#21814: Weight Loss
     Reporter:  anonymous      |      Owner:  nobody
         Type:  Uncategorized  |     Status:  new
    Component:  Uncategorized  |    Version:  1.6
     Severity:  Normal         |   Keywords:
 Triage Stage:  Unreviewed     |  Has patch:  0
Easy pickings:  0              |      UI/UX:  0
 The solution is not difficult. It is even quite simple! What you have done
 is very difficult. Too hard!!
 Think of it this way: what all children who are not harassed by
 bullies....? Nothing? .....
 Exactly! Nothing! They do nothing! Why? Because they will not be bullied!
 How can you do something against bullying if you're not being bullied!
 Only someone who is being bullied can try to stop. So to no longer be
 bullied, you must be someone who does not do anything to make it stop.
 Does this sound confusing? That's all right. I'm sure that you will be
 confused and taken out from the harassment.
 Instruction is given in ten simple parts. As you will see, it is the task
 of doing almost nothing. The commands are all meant to see things
 differently, then do not do what you would have done normally. You save a
 lot of energy and get what you really want. Sound good? That's right
 because it is right!
 You do not need to do right away. All ten classes at once But you would be
 able to read the first five. They are not long and well worth the time.
 The first five lessons give you what you need to stop bullying. If you
 take the other right now wants to read is good, but it's also OK if you
 read them in a week or so. Then you'll be able to see how well the first
 five lessons worked.
 Sooner you start the sooner the misery is over.

 Lesson 1: understand why you are being bullied
 , you probably do not really know why you are being bullied! You may think
 you know, but that's not really so. If you knew, you would not be bullied!
 There is really only one reason why children are bullied every time the
 spool and that is always the same reason, very simple. When you understand
 why you are being bullied bullying would stop. If you really understand at
 all, you can also do the following steps quickly.
 Why are children being bullied?
 Look wears glasses and is called "spectacle Jew." all day
 , he thinks he is so called because he wears glasses. But Look wrong. He
 carries a pair of glasses, but that's not the reason he is being bullied.
 Kim harassed by children who cry, "Your mother is a fat man."
 She thinks the kids insult her because her mother is very thick.
 But that is not so.
 Yeah, her mother is too thick, but that the children do not. Taunting her
 Markel is pushed every day as he stands in line. He does not know why they
 do it.
 The only reason he can think of is because they hate him.
 Markel but wrong.
 Maybe some kids hate him, but that's not the reason they push him.
 Erik is called by his classmates. "Gay" He likes girls and do not know why
 they call it that.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21814>
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