with various radios.

Built on top of libusrp and libusrp2 are the GNU Radio gr-usrp and
gr-usrp2 signal processing source and sink blocks.  These provide the
streaming signal flowgraph wrappers around libusrp(2) for C++ and
Python applications, and the further metadata needed for use in the
graphical design tool GRC.

All the above are part of GNU Radio, are copyrighted by the FSF, are
distributed in our software tarballs, source code repository, and
binary packages, and are licensed for use and redistribution using the

This code, with some further integration of the some in-progress
development, will become part of our 3.3.x stable series, and will be
maintained with bug fixes and/or updates should they become necessary.

Ettus Research has announced their intent to release a "Universal
Hardware Driver", or UHD, that will be a single driver approach to
current and future hardware from them, and has also stated the UHD
will be available under both GPL and non-GPL licenses.  The UHD will
perform essentially the same functions that libusrp and libusrp2 do
now, and we will be able to have GNU Radio "gr-uhd" source and sink
blocks to allow use within GNU Radio applications.

This is a good thing for GNU Radio users for a variety of reasons:

* It has proven tedious to develop GNU Radio applications that can
transparently use either the USRP1 or USRP2.  The UHD will abstract
these differences so applications can adapt to the available hardware
capabilities that are found.  Currently we have some inelegant code to
accomplish this but it's not an effective solution.

* Future products from Ettus Research will get GNU Radio software
support much more rapidly than in the past, as most of the differences
will have already been addressed in the UHD.

* The UHD makes it easier to expand support for the USRP into other,
non-GNU Radio, frameworks or development environments.  We see this as
a good thing--it both promotes the use of low-cost SDR technology in
general and provides an easier transition between those environments
and GNU Radio.

We have already been collaborating with Ettus Research for some time
on the overall design of the UHD to ensure continuity of features and
capabilities between the current GNU Radio libusrp(2)/gr-usrp(2)
modules and the future Ettus Research UHD/GNU Radio gr-uhd modules
supporting their hardware.  While this intentionally won't extend to
source code compatibility, we do think it will be straightforward to
port applications.  In addition, we will be coordinating distribution,
installation, and maintenance of the software to keep things
synchronized between the projects.

The acquisition of Ettus Research by National Instruments is clearly
recognition that the use of low-cost SDR hardware and open source SDR
software has gained acceptance and use across a broad spectrum of
academic, corporate, and government users.  While it hasn't been
explored in detail, there is also an opportunity to bring GNU Radio
support to other NI products.

It's an exciting time.

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Enterprises LLC

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] amplitude of gaussian noise (complex) - which one ?

2010-02-06 Thread Arturo Rinaldi

given a gaussian distribution such as:

with *zero mean*, which parameter of the function does the amplitude of 
this block represent ? sigma, sigma^2 , or the whole amplitude before 
the exponential term (so the variance is always 1) ? I ask you because i 
didn't find any hint in the documentation.

   thx in advance for the answer
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] UHD versus libursp2.so

2010-02-06 Thread Per Zetterberg

Hi All,

I am happy libusrp/libusrp2 user. Will it be possible to migrate my 
programs to UHD?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Ettus Research News

2010-02-06 Thread Juha Vierinen
> Today, as the next step in the growth of our company, we are very proud to
> announce that Ettus Research has been acquired by National Instruments
> Corporation (NI, http://www.ni.com).  NI was founded in 1976 to transform
> the way engineers and scientists around the world design, prototype, and
> deploy systems for test, control, and embedded design applications.

This is scary, but there are also some possibilities involved here
too. This will give Matt more resources, which can benefit us if used
correctly. And I guess nobody can turn down the possibility of making
a couple of million bucks.

I have always told NI people (including the local CEO) that their
software and hardware sucks, because it is expensive, restrictive and
runs well only on windows. We have bought hardware from NI for over
ten times the price of a USRP and we still use USRP because it simply
works better for us in terms flexibility and ease of use.

Here is my wish list:
1. Maintain hackability of the hardware, keep the schematics open. And
please, don't require proprietary rack mounting connectors.
2. Try to maintain the community.
3. And please, don't require me to find my latest NI update cds and
serial numbers for my labview. I have no idea where they are.
4. Matt, please don't turn into a NI sales droid, at least not for
another 10-20 years.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Data transfer using Sound cards

2010-02-06 Thread ahmed hussein fayez

Hi All

I am a beginner to the GNU Radio world ...so i apologize ahead if i am taking 
much of your precious time.

I am trying to transfer data between two PCs running Ubuntu9.04 gnuradio 3.2.2 
using a wired channel via sound cards.Looking in the mail list archive i found 
a similar topic but with no replies. 

My target is to implement  an OFDM Transceiver over wired channel using 
gnuradio (ADSL modem).At this time i managed to send signals through the sound 
card using NBFM Transmitter but i can't acquire any Rx signal at the 
destenation PC  Line in.

I need to know how to deal with sound cards to be able to exchange data between 
the source and destination.

Thanks in advance

Ahmed H Fayez
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.
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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Ettus Research News

2010-02-06 Thread Firas Abbas

I want to share  my 2 cents:

1) Congratulation Matt.

2) Matt (and Ettus Research) has gave much to SDR open source community and 
deserve more funding. 

3) May be things (for gnuradio community) will not be as it was before NI 
announcement, but one should not be selfish and let others who served (and 
still serving)  the humanity with this great project (Eric, Johnathan, Matt, 
Josh, Tom,, etc) to take little financial benefits from their work.

4) We should be very grateful for them for sharing their knowledge with us and 
providing a low cost educational and business hardware/software platforms.

5) This is natural business development and I support the one who says that the 
resistance to this movement reveals a secret agenda.

6) I agree with the one who says it is business, but with my respect to him we 
do this business (in open source community) with friendship, fun and pleasure.

Dear Matt,

What is important to us is to keep providing the SDR hardware at lowest 
possible prices and keep developing your products. Congratulation again.

Best Regards,

Firas Abbas

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] issue 406

2010-02-06 Thread Dimitrios Symeonidis
Done, thanks Alexander

Dimitris Symeonidis
"If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with
a mosquito!" - Amnesty International

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 00:28, Alexander Chemeris
> Dimitrios,
> Just by an accident I found the same bug and submitted a patch
> to gnuradio-patch mailing list a while ago. Eric Blossom pushed
> it to master as 6b1bcb301ff4cb just few hours ago (surprisingly,
> _before_ I read your mail). So I think you can close the ticket.
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 19:00, Dimitrios Symeonidis  wrote:
>> Back in August I found a small issue with the usrp_fft.py and
>> usrp_oscope.py utlis always selecting subdevice(0,0).
>> I created ticket 406 and attached my 2-line patch.
>> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/issues/show/406
>> Since then nothing happened. Johnathan (or anyone else), can you
>> please merge that?
>> Thanks
>> Dimitris Symeonidis
>> "If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with
>> a mosquito!" - Amnesty International
>> ___
>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
>> Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
>> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio
> --
> Regards,
> Alexander Chemeris.

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