Re: RFC: "UPSERT" in PostgreSQL

2014-09-29 Thread Petite Abeille

On Sep 29, 2014, at 2:46 PM, shmengie <> wrote:

> Merge -- bulk loading foreign data -no guaranty
> upsert -- insert or update row w/confidence.

Sounds like a difference without a distinction.

Let spin it a different way: the MERGE syntax, and broad semantic, is fine as 
it is, for all use cases, in all its ISO glory. There is no compelling reasons 
to invent another one. The only point of contention is what guaranty, if any, 
the MERGE statement provides, which is formally none. The UPSERT statement as 
suggested identify a narrow use case where it can provide some sort of 
guaranties about atomicity and race condition [1]. Beautiful. Let this be an 
implementation detail of MERGE as understood by Postgres: under the right 
circumstances, Postgres' MERGE implementation guaranties such and such. This is 
a compelling implementation advantage. But not one that warrant a different 
syntax and semantic altogether. My 2¢.


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Re: RFC: "UPSERT" in PostgreSQL

2014-09-28 Thread Petite Abeille

On Sep 28, 2014, at 9:15 PM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:

> Would you be happier with that?

I would be happier with a clean MERGE statement implementation in Postgres, 
yes. And yes, I have followed Postgres' agonizing debate over the years about 
the subject.  But I personally think it has been framed in the wrong light 
since the very beginning and that Postgres has convince itself that it somehow 
cannot support MERGE. Therefore it will not. 

To paraphrase Ian Grigg [1], albeit in  a different context: we fixed what we 
could, not what we should, because it was easier.

Anyway, these where my 2¢. Remember, you asked for feedback :)


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Re: RFC: "UPSERT" in PostgreSQL

2014-09-28 Thread Petite Abeille

On Sep 28, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Aymeric Augustin 

> You're allowed to disagree with that decision, however:

You are right. Apologies about that. Moving along.

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Re: RFC: "UPSERT" in PostgreSQL

2014-09-28 Thread Petite Abeille

On Sep 28, 2014, at 11:21 AM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 1:51 AM, Petite Abeille
>  wrote:
>> For diversity's sake, and for the record, I, for one, would definitively 
>> rather have the standard MERGE statement instead of yet another 'weird' 
>> UPSERT concoction peculiar to Postgres.
> A few people have said that, but then when you look at SQL MERGE in
> detail it becomes apparent that it is really intended to serve the
> bulk loading use-case.

A bad case of confirmation bias :D

> I took the time to delineate the differences
> between SQL MERGE and what I call UPSERT in detail [1].

Again, your house, your choice. But it seems a bit self-indulgent to concoct 
your very own take on MERGE, with baroque syntax, peculiar semantic, and all, 
just because some abstract aspects of the MERGE specification is not to you 
liking... rather self-defeating altogether.

Anyway, just my 2¢.

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Re: RFC: "UPSERT" in PostgreSQL

2014-09-28 Thread Petite Abeille

On Sep 28, 2014, at 1:01 AM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:

> The SQL standard's MERGE statement is kind of weird...

For diversity's sake, and for the record, I, for one, would definitively rather 
have the standard MERGE statement instead of yet another 'weird' UPSERT 
concoction peculiar to Postgres. 

Just saying :)

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Re: The model API and strong typing

2014-03-01 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 1, 2014, at 9:14 AM, Martin Matusiak  wrote:

> Is there a rationale for why we don't do this?

Perhaps because handling data constraint is the db job?

In the case of sqlite, which is very free form, simply define the proper check 

For example:

create table foo
  bar text not null,
  check( typeof( bar ) = 'text' and length( bar ) <= 10 )

sqlite> insert into foo values( 1 );
Error: CHECK constraint failed: foo

sqlite> insert into foo values( '12345678901' );
Error: CHECK constraint failed: foo

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Re: Using EXISTS instead of IN for subqueries

2013-03-26 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 26, 2013, at 10:03 PM, Alex Gaynor  wrote:

> For what it's worth, SQL2011 does define OFFSET, finally.

