Re: [U-Boot] [T-Engine] UBoot configuration for T-Engine/SH7727 MS7727CP02 DevKit

2008-09-02 Thread thaoth

Hi Nobuhiro Iwamatsu,
Now I'm porting USB on board T-Engine(SH7727)
- My configure following :
#define CFG_USB_OHCI_REGS_BASE  0x04000400
#define CFG_USB_OHCI_SLOT_NAME  "s3c2400"
#define TMU_CLK_DIVIDER 4   /* 4 (default), 16, 64, 256 or 1024 */
- And in lowlevel_init.S, I change USB clock following:
UCLKCR_A:   .long   0xA40A0008
UCLKCR_D:   .long   0xA5C0
mov.l   UCLKCR_A,r1
mov.l   UCLKCR_D,r0
mov.w   r0,@r1
- When I'm starting board with above configue, I  see the led of USB device
is blinking. Then I run command "usb start", the led turn off and u-belopment we
might schedule a longer period to allow for more ambitious work.

Release cycle

Each release cycle will be split into three periods, each lasting
roughly one-third of the cycle:

Phase one: feature proposal

The first phase of the release process will be devoted to figuring out
what features to include in the next version. This should include a
good deal of preliminary work on those features -- working code trumps
grand design.

At the end of part one, the core developers will propose a feature
list for the upcoming release. This will be broken into:

* "Must-have": critical features that will delay the release if not finished
* "Maybe" features: that will be pushed to the next release if not finished
* "Not going to happen": features explicitly deferred to a later release.

Anything that hasn't got at least some work done by the end of the
first third isn't eligible for the next release; a design alone isn't

Phase two: development

The second third of the release schedule is the "heads-down" working
period. Using the roadmap produced at the end of phase one, we'll all
work very hard to get everything on it done.

At the end of phase two, any unfinished "maybe" features will be
postponed until the next release. Though it shouldn't happen, any
"must-have" features will extend phase two, and thus postpone the
final release.

Phase two will culminate with an alpha release.

Phase three: bugfixes

The last third of a release is spent fixing bugs -- no new features
will be added during this time. We'll release a beta release about
halfway through, and an rc complete with string freeze two weeks
before the end of the schedule.

Bug-fix releases

After a minor release (i.e 1.1), the previous release will go into
bug-fix mode.

A branch will be created of the form "/branches/releases/1.0.X" to
track bug-fixes to the previous release. When possible, bugs fixed on
trunk must *also* be fixed on the bug-fix branch; this means that
commits need to cleanly separate bug fixes from feature additions.
Each bug-fix branch will have a maintainer who will work with the
committers to keep them honest on backporting bug fixes.

Micro releases (i.e. 1.0.1) will happen roughly half-way between minor
releases -- or earlier, if enough bugs have been fixed to warrant a

After the *next* minor release (i.e. 1.2), the previous bug-fix
release will enter security-fix mode: only security fixes will be
applied to the micro-branch, and new releases will only be done for
those fixes.

Feature branches

Development of major features between versions will be done on
branches. See the branch policy
for details.

[I'll be updating this policy shortly to indicate new procedures for
branches, including the use of DVCS tools --JKM].

How this all fits together

Let's look at a hypothetical example for how this all first together.
Imagine, if you will, a point about halfway between 1.1 and 1.2. At
this point, development will be happening in a bunch of places:

* On trunk, development towards 1.2 proceeds with small additions, bugs
  fixes, etc. being checked in daily.

* On the branch "/branches/releases/1.1.X", bug fixes found in the 1.1
  release are checked in as needed. At some point, this branch will be
  released as "1.1.1", "1.1.2", etc.

* On the branch "/branches/releases/1.0.X", security fixes are made if
  needed and released as "1.0.2", "1.0.3", etc.

* On features branches, development of major features is done. These
  branches will be merged into trunk before the end of phase two.

Again, feedback is welcome.


