This is my first posting to the mailing list, my apology for it being a bit on 
the long side and yet perhaps short of vital information. Despite the length my 
understanding is that for somebody with more experience than I will have no 
trouble just skimming through and pick up some vital clues that is lost on me.  
Compiling is not my strong side and I am a beginner as far as details on 
getting gnuradio working to any extent.  The distrobution does have a 
gnuradio-3.6.4 available and I have practiced getting to know gnuradio 

I got interested in a more ambitious attempt to get gqrx running and figured 
that a 'pybombs' instance would be worth trying, the attraction of the recipes 
was to enticing. I realised eventually that 'pybombs' has troubles of sorts 
when using it in PCLinuxOS. From what I can see the process runs but and 
eventually returns to command prompt after what I have figured, installed 3 and 
a bit programs.
The configurations stage I believe I survived by choosing almost default, exept 
I have selected from: src only because of using "another" linux than the ones 
'pybombs' are built on?? Then the following happens:

[gert@KDE64-tecra-A11 pybombs]$ ./pybombs install gnuradio
Settled on prefix: /home/gert/gr-sandbox/target
Initializing environmental variables...
no existing inventory found, creating an empty one...
value updated
Loading recipes ...
Installing packages:
* make
* python
* libbzip
* boost

* fftw
* cppunit
* swig
* gsl
* libusb
* numpy
* uhd
* alsa
* glib
* libtiff
* libpng
* libjpeg
* gdk-pixbuf
* atk
* freetype
* fontconfig
* pixman
* x11
* cairo
* pango
* gtk2
* wxpython
* pygobject
* pygtk
* pycairo
* sip
* qt4
* pyqt4
* qwt5
* pyqwt5
* gnuradio
I have only shown this section which raises questions in my mind that perhaps I 
don't understand what is happening.
1.. From above I understand that I have set up my 'sandbox' from the 'sandbox' 
calling for gnuradio to be installed. As the process gets under way I am given 
a bonus in the form of the 'recipes' being installed, saving me the step to 
load them later.
2.. A considerable list of programs that will be installed.  The first 3 
programs are installed, I have seen them in the 'sandbox' instance again and 
again (have tried quite a number of variations such as deb,src and rpm,src (as 
for some other non gr programs I have had success). The fourth program 'boost' 
seems to get under way but then program returns to command program with no 
error messages. As follows:
Installing from source: boost
--2015-06-10 19:14:52--
Resolving (
Connecting to 
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
--2015-06-10 19:14:52--
Resolving (
Connecting to 
(||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 55765258 (53M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘boost_1_53_0.tar.bz2’

100%[======================================================>] 53.18M 253KB/s in 
3m 36s 

2015-06-10 19:18:29 (252 KB/s) - ‘boost_1_53_0.tar.bz2’ saved 

Extract boost_1_53_0.tar.bz2

 ./ --prefix=/home/gert/gr-sandbox/target 

Configuring: (100%) [==========================================================]

 ./bjam --threading=multi --layout=tagged link=shared -j4 install

Installing: (100%) [===========================================================]
[gert@KDE64-tecra-A11 pybombs]$
My knowledge about compile behaviour does not reach into this ending but I was 
expecting 'more' to happen.  I think I can say that 'boost' does not get 
installed as it does not show up in the 'sandbox' as one of the installed 
4.. Am I correct that one way or another the list of pragrams above I could 
have expected to be installed?
I have recorded quite a bit of my attempted installs from terminal operation. 
I have just managed to download the Ubuntu liveDVD and am trying to get to know 
a bit about Ubuntu as well as the content but my aim is to get a working 
PCLinuxOS system.

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