Just came across a typo in gr_fmdet_cf.cc (compare to previous version to 
see the correct code).  Line 87 currently reads:

Sdot = d_scl * (-S0+d_8*S1-d_8*S1+S4);

Note that the middle two terms are identical and therefore don't do 
anything.  The correct code should read:

Sdot = d_scl * (-S0+d_8*S1-d_8*S3+S4);

I am no longer actively working with GR and don't recall how to submit a 
patch request, plus my version is very old.  I'd appreciate somebody 
putting the patch in for me.

Eugene Grayver, Ph.D.
Aerospace Corp., Sr. Eng. Spec.
Tel: 310.336.1274
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