[Discuss-gnuradio] Problem in using trellis Error correction en- and decoder

2010-10-23 Thread Francisco Llaryora
Hello ,

 I am using trellis encoder and trellis viterbi block, to get a
error corecction method.
i take a snapshot for you:
The flow:
---Packet Encoder---DBPSK Encoder--DBPSK Decoder---Packet Decoder
works perfect.
Problem is  trellis encoder input and trellis viterbi decoder output
do not match.
why don't match?
I, read the documentation about the FSM file format. ( in gr-trellis directory)
the example, in the directory don't work (FILE error).
Need i chunks to symbols block as the example?
Thanks in advance

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[Discuss-gnuradio] Testing GNURadio Feature #400

2010-10-23 Thread Jojo Edmonds

I'm currently implementing GNURadio's Feature #400
http://gnuradio.org/redmine/issues/show/400. The problem is that I don't
have test equipment or a USRP2.  Before I commit this code, I'd like to get
it properly tested.  Would it be at all possible for anyone to run this on
the USRP2?  I've hooked it up to the waterfall scope, but it's just not the
same. :)


#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

Read 32-bit little-endian samples from a file and send those samples to the

from gnuradio import gr, eng_notation
from gnuradio.blks2 import generic_usrp_sink_c
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys

n2s = eng_notation.num_to_str

class tx_cfile_block(gr.top_block):

def __init__(self, options, input_filename):


if options.real:
sizeof_input_samples = gr.sizeof_float
sizeof_input_samples = gr.sizeof_gr_complex

self.src = gr.file_source(sizeof_input_samples,
  repeat = options.loop)
self.u = generic_usrp_sink_c(interface = options.interface,
 mac_addr = options.mac_addr,
 subdev_spec = options.tx_subdev_spec)
print 'Using %s' % str(self.u)
print 'Possible tx frequency range: %s - %s' % \
(n2s(self.u.freq_range()[0]), n2s(self.u.freq_range()[1]))

# we need to find the closest decimation rate the USRP can handle
# to the input file's sampling rate
ideal_interp = self.u.dac_rate() / options.rate
# pick the closest interpolation rate
interp = [x for x in self.u.get_interp_rates()
  if x = ideal_interp][-1]
except IndexError:
sys.stderr.write('Failed to set USRP interpolation rate\n')
raise SystemExit, 1

output_rate = self.u.dac_rate() / interp
resamp_ratio = output_rate / options.rate

# since the input file sample rate may not be exactly what our
# output rate of the USRP (as determined by the interpolation rate),
# we need to resample our input to the output rate
num_filters = 32
cutoff = 0.99 * options.rate / 2.
transition = 0.1 * options.rate / 2.
resamp_taps = gr.firdes_low_pass(num_filters * 1.0,
 num_filters * options.rate,
self.resamp = gr.pfb_arb_resampler_ccf(resamp_ratio,

if options.gain is None:
# if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB
g = self.u.gain_range()
options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2

res = self.u.set_center_freq(options.freq)
if not res:
sys.stderr.write('Failed to set frequency\n')
raise SystemExit, 1

if options.real:
# our samples are real
# we need to convert them to complex without a hilbert filter
self.hilbert = gr.hilbert_fc(64)
self.connect(self.src, self.hilbert, self.resamp, self.u)
# our samples are complex
self.connect(self.src, self.resamp, self.u)

def get_options():
usage=%prog: [options] input_filename

parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=usage)

parser.add_option(-R, --tx-subdev-spec, type=subdev, default=None,
  help=select USRP1 Tx side A or B (default=None))
parser.add_option(-e, --interface, type=string, default=None,
  help=specify USRP2 Ethernet interface
parser.add_option(-m, --mac-addr, type=string, default=None,
  help=specif USRP2 MAC address [default=None])

parser.add_option(-f, --freq, 

[Discuss-gnuradio] Problem in using trellis Error correction en- and decoder

2010-10-23 Thread Achilleas Anastasopoulos
Can you be more specific as to WHICH example in the gr-trellis
directory does not work.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-trellis: convenc and viterbi with own mapper/de-mapper

2010-10-23 Thread Achilleas Anastasopoulos

one idea is to add a method set_K(K) to the viterbi class.
This method sets d_K AND calls the set_multiple() method with the new value.
This method will be called from , say , the python code.


On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Jonas M. Börner
jonas.boer...@rwth-aachen.de wrote:
 Dear Achilleas,

 I use your Viterbi implementation in a dynamic ressource allocation framework 
 for OFDM. Data is processed frame-wise and in general, every frame carries a 
 different number of coded bits. So I need to tell the Viterbi the number of 
 trellis steps in each step. As far as I can see, there is no way yet to use 
 this block like this since I have to specify the number of trellis steps at 
 initialization. I tried to feed a integer source to the block and read d_K in 
 general_work() from where but the main problem is, that I cannot reset the 
 set_output_multiple thing. If I don't use set_output_multiple function the 
 assertion that noutput_items has to be integer multiple of d_K fails.

