Several minor issues and one major issue were encountered in building the volk library on MinGW. The minor issues are:

(1) The use of symbolic links for volk/config.{sub,guess} is a problem. I used a Cygwin version of git that produced Cygwin symlinks, which are unusable in MinGW. A version of git exists for MSYS, but I'm not sure it handles symbolic links. Is it possible to avoid using symbolic links in the git repository?

(2) configure fails while testing for -lboost_unit_test_framework because
of the presence of  "-Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc" in LDFLAGS.  I'm not
sure why it is a problem, but I don't think these flags are needed at all in this situation. (Note: Cygwin had the same problem, and the solution used there also works for MinGW.)

(3) volk/lib/ requires the boost unit_test library. This needs to be documented.

(4) boost/test/unit_test.hpp not found in volk/lib/ I think we need to include $(BOOST_CPPFLAGS) in testqa_CPPFLAGS in volk/lib/

A big problem is that posix_memalign (used in the volk test program) will never run on Windows. Given that aligned memory will be needed to use volk, this becomes a major issue that will need to be addressed for future development of GNU Radio. I will have further comment on this issue in a separate thread.

-- Don W.

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