Re: [Django] #10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler
  Reporter:  baumer1122  | Owner:  davidfischer
Status:  assigned| Milestone:  
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  mod_wsgi
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Changes (by davidfischer):

  * needs_better_patch:  1 => 0
  * needs_docs:  1 => 0


 I added a patch with supporting documentation and I removed the
 authorization functions from the old patch.

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Re: [Django] #12000: Code display box renders wrong on Safari

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#12000: Code display box renders wrong on Safari
  Reporter:  anonymous  | Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed | Milestone:
 Component:  Documentation  |   Version:  1.1   
Resolution:  worksforme |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Changes (by ubernostrum):

  * status:  new => closed
  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * resolution:  => worksforme
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 I can't reproduce this.

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[Django] #12000: Code display box renders wrong on Safari

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#12000: Code display box renders wrong on Safari
 Reporter:  anonymous  |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new|   Milestone:
Component:  Documentation  | Version:  1.1   
 Keywords: |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0  |  
 When I view
 tutorial03, one of the code display boxes renders in a way that's
 unreadable.  I'm attaching a screen-shot.  I'm using Safari Version 4.0.3
 (5531.9) on Mac OSX 10.5.7.  If I reduce the font size with Command-minus,
 it renders correctly.  Oddly enough, if I increase the size back to the
 original with Command-plus, it still renders correctly.  I don't know if
 this is a problem with your CSS or with Safari, but I figured you'd want
 to know about it.

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Re: [Django] #10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler
  Reporter:  baumer1122  | Owner:  davidfischer
Status:  assigned| Milestone:  
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  mod_wsgi
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  1   |  
Comment (by grahamd):

 Presuming there is a corresponding Django application running in same
 process/sub interpreter, a better way is have all the following in single
 WSGI script file:

 import sys

 import os
 os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'

 import django.contrib.auth.handlers.modwsgi

 def check_password(environ, user, password):
 return django.contrib.auth.handlers.modwsgi.check_password(environ,
 user, password)

 import django.core.handlers.wsgi

 application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

 That is, no need to actually have multiple script files. Apache
 configuration would then be:

 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "Top Secret"
 AuthBasicProvider wsgi
 Require valid-user

 WSGIProcessGroup %{GLOBAL}
 WSGIApplicationGroup django

 WSGIAuthUserScript /usr/local/django/mysite/apache/django.wsgi
 WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/local/django/mysite/apache/django.wsgi

 The WSGIProcessGroup/WSGIApplicationGroup are to ensure both are executed
 in same sub interpreter as by default authentication handler will execute
 in %{GLOBAL} application group where as Django will be in group named
 based on virtual host ServerName and application mount point.

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Re: [Django] #10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler
  Reporter:  baumer1122  | Owner:  davidfischer
Status:  assigned| Milestone:  
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  mod_wsgi
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  1   |  
Changes (by davidfischer):

  * owner:  nobody => davidfischer
  * status:  new => assigned


 It sounds like you've thought this through. Still, I think that a mod_wsgi
 auth handler is a good idea. Considering your suggestions, I think an auth
 script should look something like this:
 import sys

 import os
 os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'

 import django.contrib.auth.handlers.modwsgi

 def check_password(environ, user, password):
 return django.contrib.auth.handlers.modwsgi.check_password(environ,
 user, password)

 In this way, there will always be an external auth script but at least
 users won't be repeating themselves as much.

 I like this solution a lot better than making sure that the system path is
 set properly and that the `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` environment variable is
 set in the OS level before starting Apache. That solution would also have
 problems with multiple Django projects authenticating against multiple
 auth databases running on the same Apache instance.

 I'll start working on a patch.

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Re: [Django] #10360: allow customized forbidden message when using exceptions

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10360: allow customized forbidden message when using exceptions
  Reporter:  tallfred| Owner:  ericholscher
Status:  assigned| Milestone:  1.2 
 Component:  Core framework  |   Version:  1.0 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  
 Stage:  Accepted| Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  1   
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Comment (by Leo):

 Actually, even better behavior would be to redirect to a 403.html page
 just like the 500 and 404 handlers that currently exist. Some more
 discussion in #5515.