 I'd appreciate any hints you can give me. :)


 Am 19.08.2010 um 10:19 schrieb Achilleas Anastasopoulos:


 there is a very extensive doc file in gr-trellis that hopefully
 answers your questions,
 as well as a lot of examples.
 Please read it and let me know if you still have questions about it.
 BTW: your issue has nothing to do with truncation as was suggested in a 

 In short: one way to implement your system is to mapp the encoded
 symbols directly to
 QPSK symbols (essentially this is what you are doing!) and thus
 produce 5 demodulated symbols
 that you will feed in the VA.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] audio_alsa: problem with valve at head of audio_alsa sink sub-graph

2010-10-23 Thread Marcus D. Leech
In my application I have a sub-graph that terminates an an audio_alsa sink.

At the head of this sub-graph, I've placed a valve, so that I can turn
off data being
  copied to the audio_alsa sink.

When this valve transitions from closed (data flowing) to open (data
*not* flowing), it provokes
  the following error in audio_alsa_sink:

audio_alsa_sink[plughw:0,0]: snd_pcm_hw_params failed: File descriptor
in bad state
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  check topology failed on audio_alsa_sink(1) using ninputs=1,

Am I being an idiot here?  Should this work?  If not, why not?

Further, there's a OK to block parameter for an audio_alsa_sink.  What
does it do?

Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] help to compile gnuradio

2010-10-23 Thread Thomas Spuhler
How can I get help to build/package Gnuradio. the USRP2 component doesn't 
build anymore with newest gcc



Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] help to compile gnuradio

2010-10-23 Thread Eric Blossom
On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 01:43:11PM -0700, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
 How can I get help to build/package Gnuradio. the USRP2 component doesn't 
 build anymore with newest gcc

I'm pretty sure this is fixed on master:



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[Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio Mode S project released

2010-10-23 Thread Nick Foster
Hi all,

I finally got around to cleaning up my Mode S receiver enough for public
release. The following is a short description of the software:

The Gnuradio Mode S project implements a Mode S/ADS-B receiver. Mode S
is the latest aircraft transponder technology, primarily used in
commercial aircraft. Probably 30% of those aircraft currently broadcast
their position via ADS-B (more in Europe, less in the US), which is a
protocol that uses Mode S extended squitters as the transport layer. By
2020 all aircraft operating in controlled US airspace will be required
to broadcast ADS-B.

The receiver demodulates and decodes the 1090MHz PPM-modulated Mode S
transmissions using industry-standard techniques to mitigate FRUIT
(transmissions on top of one another) and correct multiple bit errors.
Using a USRP with a DBSRX + LNA + SAW filter, ranges of 220 miles have
been regularly seen. The WBX should allow similar ranges without the
filter and LNA, although I haven't really tested WBX much. It is of
course line-of-sight, making antenna site selection important.

TL;DR: Follow airplanes around from 200 miles with your USRP.

The receiver allows interfacing to a number of output formats, including
KML for Google Earth. Screenshots of the Google Earth interface can be
found here:


There is also a TCP port 30003 interface to use with PlanePlotter, a
third-party application to view aircraft data. PlanePlotter isn't free,
and I haven't tested it at all, so while it should work, YMMV. If you do
test it, let me know.

There are definitely still bugs in it -- one thing that comes to mind is
that a very few aircraft seem to produce data which uses correct headers
for position packets but which contains non-position data. This causes
impossible aircraft positions. Luckily it seems to be pretty rare.

Future developments for the receiver include implementation of networked
multilateration using the VRT timestamps of USRP2. Multilateration
allows the time-based triangulation of aircraft which use Mode S but
which do not broadcast ADS-B. Three or more networked USRP2s should
allow position determination to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Clone the Git repository to build the software with the usual
bootstrap/configure/make/make install rigmarole; it should compile on
anything you have Gnuradio installed on, although with a 4Msps data rate
it does require a bit of CPU power. In order to use the KML output you
will have to have libsqlite3 and python-sqlite installed, although since
those are Python dependencies it will still compile without them. I
think that's it for the dependencies. Oh, it uses UHD, so you should
finally get around to building UHD and gr-uhd to use this software.

git clone git://github.com/bistromath/gr-air-modes.git

There is also a CGRAN page with corresponding SVN repo, which is a
mirror of the Github repo:

The Python executable is src/python/uhd_modes.py.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gnuradio Mode S project released

2010-10-23 Thread Eric Blossom
On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 06:52:34PM -0700, Nick Foster wrote:
 Hi all,
 I finally got around to cleaning up my Mode S receiver enough for public
 release. The following is a short description of the software:

Cool stuff!


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re:[Discuss-gnuradio] Problem in using trellis Error correction en- and decoder

2010-10-23 Thread Francisco Llaryora
Hello Achilleas.
Forgiveness for mysticism about the example.
is interference_cancellation.grc  (GNU Radio Companion 3.2.2)

the error:


Generating: /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/grc/trellis/int_cancellation.py
 Warning: This flow graph may not have flow control: no audio or usrp blocks 
 found. Add a Misc-Throttle block to your flow graph to avoid CPU 

Generating: /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/grc/trellis/int_cancellation.py
 Warning: This flow graph may not have flow control: no audio or usrp blocks 
 found. Add a Misc-Throttle block to your flow graph to avoid CPU 

Executing: /usr/share/gnuradio/examples/grc/trellis/int_cancellation.py

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
 what():  fsm::fsm(const char *name): file open error

i change the path to absolute path, but don't work.
the file exist in this directory. i no try to add a Throttle block.

i do not care if the example doesn't work, be cause i don't get this
error in my work.
I must have to go now. sorry.
thanks for the fast reply.

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