Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Capture and plot 802.11 frames (Stratos Keranidis)

2011-10-07 Thread Mario Gmail

Hello Stratos,

For capturing 802.11 frames you can take a look here:

Unfortunately, that is just for the 802.11b standard. On the other hand, 
there is one encoder developed for the 802.11g standard, here:
I the last case, I was able to generate 802.11g frames with an USRP2 and 
detect them with the wifi card in my laptop. That is not what you want 
but can be a good starting point.

Also, I would suggest to take a look to Wireshark 
( if you want/need to understand all the stuff 
related with sniffing (i.e, capturing data generated by other equipment).

Hope it helps,


El 06/10/2011 18:01, escribió:

Re: Capture and plot 802.11 frames (Stratos Keranidis)

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Phase demodulation

2011-10-07 Thread Mikael Olofsson

Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
arctan (imag(out)/real(out)) plus some filtering to remove out of band 
noise (it would be nice also to make sure you avoid discontinuities 
inherent in the arctan function)...

I would like to add that you should use four quadrant arctan, i.e. add 
or subtract pi to the above if the real part is negative.

/Mikael Olofsson
Universitetslektor (Associate Professor)
Linköpings universitet

Phone:   +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 13 9282
Office:  Building B, top floor, corridor A, between entrances 27-29.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] FM Capture

2011-10-07 Thread Patrick Strasser
Am 2011-10-06 12:55, schrieb JOSE FELIX HERNANDEZ BARRIO:

 do you know of any radio capture file of the fm band on internet ?
 could anyone with access to the required hardware make a capture an
 upload it to internet?

Have a look at the Wiki and the mailing list archive (hint: Google).
There used to be great captures by late Michael Gray, KD7LMO, but these
seem to be lost. Anyway there are some samples arround, and if you ask
on the list for freshly recorded sample I think you will get some.

Does it have to be something special like overlaping stations or big
sampling rate/band width? You know, these can get big, like one minute
of 16bit/S 512KSps is like 480MiB.


Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser patrick dot strasser at student tugraz dot at
Student of Telemat_cs_, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Remote Access to USRP testbed with GNU Radio

2011-10-07 Thread Robert McGwier
I believe people are answering the question but are slightly off target.

Create a group on your Linux distribution call USRP, make sure those users
you want control the USRP as users (AND NOT ROOT) are in this group. The go
read the gnuradio wiki about the other changes granting device permissions
etc.  This is how remote users gain control of the USRP locally without sudo
as well as  over SSH whether the machine is accessible over a LAN only or
the full internet.

 On Oct 6, 2011 7:15 PM, Ian Buckley wrote:

 Remember that you in fact are not required to Login to the USRP at all,
 it isn't an interactive device, more like a peripheral device to a host
 computer. Thus your remote access limitation is purely dependent on the
 remote host you utilize to run GNURadio to interface to the USRP. The main
 issue you are like to run into is using update intensive GRC graphical tools
 such as FFT via X or VNC which can be very problematic over WANs. In terms
 of the USRP itself, if the location is truly remote with no local support
 then it would be wise to utilize A USRP other than the USRP2 since this
 model requires the SDCard to be physically replaced to upgrade
 firmware+FPGA. It would also be wise to have a remote accessible PDU so you
 can power cycle the USRP if necessary.

 I've built austere lights out remote satellite ground stations that use
 USRP's with great success.


 On Oct 6, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Kunal Kandekar wrote:

 I have accessed and used a USRP over SSH before. In fact, I accessed it
 over the Internet, not just a LAN. Although I was not the one who set it up,
 as far as I know, nothing additional had to be done to enable this. I simply
 logged in as the user account under which GNU Radio had been installed. The
 machine was running Ubuntu, in case it matters.


 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Guanbo Zheng wrote:

 Hi, all

 We are interesting to build up a USRP testbed which allowed the guest
 remote access to do some experiments.
 I have seen someone's youtube video that they control the USRPs to
 transmit different signals through SSH access.
 But I want to double check if it allowed guest control of USRP devices ?

 Are there any other settings I need to take care of, in order to implement

 Thanks a lot for any suggestions!


