
I apologize for the lack of updates on the progress of my project in
the past few weeks, there just wasn't much to report, unfortunately.

I spent the past two weeks porting the ForeignKey refactor on top of
master. It took significantly more time to do than I anticipated due
to all the changes in ForeignKey and other ORM internals. Currently
most of the code seems to work, however, I'm in a regression fixing
mode, running the test suite, picking a failing test, fixing and
repeating. I still have 32 failures and 56 errors remaining at the
moment, which is significantly less than the 200 failures and 1100
errors I started at, but still quite a lot.

The work is slow, tedious and quite tiring, each regression takes at
least a couple-three hours to figure out (often even longer) and
doesn't decrease the number of remaining errors all that much.

I'm one week behind my schedule right now, unfortunately, it seems
that this lag will increase further. Well, I was too optimistic in my

The good news is that the changes I'm required to make at this stage
will make support for composite fields even easier to implement than I

Feel free to check out the code on Github [1].


[1] https://github.com/koniiiik/django/tree/soc2013/foreignkey-refactor

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