Hi all,

today I'd like to ask for help to review some PRs before we can do a VOLK 2.5.1 release. I'd like to do a release ASAP to still have time to get these changes into large distro releases.

I'd like to see better support for automatic publication on Zenodo:
you can find prior VOLK releases on Zenodo:
This PR is probably mostly interesting for academia to make it easier to cite VOLK if you use it in your work. At least I consider it very interesting. You can add more info about yourself if you like. e.g. ORCID and affiliation.

This fix should make it easier for package maintainers to use a system cpu_features package:

This fix should boost convolutional decoder performance.
Since changes to FEC code that affect FER/BER performance are notoriously difficult to verify, It'd be great to have more people testing this fix. However, this fix is already in use by some users with good results.

Some rather obscure kernels are untested for years and probably unused. https://github.com/gnuradio/volk/pull/555 I'd like to know if this deprecation approach does not break things for anyone.

We need to replace `distutils` in our build system because the functions we use are deprecated.

These two PRs concern our Boost dependency:
Either we decide to remove obsolete code in #548 and update our requirements, or we finally drop our Boost dependency in #557. Boost is an optional dependency for old systems that lack `std::filesystem` support. The latest CI that required Boost was for Ubuntu 14.04. Starting with Ubuntu 16.04, we were able to use `std::experimental::filesystem` and drop our Boost dependency. Thus, it might be time to finally drop our Boost dependency.

If you have time to look at those PRs and review them, that'd be great.


Johannes Demel M.Sc.
Research Engineer

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