OpenAPI Schema generation missing titlte

2017-08-28 Thread Dan Davis
Hi guys, 

I'm trying to understand what I would need to do to get the schema 
generation to include verbose_name from my model or a label from a 
serializer form.  I'm converting the schema all the way through to to try 
to drive a React schema-driven form using the javascript package 
reach-jsonschema-form, playground for which 

However, the OpenAPI schema generated does not include a label for a field, 
whether I specify it as the verbose_name on my model, or as the label on 

I've tried to look at the CoreAPI intermediate form, for which I post the 

Field(name='barcode', required=True, location='form', 
description=None, type=None, example=None)
Field(name='universal_sequence', required=True, location='form', 
description=None, type=None, example=None)
Field(name='index_sequence', required=True, location='form', 
description=None, type=None, example=None)
Field(name='full_sequence', required=True, location='form', 
description=None, type=None, example=None)
Field(name='index_type', required=True, location='form', 
description=None, type=None, example=None)

You can see some of the Python from which I produced this brief result in a 
Gist -

If you need more, the whole code is in GitHub -

I'm posting here because I've eliminated django-rest-swagger from the tools 
- the API is using purely Django rest framework, with a custom renderer 
based on the openapi_codec package, as shown in the Django Rest Framework 
documentation.   I've come a long way in understanding how CoreAPI is an 
sometimes internal view, but a schema view can be made external.   I've 
made that an operation on a ViewSet so that it can be browsed through the 
API explorer itself.

The problem here is getting it to include the title for a form...

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Ignore authentication on a single list_route within ViewSet?

2017-01-04 Thread Dan
Hi everyone,

I am trying to figure out how to remove authentication from a single view 
within a ViewSet. I essentially want this endpoint to be public, but not 
effect any other view in here.

In I have:


My ViewSet is just a basic viewsets.ViewSet with no decorators or variables 
being modified on the class.

In this ViewSet I have the following view:
@list_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='package/(?P[^\/]+)')
def get_package(self, request, package_id):

I have tried just about every possible combination 
of @authentication_classes() and @permission_classes() decorators, trying 
different orders too, and no matter what I get:
  "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

I've even tried making my own authentication class:
class NoAuthentication(BaseAuthentication):
def authenticate(self, request):
return True

def authenticate_header(self, request):

And then using it as such:
@list_route(methods=['GET'], url_path='package/(?P[^\/]+)')
@authentication_classes([NoAuthentication, ])
@permission_classes([AllowAny, ])
def get_package(self, request, package_id):
Which does a whole lot of nothing.

Removing this view from the ViewSet is a last resort as I'd rather not have 
to hard-code a URL that mimics the ViewSet's route. I would really like to 
know why I can't disable auth on a single view.

Any help here would be much appreciated!


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