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Re: ANN: Trunk freeze and 1.0rc1

2008-09-02 Thread Alex Rades

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:15 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> Hi folks --
> We're about to push out 1.0rc1. Check the blog for the announcement.
> Things to know
> #8669 is the only known code bug. Malcolm or I will fix it tonight or
> tomorrow morning.

Hi, is marked as post-1.0 but it
is really 1.0.
Please do not release 1.0 with this XMLField documented as working
while it is not.

Thanks for your time

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Re: initial data for inlineformset_factory

2008-09-02 Thread nathan

On Aug 19, 2:22 pm, "Brian Rosner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess I am failing to see how this is useful?initialdatain an
> inline model formset is based on the queryset such as it is a subclass
> of model formset. Could you provide a use case where it might be worth
> it to also provideinitialdatafor an inline model formset? It would
> seem that a default value on a model field would be sufficient. Seems
> a bit overkill for the general case due to the unknown size of the
> queryset.
> --
> Brian Rosner

I guess my question would be, how can it not be useful?  If it was
considered worthwhile for a regular formset to be able to have dynamic
field values via the initial argument why wouldn't it be useful for a
model formset?  Whether or not the data is saved in a database seems
irrelevant to the usefulness of being able to provide dynamic initial

You seem to be thinking of initial data in terms of overriding
existing instances but where it comes in handy is for providing
defaults for potential new instances.  As a use case consider a
restaurant.  When a customer wants to buy something they create an
order and add one or more menu items to it, say 2 hot dogs, 4
hamburgers, and 1 large drink.

It would be nice the next time the customer comes back to provide
those as the defaults for a new order.  In that way they could just
get the usual.  Or if the menu were small it might be best to always
display all menu items and just have customers enter the quantity for
anything they want.  In this case you would override the validation
and save methods so that only records with a quantity provided were
saved into your database, similar to the way the core option used to
work for model fields.

I really can't think of a common use case where initial would be used
to override existing instances.  However, I think it would be helpful
if a model formset displayed existing instances supplied by the
underlying queryset, new instances populated with data from an initial
argument, and blank instances defined by extra.  Extra already
operates as I would expect initial to, but it takes its values from
the fields rather than allowing you to pass them in dynamically.  If
extra is worthwhile to have it seems initial would be too.

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ANNOUNCE: Security updates for Django trunk, 0.96, 0.95 and 0.91

2008-09-02 Thread James Bennett

In accordance with our security policy[1], today the Django project is
issuing a set of releases to fix a security vulnerability reported to
us. This message contains a description of the vulnerability, a
description of the changes made to fix it, and pointers to the patches
for each supported version of Django.

Description of vulnerability

The Django administration application, as a convenience for users
whose sessions expire, will attempt to preserve HTTP POST data from an
incoming submission while re-authenticating the user, and will -- on
successful authentication -- allow the submission to continue without
requiring data to be re-entered.

Django developer Simon Willison has presented the Django development
team with a proof-of-concept cross-site request forgery (CSRF) which
exploits this behavior to perform unrequested deletion/modification of
data. This exploit has been tested and verified by the Django team,
and succeeds regardless of whether Django's bundled CSRF-protection
module is active.

Affected versions

* Django development trunk
* Django 0.96
* Django 0.95
* Django 0.91


As it represents a persistent vector for CSRF attacks, this behavior
is being removed from Django; henceforth, attempted posts from users
whose sessions have expired will be discarded and the data will need
to be re-entered.

This is, then, backwards-incompatible with existing behavior and may
be considered a feature removal; however, the Django team feel that
the security risks of this feature outweigh its minor utility.

The fix for this issue was applied to the Django repository in
changeset 8877, which contains the relevant changes for each affected

Based on these changes, the Django team is issuing three new releases:

* Django 0.96.3:
* Django 0.95.4:
* Django 0.91.3:

The relevant patch has been applied to Django trunk as well, and so
will be included in the forthcoming Django 1.0 release candidate (to
be issued later today) and the final Django 1.0 release.