Perhaps worthwhile mentioning as well :

"Do not try to implement a scrolling window using LIMIT and OFFSET. Doing so 
will become sluggish as the user scrolls down toward the bottom of the list."
-- Scrolling Cursor, What Not To Do

Just saying...

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Re: Using EXISTS instead of IN for subqueries

2013-03-26 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 26, 2013, at 4:19 PM, Michael Manfre  wrote:

> Maybe someday the non-standard LIMIT/OFFSET keywords will get added to the
> standard (I truly hope this happens) so Oracle, MSSQL, DB2, and Informix
> could share SQL with postgres and mysql without needing to mangle it.

FWIW, Oracle 12c is rumored to support OFFSET/FETCH FIRST:

• Top-N now using Row limiting clause eg. “OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS 
ONLY”. Similar to mySQL syntax.

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 9:36 PM, Ian Kelly  wrote:

> These particular lookups have a long history of being tweaked due to
> users coming up with installations where the existing queries did not
> work.  See tickets #5985, #11017 and #14149.  I'd rather not reopen
> this issue unless the current implementation can documentably be shown
> to be broken.

Fair enough…

Another point perhaps worthwhile mentioning:

# There's no way for the DatabaseOperations class to know the
# currently active Oracle version, so we do some setups here.

That information can be extracted from v$version, v$instance, 
dbms_db_version.version, product_component_version, etc, etc. The choice is 

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 9:28 PM, Ian Kelly  wrote:

> Digging into the code a bit further, I see that the postgresql backend
> accomplishes this by tacking '::text' onto the end of the field name
> when the lookup is a string-based lookup like startswith.  Oracle
> could probably do something similar with the TO_CHAR function.

Yep… explicitly convert the date column to a varchar and apply the like clause 
to it. And you are done.

That said… from a db perspective… if you have more than an handful of rows… 
this is not going to fly much…  just saying…

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 9:12 PM, Florian Apolloner  wrote:

> Interesting. Out of curiosity may I ask what brought you to this ML then? 

Ah, oh, yes, well… subscribed to the django mailing lists a while back to see 
what was all the fuss about :)

That specific thread caught my eye, as I'm familiar with Oracle. And sympathize 
with the OP apparent frustration with the beast. 

> (Don't get me wrong, it's just not that often that people write to this 
> mailing list without using Python) 

Yeah, well, slow Sunday morning :D

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 8:28 PM, Aymeric Augustin 


Last but not least… I couldn't help notice these suspicious looking operators:


I suspect these are some sort of workarounds some fundamental charset encoding 
misunderstandings :)

Perhaps best to revisit that in light of "Supporting Multilingual Databases 
with Unicode" and "Programming with Unicode":

Just my 2¢ though.

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 8:45 PM, Florian Apolloner  wrote:

> Patches welcome…

Yes, I wish I knew Python. Sadly I don't.  :)

> Well the issue is that nobody wrote get_key_columns yet, so we'd need a 
> patch which adds this method to the oracle backend, examples can be taken 
> from postgres 

If this is about getting the various constraints, this looks like 
'get_relations' method:

> Postgres supports information_schema which is part of the SQL standard, I 
> don't think Oracle supports it.

No, but the Oracle data dictionary is much more extensive than the information 
schema, so it's rather straightforward to get what one wants:

> If you know the oracle tables, please 
> provide us with the query which brings out the needed data…

I'm not clear what 'get_key_columns' does, but based on the Postgres code, I 
suspect it tries to get all the referential constraints keys, right? Looks like 
this is what 'get_relations' does as well already. Perhaps just a name mismatch.

