Re: [Distutils] [License-discuss] Trove Classifiers

2016-05-04 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 4:02 PM, Paul R. Tagliamonte
> Hey all,
> For those who don't know, Trove classifiers are used by the Python
> world to talk about what is contained in the Python package. Stuff
> like saying "It's under the MIT/Expat license!" or "It's beta!".
> I was looking at the tags, and I saw one that made me "wat" a bit.
>> License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL)
> AFAIK the GFDL is *not* OSI approved, both due to it not being a
> software license, as well as I'm sure the invariant clauses being an
> issue.
> Has anyone come across this yet? Anyone have objections to me trying
> to clean up the Trove list?

Good catch!
Cleaning the list is going to be easy on the side,
especially since a new Pypi site is in the making. [1]
The harder or impossible part would have be to clean up the 1000+ of
packages using this faulty classifier
But there is really only three of these [2] and all of them look
either pretty old or abandoned and none has its packages effectively
hosted or distributed on Pypi.

Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Proposal: "Install and save"

2016-07-23 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sat, Jul 23, 2016, 17:04, Thomas Kluyver wrote:
> As I understand it, in the Javascript world package.json is used in
> both
> cases. Is that something Python should try to emulate? Is it hard to
> achieve given the limitations of that you pointed out?

this is not entirely correct: a node package with native code needs to have
node-gyp [1] installed which in turns relies on the gyp-based Python tool ;)
to actually build the natives using actual makefile-like build scripts.
MO is that any kind of mildly engaged package build for NPM requires a rather
more involved effort than its Python world equivalent. And you can see
the JS packaging world walking somewhat of the same path that has
walked here before.
To get some feeling of what they are going through read this thread [2]

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 10:11 AM Alex Grönholm  wrote:
> This topic has been beaten to death. There is no way to cram the
> complexities of C extension compilation setup into purely declarative
> metadata. Distutils2 tried and failed. Just look at the files
> of some popular projects and imagine all that logic expressed in
> declarative metadata.

There is no magic and no free lunch there.


Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 527 - Removing Un(der)used file types/extensions on PyPI

2016-08-24 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:08 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz
> In particular, bdist_wininst and bdist_msi (which Twisted supported for a
> long time, and still builds, so it's not like I don't understand their
> benefits and history!) are incompatible with virtualenvs, and make
> development under Windows harder, especially as compared to binary eggs.
> The presence of these builds confuses users and creates more problems than
> it solves in every interaction I've had with onboarding people onto Python
> projects in the last couple of years.

I can only agree. A strong +1 to deprecate bdist_wininst and bdist_msi 
from Pypi ... and from Python everywhere if it is be possible.

I build and distribute a somewhat engaged open source app (scancode-toolkit)
and earlier version used eggs and now this is all wheels in virtualenvs.
This runs on linux/mac/win with vendored wheels.
I cannot fathom _any_ benefit from using  Windows installers in a modern
Python  environment like this and other where pip and virtualenv rule.

Like Glyph, I think these these installers only create confusion at
first and are the
source of troubles down the road even if they may seem like a friendly solution
for win noobs on the surface. Every time I met someone using them, this was a
source of mess in their Python setup.
They made sense in 1999, but are likely best forgotten today.
And if this was dropped elsewhere beside Pypi, there could quite a rafter of
arcane code to drop from distutils and setuptools.... a good thing IMHO.
Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [proposal] module dependency specification and overriding for packages

2016-09-09 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 8:46 AM, Ronny Pfannschmidt
> while trying to vendor packages that depend on six, i noticed a problematic
> implication
> it is impossible to do this without patching those modules, as such adding a
> fragile maintenance burden.

I grok the general issue, but would you have a concrete example?
Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [buildout] windows/jenkins annoyance

2013-01-21 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Chris Withers  wrote:
> On 19/01/2013 21:16, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> Another option would be to pin setuptools in your buildout.cfg to avoid the 
>> upgrade.
> Just a note to say that this didn't work:
> The problem is that *always* dowloads setuptools. I wish it
> didn't do that if the right version of setuptools was already in the egg 
> cache...

You could  try to pin the distribute or setuptools version used by
bootstrap this way:
python --version 1.7.0 \
 --distribute --setup-source=/ \   <-- saved locally
 --download-base=/dist/<-- with a saved
locally version of setuptools

and then have cached version of the setup and archive for distribute
and setuptools, and use a buildout with

1/ pinned version of distribute or setuptools
2/ these extra buildout config info.

Something along these lines:

install-from-cache = true
newest = false
allow-picked-versions = false
download-cache = 
find-links = file:dist/
versions = versions
setuptools = 0.6c11

Not sure it would help, but worth a try

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] buildout in offline mode - install receipts also from cache?

