Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help with video link

2014-03-27 Thread Alexander Buckley
Hello Alexandru

thank you for your reply.

At the moment I am using a loopback cable on the USRP. I have been using
MPEG_TS as well but i noticed after reading your comment I was missing the
mpegtsdemux on my receiver chain.

I have something extremely crude operating now, though it is mostly a grey
screen, the image isn't there yet. This is what I have set up so far:

transmit chain:

gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 !
'video/x-raw-yuv,width=160,height=120' !  x264enc bitrate=1024 quantizer=10
tune=zerolatency ! mpegtsmux ! filesink location=txPIPE.ts


gst-launch filesrc location=rxPIPE.ts ! mpegtsdemux ! queue  ! h264parse !
ffdec_h264 ! xvimagesink sync=false

and my GRC flow graph in between is:

File Source:
repeat: no

FFT len: 512
Occ tones: 200
prefix: 20
pad for USRP: yes
Payload length: 0

USRP Sink:
samp rate: 500K

USRP Source:
samp rate: 500K

OFDM deMod
FFT len: 512
Occ tones: 200
prefix: 20
pad for USRP: yes
Payload length: 0
SNR: 20

File Sink:
Unbuffered: off
Append: Overwrite

I have had trouble with a few things. What i notice when using an FFT Plot
is that the signal is pulsating. I have been playing with CW values and
gains on the USRP to see if that helps. It does somewhat but not totally. I
wonder if this is a buffering issue. Though I have no feed back from my
terminal, no underflow or overflow or TIMEOUT, both grstreamers are
reporting to be playing (the rare time I get it through PREROLL into
PLAYING on rx side)

I have been trying all sorts of FFT sizes, occupied tones, grstreamer
bitrate values to no avail. All I have been able to do there is just make
it worse.

I have the communication channel equations set up in excel so can input
trial values and determine what my data rate through my flow graph should
be, and then line that number up with gstreamer's bitrate. No luck there..

I had also considered using an error coding block (the CCSDS) but I read in
the notes that comes with it the it wont work with packtised data. Which I
am assuming then doesn't work with the MPEG-TS?

I have bypassed the USRP with a throttle block and the signal is better.
It's more of the really low quality 'man in the space station' style. As it
is not that good, I figure some of my flow graph numbers are off or I've
missed something in my gstreamer command string.

Or my OFDM block is not set up right. I'm not sure what payload length
should besides default value or what pad for USRP does.


On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Alexandru Csete wrote:

 Hi Alexander,

 The de-facto standard way for sending video over the air (assuming you
 can't use wifi-like links) is to encapsulate all video and audio into
 a single, constant bitrate MPEG transport stream (aka. MPEG-TS). It's
 a packetized format designed specifically for transmission over lossy
 channels. MPEG-TS is used for DVB-T, DVB-S and probably also ATSC.

 If you just want something quick  dirty you can try:


 On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Alexander Buckley
  Hello all,
  I am completely stumped with trying to stream video using gnu radio (GRC)
  and the USRP. I have been at it for an absurdly long time without
 success. I
  could really use some help. (With Unbuntu and the latest UHD/GNU radio)
  There has got to be someone who has done this, but so far google is not
  I have read so many sites of people looking for help and being given
  that doesn't work, the internet is now fully spammed when it comes to
  After days and days I read things like:
   'To correctly and completely use the RTP payloaders on the sender and
  receiver you need to write an application. It is not possible to write a
  full blown RTP server with a single gst-launch-1.0 line.'
  or that player 'x' isn't really player 'x' its a fork due to developers
  fighting and is rather broken..
  Most of what I read is about streaming over a network with a constant
  rate (adaptive bit rate) which really does not relate well to USRP?
  I have tried countless permutations of command line strings with various
  options using gstreamer, ffmpeg, vlc. mplayer
  I have tried UDP and File sink/source.
  I once I had it nearly working but could not get the player to stream
 with a
  constant bitrate (which i think usrp would require?). I have lost track
  which player that was though.
  At this point I am completely desperate for a a solution. I am looking
  any solution that works (even badly).
  All I am to do is put together a demo, and it is becoming clear I have no
  idea what I am doing. Either that or this as far far less trivial than
  would think.
  I would greatly appreciate some help here as this endeavour is now
  quite expensive.
  Alexander Buckley

[Discuss-gnuradio] Help with video link

2014-03-26 Thread Alexander Buckley
Hello all,

I am completely stumped with trying to stream video using gnu radio (GRC)
and the USRP. I have been at it for an absurdly long time without success.
I could really use some help. (With Unbuntu and the latest UHD/GNU radio)

There has got to be someone who has done this, but so far google is not my

I have read so many sites of people looking for help and being given 'help'
that doesn't work, the internet is now fully spammed when it comes to this

After days and days I read things like:
 'To correctly and completely use the RTP payloaders on the sender and
the receiver
you need to write an application. It is not possible to write a full blown
RTP server with a single gst-launch-1.0 line.'
or that player 'x' isn't really player 'x' its a fork due to developers
fighting and is rather broken..

Most of what I read is about streaming over a network with a constant frame
rate (adaptive bit rate) which really does not relate well to USRP?

I have tried countless permutations of command line strings with various
options using gstreamer, ffmpeg, vlc. mplayer
I have tried UDP and File sink/source.

I once I had it nearly working but could not get the player to stream with
a constant bitrate (which i think usrp would require?). I have lost track
of which player that was though.

At this point I am completely desperate for a a solution. I am looking for
any solution that works (even badly).
All I am to do is put together a demo, and it is becoming clear I have no
idea what I am doing. Either that or this as far far less trivial than one
would think.