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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Want to help? Here's something....

2011-10-07 Thread Philip Balister

On 10/03/2011 11:32 AM, Tom Rondeau wrote:

Hello everyone,
Here's a general call for help on the GNU Radio project if you are so
inclined. If you've wanted to contribute back to the code, but weren't sure
how to make a difference, there are lots of little things to look at. We've
set up a Jenkins continuous integration server that keeps track of the code
issues, including enumerating all TODO and FIXME comments through the
source code. It also tests and graphs the test code we've put in there. You
can see these results here:

How often does this update?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Remote Access to USRP testbed with GNU Radio

2011-10-07 Thread Robert McGwier

has configuring USRP support.  Following these instructions will allow users
in the USRP group to run the hardware without root access.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Robert McGwier wrote:

 I believe people are answering the question but are slightly off target.

 Create a group on your Linux distribution call USRP, make sure those users
 you want control the USRP as users (AND NOT ROOT) are in this group. The go
 read the gnuradio wiki about the other changes granting device permissions
 etc.  This is how remote users gain control of the USRP locally without sudo
 as well as  over SSH whether the machine is accessible over a LAN only or
 the full internet.

  On Oct 6, 2011 7:15 PM, Ian Buckley wrote:

 Remember that you in fact are not required to Login to the USRP at all,
 it isn't an interactive device, more like a peripheral device to a host
 computer. Thus your remote access limitation is purely dependent on the
 remote host you utilize to run GNURadio to interface to the USRP. The main
 issue you are like to run into is using update intensive GRC graphical tools
 such as FFT via X or VNC which can be very problematic over WANs. In terms
 of the USRP itself, if the location is truly remote with no local support
 then it would be wise to utilize A USRP other than the USRP2 since this
 model requires the SDCard to be physically replaced to upgrade
 firmware+FPGA. It would also be wise to have a remote accessible PDU so you
 can power cycle the USRP if necessary.

 I've built austere lights out remote satellite ground stations that use
 USRP's with great success.


 On Oct 6, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Kunal Kandekar wrote:

 I have accessed and used a USRP over SSH before. In fact, I accessed it
 over the Internet, not just a LAN. Although I was not the one who set it up,
 as far as I know, nothing additional had to be done to enable this. I simply
 logged in as the user account under which GNU Radio had been installed. The
 machine was running Ubuntu, in case it matters.


 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Guanbo Zheng wrote:

 Hi, all

 We are interesting to build up a USRP testbed which allowed the guest
 remote access to do some experiments.
 I have seen someone's youtube video that they control the USRPs to
 transmit different signals through SSH access.
 But I want to double check if it allowed guest control of USRP devices ?

 Are there any other settings I need to take care of, in order to
 implement this?

 Thanks a lot for any suggestions!


 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Bob McGwier
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Remote Access to USRP testbed with GNU Radio

2011-10-07 Thread Marcus D. Leech

On 07/10/2011 8:53 AM, Robert McGwier wrote:

has configuring USRP support.  Following these instructions will allow 
users in the USRP group to run the hardware without root access.


Also, the build-gnuradio script takes care of this for the calling user 
(but not any others).  I want to add that as a possible feature--perhaps
  prompt for the userids you wish to be added or something.  Or maybe 
have it add all the ordinary users.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Want to help? Here's something....

2011-10-07 Thread Tom Rondeau
On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Philip Balister wrote:

 On 10/03/2011 11:32 AM, Tom Rondeau wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 Here's a general call for help on the GNU Radio project if you are so
 inclined. If you've wanted to contribute back to the code, but weren't
 how to make a difference, there are lots of little things to look at.
 set up a Jenkins continuous integration server that keeps track of the
 issues, including enumerating all TODO and FIXME comments through the
 source code. It also tests and graphs the test code we've put in there.
 can see these results here:**jenkins/job/GNURadio-master/

 How often does this update?


Right now, it's once a week. Early Monday morning for the master branch and
early Tuesday morning for the next branch.

