Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 + WBX How to use a 32 MHz signal band?

2010-11-30 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Vladutzzz wrote:

 What would be the best way to work with a 32 MHz band resulting from USRP2?
 I guess, since the minimum decimation rate is 4 (resulting in a 25 MHz
 signal band), some kind of interpolation will be required or maybe
 Any ideas on how to proceed?
 Thanks in advance!


I'm not entirely sure what you meant by interpolating or resampling,
but in case you were talking about what I think you were talking
about, that's not going to work. Sure, you can come in at 25 Msps and
resample to 32 Msps, but you won't be getting any more information out
of the signal by doing that. You'll still only have the information in
the original 25 MHz bandwidth, just now sampled at a higher rate
(which doesn't make any difference or, frankly, any sense).


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 + WBX How to use a 32 MHz signal band?

2010-11-30 Thread Vladutzzz

I am interested in this 2 USRPs approach since I don't have the experience
and the knowledge to start messing about inside the FPGA firmware code and
have an extra USRP2.
How would this go?
I tried looking up some info about this topic but currently
seems to be down. I've read some bits and pieces on a few forums. Most of
the info is about having one USRP2 module as a transmitter and the other as
a receiver.
I want them both to be receivers(actually half a receiver) and to complete
each other by receiving half of the 32 MHz band (so each would receive 16
How would the USRPs be connected to the same computer?
How will the two 16 MHz bands be attached together to form the 32 MHz one
(some kind of 2:1 multiplexing - I'm just guessing here)?
I am aware of the great load exerted upon the system resources, but I'm
trying to make this work anyway. 


Marcus D. Leech wrote:
 On 11/29/2010 08:57 PM, Abdalaleem Andy James Potter wrote:
 You could use 2 USRPs and chop it down the middle?

 Reconstruct on the computer?

 Yup, although see my previous comments about host-side resources 
 required for such wide bandwidths.
 Marcus Leech
 Principal Investigator
 Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Sample rate vs. symbol time issue E100 Flexible Clocking (more info please)

2010-11-30 Thread Matt Ettus

On 11/29/2010 01:00 PM, bob beckwith wrote:

I'm currently confronted with a sample rate vs. symbol time issue.

I noticed that the E100 announcement mentioned a flexible clocking
feature to deal with exactly this type of thing. I've been looking on
the Ettus site for more information, but haven't been able to locate any.

Is there any more info to be had here?

Unfortunately, we have not really documented this yet.  There are a lot 
of possibilities, so I will attempt to explain them here.

There are 2 different modes.  We'll call them VCO mode and VCXO mode. 
You select which mode you are using with 2 jumpers on the board.  In 
both modes you can lock either to an external reference or to the 
onboard 10 MHz TCXO (which has about 1-2 ppm accuracy).  The external 
reference can be just about any frequency you like, but is typically 10 
MHz.  In both modes, the maximum master clock rate is 64 MHz.

In VCXO mode, the master clock comes from an on-board VCXO 
(voltage-controlled crystal oscillator).  In this mode the master clock 
frequency for the system is equal to the frequency of the VCXO (or an 
integer division thereof).  The E100 comes with a 61.44 MHz VCXO (a good 
frequency for UMTS), but you can replace it with another frequency 
easily since the footprint is an industry standard 5x7 VCXO package.

In VCO mode, the master clock comes from the VCO inside the AD9522-4 
clock generator chip.  Without getting into too much detail, this allows 
you to get a master clock of just about any frequency you would like 
below 64 MHz.  The limitation is that some frequency choices will have 
better phase noise than others.  In general, frequencies that are a 
multiple of 250 kHz will have very good phase noise.  For others you'll 
have to do the math to figure out if there are good factors you can use.

If you have questions about specific frequencies I can tell you if they 
will work well.  Otherwise you can look at the AD9522-4 data sheet.

If you need a frequency which does not work well in VCO mode, your best 
bet is to use a VCXO at that frequency.  For example, 61.44 MHz does not 
work well in VCO mode, and that is why we supply the 61.44 MHz VCXO.

Also, will the N210 incorporate this feature?

No, the N210 clocking uses a VCXO at 100 MHz.  You can replace that VCXO 
with some other frequencies, but that involves soldering.  We are 
looking at putting a resampler in the FPGA, but that is some time off.

And on a different but related front, sample rate wise it looks like the
Crystek CVHD-950-122.880 would be a good candidate for use as a
replacement oscillator on the USRP2. Has anyone had any luck with this
part? Any timing issues I should be aware of? It looks as though the
clock generator chip shouldn't have a problem with it.

That VCXO should be fine, but you may have trouble meeting FPGA timing 
on the USRP2, unless you divide it by 2.  It will be a little easier on 
the N210.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 + WBX How to use a 32 MHz signal band?

