Compiling OOT modules on WIndows

2020-01-09 Thread Daniele Nicolodi

is there an "easy" way to compile OOT modules on Windows?

I found a couple of old threads on the mailing list describing with
instructions and, unless things got much simpler in recent times, it may
be simpler to convince my colleagues that having a Linux machine in the
lab is not that scary after all :-)

Thank you.


Re: Windows Installers BETA Available

2020-01-09 Thread Daniele Nicolodi
Hello Geof,

I tried your binaries of GNURadio 3.8 on Windows 10 and they do not work
for me. None of the executables run on my system: launching any of them
nothing happens. I don't have much experience with developing
applications on Windows, thus I don't know where to look to be able to
report more useful information.

The GNURadio 3.7 binaries work fine.

Thank you.


On 11-11-2019 19:07, Geof Nieboer wrote:
> All,
> A BETA version of the windows 64-bit installer for GR3.8 is available
> here

Re: FSK and Timing Recovery Questions

2020-01-09 Thread Andy Walls
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 13:57:09 -0600
> From: Alex Roberts
> To: GNURadio Discussion List
> Subject: FSK and Timing Recovery Questions
> Hello Mailing List,
> Happy New Year!
> I've been playing around with this (
> FSK audio modem and have a few issues/questions.
> 1) Is the PFB block the way to go for FSK timing recovery?

I recommend the new Symbol Synchronizer block.  It is a superset of all
the other GNURadio PLL timing recovery blocks, and it address a lot of
bugs that the old blocks have.  (To be fair the PFB clock-sync block is
the least buggy/best block of the old bunch.)

Please take a few minutes to read:

Slide 21 is where the theory ends and the practical begins.

>  I have issues
> where if I start the receiver before the transmitter, the system
> doesn't
> work. And if I start the transmitter before the receiver, it will
> eventually lose sync and never recover. I added a message strobe to
> send
> dummy data once a second (like a keep alive/heartbeat) and this helps
> it
> from losing sync in between time of when I send meaningful data.

Yeah, tracking loops can wander way off when there is no signal and it
trying to just track on noise.

With all fixed-gain PLL tracking loops (aka feedback tracking loop),
there is a trade off between long term tracking stability (low jitter)
and rapid acquisition.

The clock sync block's processing of the "time_est" tag or "clock_est"
tag is meant to be used in a data-aided timing acquisition scheme to
jump start packet symbol timing acquisition.  Some block ahead of the
symbol timing sync block needs to detect the preamble and then open-
loop, feedforward estimate where the center of one symbol is, and then
tag that symbol center.

> 1a) Reading docs on both PFB and M blocks, do I need a moving avg.
> filter
> after quad demod to round out the square pulses to allow PFB and M
> to
> better find peaks or is the moving avg filter implemented within the
> block?

The M block certainly needs a peaking filter, usually a matched
filter, out front.

The PFB clock sync block implements that filter for you.  However, it
crashes on filter designs for square pulses, because internally the PFB
clock-sync block builds a derivative matched filter.  That derivative
doesn't work out so well numerically with a square pulse filter as an
input parameter.

> 2) Is the pre-amble being muxed doing anything more than just padding
> my
> data to help the PFB lock in before actual data arrives?

Well that's part of the point of a preamble, to aid in symbol timing

Not that the PFB clock synch block does any of the following, but:

Preambles can also be used to estimate and correct carrier frequency

Preambles can also be used for adaptive channel equalization (e.g. RLS
or LMS adaptive filter).

> 3) Would the Correlation Estimator help since it can send "time_est"
> tags
> downstream to the PFB and if so, where would be the ideal place to
> put it?

Yes.  But that block tries to use an adaptive thresholding algorithm
that doesn't work well with preambles with poor auto-correlation


> Cheers,
> Alex