2013-01-21 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Philippe Ombredanne
>  wrote:
> ...
>> IMHO it is not possible today to bootstrap and buildout offline. Anyone with
>> a better story there?
> To peal this a bit further.
> - It's not possible to bootstrap buildout with the regular bootstrap script
>   without doing network access.
>   You could certainly arrange a custom bootstrap script that installed
>   from a local cache, but you can't use offline mode, which is really
> no-install mode.
>   You could conceivably arrange to bootstrap in offline mode if you
>   pre-populated your eggs directory with buildout and setuptools/distribute
>   eggs, but this is splitting hairs.
Actually it is perfectly possible to boostrap in a mode where no
network connection is available whcih is my naive assumption for the
"offline" option
More details to come in another reply in the same thread

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] buildout in offline mode - install receipts also from cache?

2013-01-21 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Philippe Ombredanne
>  wrote:
>> IMHO it is not possible today to bootstrap and buildout offline. Anyone with
>> a better story there?
> Try:
> install-from-cache = true
> without specifying offline mode.
> install-from-cache was intended to support exactly this use case.
I works!
My bad, and I can now get something to work with for instance:
python --version 1.7.0 \
 --distribute --setup-source=./thirdparty/dist/ \

and a [buildout] with:
include-site-packages = false
install-from-cache = true
newest = false
allow-picked-versions = false

# we need this in buidlout 1 too
zc.buildout-version = 1.7.0
distribute-version = 0.6.34

# Weirdly enough buildout demands the files to be cached in a dist subdir
# See
download-cache = thirdparty
find-links =

> Again, I think this works by setting install-from-cache to true.
> The original semantics of offline mode didn't fit it's name. It originally
> meant "don't install anything".  That's how it was implemented.  The original
> goal was both not to download anything and not to **install** anything.
> Note that this was added before there was a cache.
My naive understanding of offline is  "without a network connection"

> Later, offline mode was extended to avoid network access. In particular
> offline mode was changed to disallow extending remote configuration
> files.  This change, not made by me, broke some of my companies buildouts.
> I didn't argue with it at the time as the change was consistent with the
> option name, if not the original intent.
> Offline mode is largely a relic of buildout's early evolution.  I almost
> never use it and, when I do, I use it in a way that depend on it's
> current semantics.  In particular, I use buildout to create configurations
> for installed software.  In this context, buildout is running as root and it
> is not OK to install new software.

If anything the option name is as you said incorrect, and the "do not install"
use case somewhat arcane and undocumented. But that is another story.

> I believe that install-from-cache (without offline mode) would address
> Philippe's use case.  (It's used by zc.sourcerelease.)

> That leaves the ambiguous meaning of offline mode.  In particular,
> buildout 2 potentially provides an opportunity to fix things in a backward-
> incompatible way.
> OTOH, I'd like to avoid any major changes in 2.0 at this point
> because it really needs to get finished as soon as possible.
> Among the options I see at the present:
> - Do nothing.  And just document the somewhat weird semantics
>   of the name.

Leaving this ambiguity in offline longer would be unfortunate IMHO

> - Add a new option: install, such that install=false has the same
> meaning as offline=true.
>   Deprecate the offline option and accompanying command-line option.

That would be the preferred approach IMHO
Do you want a patch?
Though I am not sure how to proceed to deprecate the option

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [buildout] infinite loop when specifying setuptools version on mac

2013-01-22 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Chris Withers  wrote:
> On 21/01/2013 09:36, Philippe Ombredanne wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Chris Withers
>> wrote:
>>> See the attached .tgz, here's what I did on a mac min running 10.7.4:
>>> "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c12dev_r88846-py2.7.egg/setuptools/",
> Can anyone else with a Mac running 10.7.4 check whether this is how they
> ship? I'm fairly certain I haven't installed anything globally on that
> machine, so I'd be surprised and disappointed if the above was my doing...

There you go, sounds like MacOSX Lion ships with a broken setuptools :
The  remedy is  to use distribute ... I I already saw that bug
elsewhere btw now that I think of it.

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Support for condition to include or exclude a buildout sections based on a Python expression

2013-01-29 Thread Philippe Ombredanne

I prepared a pull request
to add support in Buildout 2 for conditional sections expressions.

The gist of this is explained here:

Sections headers can contain an optional arbitrary Python expression.
When the expression evaluates to false the whole section is skipped.

