[Discuss-gnuradio] Extracting tags from gr-zeromq blocks directly in python with pmt.deserialize

2016-04-05 Thread Johannes Schmitz

Hello everyone,
is there a way to use
pmt.serialize(pmt_t obj, std::streambuf sink)
and especially

pmt.deserialize(std::streambuf source)

in Python?
Or is there another recommended way how to extract the serialized data 
from the zeromq messages?

See documentation here

We need it here in order to extract the tags send from a zeromq pub sink 
block directly in Python with the zeromq.probe_manager
We did some crazy kind of reverse engineering of the serialization 
format in order to be able to manually extract the data using

pmt.deserialize_str(string str)

But that is not generic (just works for the tags of the USRP block) at 
all and will probably break in a new version or so.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] phase shift block

2015-02-02 Thread Johannes Schmitz

Application Note Synchronization and MIMO Capability with USRP Devices 
from Ettus includes a phase_shift block in Figure 5. Whatever happend 
to that block? Can't find it, did it get replaced?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] PMT Python Bug

2013-08-06 Thread Johannes Schmitz
When I go to pmt and back to Python with a dict ints are converted to 
long. Is that on purpose?

import pmt

a = {'asdf': 34, 'qwer': 3.7}

In [26]: pmt.to_python(pmt.to_pmt(a))
Out[26]: {'asdf': 34L, 'qwer': 3.7}

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] gr_delay behaviour

2012-10-23 Thread Johannes Schmitz
One short question. What happens if I call the set_delay method of the
gr_delay block during runtime. Will it throw away/add some samples
when the delay is changed?
I am actually trying to create a block that throws away some samples
whenever I call a memberfunction skip() but having difficulties
testing it.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr_delay behaviour

2012-10-23 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I am now just using a simple gr_block to asynchronously skip some
samples from time to time by calling

return 0;

I didn't define any forecast function and it seems to work fine but I
am wondering what is the performance impact of not doing this.
Shouldn't I basically somehow let the scheduler know that I am
skipping something by writinga custom forecast?
The amount of skipped samples is relatively low compared to the passed samples.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP 1 and 2 Fuse replacement

2011-11-15 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hi guys,
we need to replace a Fuse in two USRP 1 and one USRP2 box.
Can anybody tell me exactly which fuses we have to order?

Johannes Schmitz

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP 1 and 2 Fuse replacement

2011-11-15 Thread Johannes Schmitz
We are located in Germany. Here in Farnell I can only find
would it be ok as well?

For USRP2 I can find
so this should be fine.

They broke over a longer period of time, mostly due to broken power
supplies. But weren't replaced because we didn't need all of our
USRP's for quite some time.

 For the USRP1, the fuse is:


 Available at digikey

 And for USRP2:


 Both available at DigiKey

 But I have to ask--how did you blow fuses on 3 of your devices?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP 1 and 2 Fuse replacement

2011-11-15 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Ok we just decided to order from DigiKey and take the parts that you
have mentioned.

 For the USRP1, the fuse is:


 Available at digikey

 And for USRP2:


 Both available at DigiKey

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP transient peak from lock, unlock, set decim/freq

2011-07-19 Thread Johannes Schmitz
 Also, there's no reason to lock the flow-graph for frequency changes or gain
 changes (or a bunch of other parametric changes
  within the flow-graph).  I've never had to use lock()/unlock()--I
 understand that they're used during flow-graph topology changes.
  But parametric changes don't require lock()/unlock() at all.
Actually I am using lock and unlock for flowgraph reconfiguration
during runtime.

I found a way how to avoid transient problems. I will just reset my
filters some time after it occurs.

Now I found another similar problem. I saw this somewhere before but
forgot that it occurs:
When I stop my receiver and transmitter and then look at usrp_fft I
can still see a very strong and small peak at the carrier frequency.
How can I avoid/remove this?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] USRP transient peak from lock, unlock, set decim/freq

2011-07-12 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I am getting some kind of very strong transient peak when using lock
unlock and changing usrp decimation rate and frequency and in the
Is this a normal behaviour?
So each time I reconfigure my system I have to throw away some samples
to avoid this peak or am I doing something wrong?

