[ACFUG Discuss] dreamweaver cs4 component error

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Lash
After pulling my hair out I have to resort to asking for help.

In DW cs4 I setup a site with current folder containing cfc's.
I can't get them listed in the components tab, but the db, bindings and
server components are listed.

Is there a trick to this that I am missing.
In previous versions it would list the cfc's and I could inspect them and
drag them onto the page.

There is a mapping in CF to this directory. Everything works normal on
machine with DW 6.1 and CF 7

Anyone know how to solve this.
Note: I am not creating new cfc's, but even that fails with message about
url prefix.



RE: [ACFUG Discuss] dreamweaver cs4 component error

2009-07-21 Thread Charlie Arehart
Just to be clear, Robert, the listing of the components in the DW feature is
driven from the server-side via RDS (just like the list of datasources,
etc.), so if there's a problem with DW seeing it, it's not about the setup
of your site (assuming your site points to the server with the CFCs) but
rather with how things are configured on the server. Here's another way to
check things out: what happens when you visit the built-in CF CFC browser:




If it doesn't show up there, then it may be that perhaps the mapping is
wrong. Both of these are ways to view what CF thinks are the CFCs in its
path of alternative locations (webroot, mapping paths, custom tag paths,
etc.) But that said, I'm not 100% positive that either of these tools is
100% accurate in looking in the correct range of path locations. You'd hope


Indeed, you may say, well, I know CF can find the CFC because I can invoke
it in code. It's possible though that either these tools aren't finding
what CF does, or it may well be that what CF finds isn't the CFC you're
looking for in DW. :-) It may find it somewhere else in its search path. You
may want to look at the debugging output or use the CF functions to identify
for sure what CFC you invoke in code.


Hope that's helpful.




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Robert Lash
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:33 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] dreamweaver cs4 component error


After pulling my hair out I have to resort to asking for help.

In DW cs4 I setup a site with current folder containing cfc's.
I can't get them listed in the components tab, but the db, bindings and
server components are listed.

Is there a trick to this that I am missing.
In previous versions it would list the cfc's and I could inspect them and
drag them onto the page.

There is a mapping in CF to this directory. Everything works normal on
machine with DW 6.1 and CF 7

Anyone know how to solve this.
Note: I am not creating new cfc's, but even that fails with message about
url prefix.



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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning a ColdFusion Framework

2009-07-21 Thread John Mason
Just to note on FW1 it is very small. I think Sean is trying to bridge 
the gap between procedural and fusebox people and the heavier 
frameworks. FW1 is light and design to be easy to use. Should come in 
handy for certain apps.


Douglas Knudsen wrote:

to add to this whole topic
Mr Corfield is at work on yet another framework

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Dean H. Saxe 
d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com mailto:d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com wrote:

That's the point of MVC.  The view is independent of the
controller and the data (er, model).


Dean H. Saxe
d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com mailto:d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com
A true conservationist is a person who knows that the world is
not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.  --
John James Audubon

On Jul 20, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Jonathan Burnham wrote:

My understanding is your model is a model of the application
data, and the data resulting from a call to an event is
rendered in place of the view.  The controller orchestrates
everything up through the data rendering, then your front-end
technology consumes the data for display.

I guess in a general sense we're still talking MVC concepts,
but the framework itself doesn't render the view, and you are
not accessing any of the framework from the view.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Dean H. Saxe
mailto:d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com wrote:
The data is the model.  The view is Flex/Ajax.


Dean H. Saxe
d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com mailto:d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com
A true conservationist is a person who knows that the world
is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.
 -- John James Audubon

On Jul 20, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Jonathan Burnham wrote:

I'd argue that by using Flex or Ajax you are not using MVC
anymore, but you are using a remote event-driven framework.
 The M  C would still be there, but the framework doesn't
render a view - it's rendering data.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:04 PM, Dean H. Saxe
mailto:d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com wrote:
ORM has nothing to do with MVC.  ORM is all about mapping
objects to relational databases.  One can use MVC without
objects and without a relational database.  Conversely, one
can use an ORM without using MVC.  So the two sets of
frameworks should not be confused.


Dean H. Saxe
d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com mailto:d...@fullfrontalnerdity.com
A true conservationist is a person who knows that the world
is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.
 -- John James Audubon

On Jul 20, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Douglas Knudsen wrote:

I'd argue that if you can't use one of these MVC frameworks
with Flex or AJAX, it might not be so MVC, eh? :)

Also to point out, ORMs are really a extension of these tools
mentioned, they are not MVC frameworks on their own.