If this becomes a really useful tool that people are using constantly, I
could be easily persuaded to go to nightly builds. At that point, though,
we'll want to launch a new machine to handle the compilations and not
over-burden our web server.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Cheap portable antenna for SSB + CW w/ USRP1?

2011-10-07 Thread Mark Cetilia
Thanks Marcus,
I realize I'm asking for the impossible at a certain level—adequate but not 
stellar should be fine :)
Glad to know that the roll-off is not so steep as to make 30MHz / 50MHz 
unusable as well…

Btw, I finally managed to get UDP between my external app 
and GnuRadio up  running—thanks again for all the help!


-- | |

On Oct 7, 2011, at 12:03 AM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:

 On 06/10/11 11:51 PM, Mark Cetilia wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just curious if anyone might have some suggestions for a cheap (ideally  
 $100) portable antenna for receiving (not transmitting) SSB + CW? 
 Something that can easily fit into a carryon bag, can be used indoors and 
 set up  / broken down quickly would be great.
 It would be nice to cover as much of the LFRX's range as possible—160 to 6 
 meters I guess?
 The Ettus site mentions DC to 30 MHz, but the board has DC to 50 MHz 
 silkscreened onto it—not sure which is correct?
 The LFRX has a not-very-steep roll-off above 30MHz, so it's usable above
 I've got my eye on an MFJ-1622 right now, which supposedly covers 40 to 2 
 Not completely optimal, but it's looking decent for the price + form factor… 
 Anybody out there have experience with that antenna?
 Other possible leads would be greatly appreciated as well.
 Thanks so much!
 The MFJ-1622 is probably adequate, but not stellar.  Its hard to make an
 antenna that is both a good
  match, *and* a good radiator over wide frequency radiators, *and* is
 physically compact.
 Principal Investigator
 Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Phase demodulation

2011-10-07 Thread Achilleas Anastasopoulos

Just to make a note on the more theoretical aspect of this problem:

If you want to avoid all complications arising from the discontinuous 
arctan, you can (and technically/theoretically you should)

work with the actual incoming signal r(t)=exp(j theta(t)) + n(t)
and its hypothesized estimate s_hat(t) = exp(j theta_hat(t)),
and minimize their Euclidean distance (over a horizon T) under the 
constraints (bandwidth) of your signal theta_hat(t).

What this boils down to is:

find theta_hat(t) satisfying the BW constraints that maximizes
the quantity sum_{t=1}^T |r(t)| cos[arg(r(t))-theta_hat(t)].

BTW, the fine point above is that you cannot set theta_hat(t)=arg(r(t)),
because this assignment does NOT satisfy the BW constraints of your 
initial signal theta(t) or theta_hat(t).

This maximization problem is solved APPROXIMATELY using a PLL which is 
implemented in gnuradio in various forms.

Also the algorithms suggested earlier (evaluate arctan() and smooth it)
can be thought of as approximate solutions of the above problem.


On 10/7/2011 5:40 AM, Mikael Olofsson wrote:

Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:

arctan (imag(out)/real(out)) plus some filtering to remove out of band
noise (it would be nice also to make sure you avoid discontinuities
inherent in the arctan function)...

I would like to add that you should use four quadrant arctan, i.e. add
or subtract pi to the above if the real part is negative.

/Mikael Olofsson
Universitetslektor (Associate Professor)
Linköpings universitet

Phone: +46 - (0)13 - 28 1343
Telefax: +46 - (0)13 - 13 9282
Office: Building B, top floor, corridor A, between entrances 27-29.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Unable to find USRP[0] issue

2011-10-07 Thread Nazmul Islam
Hi Josh,

Thanks a lot for the reply. The thing is, I was able to run the and codes in another UHD upgraded
daughterboard. That daughter-board module is XCVR2450 transceiver.
Unfortunately, I could not run the benchmark programs in the FLEX-400
daughterboard (enabled with Gigabit Ethernet). In both cases, I used the
uhd_003_002_001 image. Therefore, does the compatibility issue vary from one
daughter-board to another?

We need to run the benchmark_rx and programs for our
experiments and mostly we have access to FLEX-400 daughterboard. Any
suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot for the help.


