Brian Litzinger wrote:
> What is involved in changing an RFX2400 to an RFX1200?
> I was figuring I would just look at the BOM differences, but
> there seems to be no BOM for the RFX1200.
> Then I figured I give comparing the images on the ETTUS site,
> but the RFX1200 image link just shows you the RFX2400

To convert to an RFX1200, you need to:

- Cut the traces which FIL1
- Put a capacitor in C204, anything between about 50pF and 1000pF is
fine, size 0603
- Put the board on side A of a USRP, power it up, and reburn the EEPROM
using the command
    usrp/host/apps/burn-db-eeprom -A -f -t rfx1200_mimo_b

- When we do it here, we also change some of the final amp tuning
components if the power out is a little low.  This is not always
necessary, but sometimes gets another dB of extra power.


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