2010-11-30 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 11/30/2010 07:04 PM, Vladutzzz wrote:

I am interested in this 2 USRPs approach since I don't have the experience
and the knowledge to start messing about inside the FPGA firmware code and
have an extra USRP2.
How would this go?
I tried looking up some info about this topic. I've read some bits and
pieces on a few forums. Most of the info is about having one USRP2 module as
a transmitter and the other as a receiver.
I want them both to be receivers(actually half a receiver) and to complete
each other by receiving half of the 32 MHz band (so each would receive 16
How would the USRPs be connected to the same computer? (MIMO cable?)
How will the two 16 MHz bands be attached together to form the 32 MHz one
(some kind of 2:1 multiplexing - I'm just guessing here)?
I am aware of the great load exerted upon the system resources, but I'm
trying to make this work anyway.


Assuming that you have a big-arsed machine to do this with, here goes:


  o phase-coherence between the two isn't an issue (if you're just 
doing power measurements, it won't be)

  o you have a very-studly computer
  o you have two good 1GiGe interfaces

Start out with two single-usrp sources, address them as appropriate for 
your two USRP2s.

16MHz isn't an available bandwidth out of the USRP2, so use 16.7MHz, 
and band-limit it to exactly 16MHz with an FIR bandpass filter.
Your two USRP2s will each be tuned to a frequency that is 16MHz away 
from each other.

Once you have your two band-limited complex signals, detect them, using 
a complex-to-mag-squared on each of them.
  Then put the two signals into an adder, and low-pass filter with a 
single-pole IIR or FIR low-pass filter.  Decimate to taste

  after filtering.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Re:Test-bed application: how to control GUI app and gr_vector_source

2010-11-30 Thread Francisco Llaryora
Hi Andis Dembovskis:
i tried to run your script, but the program stoped and  get following error:

audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: snd_pcm_hw_params failed: Descriptor de
archivo en mal estado
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 56, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/,
line 97, in start
line 1455, in start
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_start(self)
RuntimeError: check topology failed on audio_alsa_sink(1) using
ninputs=1, noutputs=0

do you know how to solve the problem?
thanks in advance.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] software-defined GNSS receiver people in Asia

2010-11-30 Thread Fabrizio Tappero
Dear All,
I apologize for bugging people on this mailing list for this but I do
not know an alternative way.

I am looking for people located in Asia doing GNSS stuff with GNU
Radio or other SDR softwares and interested in sharing some Asian
GNSSs (e.g. QZSS) data or implementation. In return I can provide, if
interested, some GALILEO E1/E5 full constellation signal.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Windows Build environment -- Cygwin or MinGW?

2010-11-30 Thread Kevin Dixon
I'd like to get started building GNURadio for Windows, using the USRP
1, with the goal of writing some custom blocks. Do people prefer
Cygwin or MinGW style installations? Off the cuff, Cygwin looks more
straightforward. Any opinions?

Thanks in advance


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] python/digital examples and UHD

2010-11-30 Thread Moritz Fischer
Hash: SHA1

On 11/29/2010 03:47 PM, Tom Rondeau wrote:

Thanks for your reply Tom,

 Have you used the version 2 digital code, yet (benchmark_tx2,
 benchmark_rx2, usrp_receive_path2, etc.)? One of the things I did was
 include better resampling so that you can get any bit rate you want.
 You still have to go through the process of selecting the USRP's
 sample rate that's closest to your desired rate, and then the
 resampling takes care of the rest.

Well in fact that's what I was looking at. I called this the
'automagical' frequency selection in my last mail ;-)

It appears to me you do this by trying all the tuples of (bitrate,
samples_per_symbol,...) and select the one fitting 'best'.

So please don't throw stones at me for asking this question, but from my
understanding the required

desired_samplerate = bitrate x samples_per_symbol / bits_per_symbol (1)

 What I do with the UHD driver is ask for a sample rate. It will then
 set its sample rate to whatever the closest rate it can do. You can
 the read back the actual sample rate of the USRP with get_samp_rate().
 I then use this value to determine the difference between my desired
 sample rate and the actual sample rate, which I then plug into the
 arbitrary resampler.

So what you suggest is basically:

1. set_samp_rate(desired_samplerate) as in (1)

2. tmp = get_samp_rate()

3. and then resample in gnuradio according to tmp / desired_samplerate

or did I get something wrong?

Please don't get me wrong because I ask a lot of questions :-)
I don't ask you guys to do any of my work (like a thesis or the likes).
Just in my opinion having the examples working is really important,
because that's where new people start to look at when trying to figure
out how stuff works.
And nothing is more frustrating than not even managing to get the
examples running.

Best regards and happy hacking,


Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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