
I have a Beagle Board running Gnuradio(3.2.1). I copied the gnuradio-examples folder from Gnuradio (3.2.2) on the Beagle Board (BB). When I run the usrp_benchmark_usb, I get a maximum throughput of 4MB/sec, instead of 32MB/sec on my regular Linux desktop. Here is my problem: On the Beagle Board, I am getting lots of dropped packets, most false packets, u0 and uU when running benchmark_tx/rx, and tunnel.py.
My first assumption is that I have a USB bottleneck. Am I correct?

I have tried to resolve these problems using a few options so far:
Option 1. Reducing the rate (I modified the gnuradio examples files accordingly), so I am pretty sure I am reducing the rate of transmission. [The verbose statements for Requested bit rate and Actual bitrate are the same]. That did not resolve my problems. Why?

Option 2. Changing buffer size. I am trying to tweak the buffer size(by modifying fusb_block_size and nblocks) , but I do not know how to check that the change actually occured in realtime. (a) Where can I find the real value of the realtime buffer size so I can print it in verbose. I tried to trace it down, but eventually hit a wall. (b) How do you think I can change the buffer size and rate in order to satisfy a maximum throughput of 2MB/sec and still get reliable data? (c) I know that buffer size is B*N, where B is a multiple of 512 bytes. I also know that a large N can cause latency, but I want to disregard any latency issues for now. Will I resolve anything by changing B and N? I have attempted a few combinations of B, N and rate, still no solutions.

Any suggestions to resolve these issues are welcome.


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