I made this short example program and the peak can be found at the
beginning of the logged data and somewhere in the middle. The
beginning peak only occurs sometimes. So make sure to run it several
times if you want to see it.
It happens in USRP1 as well as USRP2.

I hope somebody can confirm this or tell me that the problem has been
removed in newer gnuradio versions.


#!/usr/bin/env python

from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import usrp
from gnuradio import usrp2
from gr_tools import log_to_file

from time import sleep

class top_block(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self):
gr.top_block.__init__(self, fusb error)

self.u = usrp.source_c ()
#self.u = usrp2.source_32fc('eth1')

self.sink = gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)
self.connect(self.u, self.sink)

log_to_file(self, self.u, data/test_u.compl)

def reconfigure(self):
print 'lock'
print 'unlock'

if __name__ == '__main__':
app = top_block()
print 'start'
print reconfigured
print 'now stopping'
print 'stopped'

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] c++ probe block concurrency, locking necessary?

2011-07-11 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hi Johnathan,
can you give me some hint how to use the mutex? Why is it not possible
just to use lock and unlock?


2011/7/8 Johannes Schmitz jsem...@gmx.de:
 I changed my code to use boost::mutex now. Therefore I included
 #include boost/thread.hpp

 Then I did something like this, which made my program go into a deadlock :(

 in header:
 boost::mutex d_metric_mutex;

 in .cc
 d_metric.x = 1
 d_metric.y = 2

 and accessor:

 metric get_metric ()
    return d_metric;

 2011/7/8 Johannes Schmitz jsem...@gmx.de:
 Thanks for your answer.

 Yes, this is not only possible but likely to happen.  You will need to
 acquire a mutex in your work function just prior to updating the probe data,
 and release it afterward.  The accessor function also needs to do the same,
 copy the probe data locally, then release the mutex.  The gruel library in
 GNU Radio is has a gruel::mutex for this purpose.  It's really a typedef for
 boost::mutex, so you can also use that directly.

 I am really kind of a beginner when it comes to this mutex stuff.
 Since we don't have the newest gnuradio version from git running here
 it seems I need to use something called mld_mutex instead of gruel.
 I found this via google in usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin but it is not
 working. I couldn't find out which header to include.

 My idea was to do something like this:
 d_metric is a struct

 d_metric.x = something
 d_metric.y = something

 metric get_metric () const
    return d_metric;

 So when I return a struct to python via SWIG, what will happen. Will
 there be some copy of it generated?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] c++ probe block concurrency, locking necessary?

2011-07-08 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hey guys,
I am implementing a probe block that stores several values to a member
struct so they can be read from pyhton via accessor method
(get_probe_values() const {return probe_struct;}).
Now my question is: Is it necessary to use some kind of thread locking
mechanism to prevent gnuradio from changing one of the values until
the accessor method can return the whole struct to python?
I am affraid of getting probe values from different cycles that
don't belong together.
In other words is it possible that the work() method and
get_probe_values() will be called at the same time and I get some
concurrency problem?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] c++ probe block concurrency, locking necessary?

2011-07-08 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Thanks for your answer.

 Yes, this is not only possible but likely to happen.  You will need to
 acquire a mutex in your work function just prior to updating the probe data,
 and release it afterward.  The accessor function also needs to do the same,
 copy the probe data locally, then release the mutex.  The gruel library in
 GNU Radio is has a gruel::mutex for this purpose.  It's really a typedef for
 boost::mutex, so you can also use that directly.

I am really kind of a beginner when it comes to this mutex stuff.
Since we don't have the newest gnuradio version from git running here
it seems I need to use something called mld_mutex instead of gruel.
I found this via google in usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin but it is not
working. I couldn't find out which header to include.

My idea was to do something like this:
d_metric is a struct

d_metric.x = something
d_metric.y = something

metric get_metric () const
return d_metric;

So when I return a struct to python via SWIG, what will happen. Will
there be some copy of it generated?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] c++ probe block concurrency, locking necessary?

2011-07-08 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I changed my code to use boost::mutex now. Therefore I included
#include boost/thread.hpp

Then I did something like this, which made my program go into a deadlock :(

in header:
boost::mutex d_metric_mutex;

in .cc
d_metric.x = 1
d_metric.y = 2

and accessor:

metric get_metric ()
return d_metric;

2011/7/8 Johannes Schmitz jsem...@gmx.de:
 Thanks for your answer.

