At 03:14 PM 12/3/2010 +0100, Alan Franzoni wrote:
I've got some issues with dependency specification; this seems to
apply both to setuptools and distribute.

Let's suppose I want to have a dependency on a certain library
major.minor , because I want to depend on a certain API - which is
supposed to be stable for that lib unless at least the minor changes -
but I want to pick in any bugfix release they might end up with.

I'd like to do something like "pick up the latest 1.1 release of mylib"

The only way to do it seems to be this:

install_requires = [ "mylib>=1.1, <1.1.999" ]

if I use just == 1.1 , it picks 1.1.0 . If I use >= 1.1 and <1.2.0, it
will pick beta releases for 1.2 as well.

Use ">=1.1,<1.2dev".

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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