Several sections can have the same name with different expressions, enabling
conditional exclusion of sections.  For instance using simple
expressions you can get this done:

  # this expression is true, so the section is included
  [s1: 2 + 2 == 4]
  a = 1

  # this expression is false, so the section s2 is skipped
  [s2 : 2 + 2 == 5 ]
  long = a

  # Complex expressions are possible, though they should not be abused
:) and they need to fit on a single line
  [s3:2 in map(lambda i:i*2, [i for i in range(10)])]
  long = c

One of the typical usage is to have buildout parts that are operating
system or plaform specific, such as defining eggs that may run only on
one os (such as readline only for  Macosx and pyreadline only for
Windows.). There some convenience defaults conditionals pre-computed
as well as some default modules available to an expression to support

[install_eggs: windows]
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = pyreadline


[install_eggs: macosx]
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = readline

... become possible and only the right section will be included.

The limited (but hopefully sane and sufficient)  set of default
modules and precomputed common expressions are:

  # available modules sys, re, os and platfrom should cover most of
the  common cases
  [s1: sys and re and os and platform]

  # major and minor python versions, yes even python 3.5 and 3.6 are
there, prospectively
  [s2: any([python2, python3, python24 , python25 , python26 ,
python27 , python30 , python31 , python32 , python33 , python34 ,
python35 , python36]) ]

  # common python interpreter types
  [s3: cpython or pypy or jython or ironpython]

  # common operating systems
  [s4: linux or windows or cygwin or macosx or solaris or posix ]

  # common bitness and endianness
  [s5: bits32 or bits64 or little_endian or big_endian]

Some other points:

 - expression are evaluated _during parsing_ of a cfg file, so before
interpolation, hence variable substitution are not possible... we
could populate the expression context with a copy of the current state
of the buildout object to provide some limited access to some of the
buildout options and sections that are already known at the parsing

- security could be a concern, but hey if you are running buildout you
are already letting run arbitrary code and recipes downloaded live
from unknown sources, so I do not think this is a big concern.

- if you do not use expressions in your buildout, there is no impact at all.

Feedback on the code and features is welcomed... ATM the code is ready
to pull in and all the tests are passing

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] PEP-426 environment markers [was: Re: Support for condition to include or exclude a buildout sections based on a Python expression]

2013-01-30 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Philippe Ombredanne
>>  wrote:
>>> All:
>>> I prepared a pull request
>>> to add support in Buildout 2 for conditional sections expressions.
>> If you're going to do something like this, it would be good to base it
>> on PEP 345/426 style "environment markers", which are basically the
>> same idea applied to dependency definitions in the package metadata:
> I think it makes sense to support these markers.

This is rather easy with a caveat:
defines markers EXPR as one of these:

python_version = '%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
python_full_version = sys.version.split()[0] =
sys.platform = sys.platform
platform.version = platform.version()
platform.machine = platform.machine()
platform.python_implementation = platform.python_implementation()
a free string, like '2.4', or 'win32'
extra = (name of requested feature) or None

A python implementation of the proposed draft would have to monkey
patch standard functions (platform.version, platform.machine and
platform.python_implementation) with their invocation results or would
require rather complex parsing.

Since this is a draft, could we instead avoid a module-like syntax for
all EXPR and instead use this:

python_version = '%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
python_full_version = sys.version.split()[0]
os_name =
sys_platform = sys.platform
platform_version = platform.version()
platform_machine = platform.machine()
platform_python_implementation = platform.python_implementation()
a free string, like '2.4', or 'win32'
extra = (name of requested feature) or None

This sounds more consistent to me to replace the dots with _
consistently the same way the original python_version has been

Also, platform.python_implementation() is new in Python 2.6  so
this could not run on 2.5 or 2.5   even though the PEP alludes to
support of 2.4 and 2.5
This is not an issue for Buildout 2.0, but could be for the PEP
Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Support for condition to include or exclude a buildout sections based on a Python expression

2013-01-30 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:02 AM, Philippe Ombredanne
>>  wrote:
>>> I prepared a pull request
>>> to add support in Buildout 2 for conditional sections expressions.
>> If you're going to do something like this, it would be good to base it
>> on PEP 345/426 style "environment markers", which are basically the
>> same idea applied to dependency definitions in the package metadata:
> I think it makes sense to support these markers.

Done :) with the caveat expressed in
 as I am using underscores as separators rather than dots:
See :

The pull request contains this, with new tests

and all tests are passing  (or failing the same way they do with a
standard buildout 2.0 for Python 3.2)
Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP-426 environment markers [was: Re: Support for condition to include or exclude a buildout sections based on a Python expression]

2013-01-30 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Philippe Ombredanne
>  wrote:
>> A python implementation of the proposed draft would have to monkey
>> patch standard functions (platform.version, platform.machine and
>> platform.python_implementation) with their invocation results or would
>> require rather complex parsing.
> I hadn't noticed that you were exposing the platform module already.
> Sorry. I should have checked.
No problem.

