Hello GNU Radio people,

I would like to inform you that we have started softDVB-T project. We are
going create configurable DVB-T modulator(ETSI EN 300 744), which will
transmit delivered transport stream.
More details you can find here:

Currently we have finished three functional blocks. Each block can be
accessed from command line (Python) or graphic interface
(gnuradio-companion).  We have also created in Perl behavioral models for
generation of test patterns.
Everything what we have done already, is placed on public SVN repository.
There are still few functional blocks to create, so any help is welcome!
Marcin Szelest & Slawomir Lyszkowski

Here is list of the actions we do next week:
1. Enegry Dispersal block should work with standard Transport Stream.
2. Change class from gr_block to gr_sync_block.
3. Create synchronization block wich will cancel TS until new frame appear.
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