 Yes, this is not only possible but likely to happen.  You will need to
 acquire a mutex in your work function just prior to updating the probe data,
 and release it afterward.  The accessor function also needs to do the same,
 copy the probe data locally, then release the mutex.  The gruel library in
 GNU Radio is has a gruel::mutex for this purpose.  It's really a typedef for
 boost::mutex, so you can also use that directly.

 I am really kind of a beginner when it comes to this mutex stuff.
 Since we don't have the newest gnuradio version from git running here
 it seems I need to use something called mld_mutex instead of gruel.
 I found this via google in usrp/host/lib/fusb_darwin but it is not
 working. I couldn't find out which header to include.

 My idea was to do something like this:
 d_metric is a struct

 d_metric.x = something
 d_metric.y = something

 metric get_metric () const
    return d_metric;

 So when I return a struct to python via SWIG, what will happen. Will
 there be some copy of it generated?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] solving u0u0 problems

2011-07-06 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hi Marcus,
 What type of sample rates?  What compute platform?
We are running on Ubuntu 10.10 64bit. What do you mean with type of
sample rates? Maybe USRP decimation rate? I am changing fft-size based
on this.
So for 4MHz i am using 1088 fft-size and for 2MHz i am using 544MHz
and I am getting the problem when running with 2MHz.

 FFTW performance is often counter-intuitive.
Can you explain this?

 Are you using the default TPB scheduling?
What is TPB scheduling? How can I find out more about scheduling? I
never found something like this in the documentation.

 What else is in your flow-graph?
First block is a stream to vector conversion. Then I am doing a number
of operations on this vectors using standard GNUradio blocks as well
as some custom made blocks.

I still don't know what this u0u0 means and from which part of
GNUradio it comes from. Is suppose it is some kind of buffer overflow
between the blocks or something like that?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] solving u0u0 problems

2011-07-06 Thread Johannes Schmitz
 I mean what sample rates--it sounds like 2Msps and 4Msps.
You are right.

 If you haven't touched it, then you're using TPB (Thread Per Block)
What other schedulers are available? Where can I find information about this?

 uO means USRP overrun--the USRP is delivering data at a rate that is
 faster than your flow-graph
  can keep up with, causing overruns.

  The only way to cure this is to
 reduce your sample rates,
  reduce your flow-graph computational complexity, or use a
 higher-performance computer.

The strange thing is the problem occurs when I am reducing the sampling rate.
So how can find out which block in my flowgraph is running to slow?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] solving u0u0 problems

2011-07-06 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hey Marcus,
I used oprofile to get a better idea where the problem is located.
I found that it is indeed a problem with libfftw3.
Besides the gnuradio fft block I am calculating a crosscorrelation
using the fft. That means fft-size will be 2*N-1 with vectorlength N.
So for 1024 vectorlength I will be calculating an fft of size 2047.
Maybe this is the problem.

Now my idea is to pad the fft input to a power of 2 size or use a
cyclic cross correlation instead.

Any other suggestions?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 General I/O

2011-07-06 Thread Johannes Schmitz
 I guess there's a search function for a reason; I have found a similar
 question in the archives and I believe I have found a suitable answer. Sorry
 for the waste of time.

Then why dont you post the link to the answer in here?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] solving u0u0 problems

2011-07-06 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hi Marcus,

 Tom Rondeau, on the mailing list, is the guy to talk to about adding new
 blocks.  There is a correlator block already.
Ok, maybe I will contact Tom.
Which block do you mean exactly?
I am looking for a block that acts like xcorr() in matlab. There is no
such block.

 I refer to sample-rate matching.  For example, audio devices often run at a
 sample rate of 44.1Ksps, which is obviously
  different than the sample rate you're using in your flow-graph.  So if your
 flow-graph ends up (for example) sending output
  to an audio sink, the sample stream has to be decimated or interpolated to
 the rate of the audio sink.  Sometimes, people forget
  this when using the audio sinks, and get into the types of trouble you're
I am not doing something like this. We are working with USRP's.

