Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] importError: no module named gr_module_name

2011-07-10 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 3:49 AM, abdullah unutmaz

> Greetings,
> I am an under-graduation student , new to both Ubuntu and GNURadio , and I
> desined a signal processing block modifying
> gr-my-blocks-template in computer in university , and imported it to GRC,
> and it works very well.
> But when tried to do same thing , many times , in my PC though all the
> steps were ok till run-time all the blocks I added do not
> perform and I have an error that says ".../, line 13, no
> module, ImportError: no module named gr_module_name".
> Then I installed all the packages about python2.6, but it does not work.
> After my first design that still works, I upgraded Ubuntu , installed all
> the upgrades Ubuntu suggested. But after
> that installation PC in university gives same error as one I get in my PC.
> So, is the error about Ubuntu?
> When I check the file in which generated modules are out using nautilus , I
> see that there MyModule file is generated instead of
> gr_module_name , so  is there any sample video or a tutorial that shows all
> the steps by screen shots in which I can see the correct
> modifications from initial file gr-my-blocks-template to gr-module-name?
> By the way, I use Ubuntu 10.04 ( Lucid ) . And each time I followed the
> same way as I did in my first design that works.
> Thanks,
> Abdullah

Abdullah, it's hard to diagnose with just this information, but it sounds
like you have something in your files that is slightly wrong. Using the
gr-howto-write-a-block might help you understand what's going on and
everything you need to do to create a new block.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] regarding calculating the noise power

2011-07-10 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 4:44 PM, shantharam balasubramanian <> wrote:

> Also I have been working in a modified program of benchmark_rx for
> this case. It would be more helpful if someone helps me to reduce it
> or to measure it, so that I will be able to explain to the people who
> will ask me about the spike.

Yes, you will see a DC offset in these receivers. You can think of removing
it as subtracting off the time averaged value of the signal. I think a
better solution, though, is the block gr_dc_blocker_{cc,ff} that I recently
added to the project. It's a narrow notch filter at DC.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] SWIG related problem with new filter function

2011-07-10 Thread Tom Rondeau
Did you ever figure out your problem with this? It looks like what you are
doing is ok. The gr_firdes.i file uses the %rename function, so is it
possible you aren't seeing your raised cosine code because you are expecting
it under a different name?

If you do dir(dsss), what do you get?


On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 10:43 PM, John Andrews  wrote:

> Here are all the related files.
> C++ header
> ***
> * dsss_firdes.h *
> ***
> #ifndef _DSSS_FIRDES_H_
> #define _DSSS_FIRDES_H_
> #include 
> #include 
> class dsss_firdes {
> public:
>   dsss_firdes();
> static std::vector raised_cosine (double gain, double sampling_freq,
> double symbol_rate,  double alpha,  int ntaps);
> };
> #endif
> C++ Source file -
> *
> *  *
> *
> #include "dsss_firdes.h"
> #include 
> using std::vector;
> // Raised Cosine Filter
> vector
> dsss_firdes::raised_cosine (double gain, double sampling_freq, double
> symbol_rate, double alpha, int ntaps)
> {
>ntaps |= 1; // ensure that ntaps is odd
>double spb = sampling_freq/symbol_rate; // samples per bit/symbol
>vector taps(ntaps);
>double scale = 0;
>for(int i=0;i{
>double x1,x2,rc1;
>double xindx = i - ntaps/2;
>x1 = M_PI * xindx/spb;
>x2 = 1-(4*alpha*alpha*(xindx/spb)*(xindx/spb));
>   if(i == ntaps/2){
> taps[i] = 1;
> continue;
>   if(fabs(x2) < 0.01){ // manage rounding errors. treat 0.01 as
> zero
>x2 = 8*alpha*(xindx/spb)*(xindx/spb);
>rc1 = sin(x1)*sin(alpha*x1)/x2;
>rc1 = (sin(x1)*cos(alpha*x1))/(x1*x2);
>   taps[i] = rc1;
>   scale += taps[i];
>   }
>   for(int i=0;itaps[i] = taps[i] * gain / scale;
> }
>   return taps;
> }
> SWIG interface
> ** dsss.i **
> %include "gnuradio.i"
> %{
> #include "dsss_firdes.h"
> %}
> //GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC(dsss,firdes);
> class dsss_firdes
> {
> public:
> static std::vector raised_cosine(double gain, double sampling_freq,
> double symbol_rate, double alpha, int ntaps);
> };
>  ***
> *   *
>  ***
> include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
> # C/C++ headers get installed in ${prefix}/include/gnuradio
> grinclude_HEADERS =  dsss_firdes.h
> ###
> # SWIG Python interface and library
> TOP_SWIG_IFILES = dsss.i
> # Install so that they end up available as:
> # import gnuradio.dsss
> # This ends up at:
> # ${prefix}/lib/python${python_version}/site-packages/gnuradio
> dsss_pythondir_category = gnuradio
> # additional sources for the SWIG-generated library
> dsss_la_swig_sources =
> include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.swig
> # add some of the variables generated inside the Makefile.swig.gen
> BUILT_SOURCES = $(swig_built_sources)
> # Do not distribute the output of SWIG
> no_dist_files = $(swig_built_sources)
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Tom Rondeau wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 3:25 AM, John Andrews  wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
 Are you doing this in your own top-level block (dsss from the looks of
 it) or under a current GNU Radio directory like gnuradio-core where the
 gr_firdes currently is?

>>> Yes, I am doing this in my own top-level directory named 'dsss'
>>> (abbreviation for direct sequence spread spectrum)

 You haven't mentioned adding anything to the Makefile so that it is
 built properly. If you are working under gnuradio-core/src/lib/general,
 you'll also want to add your .h and .i files to general.i so that it get's

>>> I added the names to like I added the remaining names of
>>> files. The has been adapted from howto-write-a-block. The C++
>>> part gets compiled without any problem but when importing in python it
>>> throws an undefined_variable_dsss_firdes_Z*** type of error, which according
>>> to my previous experience occurs with wrong SWIG interface problem. I am
>>> pretty sure I am having a SWIG related issue here.
>> Ok, it _sounds_ like you are doing everything correctly. In my experience
>> with this stuff, it usually comes down to a small typo somewhere. You can
>> post your files here (.i, .h, and Makefile) so others to maybe have a look
>> to see if there's anything incorrect in them.
>>> Also, just curious, what application are you interested in that requires
 a raised cosine filter? And couldn't you just create a root raised cosine
 filter and convolve the the taps against themselves to make the raised
 cosine taps?

>>> I am developing a  BPSK based Direct sequence spread spectrum Tx/Rx and
>>> at the transmitter i wanted to use a raised cosine filter when interpolating
>>> from symbol to N samples before sending it to the USRP. I am not sure if