[Discuss-gnuradio] GSoC: Multiple students working on an idea.

2014-03-09 Thread Jared Boone
Hi GNU Radio discussers,

I'm the mentor for the signal analysis tool on the GNU Radio GSoC ideas page. I 
was contacted by two students interested in working on the project. They know 
each other, go to the same school, and are in my home town -- a very nice 
setup! A recent message on this list asked if multiple students could receive a 
GSoC stipend for working on a single idea/project. The answer is apparently 
no according to the GSoC FAQ. However, there's this answer on the FAQ as well:

11. What happens if two students are accepted to work on the same project, 
e.g. from an organization's Ideas list?

That's fine, a little duplication is par for the course in open source.

I take this to mean I should have both students submit proposals, and that 
there's a possibility both of them will be selected to work on the project. 
Does that sound right? I'm guessing my project idea is so obscure there's very 
little chance of Google wanting to dedicate *two* students to it. But it seems 
like that's the only way both students will be able to receive a stipend. 

- Jared

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Persistence causes glAccum exception

2012-05-24 Thread Jared Boone
On May 24, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Marcus D. Leech wrote:

 Near as I can tell, the persistence feature is intended to give a kind of 
 storage-scope effect, or high-persistence phosphor effect.

I achieved a similar effect in the ubertooth-specan-ui Python app, built on top 
of Qt's newer PySide Python library. Perhaps it'll be a useful reference for 
reimplementation in Qt without relying on OpenGL.

The general technique is to draw the graph into an off-screen image. During 
each frame update, black is drawn over the existing image, with a small alpha 
value, which effectively fades the prior image. The new graph is rendered over 
the top at alpha = 1.0, then the image is copied to the screen. It seems to 
perform quite well. I presume most video drivers can push the pixels-with-alpha 
BLTing into the hardware.


The meat of this technique is in RenderArea._draw_graph(). I imagine the code 
would map directly to the C++ Qt API.

I hear the author of Kismet has done something similar in his software, but I 
don't know what graphics API he built it on.

- Jared

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] MacOS, AVX, GCC, and LLVM

2012-05-09 Thread Jared Boone
On May 8, 2012, at 2:29 PM, Josh Blum wrote:

 Note that I'm compiling on a Sandy Bridge Intel processor, so Altivec
 (PPC), NEON (ARM), and float-ABI (ARM?) aren't available. Also, LLVM
 3.0 doesn't support -mpopcnt, and apparently doesn't support
 -munsafe_math_optimizations. And yet, the detections are showing
 Success. Sure enough, when I make, volk bombs out with:
 cc1: error: unrecognized command line option -mfpu=neon cc1: error:
 unrecognized command line option -mfloat-abi=softfp
 OK so, thats a pretty thorough analysis of the issue. I guess there
 there is question of how to fix/who to blame:
 1) cmake is at fault, and that patch needs to be in there

The CMake team has already incorporated a patch against forthcoming CMake 2.8.9:


However, I don't think the patch is ideal -- regex on compiler output seems 
like running with scissors to me. It'd be better for Clang to report an error 
by shell return code. But see below, because I don't think CMake has an 
alternative to output string parsing, at the moment.

 2) clang is at fault and should error/not warn.

This is what I believe, but in the short term, it appears the CMake people have 
already had to deal with warnings that are errors as far as CMake is concerned.

 Is there a clang flag to force unknown flags to become errors?
 I think you can just pass another flag to CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG along
 with the one being check.

I tried using clang -Werror, but that does not change the return code -- it's 
0 with or without -Werror. I noodled around with 
-fdiagnostics-show-category=id and -fdiagnostics-show-category=name, but didn't 
get any reaction from Clang. I even dug through the Clang source and tried to 
target the specific warning by name, like this:

/usr/bin/c++ -Werror=unused-command-line-argument -Dhave_maltivec -maltivec -o 
test.cxx.o -c test.cxx

Still, I get 0.

It looks like the Clang team is aware of and has addressed this problem in time 
for the forthcoming LLVM 3.1 release:


 And if thats not possible we could switch to CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES
 to help with the flag tests.
 3) volk has a way to specify compiler specific flags. But its probably
 wrong to use this if clang is using GCC flags and reporting as GNU.

Unless there's a workable Clang flag scheme I haven't tried, I'm not sure this 
would address the problem for LLVM releases  3.1, due to what I described 
above re: return codes.

Perhaps attempting to compile a single inline assembly instruction for the 
architecture/instruction set in question would yield a proper failure, 
regardless of Clang's behavior?