> The PEP's treatment of the platform module is unfortunate.
> I was going to mention this before, but I didn't think we were
> exposing platform module and though "whatever".
The parsing would be rather complex to implement as specified
Do we have a a PEP426 reference implementation somewhere?

>> Since this is a draft, could we instead avoid a module-like syntax for
>> all EXPR and instead use this:
> I have no interest in supporting a Python expression subset.
> I'd rather stick with what you did originally and just expose the
> modules.  This is simpler and easier for people to remember.
Agreed, that was my first take on this... but I am a trooper too :D
So I commited and added to the buildout pull request a commit with
PEP426 like markers and then another that undoes it ...
With cherry picking you can pick and choose which one you want, the
last commit in the queue being WITHOUT PEP426 markers ..

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Support for condition to include or exclude a buildout sections based on a Python expression

2013-01-30 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Leonardo Rochael Almeida
> How easy it is to know which sections are actually used during a run?
buildout -v (in debug) will list skipped sections

> Also, it would be nice to have this info on the output of "buildout annotate"
I am not sure this would be possible as the sections are skipped
before annotating
Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Support for condition to include or exclude a buildout sections based on a Python expression

2013-01-30 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:52 PM, Philippe Ombredanne
>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Leonardo Rochael Almeida
>>  wrote:
>>> Also, it would be nice to have this info on the output of "buildout 
>>> annotate"
>> I am not sure this would be possible as the sections are skipped
>> before annotating

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Leonardo Rochael Almeida
> If they're skipped before annotating, but the ones that remain on
> "annotate" are the ones that would be run, and they include the
> conditional info, then that's Good Enough For Me (TM) :-)

this is exactly the behavior ;)

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] A new script which creates Python 3.3 venvs with Distribute and pip installed in them

2013-01-31 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Vinay Sajip  wrote:
> Python 3.3 includes a script, pyvenv, which is used to create virtual 
> environments.
> However, Distribute and pip are not installed in such environments - because,
> though they are popular, they are third-party packages - not part of Python.
> The Python 3.3 venv machinery allows customisation of virtual environments
> fairly readily. To demonstrate how to do this, and to provide at the same time
> a script which might be useful to people, I've created a script,, 
> at
> which extends the pyvenv script to not only create virtual environments, but 
> to also install Distribute and pip into them.

Excellent and one step closer to sane package management 
I wonder if you could not source instead the code that is directly in
the scripts? it also includes the packed distribute and
Meaning that would allow the installation entirely offline (with the
--never-download venv flag)

And btw, why pip is not part of the standard Python?  This is nowadays
officially recommended on Pypi as the tool to use to install
"Get Packages: To use a package from this index either "pip install
package" (get pip) or download, unpack and "python install"

This does not make sense to me: I know about some of the controversies
 but this is rather  inconsistent to recommend using a tool and
not supporting it directly.

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] I wonder what is the best practice to clean a buildout project ?

2013-01-31 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Stéphane Klein
> Hi,
> I wonder what is the best practice to clean a buildout project ?
> I would like a command to remove :
> * bin/
> * develop-eggs
> * parts
> * .installed.cfg
> I can create a Makefile clean, or script.
> What do you do in your project ?
I use a makefile, a and a clean.bat to ensure support on most
OS whether or not make is available,
Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 426, round 733 ;)

2013-02-04 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> As usual, PEP inline below and on the web at
> Version scheme
> ==
> Version numbers must comply with the following scheme::
> N.N[.N]+[{a|b|c|rc}N][.postN][.devN]
> Version numbers which do not comply with this scheme are an error. Projects
> which wish to use non-compliant version numbers must restrict themselves
> to metadata v1.1 (PEP 314) or earlier, as those versions do not mandate
> a particular versioning scheme.
> Suffixes and ordering
> -
> The following suffixes are the only ones allowed at the given level of the
> version hierarchy and they are ordered as listed.
> Within a numeric release (``1.0``, ``2.7.3``)::
>.devN, aN, bN, cN, rcN, , .postN

Are we trying to mix in too many thing in a versioning scheme?

IMHO a version (or eventually its dot-separated segments with
precedence from left to right) should increase when sorted
lexicographically so it is never ambiguous for a human reading a list
of versioned components, sorts naturally in most filesystems and tools
and is easy to implement.
With the proposed scheme, I can picture myself having to call some
code each time I need compare two package versions and scratching my
head otherwise.
Having been involved in defining version schemes in the past for
Eclipse, I came then to the conclusion that anything that does not
sort lexicographically is probably a bad idea.