By the way I was able to fix the initial problem using a cyclic cross
correlation function with power of 2 fft-size.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] how to remove/suppress gr_buffer::allocate_buffer: warning:

2011-06-17 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I am getting the following warning when running my script:

gr_buffer::allocate_buffer: warning: tried to allocate
   4 items of size 88192. Due to alignment requirements
   32 were allocated.  If this isn't OK, consider padding
   your structure to a power-of-two bytes.
   On this platform, our allocation granularity is 4096 bytes.

Can somebody tell me how to solve this problem or suppress this warning?

I found it has to do something with fft-size that is not power of 2..

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to remove/suppress gr_buffer::allocate_buffer: warning:

2011-06-17 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Martin,
I will check my code to find out why it is so big.

Is there an easy way to somehow suppress this warning in case I am
willing to ignore it?


2011/6/17 Martin Braun martin.br...@kit.edu:
 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 03:42:07PM +0200, Johannes Schmitz wrote:
 I am getting the following warning when running my script:

 gr_buffer::allocate_buffer: warning: tried to allocate
    4 items of size 88192. Due to alignment requirements
    32 were allocated.  If this isn't OK, consider padding
    your structure to a power-of-two bytes.
    On this platform, our allocation granularity is 4096 bytes.

 Can somebody tell me how to solve this problem or suppress this warning?

 I found it has to do something with fft-size that is not power of 2..

 Buffers between blocks are always an integer multiple of the
 item-size (in your case 88192) and 4096. The LCM of 88192 and 4096
 is pretty large, and tadaa, you get a warning.

 It's just a warning. If everything works fine... just ignore it. But
 it's a waste of memory. If you want to optimize this, change your
 itemsize. You will normally have to adapt the way the data is handled,
 e.g., you could pad the input to 90112=22*4096 and then discard
 90112-88192=1920 Bytes of every input vector.

 Personally, I usually just ignore it, since it rarely turns up in less
 unusual applications.


 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
 Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

 Dipl.-Ing. Martin Braun
 Research Associate

 Kaiserstraße 12
 Building 05.01
 76131 Karlsruhe

 Phone: +49 721 608-43790
 Fax: +49 721 608-46071

 KIT -- University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
 National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-31 Thread Johannes Schmitz
 Is it conceivable that this particular problem is specific to a particular
 type of USB host controller, since various folks
  have reported I can't make it break, whereas a couple of folks (Johannes
 and Brett) are able to make it break.

We tried with two different PCs and two IBM Notebooks. It happens
every time. So I am not sure if we can say that it is because of host
controller type.
Maybe it is an Ubuntu specific problem.

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-31 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Thomas,

 I'm not able to reproduce this error with the posted examples. Please
 try compiling with the --fusb-tech=libusb1 option and post any error
 output. It may not solve the problem, but debugging with libusb is
 simpler than debugging through the kernel.

Which distribution are you using? Is it Ubuntu as well?
I tried to compile with this option but I am getting the following
error when running configure:

checking for boost = 1.35... no
configure: error: we could not detect the boost libraries (version
1.35 or higher).
If you are sure you have boost installed, then check your version
number looking in boost/version.hpp.

boost 1.42 is installed so I don't understand this.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to trigger dynamic reconfiguration with lock/disconnect

2011-05-31 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Yang,
Do you have any specific questions?
Better you write some example programs first, then come back with your
exact questions I think.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-31 Thread Johannes Schmitz
 You gotta be more specific. IBM Notebooks doesn't tell us what USB
 controller it is. At least give us the output of lspci.

Actually our two Lab PC seem to have the same USB Controller:

00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB
UHCI Controller

But I tried on another machine which has nvidia MCP61 USB Controller

The IBM Notebook (T61) has a Intel 82801H Controller.

USRP Revision is 4.2 (at least the one I have on my desktop)


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-31 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I found that our gnuradio is based on a version from git from Thu Feb
11 08:18:46 2010
But there are some patches and changes from our side so it is not so
easy for us to just jump to the newest version
Today I compiled the newest version from git to see what happens with
the example code and I don't get the fusb problem anymore.
Does anybody know which patch resolved the issue?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-30 Thread Johannes Schmitz
In your gnuradio generated code you use run() instead of start()
method and you forgot to put unlock().
After changing this it crashes with fusb error.