Anyhow, for the record, here are various introspection queries examples which 
may or may not be of interest (these are aggregates, so not necessarily at the 
granularity you might want):

  select/*+ materialize */
  from  TableSet

  join  all_constraints
  onall_constraints.owner = TableSet.owner
  and   all_constraints.table_name = TableSet.table_name
  join  all_cons_columns
  onall_cons_columns.owner = all_constraints.owner
  and   all_cons_columns.constraint_name = all_constraints.constraint_name
  where all_constraints.constraint_type = 'P'
  select/*+ materialize */
listagg( all_cons_columns.constraint_name, ', ' ) within group( 
order by all_cons_columns.constraint_name ) as constraint_name,
count( distinct all_cons_columns.constraint_name ) as 
  from  TableSet

  join  all_constraints
  onall_constraints.owner = TableSet.owner
  and   all_constraints.table_name = TableSet.table_name
  join  all_cons_columns
  onall_cons_columns.owner = all_constraints.owner
  and   all_cons_columns.constraint_name = all_constraints.constraint_name
  where all_constraints.constraint_type = 'U'

  group by  all_cons_columns.owner,
  select/*+ materialize */
listagg( all_cons_columns.constraint_name, ', ' ) within group( 
order by all_cons_columns.constraint_name ) as constraint_name,
count( distinct all_cons_columns.constraint_name ) as 
listagg( r_cons_columns.owner || '.' || r_cons_columns.table_name 
|| '.' || r_cons_columns.column_name ) within group( order by 
r_cons_columns.owner, r_cons_columns.table_name, r_cons_columns.column_name ) 
as r_constraint_column,
listagg( r_cons_columns.constraint_name, ', ' ) within group( order 
by r_cons_columns.constraint_name ) as r_constraint_name
  from  TableSet

  join  all_constraints
  onall_constraints.owner = TableSet.owner
  and   all_constraints.table_name = TableSet.table_name
  join  all_cons_columns
  onall_cons_columns.owner = all_constraints.owner
  and   all_cons_columns.constraint_name = all_constraints.constraint_name

  join  all_constraints r_constraints
  onr_constraints.owner = all_constraints.r_owner
  and   r_constraints.constraint_name = all_constraints.r_constraint_name

  join  all_cons_columns r_cons_columns
  onr_cons_columns.owner = r_constraints.owner
  and   r_cons_columns.constraint_name = r_constraints.constraint_name
  and   r_cons_columns.position = all_cons_columns.position
  where all_constraints.constraint_type = 'R'

  group by  all_cons_columns.owner,
  select/*+ materialize */
all_ind_columns.table_owner as owner,
listagg( all_ind_columns.index_name, ', ' ) within group( order by 
all_ind_columns.index_name ) as index_name
  from  TableSet

  join  all_i

Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 8:28 PM, Aymeric Augustin 

> Django does this already:


In the case of #20015, the issue is the other way round… the literal '2008%' 
cannot be implicitly converted to a date. Implicit conversion always go to the 
narrowest type. You would be better off converting it explicitly, e.g. to_date( 
'2008', ''  ) or such. Then the query become date >= to_date( '2008', 
''  ). Alternatively, you could convert the date column to a varchar: 
to_char( date ) like '2008%'… 

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 7:56 PM, Petite Abeille  wrote:

> If you are not explicit, the session NLS format is applied, with 
> unpredictable results.

For the record, one can always set this explicitly at the session level as 
well, e.g.:

alter session set nls_date_format = '-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS' or such. Ditto 
for timestamps.

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Ian Kelly  wrote:

> #20015 looks like an expected failure.  Oracle supports lookups of
> date fields using strings by implicitly converting the string to a
> date.  The test is doing a startswith lookup that is going to produce
> sql that looks something like "WHERE date_column LIKE '2008%'".

If you have a date type, stick to a date type.  Converting to a varchar to run 
a like query is counterproductive. If one is looking for a date, just look for 
a date, e.g. ' extract( year from date_column ) = 2008 ' or such.

Otherwise, you must explicitly convert the date to a specific varchar format, 
e.g. . to_char( date_column, 'MMDD' ) like '2008%'

If you are not explicit, the session NLS format is applied, with unpredictable 

> That's not going to work because Oracle can't convert '2008%' into a
> date.  So the test here is testing that the
> 'supports_date_lookup_using_string' feature is more comprehensive than
> Oracle actually supports.