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Re: [Django] #10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler
  Reporter:  baumer1122  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  new | Milestone:  
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  mod_wsgi
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  1   |  
Changes (by grahamd):

 * cc: grahamd (removed)
 * cc: (added)

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Re: [Django] #10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler
  Reporter:  baumer1122  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  new | Milestone:  
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  mod_wsgi
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  1   |  
Changes (by grahamd):

 * cc: grahamd (added)

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Re: [Django] #10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10809: mod_wsgi authentication handler
  Reporter:  baumer1122  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  new | Milestone:  
 Component:  Authentication  |   Version:  SVN 
Resolution:  |  Keywords:  mod_wsgi
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  1   |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  1   |  
Comment (by grahamd):

 I wouldn't be copying how mod_python/Django works as it is technically
 broken, or at least is a very bad way of doing things because of the
 problems it can cause.

 The interaction with mod_python for both authentication handler and
 content handler, ie., main Django application, relies on stuffing all
 mod_python request variables into os.environ on every request. Doing this
 is bad for a number of reasons.

 The first is that it causes pollution of the set of process environment
 variables. This is because every time you set something in os.environ, it
 also under the covers calls C level putenv(). Because mod_python and
 mod_wsgi can have multiple sub interpreters with separate applications
 running in them, any change made will affect the process environment
 variables used by other applications running in same process.

 The second is that if the first application to get a request has
 additional variables set beyond what is set for other applications in
 other sub interpreters, when that second application gets a request,
 os.environ will be created as a copy of process environment variables at
 that time, so variables set in configuration for the first effectively
 leak into the os.environ dictionary of the second application. If the
 point of the configuration was not to affect something needing process
 environment variables, but just in Python context via os.environ, you have
 then potentially affected the way that the second application works.

 The third is that it is in the main pointless setting os.environ on every
 request because for variables like DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE only the first
 value seen is ever used as it is only read when django first initialises

 For some additional detail about process environment variable leakage
 between Python sub interpreters read:

 Overall, the use of a globally scoped variable set in os.environ for
 driving Django configuration, and all the subsequent caching of
 configuration in global data, is suboptimal design. It is therefore
 arguable that this really comes down to being a Django problem and not a
 mod_wsgi limitation.

 I would also suggest that having the authentication handler be dependent
 on loading and initialising the full Django stack is also sub optimal.
 This is because authentication hooks in mod_wsgi can only run in the
 embedded mode processes. If the main Django site instance is running
 daemon mode you therefore potentially have a full second set of copies of
 Django loaded just to handle authentication. What should be aimed at is a
 way for the authentication handler only loading the absolute minimum of
 what is required from Django instance to do what it needs, otherwise you
 just risk bloating out your Apache if main application actually running in
 daemon mode. Maybe it does do, that, but since it requires settings file,
 presuming it is doing all initialisation.

 That all said, the other reason that SetEnv variables aren't propagated
 into authentication handler is that the authentication handler can only be
 setup from main Apache configuration file. Thus only by the administrator.
 This is done specifically so that the administrator can fully control how
 authentication is handled, given than any issues with it are going to be a
 security issue. If you allow SetEnv variables to control what
 configuration the authentication handler sees, then if a normal user if
 given FileInfo override rights for .htaccess file, then they could
 override the configuration sent into the authentication handler and so
 override the configuration the administrator set up. This would allow a
 normal user to circumvent the authentication mechanism and so open up
 security holes.