Are we trying to make a version -- which is an engineering must --
into something that  has also some semantics about the level of
completion of a project or some "marketing" alert on the level of
maturity of a software release? Could we stay instead in the realm of

I think that trying to inject things like alpha, beta, post,  dev,
release candidates and the likes in this is trying to bake in too many
things that are eventually just the practices of some  projects and
should not be the frozen practice baked in a PEP.  Instead, this
should be left to project authors to define their own scheme as long
as it sorts lexicographically (eventually by segments, with precedence
from left to right).

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 426, round 733 ;)

2013-02-05 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Daniel Holth  wrote:
> The "marketing pre-release" feature exists to allow publishers to put
> immature versions of their software on pypi where they can be easily
> downloaded. Recently SQLAlchemy did this but had to delete the beta release
> from pypi because too many deployments upgraded to an unstable version
> without realizing it. Once the tools are updated it will be easy to install
> a beta release with pip if and only if you specifically ask for it.

May be  versioning scheme is trying to take on too much on itself that
could possibly be solved elsewhere in a simpler way?
Immature software distribution is a requirement that makes perfect
sense --but even that is not in the scope of this PEP -- could it
better addressed by having a something like Pypi "release channels"
instead  ie some separate indexes for unstable/alpha/bleeding edge
packages that responsible and consenting adults could use as they
please or something similar?
This is FWIW a common practice on Debian.

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 426, round 733 ;)

2013-02-16 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:44 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> The version scheme is not going to change. The point of PEP 386 was,
> to a very large extent, to define a scheme that *existing PyPI
> projects* either already comply with, or will require only minor
> cosmetic changes to comply with (such as inserting an extra period to
> turn X.YdevN into X.Y.devN). []
> We already know the most likely outcome of such an effort: people will simply 
> stick
> with v1.1 of the metadata scheme and continuing to use the existing
> packaging tools, as migrating to the new ones would require a whole
> lot pointless busywork to redesign their build processes and
> workflows.
This is in fact  the killer argument here, i.e. even though I may not
like all that much
some of the supported proposed scheme, the practicality of adopting
and supporting
existing practices trumps IMHO all other arguments.
So any objections I brought here about the version schemes are
addressed by your answers :)
I particularly like the wording you have in the PEP where you
explicitly support but do not encourage more byzantine version

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 427 (wheel format) accepted

2013-02-16 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> Daniel submitted PEPs 425 and 427 to python-dev for acceptance, and I
> have formally accepted 427 as BDFL delegate
> (
This is awesome!
Congratulations to Daniel
Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Bootstrapping Buildout 2.x without a network connection

2013-02-16 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
With buildout 1 and its bootstrap script, its is possible to bootstrap
a carefully crafted environment without a network connection:
python --version 1.7.0  --distribute  --download-base=.//dist/
assuming you have a download-cache without all your packages including
buildout itself and all the dependencies, newest=false,
installed-from-cache=true and properly pinned versions.
hard to setup, but this works.

The new bootstrap script for buildout 2.0 always attempt to download instead if distribute is not available:

What is the way around this?
FWIW, the buildout 1 bootstrap script seems to work OK when pointed to
a buildout 2 version and produced the expected behavior

Or would a patch be welcomed?

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Updated pull request for conditional Buildout sections in Buildout 2.x

2013-02-16 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
I posted an updated pull request with support for conditional Buildout
sections in Buildout 2.x

This new version addresses some issues when handling arbitrary Python
expressions and comments with brackets [ ] as these were sometimes
ambiguous as the section names are also enclosed in comments and
section expressions can also contain list comprehensions and other
brackets enclosed lists.
All the tests are passing and I am getting good mileage from these on
rather large buildouts.

You can give it a local test spin by fetching this branch:
building a dist with
and asking for a buildout with version 2.1.0dev1 in your boostrap with --version 2.1.0dev1 --find-links=

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP 426 is now the draft spec for distribution metadata 2.0

2013-02-17 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> The latest draft of PEP 426 is up at
This is looking great!

> License (optional)
> --
> The full text of the license would normally be included in a separate
> file.

I know it is late in the game to do modifications but I often find
myself chasing down the actual full text of a license in a
Would you be open to a new optional field that could point to the
license file(s) that may be present with the distribution?

May be something along these lines:

License-File (multiple use)

Optional file name or path to a file that contains the full text of the
license, notice, copyright or other terms of use  that may
be included in a distribution such as a LICENSE or COPYING
file.  A path must be a posix path using ``/`` forward slash as
path separator.  A path or file name must be interpreted as
relative to the root directory of a distribution archive.


