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2007 Virginia Tech Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications

June 6-8, 2007

Special Track for Open Source Software Defined Radio.

For the 16th annual Wireless Symposium, [EMAIL PROTECTED] will host a
special track focused on Open Source Software Defined
Radio. [EMAIL PROTECTED] invites presentations related to Open Source SDR
based on projects such as; GNU Radio , High Performance Software
Defined Radio (HPSDR), SDR-1000 , SCARI Open , and [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s own 

If interested, please submit a 500 word abstract, to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
that describes the planned presentation. Please use "Open SDR
abstract" in the subject line. Presentations should address the
following subjects, and how open source software radio helped
researchers achieve their goals. Presentation length is thirty

Software Radio Frameworks
 - GNU Radio
 - Software Communication Architecture

Applications of Open Source SDR
 - Modulation/Demodulation
 - MANET's
 - Spectrum Access
 - Cognitive and Adaptive Radios
 - Networking

Benefits of Open Source SDR

Hardware for Open Source SDR

Basically, if you have benefited from Open Source SDR, tell us about it!

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