[Discuss-gnuradio] Custom QT GUI block

2018-10-16 Thread Andrew Smit

I am trying to build a custom QT GUI block that will allow the user to open up 
a file browser in the QT GUI. I would like to be able to open up a file browser 
window, select a file, and store the path in a variable all from the GUI 
window. I have been trying to find an example of how to build a custom QT GUI 
block, but have been unsuccessful. I have looked through the Guided Tutorial 
GNU Radio in Python document, and it covers how to build custom blocks using 
the gr_modtool, but it doesn’t talk about how to build QT GUI blocks 
specifically. Ideally, I would like to build the block in Python. I am not very 
familiar with PyQT, but I know it has the ability to create a file browser. Are 
there any examples out there of how to build a custom Python QT GUI block? I 
think I could piece it together if I had a good example, but I haven’t seen 
anything out there. If you could point me to an example, I would really 
appreciate it. If not, I could use some help figuring out how to build a basic 
QT GUI block that I can work off of.

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.


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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Simulation to compute BER of a Modulator/Demodulator Encoding/Decoding system

2018-10-16 Thread Cinaed Simson
Hi Christian - start simple.

First prove to yourself you can modulate/demodulate a random source.

Enclosed is an example.

You can replace the GLFSR source and Float To Char blocks with a Random
Source block - but it doesn't really matter.

Adjust the Delay block until the 2 curves in the Qt GUI Time Sink block
line up,

This will depend upon the speed of your machine.

Then enable the 2 CRC32 blocks.

You may have to adjust the delay again.

Then enable the blocks to calculate BER.

-- Cinaed

On 10/14/2018 07:05 PM, Christian BusquielSanz wrote:
> Good day
> How are you?
> I am a new user to GNU Radio Companion
> I am using version 3.7.11
> I have read, followed and finished the exercises/examples in the
> tutorials of Working with "GNU Radio Companion"
> (https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Guided_Tutorial_GRC) and
> "Programming GNU Radio in Python"
> (https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Guided_Tutorial_GNU_Radio_in_Python)
> -
> I have been working on designing a whole system to compute the BER of
> different encoders using GMSK:
> 1.- Reed Solomon
> 2.- Convolutional Coding
> 3.- CRC
> I have also installed GR Satellites by Daniel Estévez
> (https://github.com/daniestevez/gr-satellites) to help me with this
> task
> I started building the whole system using GNU Radio Companion to build
> the blocks, but I had many problems with the input and output of
> blocks, since there were no transformations to adapt all the blocks
> among them, and I tried several of the blocks provided with each
> Encoder/Decoder to make it fit
> -
> Once I had an idea of how it should work, I tried to start with a
> simple system only with one of the 'encoders' which was CRC (Stream
> CRC32)
> The Block Diagram would look like this (See attached "CRC_Test.grc" file):
> (Random Source) => (Throttle) => (Stream to Tagged Stream) => (Stream
> CRC32[Generate CRC]) =>A) B) C)
> A) => (Char to Float) => (QT GUI Timer Sink)
> B) => (GMSK Mod [S/S=10]) => (GMSK Demod [S/S=10]) => (Pack K Bits
> [K=8]) => C) D)
> C) 2x=> (BER) => (QT GUI Timer Sink)
> D) => (Char to Float) => (QT GUI Timer Sink)
> And also adding noise:
> The Block Diagram would look like this (See attached
> "CRC_Test_with_noise.grc" file):
> (Random Source) => (Throttle) => (Stream to Tagged Stream) => (Stream
> CRC32[Generate CRC]) =>A) B) C)
> (Noise Source [Gaussian]) => D)
> A) => (Char to Float) => (QT GUI Timer Sink)
> B) => (GMSK Mod [S/S=10]) => D)
> C) 2x=> (BER) => (QT GUI Timer Sink)
> D) 2x=> (Add) => (GMSK Demod [S/S=10]) => (Pack K Bits [K=8]) => C) E)
> E) => (Char to Float) => (QT GUI Timer Sink)
> If I add another "Stream CRC32" block with [Check CRC]; I have three 
> situations:
> a) I add a "Stream to Tagged Stream" block before the (Stream CRC
> [Check CRC]) with the same 'Length Tag Name' as the one after the
> Throttle
> b) I add a "Stream to Tagged Stream" block before the (Stream CRC
> [Check CRC]) with a different 'Length Tag Name' as the one after the
> Throttle and change the "Length Tag Key" of the "Stream CRC32" block
> c) I do not add a "Stream to Tagged Stream" block before the (Stream
> CRC [Check CRC])
> I get these outputs:
> a) It provides no output, and an error is shown up:
> gr::log :FATAL: crc32_bb0 - Missing a required length tag on port 0 at item 
> #14
> thread[thread-per-block[16]: ]: Missing length tag.
> b) No output
> c) It provides an output, but there is no block that removes the CRC
> bytes, so from my point of view, the BER rate should be higher even if
> I am using the block "Pack K Bits" with K=8, to recover the bytes
> after the modulation (Since "GMSK Demod" returns one bit of each byte
> in separate bytes and I need to reconstruct the signal)
> I cannot find where I am making the mistake and I would like to ask if
> someone could point out where I am wrong so I can fix it. Thank you.
> -
> I tried to do also a simple test of Reed-Solomon encoding
> But I could not match any Reed-Solomon pair of coder & decoder that
> were paired together. Only the DVB-T one has, in the same section of
> the Companion, both the Encoder and the Decoder
> (If you use the magnifying glass search in the Companion, you find
> these Reed Solomon results)
> If you search for "Reed":
> 1.- ATSC only has a decoder, but I do not want to use a specific
> implementation; I want to use a general implementation for satellite
> applications
> 2.- ITU-T has only an encoder
> 3.- Satellites (By Dani Estévez) has both an encoder and a decoder;
> but its input/output is async messages, and I want to test BER, so I
> need a random source of bits. I do not know how to convert those bits
> into messages to use these blocks.
> If you search for "RS":
> 1.- ATSC shows both an Encoder as "ATSC RS Encoder" and an Decoder as
> "ATSC Reed-Solomon Decoder" (Why do they have different titles?)
> 2.- Satellites (By Dani Estévez) has 15 entries, but all of them use
> me