License-File: COPYING
License-File: COPYING.lib

License-File: docs/legal/APACHE.txt
License-File: docs/legal/NOTICE.txt

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Bootstrapping Buildout 2.x without a network connection

2013-02-18 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Reinout van Rees  wrote:
> On 17-02-13 03:25, Philippe Ombredanne wrote:
>> The new bootstrap script for buildout 2.0 always attempt to download
>> instead if distribute is not available:
>> See:
>> exec(urlopen('').read()
> Buildout 2 only works with distribute, not with setuptools. So it isn't
> unexpected that it downloads the
Agreed, but the boostrap1 script can be pointed to a pre-downloaded
The new one cannot, I think this is a regression.

> So you'll have to use setuptools instead of distribute in your offline
> environment.
I guess you meant the to use distribute instead of setuptools?
Because using setuptools would mean I cannot use buildout2?

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [buildout] resulting in buildout 2.0.1

2013-02-19 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Chris Withers  wrote:
> Am I the only one who has buildouts ending up using 2.0.1 when using:
> ...which I thought would keep zc.recipe.egg and zc.buildout pinned pre 2.0?

With this buildout.cfg:
parts= eggo
eggs = anyreadline

I get this:

$ wget
$ python2.6
Getting distribution for 'setuptools'.
Got setuptools 0.6c12dev-r88846.
$ bin/buildout
Getting distribution for 'zc.recipe.egg<2'.
Got zc.recipe.egg 1.3.2.
Installing eggo.
Getting distribution for 'anyreadline'.
warning: install_lib: 'build/lib' does not exist -- no Python modules to install
Got anyreadline 0.1.1.

$ ls -l eggs
total 328
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 pombredanne None  0 2013-02-19 14:32
-rw-r--r--+ 1 pombredanne None 334419 2013-02-19 14:31
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 pombredanne None  0 2013-02-19 14:31
drwxr-xr-x+ 1 pombredanne None  0 2013-02-19 14:32

Nothing pinned, only latest current 1.x buildout eggs coming my way.

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] [buildout] resulting in buildout 2.0.1

2013-02-19 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Chris Withers  wrote:
> Dunno what I'm doing wrong then, see the eggs being used here:

Weird, sounds like both the 1.3.2 and 2.0.0a3 egg recipe versions are
being fetched:

$ bin/buildout
Develop: '/home/pombredanne/checker/checker/.'
Getting distribution for 'zc.recipe.egg<2'.
Got zc.recipe.egg 1.3.2.  <== here
Installing py.
Getting distribution for 'tox'.
Got tox 1.4.2.
Getting distribution for 'zope.testing'.
warning: no files found matching '*.test' under directory 'src'
warning: no files found matching 'sampletests' under directory 'src'
Got zope.testing 4.1.1.
Getting distribution for 'zc.recipe.egg<2'.
Got zc.recipe.egg 2.0.0a3.  <== here
Getting distribution for 'testfixtures'.
Got testfixtures 2.3.5.

You might want to run your buildout on a fresh checkout with verbose
debug flags
bin/buildout -
to see what is cooking in there

It feels as if that while processing buildout just go fetch two
versions of the egg recipe?
It is likely that one of your required eggs may have a relaxed
requirement on zc.recipe.egg?

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] buildout and build-time dependencies

2013-03-01 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Mar 1, 2013 5:54 AM, "Reinout van Rees"  wrote:
> On 28-02-13 20:31, Ben Acland wrote:
>> tl;dr: how to handle build time dependencies between python modules
>> using buildout, without looking stupid or including .tar.gz files in my
>> repo.
> numpy and scipy are a hell to install.
Would there be something we could do to help these important projects be
easier to install?
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] A new, experimental packaging tool: distil

2013-03-26 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Vinay Sajip  wrote:
> I've created a new tool called distil which I'm using to experiment with
> packaging functionality.

> * Very simple deployment - just copy[1] to a location on your path,
>   optionally naming it to distil on POSIX platforms. There's no need to 
> install
>   distlib - it's all included.
I see that you are using a pattern similar to the
script, embedding other code as a compressed byte array.
See how is turning out to be lately:

I am in general fine with the approach, though I feel a bit uncomfy
with this approach creeping in as "the" way to bootstrap things with
one single file for core distribution-related tools.

Would anyone know of a better way to package things in a single
python-executable bootstrapping script file without obfuscating the
source contents in compressed/encoded/obfuscated byte arrays?

