[Discuss-gnuradio] Ofdm rx_time and packet error rate

2017-04-28 Thread Tschuls Lebarski
Hi All,

First of all: I'm a newbee

I'm into the example of gr-digital: rx_ofdm.grc and tx_ofdm.gr.
I have 2 Questions:

1. My goal is to check the time between 2 recieved packets. I realized that
the TAG_DEBUG-Block outputs some rx_Time.
 Offset: 1035  Source: n/a Key: rx_time   Value: {2523 0.455868}
 From the documentation I saw that unit 2523 is seconds and 0.455868 is a
fraction of a second.
Does that mean: 2523s and 455.868ms?

2. I want to calculate the recieved packages in order do have a
comparisson: packets send to packets recieved.
I found out that i can limit data with the head block.
Can someone explain me how to calculate how many packets arrived correctly
or is there a certain block counting the recieved packets?

Thanks a lot in advance
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Template Error - self.qtgui_time_sink_x_0

2017-01-26 Thread Tschuls Lebarski
I'm a newbee and trying to run gr-uhd/examples/grc/uhd_fft.grc
I can create the python file uhd_fft.py but while running the script I get
this error:

File "/home/tschuls/gnuradio/gr-uhd/examples/grc/uhd_fft.py", line 213
self.qtgui_time_sink_x_0 = Template error: #set $win = 'self._%s_win

I allready reinstalled gnuradio by using Marcus Leech build-gnuradio script.
Same problem as before.
I checked mailing list and the web but no success.

Thanks for you help and best regards
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