 A solution to this is to have a separate set of directives for setting
 WSGI environment variables. Do this though and you end up with silly mess
 with mod_python where you have choice of SetEnv and PythonOption. Because
 in mod_python PythonOption can also be set in .htaccess, it also is
 subject to the same security hole where a normal user could override a
 variable being passed into an authentication handler and circumvent the

 One solution is for the separate direct

Re: [Django] #11698: Add Django Debug Toolbar to contrib

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11698: Add Django Debug Toolbar to contrib
  Reporter:  russellm  | Owner:  nobody
Status:  new   | Milestone:
 Component:  Contrib apps  |   Version:  1.1   
Resolution:|  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by idangazit):

 * cc: idangazit (added)

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Re: [Django] #11863: Add a method to the orm to create Model instances from raw sql queries

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11863: Add a method to the orm to create Model instances from raw sql queries
  Reporter:  seanoc| Owner:  seanoc
Status:  assigned  | Milestone:  1.2   
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:|  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  1 |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by anonymous):

 * cc: (added)

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[Django] #11999: Support for Google Maps encoded geometries

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11999: Support for Google Maps encoded geometries
 Reporter:  rcoup  |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new|   Milestone:
Component:  GIS| Version:
 Keywords:  gmaps  |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0  |  
 When displaying polygons and polylines with GMaps, performance can be
 massively improved by using encoded geometries. It would be great for
 GeoDjango to support this:
  * a module to encode geometries and return a dictionary, so people can
 JSON-encode and send to the client, embed in templates, etc.
  * use encoded geometries in !GoogleGeoAdmin

 -- official docs
  * --
 detailed discussion, examples, links to implementations in various
  * --
 Python implementation. GPLv3 licensed, and code isn't tidy.

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Re: [Django] #7270: selected_related() can not follow reverse relations of OneToOne.

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#7270: selected_related() can not follow reverse relations of OneToOne.
  Reporter:  | Owner:  
Status:  new   | Milestone:  1.2

 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN

Resolution:|  Keywords:  
select_related onetoone reverse
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1  

Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0  

Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by anonymous):

 * cc: (added)

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Re: [Django] #10706: Incorrect error from sql when app fails to load

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10706: Incorrect error from sql when app fails to load
  Reporter:  Glenn| Owner:  nobody
Status:  new  | Milestone:
 Component:  |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:   |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Accepted | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0|   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  1|  
Changes (by xiongchiamiov):

 * cc: (added)

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Re: [Django] #17: Metasystem optimization: Share select_related in memory

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#17: Metasystem optimization: Share select_related in memory
  Reporter:  adrian| Owner:  PhiR   

Status:  assigned  | Milestone: 

 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN

Resolution:|  Keywords:  feature 
 Stage:  Accepted  | Has_patch:  1  

Needs_docs:  1 |   Needs_tests:  0  

Needs_better_patch:  1 |  
Changes (by alexkoshelev):

 * cc: alexkoshelev (added)

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Re: [Django] #5025: Add a "truncate" template filter

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#5025: Add a "truncate" template filter
  Reporter:  SmileyChris | Owner:  nobody
Status:  reopened| Milestone:
 Component:  Template system |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:  |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Changes (by Guilherme Gondim ):

 * cc: (added)


 I made a similar and simple filter, but your patch is better to Django.

 For reference:

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Re: [Django] #11998: IntegerField not validated for overflow

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11998: IntegerField not validated for overflow
  Reporter:  | Owner:  
Status:  new| Milestone:  
 Component:  Uncategorized  |   Version:  
Resolution: |  Keywords:

 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0 

Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 

Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Old description:

> Let be this small model :
> class IntegerOverflowTest(models.Model):
> someint = models.IntegerField()
> For mysql, maximum values for signed integer is 2147483647 [1]
> In admin interface, defining a value more than the maximum raises this
> exception :
> Warning : Out of range value for column 'someint' at row 1
> I would have expected that the form to be validated and prompt the error
> gracefully.
> [1]

New description:

 Let be this small model :
 class IntegerOverflowTest(models.Model):
 someint = models.IntegerField()
 For mysql, maximum values for signed integer is 2147483647 [1]

 In admin interface, defining a value more than the maximum raises this
 exception :
 Warning : Out of range value for column 'someint' at row 1
 I would have expected that the form to be validated and prompt the error


Comment (by Alex):

 Please use preview.