Also, in your code calling this binary payload STUFF feels a tad
scary:  this is arbitrary code that I cannot see nor inspect before
I would not want to run unknown STUFFs on my machine ... and even more
so since the corresponding sources are not available publicly yet in a
source repo.
At the minimum, getting some comments or explicit variable names the
virtualenv way on what this payload is would help IMHO:

"STUFF = """

Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Self-contained boostrap scripts [was: Re: A new, experimental packaging tool: distil]

2013-03-28 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 26 March 2013 09:49, Philippe Ombredanne  wrote:
>> Would anyone know of a better way to package things in a single
>> python-executable bootstrapping script file without obfuscating the
>> source contents in compressed/encoded/obfuscated byte arrays?
> Packaging as a zip file is a good way - but on Windows the file needs
> to be named (which is surprising, to say the least :-)) for the
> relevant file association to be triggered (and on Unix, a #! line
> needs to be prepended).
I was not talking about this type of zips, but rather the same used in
virtualenv, i.e. a string in a .py file that contains an encoded zip.
That string is then decoded and unzipped at runtime as in here:

This is not a zip, not an egg, not a wheel but some egg-in-py,
zip-in-py or wheel-in-py and is similar to a shar shell archive.

My point was that on the one hand, I like the fact that everything is
self contained in one single .py file that you can execute right away.
On the other hand, I find it somewhat discomforting as an emerging
best way to package and distribute self-contained bootstrap scripts.
Yet I cannot think of a better way atm: for instance splitting things
in non-encoded non-binary plain strings would be quite weird too.

Virtualenv does it, distil is doing it now, pip tried some of it here
In contrast, buildout, distribute and setuptools bootstrap scripts do
not embed their dependencies and either try to get them satisfied
locally or attempt to download the requirements.
Having some support to do self-contained  bootstrap scripts (as in
requiring no network access and embedding all their dependencies)
using this shar style could be something to consider normalizing?

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Self-contained boostrap scripts [was: Re: A new, experimental packaging tool: distil]

2013-03-28 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Vinay Sajip  wrote:
>> From: Philippe Ombredanne 
>> On the other hand, I find it somewhat discomforting as an emerging
>> best way to package and distribute self-contained bootstrap scripts.

>> Virtualenv does it, distil is doing it now, pip tried some of it here
>> In contrast, buildout, distribute and setuptools bootstrap scripts do
>> not embed their dependencies and either try to get them satisfied
>> locally or attempt to download the requirements.
> And all this time, they would have been vulnerable to a MITM attack
> on PyPI because PyPI didn't support verifiable SSL connections
> until recently. It's good to be cautious, but Bruce Schneier has
> plenty of stories about caution directed in the wrong directions.

I am not so worried about security... I brought the point here because
this is the packaging and distribution list, and I see this as an
emerging pattern for the packaging and distribution of bootstrap
scripts and this is something that has not been discussed much before.

Conceptually I find these no different from scripts, and
these have been mostly normalized (or at the minimum have a
conventional name and a conventional if not specified interface.)

Yet today, for the all important core package and environment
management tools, we have bootstrap scripts each with different
interfaces and different approaches to self containment or no

I feel this is worth discussing as bootstrapping is where everything begins :)

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Merge catalog-sig and distutils-sig

2013-03-28 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> Is there much point in keeping catalog-sig and distutils-sig separate?
> It seems to me that most of the same people are on both lists, and the topics 
> almost always have consequences to both sides of the coin. So much so that 
> it's often hard to pick *which* of the two (or both) lists you post too. 
> Further confused by the fact that distutils is hopefully someday going to go 
> away :)
> Not sure if there's some official process for requesting it or not, but I 
> think we should merge the two lists and just make packaging-sig to umbrella 
> the entire packaging topics.

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] Help with buildout

2013-03-31 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 12:32 AM, John Anderson  wrote:
> I'm trying to use buildout to pull in 4 github repositories and combine
> their wsgi applications together using paste's urlmap.  A few things aren't
> working the way I expect and so I'm looking for some more information:
> This is my buildout.cfg:
There are issues with your buildout (git urls, colander, etc) and it
does not work as-is and errors out.
This is probably why you could not get to import paste.
This works and has no issue

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP: Improving Python ZIP Application Support

2013-03-31 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 8:22 PM, Daniel Holth  wrote:
> Python ZIP Application Support -
> PEP: 4XX
> Title: Improving Python ZIP Application Support
So I guess that this already-available-yet-hidden-or-little-known
feature we had since Python 2.6 will be getting a little light.

Let me ask a few silly questions:

Does this means that any zip with a is de-facto already executable?
What about a wheel with a __main__ ? or an egg?
Or a source archive where the __main__ calls install or
buildout bootstrap?
Is this something to promote?
How is this overlapping with other packaging approaches? or possibly
replacing them all?

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP: Improving Python ZIP Application Support

2013-04-01 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:40 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 6:12 AM, M.-A. Lemburg  wrote:
>> c) The feature has never really been documented outside the ticket
>> where it got added to Python :-)
> Not true, it's covered in the command line docs at
The doc has a bug BTW:
 "Changed in version 2.5: Directories and zipfiles containing a file at the top level are now considered valid Python
I tested it and this does not work in Pythin 2.5, only in 2.6

Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] HTTPS and certificate check update for distribute ?