Muhammad Nazmul Islam

Graduate Student
Electrical  Computer Engineering
Wireless Information  Networking Laboratory
Rutgers, USA.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP1 Ext Clock

2011-10-07 Thread Ed Criscuolo

What frequency does the USRP1 want to see on its ext clk input?

10 MHz or 64 MHz?

@(^.^)@  Ed

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP1 Ext Clock

2011-10-07 Thread John Malsbury

10-64 MHz


On 10/07/2011 09:18 AM, Ed Criscuolo wrote:

What frequency does the USRP1 want to see on its ext clk input?

10 MHz or 64 MHz?

@(^.^)@  Ed

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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Remote Access to USRP testbed with GNU Radio

2011-10-07 Thread Guanbo Zheng
Thanks a lot for all the replys!
Sorry that I forgot to mention I am using USRP2.

I think the link is for USRP which create a usrp group for non root control.


On Oct 7, 2011, at 6:01 AM, Robert McGwier wrote:

 I believe people are answering the question but are slightly off target.
 Create a group on your Linux distribution call USRP, make sure those users 
 you want control the USRP as users (AND NOT ROOT) are in this group. The go 
 read the gnuradio wiki about the other changes granting device permissions 
 etc.  This is how remote users gain control of the USRP locally without sudo 
 as well as  over SSH whether the machine is accessible over a LAN only or the 
 full internet.
 On Oct 6, 2011 7:15 PM, Ian Buckley wrote:
 Remember that you in fact are not required to Login to the USRP at all, it 
 isn't an interactive device, more like a peripheral device to a host 
 computer. Thus your remote access limitation is purely dependent on the 
 remote host you utilize to run GNURadio to interface to the USRP. The main 
 issue you are like to run into is using update intensive GRC graphical tools 
 such as FFT via X or VNC which can be very problematic over WANs. In terms of 
 the USRP itself, if the location is truly remote with no local support then 
 it would be wise to utilize A USRP other than the USRP2 since this model 
 requires the SDCard to be physically replaced to upgrade firmware+FPGA. It 
 would also be wise to have a remote accessible PDU so you can power cycle the 
 USRP if necessary.
 I've built austere lights out remote satellite ground stations that use 
 USRP's with great success.
 On Oct 6, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Kunal Kandekar wrote:
 I have accessed and used a USRP over SSH before. In fact, I accessed it over 
 the Internet, not just a LAN. Although I was not the one who set it up, as 
 far as I know, nothing additional had to be done to enable this. I simply 
 logged in as the user account under which GNU Radio had been installed. The 
 machine was running Ubuntu, in case it matters.
 On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Guanbo Zheng wrote:
 Hi, all
 We are interesting to build up a USRP testbed which allowed the guest remote 
 access to do some experiments.
 I have seen someone's youtube video that they control the USRPs to transmit 
 different signals through SSH access. 
 But I want to double check if it allowed guest control of USRP devices ?
 Are there any other settings I need to take care of, in order to implement 
 Thanks a lot for any suggestions!
 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
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[Discuss-gnuradio] N210 non-uhd?

2011-10-07 Thread Brett L. Trotter
Can I burn the USRP2 non-UHD firmware on an N210?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Capture and plot 802.11 frames (Stratos Keranidis)

2011-10-07 Thread Stratos Keranidis
Hello Mario,

thank you very much for your helpful reply.
I will try to use the info you provided and infrom you about my progress.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Mario Gmail wrote:
 Hello Stratos,

 For capturing 802.11 frames you can take a look here:

 Unfortunately, that is just for the 802.11b standard. On the other hand,
 there is one encoder developed for the 802.11g standard, here:
 I the last case, I was able to generate 802.11g frames with an USRP2 and
 detect them with the wifi card in my laptop. That is not what you want but
 can be a good starting point.

 Also, I would suggest to take a look to Wireshark
 ( if you want/need to understand all the stuff
 related with sniffing (i.e, capturing data generated by other equipment).

 Hope it helps,


 El 06/10/2011 18:01, escribió:

 Re: Capture and plot 802.11 frames (Stratos Keranidis)

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] N210 non-uhd?