- Jared

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] MacOS, AVX, GCC, and LLVM

2012-05-05 Thread Jared Boone
I spent some time last night getting the the development branch of GNU Radio to 
compile on MacOS X 10.7. In the process, I saw some people having issues with 
compiler/assembler AVX support, Apple's ancient GPLv2 as, and Xcode's LLVM. I 
succeeded in building and running GNU Radio using Xcode 4.3.2's tools (no 
MacPorts gcc, llvm, or cctools). I'm posting what I learned, in hopes somebody 
knows how to fix this from the GNU Radio source side (instead of patching 
CMake, as I did).

The problem I saw, having to do with Clang compiler flag detection for ORC 
during cmake:

-- Performing Test have_maltivec
-- Performing Test have_maltivec - Success
-- Performing Test have_mfpu_neon
-- Performing Test have_mfpu_neon - Success
-- Performing Test have_mfloat_abi_softfp
-- Performing Test have_mfloat_abi_softfp - Success
-- Performing Test have_funsafe_math_optimizations
-- Performing Test have_funsafe_math_optimizations - Success
-- Performing Test have_mpopcnt
-- Performing Test have_mpopcnt - Success

Note that I'm compiling on a Sandy Bridge Intel processor, so Altivec (PPC), 
NEON (ARM), and float-ABI (ARM?) aren't available. Also, LLVM 3.0 doesn't 
support -mpopcnt, and apparently doesn't support -munsafe_math_optimizations. 
And yet, the detections are showing Success. Sure enough, when I make, volk 
bombs out with:

cc1: error: unrecognized command line option -mfpu=neon
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option -mfloat-abi=softfp

Examining build/volk/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log, the command line executed for 
detecting the Altivec flag is:

/usr/bin/c++-Dhave_maltivec   -maltivec -o 
CMakeFiles/cmTryCompileExec.dir/src.cxx.o -c 

Creating my own src.cxx (int main() { return 0; }) and trying this out yields:

clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-maltivec'

Clang warns about the unrecognized flag, but CMake doesn't consider it an 
error. Why? Examining volk/lib/CMakeLists.txt, I see that CMake's 
CheckCXXCompilerFlag is included, and CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG is called with 
each flag to test.

Looking at CMake's CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG, I see it tests the compiler's 
stdout (or stderr?) against these regular expressions:

 # Some compilers do not fail with a bad flag
 FAIL_REGEX unrecognized .*option # GNU
 FAIL_REGEX unknown .*option  # Clang
 FAIL_REGEX ignoring unknown option   # MSVC
 FAIL_REGEX warning D9002 # MSVC, any lang
 FAIL_REGEX [Uu]nknown option # HP
 FAIL_REGEX [Ww]arning: [Oo]ption # SunPro
 FAIL_REGEX command option .* is not recognized   # XL
 FAIL_REGEX not supported in this configuration; ignored   # AIX
 FAIL_REGEX File with unknown suffix passed to linker # PGI

None of these regex tests will catch the Clang warning above.

My first inclination was to see if I could set a Clang flag (like -Werror) to 
cause unused arguments to produce an error. But I can't tell how to do that 
with CMake. If somebody knows how to do this from within the GNU Radio sources, 
that would be ideal. Instead, I patched CMake as follows:

--- /opt/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CheckCXXCompilerFlag.cmake.orig  
2012-05-04 23:41:16.0 -0700
+++ /opt/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CheckCXXCompilerFlag.cmake   
2012-05-04 23:43:19.0 -0700
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
  # Some compilers do not fail with a bad flag
  FAIL_REGEX unrecognized .*option # GNU
  FAIL_REGEX unknown .*option  # Clang
+ FAIL_REGEX argument unused during compilation# Clang
  FAIL_REGEX ignoring unknown option   # MSVC
  FAIL_REGEX warning D9002 # MSVC, any lang
  FAIL_REGEX [Uu]nknown option # HP

This results in more sensible flag detection for ORC during cmake:

-- Performing Test have_maltivec
-- Performing Test have_maltivec - Failed
-- Performing Test have_mfpu_neon
-- Performing Test have_mfpu_neon - Failed
-- Performing Test have_mfloat_abi_softfp
-- Performing Test have_mfloat_abi_softfp - Failed
-- Performing Test have_funsafe_math_optimizations
-- Performing Test have_funsafe_math_optimizations - Failed
-- Performing Test have_mpopcnt
-- Performing Test have_mpopcnt - Failed
-- GCC missing xgetbv, Overruled arch avx
-- Check size of void*[8]
-- Check size of void*[8] - done
-- CPU width is 64 bits, Overruled arch 32
-- Available architectures: 
-- Available machines: 

...and more importantly, I can compile GNU Radio and run