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From: Marsee Henon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 2:37 PM
Subject: UG News--Adobe AIR Cookbook Contest


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Announcing the Adobe AIR Cookbook Cook-off  (US Only)

Think you can solve common Adobe AIR related coding problems? Then you
qualify for the Adobe AIR Cookbook Cook-off contest sponsored by
O'Reilly Media to celebrate the upcoming publication of the Adobe AIR
Cookbook <>.

During this contest, we invite you to submit your best solutions to
common AIR coding challenges for a chance to win some great prizes.

Who: RIA developers who are legal residents only of the United States

What: Solution to a common Adobe AIR related coding problem

Where: Adobe AIR cookbook website at

When: Entries accepted between August 11 and September 26, 2008

Why: To have a chance at winning one of four great prizes—as well as
helping others in the community build better AIR apps

Four winners will be chosen during the contest period. They will be
awarded one of the following prizes:

Grand prize--One pass to the Adobe MAX 2008 conference in San Francisco,
California (November 16–19)--valued at US$1,695--and also US$500 in
O'Reilly Media books

Second prize--Every English-language Adobe Developer Library (ADL) book
published by O'Reilly Media prior to September 1, 2008

Third prize--Five O'Reilly Media books of the winner's choice

Community choice award: US$350 in O'Reilly Media books to the winner of
the top-rated recipe during the contest period. For details on how to
enter the contest, go to:

Entries will be judged by a committee of experts from the RIA developer
community and Adobe based on user experience, implementation,
creativity, relevance, and (for lack of a better word) "AIR-ness."
Winners will be notified by e-mail or letter by October 15, 2008.

For more details on the terms and conditions of the contest, please
visit the AIR Cookbook Cook-off Rules and Regulations page on InsideRIA:

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Sebastopol, CA   95472
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