2011-10-07 Thread Matt Ettus
No, it won't work.  I would strongly suggest you switch to UHD.  If that
isn't possible, we have some USRP2s which we can sell you.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Brett L. Trotter br...@webtrotter.comwrote:

 Can I burn the USRP2 non-UHD firmware on an N210?

 Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] New Product Announcements from Ettus Research

2011-10-07 Thread Matt Ettus
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Jeffrey Gregory wrote:

 The B100 looks appealing for an upgrade from my USRP1, but I have some
 questions.  Since the B100 can accept 10MHz and PPS reference, is it
 compatible with the GPSDO module?

It can accept 10 MHz and PPS from a GPSDO, but it doesn't have a serial port
for position and time info.  You will also need to mount it externally.  So
yes, you can use them together, but with some limitations.

  Also, the Spartan 3A-1400 looks to
 be roughly twice as big as the cyclone FPGA on the USRP1, is that
 correct?  The two main limitations of the USRP1 for me are the clock
 stability (minor) and the the FPGA size (more significant).

The S3A-1400 has twice as many logic cells.  An even bigger difference is
that it has 32 hard multiply units, while the cyclone had to use a lot of
general logic resources in order to do multiplies.  So the capability is
more like 3x.

The B100 will have much better clock stability (~2.5ppm over temperature)
even without the GPSDO.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Updated build-gnuradio

2011-10-07 Thread Marcus D. Leech
One of my users in Guatemala found an issue with the build-gnuradio 
script.  If your system is configured for anything other
  than English, the script fails, because it's parsing the output of 
ls -l, and looking for a Not found error message.  Which of
  course, will only happen if the systems message library is set for 
English.  Fixed.  Who knew?

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Cheap portable antenna for SSB + CW w/ USRP1?

2011-10-07 Thread Louis Brown

On Oct 7, 2011, at 11:01 AM, wrote:

 [Discuss-gnuradio] Cheap portable antenna for SSB + CW w/

Since you are only interested in RX, a loop would probably work well.  You 
could probably rig up compact, muti-turn wire loop that could be broken down 
and folded.  A simple passive loop requires a high-Q, variable plate capacitor 
you must tune for resonance, so it is inherently narrow band, but that also 
gives you rejection.  They are lossy too, but HF is dominated by atmospheric 
noise so noise figure is not a prime concern.  MFJ-952 is a mini-loop tuner; 
just add your own wire.  There are active loops too. This is a list:

Active loop design:
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] file source/sinks and named pipes

2011-10-07 Thread Achilleas Anastasopoulos
I have tried the following experiment that generated a couple of
puzzling questions for me...

A graph consisting of
a sinusodial source, a file sink and a graphical fft sink (connected
to the source).
NO THROTTLE is present in this graph

A separate graph with a file source, a THROTTLE at 100K
and a graphical fft sink

I creat a named pipe with
mkfifo myfifo
and both tx and rx are writting/reading to/from this pipe.

I run first the rx file and then (in a separate shell) the tx file.
Everything works as expected, ie both graphs seem to be working at the same
rate. The reason (as I understand it) is the the rx file (containing
the throttle)
consumes data from the fifo at 100K and this INDIRECTLY sets the rate of the tx
due to blocking of the tx when the fifo fills up (I read that Linux
has a 64K buffer for the fifo).
This is also evident from the system load which stays relatively low.

Q1: Is this the reason the two grahs are synchronized, or is it that
the throttle in the rx DIRECTLY sets the rate for the tx?

Now I do the following:
I stop the rx for roughly 10seconds and then I restart it.
During those 10 seconds the system load shoots to 100% which is to be expected
since the tx does not have any throttle...
However I would ALSO expect that during those 10seconds the pipe
buffer fills up and
it blocks the tx, and so the tx eventually stops and waits for the rx
to be restarted and start consuming samples from the pipe, which is
somethig I do not observe!!!
Instead what I see is that the moment I restart the rx the load drops
somewhat for about 90seconds and then drops furthermore to the
original levels (observed when both rx and tx are running).

Q2: what happens to the tx and the named pipe when i stop the rx? and
why does in not fill and stop?


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