So, I've decided to use the built in ExtJS 4.1 that ships with CF 11 for cost reasons :) That being said, I have some questions that hopefully somebody can clear up for an ExtJS n00b like myself. For starters, let's say I wanted to call an existing CFC and reference a specific method in it, using stock ExtJS. Previously in CF, I would do:

<cfajaxproxy cfc="softball.component.player" jsclassname="dataproxy2">

Then I could write some JS code like so:

var dataproxy = new dataproxy2();
dataproxy.addNewPlayer(f.txtFirstName.value, f.txtLastName.value, f.txtEmail.value, f.txtPhone.value, f.txtTeamId.value, f.txtActive[f.txtActive.selectedIndex].value);

I'm not going to lie to you - I found that type of coding very brainless and easy :) I create this JS version of my CFC to access that way, and I could do all kinds of neat stuff. I'm pretty sure you can do the same thing in ExtJS - but maybe with a bit of extra work. I have found ways I can POST to a CFC via an ExtJS form, and while that will work - I would have to add a new method in my CFC that could take the POST data, in JSON format I assume, and do work with it. I currently have a complex CFC method that takes the existing parameters and then adds the player to my various database tables. I know I could easily refactor it a bit and instead of "arguments." I could modify it to take "form." - but I'm trying to expand my knowledge of ExtJS and I can't find good examples of something like this for CFCs.

On 3/6/15 6:48 AM, Cameron Childress wrote:
On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Steve Drucker wrote:

    You realize that Licensing Ext Js 5 is $3,225, right?



Cameron Childress
p:   678.637.5072
im: cameroncf
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