Such string to date conversion depends on the session NSL settings if not 

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 7:04 PM, Florian Apolloner  wrote:

> It's not always just SQL and even then, before formulating them in SQL it's 
> easier to just ask the Oracle users to take a look at the failing issues 
> and provide help there… Eg: is 
> a perfect example where someone with Oracle knowledge can chime in, but 
> everyone else has probably hours in front of him to figure out how the 
> query should look like (and once he has the query the issue is solved ;)).

Assuming this are the tests:

Picking a random example:

# The following test fails on Oracle due to #17202 (can't correctly
# inspect the length of character columns).
def test_get_table_description_col_lengths(self):
cursor = connection.cursor()
desc = connection.introspection.get_table_description(cursor, 
[r[3] for r in desc if datatype(r[1], r) == 'CharField'],
[30, 30, 75]

get_table_description is define as:

def get_table_description(self, cursor, table_name):
"Returns a description of the table, with the DB-API cursor.description 
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ROWNUM < 2" % 
description = []
for desc in cursor.description:
description.append(FieldInfo(*((desc[0].lower(),) + desc[1:])))
return description

In this case, two factors are playing against you:

(1) Whereabout way to get table metadata (i.e. query the table to figure out 
its data to figure out its meta data). Instead, using the data dictionary 
directly would be more reliable and to the point, e.g. select owner, 
table_name, column_name, ... from [user|all]_tab_columns. 

(2) Distinction between char length vs. byte length. See DATA_LENGTH vs. 
CHAR_LENGTH vs. CHAR_USED. Related to NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. The short of it, 
bytes != chars.

Some other random comments:


def table_name_converter(self, name):
"Table name comparison is case insensitive under Oracle"
return name.lower()

That's not quite the case, even if it would appear so. Contrast "Fubar" vs. 
"FUBAR" vs FUBAR. (note the double quotes). See quoted identifier vs. nonquoted 
identifier. The short of it, identifier can be case sensitive, even though it's 
best to stay clear from such a deep rabbit hole.

(B) oracle / uses the USER_ flavor of the data dictionary 
(e.g. USER_TABLES).  The USER_ flavor only shows objects which are directly 
owned by the schema. Which may be quite restrictive. You may be better off 
using the ALL_ flavor, which shows all the objects visible to the schema, 
irrespectively of ownership.

( C )  Try to formulate queries using the ANSI join syntax instead of the 
legacy Oracle one (i.e. left join vs. (+) ). The ANSI syntax is clearer, less 
error prone, and, well, more portable.

As far as that test_get_key_columns failure goes, I couldn't track down the 
code for connection.introspection.get_key_columns… but I suspect it has 
something to do with point (1)...

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 12:58 PM, Aymeric Augustin 

> On 10 mars 2013, at 10:34, Petite Abeille  wrote:
>> On Mar 10, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Aymeric Augustin 
>>  wrote:
>>> Oracle's online docs are a sad joke
>> Specifically? The Oracle document is rather extensive and detailed. What's 
>> confusing you?
> They're purely reference docs.

Yes, the reference documentation is very extensive.

> They make lots of assumptions about things you're already supposed to know.

Yes, references are not tutorials.

> They aren't educational at all.

Yes. On the other hand, there are large swath of more conceptual materials as 
well, such as the "Developer Essentials" series:

Granted, this can all be a bit of a mouthful due to the sheer amount of 
documentation and tutorial material available. But it's there.

> If you're familiar with Oracle — ie. you paid for training & certification, 
> or you're using it regularly — that's probably OK.

Sure enough.

> I'm only dealing with Oracle to fix failures in Django's test suite or ensure 
> that new features are supported under Oracle. Clearly I'm not smart or 
> knowledgeable enough to take advantage of its docs.

If you can formulate the issues in terms of SQL, then perhaps someone could try 
to help sort it out.

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Re: Test failures under Oracle

2013-03-10 Thread Petite Abeille

On Mar 10, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Aymeric Augustin 

>  Oracle's online docs are a sad joke

Specifically? The Oracle document is rather extensive and detailed. What's 
confusing you?

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