[Distutils] PyPI moved to PyPA on bitbucket

2013-04-11 Thread Richard Jones
Hi all,

To help bring things under a common umbrella project, I've just moved the
PyPI code from Martin's personal repository to the PyPA one. Thanks Donald
for enabling that move, and thanks to Martin for the initial move to hg way
back :-)

I've moved the links for bug tracking to the new repository but the old
bugs in Martin's repository and those in the sf.net tracker are still
there. Not that there's many tuits(round) being spent on working on them...

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] special compiler options for only one file

2013-04-11 Thread Erik Bray
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Andrew Dalke  wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I have a Python extension which uses CPU-specific features,
> if available. This is done through a run-time check. If the
> hardware supports the POPCNT instruction then it selects one
> implementation of my inner loop, if SSSE3 is available then
> it selects another, otherwise it falls back to generic versions
> of my performance critical kernel. (Some 95%+ of the time is
> spent in this kernel.)
> Unfortunately, there's a failure mode I didn't expect. I
> use -mssse3 and -O3 to compile all of the C code, even though
> only one file needs that -mssse3 option.
> As a result, the other files are compiled with the expectation
> that SSSE3 will exist. This causes a segfault for the line
>  start_target_popcount = (int)(query_popcount * threshold);
> because the compiler used fisttpl, which is an SSSE-3 instruction.
> After all, I told it to assume that ssse3 exists.
> The Debian packager for my package recently ran into this problem,
> because the test machine has a gcc which understands -mssse3 but
> the machine itself has an older CPU without those instructions.
> I'm trying to come up with a solution that can be automated for
> the Debian distribution. I want a solution where the same binary
> can work on older machines and on newer ones
> Ideally I would like to say that only one file is compiled
> with the -mssse3 option. Since my selector code isn't part of this
> file, SSSE-3 code will never be executed unless the CPU supports is.
> However, I can't figure out any way to tell distutils that
> a set of compiler options are specific to a single file.
> Is that even possible?

One possible solution, albeit more complex code-wise than compiling
that single file as a static lib, would be to subclass the compiler
class you want to use and override its _compile() method, which is the
one responsible for compiling a single file.  You can then override
the arguments in there.  Look, for example, at

If you want to support different compiler implementations, you could
even detect at runtime which compiler was selected with the --compiler
option and subclass the appropriate implementation.  Also getting
distutils to accept a compiler subclass requires a little bit of
hackery, but it's not undoable.  If that optioni sounds viable to you
I can delve into more details about how to actually do it, as I've had
to do this sort of thing before myself.  So yes, it can be done.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] outdated PyPI mirrors

2013-04-11 Thread Donald Stufft

On Apr 11, 2013, at 8:54 AM, Christian Theune  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2013-04-11 12:44:54 +, Andreas Jung said:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> According to
>> http://www.pypi-mirrors.org/
>> 3 out of 8 PyPI mirror are out of date or not available.
>> This is not good for the PyPI reputation.
>> Of course mirror can have problems for a while but the
>> maintainers should feel in charge of maintaining
>> and checking their mirrors regularly.
>> I propose that an obvious unmaintained mirror should be removed
>> (temporarily) if it has not been updated after N days. Right now
>> N = 50 and N = 69 which is hardly acceptable.
> I started trying to track down the owners this morning. I managed to send 
> email to 3 of them based on their I network contacts.  Google responded that 
> they don't want mail on that address (wonder whether that's ARIN conforming).
> The others I'm waiting for a reply and offered to help moving to 
> bandersnatch. Lets wait how that turns out, maybe give it a few days now that 
> there's a (seemingly) viable alternative to the existing setup.
> I'm also pondering getting a view more international VMs under my control and 
> set up mirrors in more places. I'll look into that in case the other mirrors 
> go away.
> Christian
> ___
> Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/distutils-sig

b.pypi.python.org is run by MvL I think, and it's on GAE so it needed a special 
script and doesn't use pep381client.

Donald Stufft
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Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

Re: [Distutils] outdated PyPI mirrors

2013-04-11 Thread Christian Theune


On 2013-04-11 12:44:54 +, Andreas Jung said:

Hash: SHA1

According to


3 out of 8 PyPI mirror are out of date or not available.

This is not good for the PyPI reputation.

Of course mirror can have problems for a while but the
maintainers should feel in charge of maintaining
and checking their mirrors regularly.

I propose that an obvious unmaintained mirror should be removed
(temporarily) if it has not been updated after N days. Right now
N = 50 and N = 69 which is hardly acceptable.

I started trying to track down the owners this morning. I managed to 
send email to 3 of them based on their I network contacts.  Google 
responded that they don't want mail on that address (wonder whether 
that's ARIN conforming).

The others I'm waiting for a reply and offered to help moving to 
bandersnatch. Lets wait how that turns out, maybe give it a few days 
now that there's a (seemingly) viable alternative to the existing setup.

I'm also pondering getting a view more international VMs under my 
control and set up mirrors in more places. I'll look into that in case 
the other mirrors go away.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

[Distutils] outdated PyPI mirrors

2013-04-11 Thread Andreas Jung
Hash: SHA1

According to


3 out of 8 PyPI mirror are out of date or not available.

This is not good for the PyPI reputation.

Of course mirror can have problems for a while but the
maintainers should feel in charge of maintaining
and checking their mirrors regularly.

I propose that an obvious unmaintained mirror should be removed
(temporarily) if it has not been updated after N days. Right now
N = 50 and N = 69 which is hardly acceptable.

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Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org