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNUradio companion error message

2018-10-16 Thread Michael Dickens
Hi John_w_g - The error you're encountering indicates that the version of UHD 
isn't compatible with the version of gr-uhd -- which is part of the overall GNU 
Radio install. I'd guess that GNU Radio was installed, and then UHD was 
updated. Generally the solution is to reinstall GNU Radio while keeping the 
version of UHD stable. When you update UHD, do it first then update GNU Radio 
to make sure API compatibility is maintained. Thus, the main question is: how 
are UHD and GNU Radio installed? What version of UHD is installed (GR is at 
3.7.9 according to your note)? Hope this is useful! - MLD

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018, at 2:16 PM, John_w_g wrote:
> Attached is my simple tone_test loopback flow graph, and the system error 
> that is output when I run it.  I have verified correct driver operation by 
> running uhd_usrp_probe (output also attached).  I am running Ubuntu 16.04.5 
> and GRC 3.7.9
> I was previously able to run GRC without this error.  I did an OS update that 
> was advertised.  After the update I received this error (I do not know if it 
> was related).  I ran uhd_usrp_probe and it complained that I had the wrong 
> FPGA version, so I re-ran the FPGA downloader and updated the image,  after 
> that uhd was happy, but this error persists.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Windows Crashing while Installing and Running GNU Radio

2018-10-16 Thread Rensi Mathew
Dear all
I have installed Windows and then Ubuntu 16.04, as second OS. (Windows booting 
fine at this point)

Then I installed GNU radio and UHD drivers.(Windows booting fine at this point)
Then I connected my USRP and run an FM receiver program.
After this when I tried to login to Windows, Windows has crashed and doesn't 
I has this experience twice.
Has anyone experienced such as mine? What is the possible reason? Can someone 
suggest how to avoid this.
Thanking youRensi

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