On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 01:23:10PM +0100, Tomek wrote:
> Hey!
> I installed the software and all tests ran OK. I have an USRP and I ran the
> benchmark "test_usrp_benchmark.py" and almost every time I start the script
> I get another result. Sometimes 4MB sometimes 16MB but never 32MB. 

Yes, it's known to be flakey.  Patches welcome.

The simplest way to check your USB throughput is with usrp_fft.py.
Fire it up and try setting the decimation rate to 8.
If that works without overrurns "uOuOuOuO..." on the display,
you're sustaining 64e6/8 * 4bytes/sample = 32MB/sec.


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