the cfc code:

<cfcomponent name="GoogleMini">
        <cffunction name="PostQuery" access="remote" returntype="xml">
                <cfargument name="varQ" type="any" required="true" />
                <cfargument name="varRestrict" type="any" required="false" 
default="" />
                <cfhttp method="get" result="varGresult"
                        gXml = trim(varGresult.filecontent);
                <cfreturn #gxml# />

the issue is when the xml result is returned to the browsers jscript its
has 4-5 lines prepended to it which results in an error code like this:

<faultstring>org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in

which makes sense considering that there are those extra lines prepended
to the result. as you can see i trim the post result  and if i did any
work inside teh cfc it would treat the result right. isxml() screams
orgasmically yes yes yes both inside the cfc and on the target page if i
call via cf code. IE sees the cfc output as good xml, but we all know how
reliable that is. Firefox swears up and down that its not a valid xml doc
becauses of the extra lines. I would love to put this to bed so any ideas
are appreciated.

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