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Re: [Django] #11998: IntegerField not validated for overflow

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11998: IntegerField not validated for overflow
  Reporter:  | Owner:  
Status:  new| Milestone:  
 Component:  Uncategorized  |   Version:  
Resolution: |  Keywords:

 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  0 

Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 

Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Changes (by

  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 A small note : this warning is not raised while using sqlite3. It's
 reproducible under at least mysql.

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[Django] #11998: IntegerField not validated for overflow

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11998: IntegerField not validated for overflow
 Reporter:  |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new|   Milestone:  1.2   
Component:  Uncategorized  | Version:  1.1   
 Keywords: |   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0  |  
 Let be this small model :

 class IntegerOverflowTest(models.Model):
 someint = models.IntegerField()

 For mysql, maximum values for signed integer is 2147483647 [1]

 In admin interface, defining a value more than the maximum raises this
 exception :

 Warning : Out of range value for column 'someint' at row 1

 I would have expected that the form to be validated and prompt the error


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Re: [Django] #11972: Title filter should not capitalize ordinals

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11972: Title filter should not capitalize ordinals
  Reporter:  | Owner:  nobody  
Status:  new| Milestone:  1.2 
 Component:  Template system|   Version:  1.1 
Resolution: |  Keywords:  title filter
 Stage:  Unreviewed | Has_patch:  1   
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0   
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Changes (by gonz):

 * cc: gonz (added)
  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0

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Re: [Django] #11978: 'Duplicate key value violates unique constraint' error while changing inline admin model

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11978: 'Duplicate key value violates unique constraint' error while changing
inline admin model
  Reporter:  kozlenko| Owner:  nobody
Status:  new | Milestone:
 Component:  Forms   |   Version:  1.1   
Resolution:  |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed  | Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Changes (by kozlenko):

  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 This error resolved by adding new int primary key - error was because of
 updating id field.

 But it is new error now:

 'SecondaryFormFormSet' object has no attribute 'new_objects' at
 django/contrib/admin/ in construct_change_message, line 523


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Re: [Django] #10314: TestCase assert methods do not accept a msg parameter

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10314: TestCase assert methods do not accept a msg parameter
  Reporter:  wwinham| Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed | Milestone:
 Component:  Testing framework  |   Version:  1.0   
Resolution:  wontfix|  Keywords:
 Stage:  Accepted   | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Comment (by russellm):

 If you want to discuss a wontfix, the right place is django-dev.

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Re: [Django] #10314: TestCase assert methods do not accept a msg parameter

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#10314: TestCase assert methods do not accept a msg parameter
  Reporter:  wwinham| Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed | Milestone:
 Component:  Testing framework  |   Version:  1.0   
Resolution:  wontfix|  Keywords:
 Stage:  Accepted   | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0  |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0  |  
Comment (by

 How would you suggest handling use cases such as the above code snippet
 without a msg parameter?

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Re: [Django] #11578: Include init.d script in source for downstream packaging

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11578: Include init.d script in source for downstream packaging
  Reporter:  basti   | Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed  | Milestone:  1.2   
 Component:  Uncategorized   |   Version:  SVN   
Resolution:  wontfix |  Keywords:  init.d
 Stage:  Design decision needed  | Has_patch:  1 
Needs_docs:  0   |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0   |  
Changes (by russellm):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => wontfix


 I'm not convinced that the Django repository is the right place for this.
 init.d scripts are highly OS dependent, and can even be OS version
 dependent. If package maintainers want to include scripts like this, I
 encourage them to do so, but I don't see what having this code in the
 Django repository does to improve that process.

 On top of the platform issue, there is also the issue that Django has
 historically treated deployment as a documentation issue. We have avoided
 providing Apache config files, wsgi scripts, or any other deployment
 artefact because local configuration of a webserver is something that
 always needs to be tuned to local needs.

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[Changeset] r11602 - django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/contrib/comments

2009-10-08 Thread noreply

Author: russellm
Date: 2009-10-08 08:32:23 -0500 (Thu, 08 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11602

[1.1.X] Fixed #11995 -- Modified the admin site definition for comments so that 
users are shown as a raw id list. Thanks to James Bennett for the report and 

Backport of r11601 from trunk.