All users of affected Django versions are encouraged to upgrade

A file containing the MD5 and SHA1 checksums of the new release
packages has been placed on the ```` server::

This file is PGP-signed with the Django release manager's public
key. This key has the fingerprint ``0x8C8B2AE1`` and can be obtained
from, e.g., the MIT PGP keyserver::

Release manager's note

If you are currently maintaining and distributing a packaged version
of Django (e.g., for a Linux or other Unix distribution), or if you
are a hosting company which officially supports Django as an option
for customers, and you did **not** receive an advance notification of
this issue, please contact Django's release manager (James Bennett,
james at b-list dot org) as soon as possible so that you can be added
to the list of known distributors who receive such notifications.


"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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ANN: Trunk freeze and 1.0rc1

2008-09-02 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Hi folks --

We're about to push out 1.0rc1. Check the blog for the announcement.
Things to know

#8669 is the only known code bug. Malcolm or I will fix it tonight or
tomorrow morning.

Other than that, we're on total trunk freeze. I need everyone's help
to quickly triage incoming tickets and separate anything BIG -- data
loss, crashes, etc -- from, well, everything else. I'll be focusing on
docs until the final release, so feel free to put any doc patches
filed into the 1.0 milestone. Ditto translations. Anything else needs
to be pushed post-1.0. I suspect I'll be making a lot of BDFL post-1.0
pushes on incoming stuff; please try to give me the benefit of the
doubt, but don't be shy if I fuck up.

If you're a partial committer, please check with a core committer
before you commit anything. Again, the exception is for docs and

We'll do the final release as soon as we feel comfortable. With luck,
that'll be really soon.


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Template system ported to C based language?

2008-09-02 Thread Jesse Grosjean

Is anyone aware of any projects to port Django's template system to a
C based language? I found a project that's porting to PHP, but I'm
wondering if anyone has started a C based port. C, Objective-c, or C+

Jesse Grosjean

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Re: forms.BooleanField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) broken on MySQL

2008-09-02 Thread Dave S

> Time to open a new issue which focuses solely on the Hidden Boolean
> issue in stead of #7190?
> Ps: I still feel that exposing the fact that MySQL does not support
> booleans is a mistake exactly because it creates two new paths
> in Django. One where booleans are mapped to  and one where
> they are mapped to .
> There have been problems with the tests on MySQL because of this too.
> Besides it feels like python < 2.3 ;)
> Pim.

I have to agree here. I just had an interesting failure mode in my
testing due to this "feature".

How much database independence is django offering? This bit of
behavior is
not too helpful, and it isn't documented (Opened
for this).

I realize that I need to re-test between databases, but it comes down
to how much
django is abstracting the DB.


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Re: Composite Primary Keys

2008-09-02 Thread Rock

One use case for Composite Primary Keys is for setting up database
partitions. In my case I am using Range-Hash partitions with the range
determined by an IntegerField called "ISOweek" and the hash working
off of the "id" field supplied by Django. To allow this partitioning
to work, the primary key must be a composite primary key incorporating
the "ISOweek" and the "id" fields. My versions of the sqlreset and
reset management functions do this while also ensuring that "id" is
marked as unique even though it is not the primary key. This allows a
ForeignKey pointed at my partitioned model to work correctly by
setting "id" as the to_field. (If "id" is not set as unique, Django
and/or the database will fail in its' attempt to set up the full
foreign key relationship.)

The initial version of Composite Primary Keys should not preclude this
scenario, however full support for setting up and managing partitioned
models need not be included at this time. (I plan to help add that
later.) The interesting point is that support for related fields for
the Composite Primary Key is not required in order to support this
particular use case.


On Aug 28, 8:05 pm, "David Cramer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not quite sure how that relates to Composite Primary Keys?
> A ForeignKey would point to multiple internal fields, but it should look
> like it's a single field. At the same time, this would open up the
> possibility for Composite Foreign Keys, which would mean it could point to
> multiple public fields.
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Re: Search facility for new documentation

2008-09-02 Thread Antonio Cavedoni

Hi Jacob,

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> Yeah, I'd love to see it; if it integrates better -- the custom search
> looks like shit, frankly -- it might be worth the money.