2013-04-25 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 4:42 PM, M.-A. Lemburg  wrote:
> The latest pip supports HTTPS URLs and certificate checks
> (according to the change log).
> Will there be a release of distribute that implements the
> same changes ?
And FWIW, the same question would be relevant for buildout that
depends on distribute now.
Philippe Ombredanne

+1 650 799 0949 |
DejaCode Enterprise at
nexB Inc. at
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] buildout in offline mode - install receipts also from cache?

2013-01-12 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
On Mon Dec 17 15:35:47 CET 2012, Anton Koval' psihonavt at wrote:
> in our project we've decided to completely move
> buildout process to offline mode.
> according to documentation
> (
> I made updates in our main buildout configuration file, like:
> download-cache = ...
> install-from-cache = true
> offline = true
> But when buildout tries to install any part with recipe specified,
> it is (obviously) failing, e.g.:
> Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'iw.recipe.cmd'.
> So, my question is: are there ways to fetch recipes also from
> some cache (or whatever) on local disk?

I have experienced the same issue
This is a bug and also per Jim Fulton a lack of specification/documentation
of what offline really means.

IMHO it is not possible today to bootstrap and buildout offline. Anyone
with a better story there?

That said the fixes are rather easy ... And I have an ugly but nicely
working monkey patching extension that I will publish on pypi in a couple
days... Which ironically enough needs to be installed with pip before a

Now Jim suggested I should bring the discussion here.

In general installing packages without a network connection should be
straight forward, simple and easy. That would be the common understanding
of what offline means.

It works fine with setuptools/distribute and pip albeit a tad circumvoluted
and under documented.

It does not with buildout and fails because with the offline flag/config,
buildout calls its install function with a None dest argument making
setuptools/distribute fail downstream with a weird exception as you

This affects all current and recent versions of buildout.

Philippe Ombredanne
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Re: Provide a way to bundle and extract license files

2020-03-06 Thread Philippe Ombredanne
Steve, Nick:

On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 10:04 AM Steve Jorgensen  wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 at 08:40, Ian Stapleton Cordasco
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Forgive me if I'm missing something but doesn't
> > > license-file provides this functionality (see 
> > > for
> > > an example.
> > > I surmise not enough people use it although it's readily available?
> > > This is likely to be the case, as license-file[s] is a setuptools
> > feature aimed at ensuring the license file ends up in the sdist/wheel
> > archive, rather than a published metadata field aimed at allowing
> > other tools to find that license file within the sdist/wheel
> > archive.
> > There's a pre-draft PEP in discussion at
> >
> > and
> >
> > that looks at clarifying licensing metadata through the use of SPDX
> > classifiers. That draft PEP also formalises the "License-File" field.
> > The approach I'm currently taking to this problem is to combine
> >
> > for
> > finding component licenses with
> >
> > to generate an open source
> > attribution bundle for those components. The one key caveat on that
> > approach is that the initial scancode output requires some non-trivial
> > cleanup before you can feed it into the aboutcode ABOUT file generator
> > when first applying it to a project:
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Nick.
> > P.S. As with a lot of distribution related issues, the key challenge
> > with making improvements in this space is that developers really need
> > tools that work today to meet their open source attribution
> > obligations (such as nexB's scancode & aboutcode toolkits), while
> > metadata level improvements (like Philippe's draft PEP) will take
> > years to cover a significant proportion of published packages (and
> > there's a long tail of rarely updated projects that may never catch
> > up).
> Thanks for your very informative & useful reply. :)

What you are doing with the scancode and aboutcode toolkits seems
super yummy and would likely be super useful elsewhere!
If you think there is something we could extract to make it part of
the tools, I am game to help.

And I need to submit that draft PEP BTW :]

that PEP eventually documents the de-facto undocumented thing that
includes license_file(s) in built wheels.
The field already exists and is supported already so it can be used.
To Nick's point it is going to take a long while to fix it all in the
actual packages.

That said, I am also involved in an initiative to help along the way
and hopefully will help take only 100 years instead of the original
thousand years needed to fix the problem (See )
There we are
1. scanning with scancode ALL the packages (Python + everything else
if there is such a thing ;) )
2. licensing data quality is "scored" with this approach
The license scoring includes if the full license text is present or
not in the package (which is your original concern).
3. volunteers are reviewing that data for accuracy and correctness and
fixing it if needed.
4. eventually fixes are pushed back upstream.

There is also some Google summer of project
to do some large scale analysis of the 10M scans we have on hand.

Do not hesitate to reach out on our off list.

Philippe Ombredanne
(scancode-toolkit maintainer)
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