Modified: django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/contrib/comments/
--- django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/contrib/comments/ 
2009-10-08 13:30:31 UTC (rev 11601)
+++ django/branches/releases/1.1.X/django/contrib/comments/ 
2009-10-08 13:32:23 UTC (rev 11602)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 list_filter = ('submit_date', 'site', 'is_public', 'is_removed')
 date_hierarchy = 'submit_date'
 ordering = ('-submit_date',)
+raw_id_fields = ('user',)
 search_fields = ('comment', 'user__username', 'user_name', 'user_email', 
'user_url', 'ip_address')
 # Only register the default admin if the model is the built-in comment model

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[Changeset] r11601 - django/trunk/django/contrib/comments

2009-10-08 Thread noreply

Author: russellm
Date: 2009-10-08 08:30:31 -0500 (Thu, 08 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 11601

Fixed #11995 -- Modified the admin site definition for comments so that users 
are shown as a raw id list. Thanks to James Bennett for the report and patch.

Modified: django/trunk/django/contrib/comments/
--- django/trunk/django/contrib/comments/   2009-10-01 16:15:27 UTC 
(rev 11600)
+++ django/trunk/django/contrib/comments/   2009-10-08 13:30:31 UTC 
(rev 11601)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 list_filter = ('submit_date', 'site', 'is_public', 'is_removed')
 date_hierarchy = 'submit_date'
 ordering = ('-submit_date',)
+raw_id_fields = ('user',)
 search_fields = ('comment', 'user__username', 'user_name', 'user_email', 
'user_url', 'ip_address')
 # Only register the default admin if the model is the built-in comment model

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[Django] #11997: cache_control returns 200 OK response even page has not been changed.

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11997: cache_control returns 200 OK response even page has not been changed.
 Reporter:  jtiai |   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new   |   Milestone:
Component:  Cache system  | Version:  SVN   
 Keywords:|   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0 |  
 Provided code:
 @cache_page(60 * 60)
 def myview(request)
 return HttpResponse('test')

 Returns always 200 OK response and complete cached content. Modified since
 and modified dates and ETags in request and response headers do match.

 Correct behavior:
 Return value 304 Not Modified if cache conditions are met and do not fetch
 data from cache nor execute view.

Ticket URL: 
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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"Django updates" group.
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Re: [Django] #11996: unique over more than one fields

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11996: unique over more than one fields
  Reporter:  robert| Owner:  nobody
Status:  closed| Milestone:
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  1.1   
Resolution:  invalid   |  Keywords:
 Stage:  Unreviewed| Has_patch:  0 
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0 
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by emulbreh):

  * status:  new => closed
  * needs_better_patch:  => 0
  * resolution:  => invalid
  * needs_tests:  => 0
  * needs_docs:  => 0


 Sounds like you are looking for
 ManyToManyField.symmetrical] - although the ticket summary suggests

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Re: [Django] #8576: Multiple AutoFields in a model

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#8576: Multiple AutoFields in a model
  Reporter:  honeyman  | Owner:  nobody 
Status:  closed| Milestone: 
 Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  |   Version:  SVN
Resolution:  wontfix   |  Keywords:  multiple 
 Stage:  Design decision needed| Has_patch:  0  
Needs_docs:  0 |   Needs_tests:  0  
Needs_better_patch:  0 |  
Changes (by kmtracey):

  * status:  reopened => closed
  * resolution:  => wontfix


 As mentioned in the comment when this was closed, the way to get the
 decision reconsidered is to bring it up on the developer's mailing list.

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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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[Django] #11996: unique over more than one fields

2009-10-08 Thread Django
#11996: unique over more than one fields
 Reporter:  robert|   Owner:  nobody
   Status:  new   |   Milestone:
Component:  Database layer (models, ORM)  | Version:  1.1   
 Keywords:|   Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0 |  
 i got conflicted with the following issue...
 if user_a has made a friendship with user_b, user_b shouldn't be able to
 make a friendship
 with user_a. so a primary key like: (a,b) -> (b,a) would be needed. it
 would really be a pleasant

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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
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