Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-26 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  needsinfo
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0

Comment (by Aurélien Pardon):

 The fact that the following code makes '''two''' requests to the database
 class MyModel(models.Model):
 my_field = models.CharField(max_length=1)

 class MyForm(forms.Form):
 my_form_field = forms.ModelChoiceField(MyModel.objects.all(),

 is absolutely not working as intended. Show this to any other core dev and
 ask them, please.

 This whole "invalid HTML code" is not an important issue. It happens yes,
 but under very rare circumstances (a blank primary key and an {{{INSERT}}}
 between the two '''identical''' requests to the database), and it also
 won't bother any browser. I can work hard and show you the invalid HTML
 code (using database trigger to emulate race conditions?) but honestly
 it's not the problem.

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-26 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  needsinfo
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0

Comment (by Carlton Gibson):

 If you can provide a test case demonstrating invalid HTML then that we be
 a big we could look at.

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-26 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  needsinfo
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0

Comment (by Aurélien Pardon):

 Replying to [comment:6 Carlton Gibson]:
 > I don't know what else I can say. It's part of the design of
 ModelChoiceField that it re-evaluates it's queryset each time it's

 {{{ModelChoiceField}}} iterates over his {{{ModelChoiceIterator}}} when
 rendering its widget (and its options).
 {{{ModelChoiceIterator}}} does not necessarily re-evaluates it's queryset
 each time it's iterated: sometimes the query is cached (for example when
 the query involves a {{{prefetch_related}}}), sometimes it is not cached.

 The reason {{{ModelChoiceIterator}}} use, sometimes, {{{.iterator()}}} is
 for '''performance''' (less memory usage, see #3534) and because, at the
 times, the queryset was evaluated/fetched only once when the the field was
 After [ Django's Select widget
 adds a required="required" attribute, even if created with
 empty_label=True], the queryset is evaluated/fetched twice because of the
 new {{{.use_required_attribute}}} method.

 > See #3534 for example, 13 years ago:
 > > ModelChoiceField and ModelMultipleChoiceField cache the output of
 their queryset the first time self.choices is accessed. This is bad for
 long-running processes, such as mod_python, because the cache gets stale.
 Plus, it's bad saving all of those choices in memory. The attached unit
 tests illustrate the problem.
 > The exact same memory usage considerations were the motivation for the
 move to iterator() in #23623. I can't see that being removed.

 You said that "correctness trumps performance" but since
 [], the usage of
 {{{.iterator()}}} in ModelChoiceIterator '''with''' the new
 {{{.use_required_attribute}}} when rendering the form leads to invalid
 HTML. How is this not a bug?
 Moreover, how duplicate requests to the database (the second one is
 useless and leads to bug) do not fall under the same performance
 considerations of #3534?

 I think the solution is to decide to use the required attribute after
 having rendered the field options: while iterating the choices/options, we
 can check if the first option allows us to use the required attribute.

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-26 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  needsinfo
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0

Comment (by Carlton Gibson):

 > How is that correct if the queries yield different results ?

 I don't know what else I can say. It's part of the design of
 ModelChoiceField that it re-evaluates it's queryset each time it's
 See #3534 for example, 13 years ago:

 > ModelChoiceField and ModelMultipleChoiceField cache the output of their
 queryset the first time self.choices is accessed. This is bad for long-
 running processes, such as mod_python, because the cache gets stale. Plus,
 it's bad saving all of those choices in memory. The attached unit tests
 illustrate the problem.

 The exact same memory usage considerations were the motivation for the
 move to iterator() in #23623. I can't see that being removed.

 If the kind of race conditions you're talking about are a factor for your
 app then, at least until #22841 is addressed, maybe you do need a
 ModelChoiceIterator subclass for your field. (Always use the QuerySet
 rather than the iterator...)

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-26 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  needsinfo
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0

Comment (by Aurélien Pardon):

 Replying to [comment:4 Carlton Gibson]:
 > (Yes there's an extra query but correctness trumps performance.)

 How is that correct if the queries yield different results ?
 It only works if the two requests are inside a transaction, for example
 when {{{ATOMIC_REQUESTS}}} is set to {{{True}}} (which is not the

 For example, imagine this model (the primary key is important, it's the
 value that the choice will use):
 class MyModel(models.Model):
 my_field = models.CharField(max_length=1, primary_key=True)
 If the first query (for the actual choices) returns {{{['a', 'b']}}}, but
 the second one (for the required attribute) returns {{{['', 'b', 'c']}}},
 then the required attribute will be used leading to invalid HTML.

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-26 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  needsinfo
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0
Changes (by Carlton Gibson):

 * status:  new => closed
 * type:  Bug => Cleanup/optimization
 * resolution:   => needsinfo


 Hi Aurélien,

 Thanks for the follow-up. Really not a problem. Better to ''measure twice,
 cut once'' and all that.  :)

 The iterator behaviour — refetching each time — was deliberate, and is
 correct. I can't see an adjustment there that doesn't entail a fix to
 (Duplicate then...)

 ''Maybe you don't want that behaviour and a ModelChoiceIterator subclass
 would work for you?'' But as soon as I think that, better would be a
 Select widget subclass.

 #27370 fixed the `Select.use_required_attribute()` behaviour. It
 necessarily needs the first item for the `_choice_has_empty_value` check.
 So, give the design of ModelChoiceIterator, fetching it isn't a Bug. (Yes
 there's an extra query but correctness trumps performance.)

 ''Maybe'' there's a way of performing that
 `Select.use_required_attribute()` check without fetching the first
 item...? Would that be better than using a subclass for this kind of case?
 (If I know my dataset I can just return `False` from

 I guess we could look at a patch there. I'm going to call this needsinfo
 pending such though. I hope that makes sense.