See here:

There's some documentation now, although this is of course not a
proper public release. I've been using this code in production for a
while now and it hasn't crashed on me yet, but of course your mileage
may vary. I've been using it in production here for about five months
now, without any major issues:


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Re: Search facility for new documentation

2008-09-02 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Antonio Cavedoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FWIW: I have an almost finished (only needs packaging and some
> documentation) reusable Django app that wraps around Google Business
> Search. It's basically the same thing as the Google Custom Search
> that's currently in place, only it doesn't work off an iframe and
> doesn't have any ads.
> The downside is that it's for pay, about $100 a year IIRC.
> My app would be free anyway. If there's interest I can package and release it.

/me raises hand :)

Yeah, I'd love to see it; if it integrates better -- the custom search
looks like shit, frankly -- it might be worth the money.


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Re: from beta to 1.0?

2008-09-02 Thread Aljosa Mohorovic

On Sep 2, 3:04 pm, "Jacob Kaplan-Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That's what we'll be doing. Sorry we haven't updated the roadmap or
> this list; we're all busy, you know, getting 1.0 done. Watch for the
> announcement later today.

thanks for info.

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Re: Search facility for new documentation

2008-09-02 Thread Antonio Cavedoni

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Fraser Nevett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sphinx's search could be useful if you're working with an offline copy
> of the docs, but Google seem to give much better results so is
> probably preferable for the docs web site.

FWIW: I have an almost finished (only needs packaging and some
documentation) reusable Django app that wraps around Google Business
Search. It's basically the same thing as the Google Custom Search
that's currently in place, only it doesn't work off an iframe and
doesn't have any ads.

The downside is that it's for pay, about $100 a year IIRC.

My app would be free anyway. If there's interest I can package and release it.


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Re: from beta to 1.0?

2008-09-02 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Aljosa Mohorovic
> since everybody is talking about django 1.0 release today and i was
> looking at
> (schedule not updated) it's not clear to me why nobody thinks that
> releasing rc1 and waiting a few days more to see if everything is
> actually working is a possible option?

That's what we'll be doing. Sorry we haven't updated the roadmap or
this list; we're all busy, you know, getting 1.0 done. Watch for the
announcement later today.


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from beta to 1.0?

2008-09-02 Thread Aljosa Mohorovic

since everybody is talking about django 1.0 release today and i was
looking at
(schedule not updated) it's not clear to me why nobody thinks that
releasing rc1 and waiting a few days more to see if everything is
actually working is a possible option?
after waiting for so long what's 2-3 days more?

Aljosa Mohorovic
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Re: primary_key for ImageField does not work any more

2008-09-02 Thread David Cramer

This sounds like a bug. I would submit a ticket for it.

On Sep 1, 6:42 am, Jochen Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> with Django 0.96 I used a model which contained the following field:
>     class ImageFile(models.Model):
>         [...]
>         fname = models.ImageField(upload_to="images", primary_key=True,
>                                   width_field="width", height_field="height")
>         [...]
> When trying to convert this to the current version of Django, I got the
> following error message for this line:
>     [...]
>       File "/home/voss/s2/s2/images/", line 96, in 
>         class ImageFile(models.Model):
>       File "/home/voss/s2/s2/images/", line 107, in ImageFile
>         width_field="width", height_field="height")
>       File 
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/db/models/fields/", line 
> 240, in __init__
>         FileField.__init__(self, verbose_name, name, **kwargs)
>       File 
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/django/db/models/fields/", line 
> 129, in __init__
>         raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid argument for %s." % (arg, 
> self.__class__))
>     TypeError: 'primary_key' is not a valid argument for  'django.db.models.fields.files.ImageField'>.
> It seems that primary_key=True is no longer allowed for ImageField
> fields.  I looked 
> at
> but did not find any information about this.
> I am not sure whether this change is intended or a bug, but I think it
> should either be mentioned in the list of backward incompatible
> changes or should be allowed again.
> I hope this helps,
> Jochen
> --
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload
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