I would greatly appreciate some help here as this endeavour is now becoming
quite expensive.

Alexander Buckley
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] State of the art research

2014-03-24 Thread Alexander Buckley
Hello all

I have been trying to discover what is currently available in terms of open
source, working out-of-the box, modules implemented in GNU Radio and the
USRP, to use as a teaching aid with students.

I am interested in a few things, waveform generation, protocol stacks and
signal analysis.

My questions:

1. Are there working examples for producing 3G, UMTS, LTE, WiMAX signals
etc.? Are there implementations including MAC layer support?

2. Are there any implementations of a 'test vector analyser'?

3. What is available in terms of complete protocol stacks? I understand
there is openBTS, though I read somewhere it is not yet compatible with the
current version of GNU Radio. Is this true? What about openLTE?

4. Is there a repository for such projects that are updated that I have not
come across yet?

I have yet to find any real solid leads in my research for solutions. There
are vague references to such projects, or papers and examples circa 2009-11
that I think are now depreciated in terms of GNUradio 3.7 compatibility.

Any info/pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Alexander Buckley
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Piped Video Streaming Crash

2014-02-28 Thread Alexander Buckley
Hi Marcus

Hopefully your seeing this, for some reason that other
no long in my mail inbox or trash..

My problem was:

VLC - Named Pipe 1 - File Source GRC - OFDM MOD - USRP Sink- USRP -Source -
OFDM DEMOD - File Sink GRC - Named Pipe 2 - Mplayer
 (FAILS!!). Reports: Segfault (core dumped).  GRC file is running, VLC is
streaming. Fail occurs as soon as I open Named Pipe 2 with Mplayer

cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :v4l2-width=160 :v4l2-height=120
:v4l2-aspect-ratio=4/3 --noaudio
--sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024}:file{dst=./txPIPE.ts} :sout-keep
 and reading with mplayer, where the error only occurs when I introduce the
USRP N210 to the circuit.

You had asked what was crashing, the play or the grc produced python set up.

It is the python/GNU radio that is crashing.

I have also had it report the following:
*** glibc detected *** python: realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x0a9c9450 ***
*** glibc detected *** python: malloc(): smallbin double linked list
corrupted: 0x0a9efcb8 ***

I have trouble seeing how this should be failing like this as I have used
the same set up to send a text file, with the only difference being that
the file read is set to repeat.

I have been thinking there could be trouble with data rates, though I had
expected that would all be taken care of by back pressure if nothing is
really specified.

I really am following the set up Alexandru Csete's. The only differences
being is that he is using a mac book, older usrp1 and gstreamer.
But i don't any of that should be the difference, the commands are quite
straight forward.

I had to try quite a few combinations of streamers/players to get it
to work initially without GRC stuff in the loop. The errors presented along
the way getting to that point were very different. But now that I have that
part sorted, the players don't complain or crash with what I am trying to

It is the GRC-python file when the USRP is added. I am using my USRP for
all sorts of other things just fine though.
So again I keep coming back to data rates, buffers etc.

I do have this always displayed when i run my USRP, I have just always been
ignoring it:

UHD Warning:
The send buffer could not be resized sufficiently.
Target sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.
Actual sock buff size: 131071 bytes.
See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.
Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=1048576

Running sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=1048576 doesn't stop this warning.

But if I do have USRP buffer size problem, that does relate to segfaults,
malloc etc...
This is rather beyond my USRP knowledge level though

Alexander Buckley
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Piped Video Streaming Crash

2014-02-21 Thread Alexander Buckley
Hello all

Sorry if this is a duplicate, haven't found a thread with me specific
config (no UDP).

ubuntu 12.10
GNU Radio
UHD 003.006.002-1

I have been trying to set up a video link (loop back cable) using named
pipes but am stuck with a crash.
It works until I introduce the USRP into the loop. Though it is the same
set up I use to transmit I text file without trouble.

What I have done:

VLC - Named Pipe - VLC
(fail) - found reference to VLC bugs in forums so gave up on that

VLC - Named Pipe - Mplayer

VLC - Named Pipe 1 - File Source GRC - File Sink GRC - Named Pipe 2 -

VLC - Named Pipe 1 - File Source GRC - OFDM MOD - OFDM DEMOD - File Sink
GRC - Named Pipe 2 - Mplayer

Now with hardware:
VLC - Named Pipe 1 - File Source GRC - OFDM MOD - USRP Sink- USRP -Source -
OFDM DEMOD - File Sink GRC - Named Pipe 2 - Mplayer
(FAILS!!). Reports: Segfault (core dumped).  GRC file is running, VLC is
streaming. Fail occurs as soon as I open Named Pipe 2 with Mplayer

However, this is the identical GRC - USRP setup I use to repeatedly
transmit a text file successfully.
I have no reason to believe the UHDlib is failing, the segfault I think is
a python crash?

The parameters I am using:

cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 :v4l2-width=160 :v4l2-height=120
:v4l2-aspect-ratio=4/3 --noaudio
--sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024}:file{dst=./txPIPE.ts} :sout-keep

sample rate 12.5M

GRC: - not sure of the impact of these settings
These are the ones I am not so sure of:
File source, repeat yes or no?
File Sink, unbuffered on or off? append file on or off?

I am guessing my problem is related to sample rate, buffer sizes, frame
rate etc. I have tried a few permutations without luck though, but not
I have not set camera fps -
*v4l2-fps float*I have hoped the data flow back pressure would be dealt
with by perhaps VLC with default setting (zero)? Or I'd just miss frames on

Just looking for some suggestions here I as I have put a good bit of time
into this now without luck

Alexander Buckley
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list