2011/5/27 Brett L. Trotter b...@webtrotter.com:
 Does this crash you?

 from gnuradio import eng_notation
 from gnuradio import gr
 from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
 from gnuradio.gr import firdes
 from grc_gnuradio import usrp as grc_usrp
 from optparse import OptionParser

 class crashme(gr.top_block):

        def __init__(self):
                gr.top_block.__init__(self, Crashme)

                # Variables
                self.interp = interp = 64
                self.decim = decim = 32
                self.tx_rate = tx_rate = 128e6/interp
                self.rx_rate = rx_rate = 64e6/decim
                self.center_freq = center_freq = 1e6

                # Blocks
                self.usrp_simple_source_x_0 =
 grc_usrp.simple_source_c(which=0, side=A, rx_ant=RXAB)
                self.usrp_simple_sink_x_0 =
 grc_usrp.simple_sink_c(which=0, side=A)
                self.gr_sig_source_x_0 = gr.sig_source_c(tx_rate,
 gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 1000, 4000, 0)
                self.gr_null_sink_0 = gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1)
                self.gr_head_0_0 = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, 300)
                self.gr_head_0 = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, 300)

                # Connections
                self.connect((self.gr_sig_source_x_0, 0),
 (self.gr_head_0, 0))
                self.connect((self.gr_head_0, 0),
 (self.usrp_simple_sink_x_0, 0))
                self.connect((self.usrp_simple_source_x_0, 0),
 (self.gr_head_0_0, 0))
                self.connect((self.gr_head_0_0, 0),
 (self.gr_null_sink_0, 0))

 if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage=%prog:
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        tb = crashme()
        print Flowgraph finished, calling lock
        print Calling stop

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-30 Thread Johannes Schmitz
 The error is coming from the kernel. Can you describe your system setup?

We tried to run the code on Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04.
Every time we get the fusb error :(
It seems we have to throw away our USRP1's and move to USRP2...


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-30 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Marcus,

 Have you tried it under UHD?

we did not try it under UHD.
Honestly I don't have any experience with UHD.
But do you want to say that the traditional API is not supported anymore?
If yes, what is the best way to get started with UHD?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-30 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Brett,
please use Reply All when answering, or send it only to the
mailinglist. But don't send it only to me.

Of course I inserted unlock somewhere after lock. Also you have to
replace tb.run() with tb.start().


2011/5/30 Brett L. Trotter b...@webtrotter.com:
 On 05/30/2011 07:13 AM, Johannes Schmitz wrote:
 In your gnuradio generated code you use run() instead of start()
 method and you forgot to put unlock().
 After changing this it crashes with fusb error.
 most of that was actually generated by GRC, I only added a few lines:

       print Flowgraph finished, calling lock
       print Calling stop

 Where did you insert unlock()?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to trigger dynamic reconfiguration with lock/disconnect

2011-05-27 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Alex,

 What documentation was possible to find? Was this part of it:

In this document disconnect is not mentioned at all.
Your example and another example from the mailing list helped me to
understand how to basically use it.

In some post I found an example which shows that the system gets stuck
if you use lock/unlock in a hierarchical block.
see this:
(The hang is a different bug that will be addressed soon.) and that
was 2009 but for me the code still hangs.

So I am planning to create two hierarchical blocks and switch between
them at the top block layer.

The problem now is I have no idea how to trigger the reconfiguration
based on some events that occur in the hierarchical blocks.
I need to send a message/control signal to the top block to tell him
to lock and reconfigure but I don't know how to do this.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to trigger dynamic reconfiguration with lock/disconnect

2011-05-27 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I did some more research on the topic to get some ideas.
Now it seems there are two possibilities to send control signals
between the blocks:

1. Use a message queue and a watcher thread like in the digital example pkt.py

2. Use a probe block like gr.probe_avg_mag_sqrd and an endless while
loop in the main that checks for a change in some bool variable in
this block

Can anybody confirm this or tell me some other possibilities?

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] how to trigger dynamic reconfiguration with lock/disconnect

2011-05-27 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hi Scott,

 This works well during testing. Once you get some kind of protocol or some
 series of steps that you want to do, you can just test a flag, and whenever
 your block finishes set it to true, then reconfigure.

What do you mean with your block finishes ? How do you implement this flags?

I am now using a thread to implement the state machine.
I am using member variables in the C++ blocks to implement the flags
or to hand over certain signals/values to the control thread.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-27 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I am getting this error:

fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

What does it mean and what can I do to solve this.
Crazy thing is it doesn't happen every time I call my rx script.
I tried to pull usrp power plug and usb plug but it did not help.