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Teddy R. Payne
teddyrpa...@gmail.com mailto:teddyrpa...@gmail.com wrote:
Flex calling a framework is a nice feature.  Model-Glue,
unless it has changed recently, takes advantage of ColdSpring.

Using the RemoteObjectProxy in ColdSpring made it pretty
simple to create a webservice that calls the result of several
dependent CFC objects created in the application to be
available as a webservice.   The RemoteObjectProxy also
obfuscates the original CFC and it dependent objects as the
invocation code doesn't exist in the generated proxy.

I see from the ColdBox architectural framework graphic that
ColdBox mentions LightWire.  I would have to see how this
would be achieved in LightWire.

So, without using a Flex framework, my CFC calls are
definitely made easier when I consume a RemoteObject in Flex.
 The caveat here is that ColdSpring or LightWire is YAF (Yet
Another Framework).



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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning a ColdFusion Framework

2009-07-21 Thread John Mason
Just to add to this discussion, the 'model' in mvc will contain 
services, gateways, value objects, etc. These components (cfc based 99% 
of the time) interact with either another application (which may be an 
entirely different MVC app) or a database engine (which you could yet 
again be considered to be a separate external app) that simply provides 
data. Important thing to note, most databases are relational so the 
model will convert that logic to an object oriented picture for the app 
to use. So instead of using a query object like a spreadsheet, you 
convert to a list of objects (like value objects). Look at Transfer and 
the new CF9 Hibernate features to see how this logic works.

Now, the key difference between any MVC framework is in the controller 
logic. The views should be essentially the same: containing things like 
forms, data lists, and similar presentation logic. The 'view' contains 
cfoutput, html, javascript, but NOT service calls like cfquery or 
cfhttp. Service calls are in the 'model'. The model can actually be 
rather complex in itself, but should again be independent of the MVC 
logic. Your 'views' and 'model' should not be very different based on 
your framework choice. However, the controller is where the real 
differences exist between the frameworks. One is not naturally better 
than another. Some don't scale as well like a front controller 
frameworks, but most of the decisions at this point deal with your 
comfort in programming.

In the CF MVC world, you have several different types of controllers to 
work with..

Controller Logic
Explanation (what does that fancy tern mean)
Usually a Front Controller
	Direct call to services (usually very tighly coupled between view logic 
and model service calls)

Front Controller
Direct call to services (tight coupling between view and model)
	Implicit Invocation (Observer pattern) 	Events are fired which a 
listener then handles and calls services (loose coupling between views 
and model)

	Implicit Invocation (Observer pattern) 	Events are fired which a 
listener then handles and calls services (loose coupling between views 
and model)

Convention over Configuration (CoC)
	Also event driven but no xml configuration. Naming and convention 
handles the controlling logic (medium coupling in my view - but some may 
argue this point)

Coldspring is not a MVC framework in itself. It's a object creation tool 
to help with object (cfc) dependencies and such. If you do use one the 
advance frameworks and properly code out your 'model', then coldspring 
will come in very handy. As a fyi, it follows the factory design and 
Inversion of Control (IoC) patterns.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning a ColdFusion Framework

2009-07-21 Thread Howard Fore
If you look in the ReadMe on the root of the SVN, I think he says that
is a sample app.

On Tuesday, July 21, 2009, Teddy R. Payne teddyrpa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I read through the wiki for FW/1.  For something small, there is still some 
 nuance there.  I see some code examples and where to put various files, but a 
 sample application is what is really needed there.  Perhaps I missed the 
 location of the sample application.

 From what he is describing is probably the gap between a large framework and 
 creating a more organized code structure.  You don't have to have something 
 monolithic to have code and directory structure standards.  A set location 
 for views, your controller, a bean factory, and a place to reference model 
 data is really the basis for any application.

 Sean just added some extra wiring to interpret from a directory structure 
 instead of defining explicitly the connections between the M, V, and C.


Howard Fore, howard.f...@hofo.com
The worthwhile problems are the ones you can really solve or help
solve, the ones you can really contribute something to. ... No problem
is too small or too trivial if we can really do something about it. -
Richard P. Feynman

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