I think there's a bug in tag processing.  Here's a simple script to demonstrate 
the problem.  If DELAY is set to a small value <6000,  we get the expected 
output. However, if DELAY is set to 8000, the tag never comes out.  The same 
problem can be observed using the blocks.vector_insert_b block, indicating that 
the bug is in the runtime.


DELAY = 8000
from gnuradio import gr, blocks
import pmt
print "Version", gr.version()
top = gr.top_block()
tag = gr.python_to_tag((0, pmt.to_pmt('A'), pmt.to_pmt(1), pmt.PMT_NIL))
src = blocks.vector_source_s(range(10000), tags=[tag], repeat=False)
dly = blocks.delay(gr.sizeof_short, DELAY)
snk = blocks.tag_debug(gr.sizeof_short, 'A')
top.connect(src, dly, snk)

 expected output:

Version v3.7.9.1-97-gc0381e0e

Tag Debug: A
Input Stream: 00
  Offset: 6000  Source: n/a     Key: A   Value: 1


Eugene Grayver, Ph.D.
Aerospace Corp., Sr. Eng. Spec.
Tel: 310.336.1274
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