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-27 Thread Johannes Schmitz
I made a simple example to show how it happens.
It is a problem of lock/unlock in combination with usrp.

Like this the lock unlock disconnect seems to absolutely unusable :(


#!/usr/bin/env python

from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import usrp

from time import sleep

class top_block(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self):
gr.top_block.__init__(self, fusb error)

self.u = usrp.source_c ()
self.sink = gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex)
self.connect(self.u, self.sink)

def reconfigure(self):
print 'lock'
print 'unlock'

if __name__ == '__main__':
app = top_block()
print 'start'
print reconfigured
print 'now stopping'
print 'stopped'

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] fusb: (rd status -2) No such file or directory

2011-05-27 Thread Johannes Schmitz
We are running Ubuntu 10.10, I can not look up the kernel version
because I am at home right now but it should be 2.6.35-28.
Do you need further details?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Reconfigure example with lock/disconnect/connect/unlock code hangs randomly

2011-05-26 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hey guys,
I have written some example code to learn how to dynamically
reconfigure gnuradio based on events generated by probe blocks and a
watcher thread.
First I thought everything is running very well but later I noticed
that the program hangs if you let it run long enough.
If you uncomment the sleep(0.0001) it seems to be working fine but says:

Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown)

We are running Ubuntu 10.10 over here.

Can somebody please run the code and confirm this?
Looks like a bug for me.


#!/usr/bin/env python

from gnuradio import gr
import gnuradio.gr.gr_threading as _threading
from time import sleep

class h_block_one(gr.hier_block2):
def __init__(self):
gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, foo,
gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0),
gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0))

vec = range(100)

self.source = gr.vector_source_f(vec,True,1)
self.probe = gr.probe_signal_f()
self.sink = gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float)
self.connect(self.source, self.probe)

def level_one(self):
return self.probe.level()

class h_block_two(gr.hier_block2):
def __init__(self):
gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, bar,
gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0),
gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0))

vec = range(100)

self.source = gr.vector_source_f(vec,True,1)
self.probe = gr.probe_signal_f()
self.sink = gr.null_sink(gr.sizeof_float)
self.connect(self.source, self.probe)

def level_two(self):
return self.probe.level()

class probe_this(gr.top_block):

def __init__(self):
gr.top_block.__init__(self, 'Probe Reconfigure Test')

self.h_block_one = h_block_one()
self.h_block_two = h_block_two()

def level_one(self):
return self.h_block_one.level_one()

def level_two(self):
return self.h_block_two.level_two()

def reconfigure(self):

def conf_back(self):

class _probe_watcher_thread(_threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, level_one, reconfigure, level_two, conf_back):
self.level_one = level_one
self.reconfigure = reconfigure
self.level_two = level_two
self.conf_back = conf_back
self.confed = False
self.keep_running = True

def run(self):
while self.keep_running:
if self.confed:
if self.level_two()  50:
self.confed = False
print 'reconfiguring'
if self.level_one()  50:
self.confed = True
print 'reconfiguring back'
#if self.level_one and self.level_two:
#print 'foo', self.level_one()
#print 'bar', self.level_two()

if __name__==__main__:

def callback(msg):
print 'received:', msg

tb = probe_this()
watcher = 


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Reconfigure example with lock/disconnect/connect/unlock code hangs randomly

2011-05-26 Thread Johannes Schmitz
There should be another sleep in the reconfigure method to make it working fine.

   def reconfigure(self):

I am not sure how long we have to sleep in order to fix the problem.

- Johannes

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] how to trigger dynamic reconfiguration with lock/disconnect

2011-05-24 Thread Johannes Schmitz
Hello Guys,
I am working on a cognitive radio application and I need to
dynamically reconfigure my receiver, switching between a detector and
the core receiver.
I found lock, unlock, connect, disconnect functions but it seems to be
almost impossible to find some documentation or a working examples to
understand how to use it.
I need to find a way to trigger the disconnect and connect. Do you
have any suggestions like some kind of callback?
Maybe you can point me to some example code. That would be nice.
Another question is: Is it possible to reconnect only parts of the
program in some hierarchical block or is it only possible from the top


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