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-25 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:  Bug  |   Status:  new
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0
Changes (by Aurélien Pardon):

 * status:  closed => new
 * type:  Cleanup/optimization => Bug
 * resolution:  wontfix =>


 Hi Carlton and thanks for your answer but, all due respect, I think you
 overlooked this bug.

 First, this simple example on an empty project/database that I just tested
 (Python 3.8.1, Django 2.2.10):
 class MyModel(models.Model):
 my_field = models.CharField(max_length=1)

 class MyForm(forms.Form):
 my_form_field = forms.ModelChoiceField(MyModel.objects.all(), ,

 my_form = MyForm()
 # >>> return 

 # >>> return 2 (and it's two times "SELECT * from my_app.my_model")

 Here is what I understand:
 1) The code you sent, where {{{ChoiceWidget.choices}}} is evaluated and
 saved into a {{{list}}} is executed at the initialization of the widget
 (which is executed at the initialization of the field at the declaration
 of the form).
 2) But! a {{{ModelChoiceField}}} override {{{self.choices}}}
 here] (it makes perfect sense: the choices have to be evaluated everytime
 the form is instanciated).
 3) As the choices are bundled in a
 {{{ModelChoiceIterator}}}/{{{.iterator()}}}, when rendering the form,
 there is a test about the {{{required}}} attribute that try to
 fetch the first value of the queryset]:
 class Select(ChoiceWidget):
 def use_required_attribute(self, initial):
 first_choice = next(iter(self.choices), None)
 4) {{{ModelChoiceIterator.__iter__}}}
 is called]. If {{{empty_label}}} is {{{not None}}}, everything is fine, as
 the {{{next()}}} grabs the empty label, without additional request to the
 database. But if {{{empty_label}}} is {{{None}}} (and if there is no
 prefetch to the queryset), an additional request is made (code is changed
 lightly to illustrate the bug):
 def __iter__(self):
 if self.field.empty_label is not None:
 yield ("", self.field.empty_label)
 for obj in self.queryset.iterator():
 yield self.choice(obj)

 Now that I have made some tests on an empty project/database, I'm
 confident enough to state that it's a **bug** because there is a useless
 and additional request to the DB.

 ''Thanks for all the work you put into the projects in and around Django.
 I hope I tested correctly, I do not want to waste your time.''

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-25 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  closed
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0
Changes (by Carlton Gibson):

 * status:  new => closed
 * resolution:   => wontfix


 Hi Aurélien,

 Using the iterator was a deliberate design choice. (Placing your
 suggestion in causes tests failure, including `test_choices_freshness` in
 line with this.)

 The use to point to in `Select.use_required_attribute()` shouldn't be
 problematic, since
 `self.choices` is fully evaluated in `ChoiceWidget.__init__()`], as per
 the comment there, precisely to allow repeated iteration.

 I think the underlying issue here is probably #22841.

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Re: [Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-21 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
 Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon  |Owner:  nobody
 Type:   |   Status:  new
  Cleanup/optimization   |
Component:  Forms|  Version:  2.2
 Severity:  Normal   |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  Model| Triage Stage:
 |  Unreviewed
Has patch:  0|  Needs documentation:  0
  Needs tests:  0|  Patch needs improvement:  0
Easy pickings:  0|UI/UX:  0
Description changed by Aurélien Pardon:

Old description:

> ModelChoiceField use ModelChoiceIterator for its {{{ queryset }}}/{{{
> self.choices }}}, which use {{{.iterator()}}} and doesn't cache the query
> under some conditions.
> If the field is required, the method use_required_attribute
> (
> fetch the first choice, making a duplicate query to the database (worse
> than a useless query, the data may have changed):
> {{{#!python
> class Select(ChoiceWidget):
> [...]
> def use_required_attribute(self, initial):
> [...]
> first_choice = next(iter(self.choices), None)
> }}}

> Disabling the use of {{{.iterator()}}} (by adding an arbitrary
> {{{.prefetch_related}}} for example) leads to no duplicate queries.
> :
> {{{#!python
> class ModelChoiceIterator:
> def __iter__(self):
> [...]
> # Can't use iterator() when queryset uses prefetch_related()
> if not queryset._prefetch_related_lookups:
> queryset = queryset.iterator()
> }}}

> One solution would be to add another test to the previous piece of code :
> (
> :
> {{{#!python
> if not queryset._prefetch_related_lookups and not
> self.field.required:
> queryset = queryset.iterator()
> }}}

New description:

 ModelChoiceField use ModelChoiceIterator for its
 {{{queryset}}}/{{{self.choices}}}, which use {{{.iterator()}}} and doesn't
 cache the query under some conditions.

 If the field is required, the method use_required_attribute
 fetch the first choice, making a duplicate query to the database (worse
 than a useless query, the data may have changed):
 class Select(ChoiceWidget):

 def use_required_attribute(self, initial):
 first_choice = next(iter(self.choices), None)

 Disabling the use of {{{.iterator()}}} (by adding an arbitrary
 {{{.prefetch_related}}} for example) leads to no duplicate queries.
 class ModelChoiceIterator:

 def __iter__(self):
 # Can't use iterator() when queryset uses prefetch_related()
 if not queryset._prefetch_related_lookups:
 queryset = queryset.iterator()

 One solution would be to add another test to the previous piece of code :
 if not queryset._prefetch_related_lookups and not
 queryset = queryset.iterator()


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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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[Django] #31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the database

2020-02-21 Thread Django
#31295: required ModelChoiceField makes duplicate (cursor) queries to the 
   Reporter:  Aurélien Pardon   |  Owner:  nobody
   Type:  Cleanup/optimization  | Status:  new
  Component:  Forms |Version:  2.2
   Severity:  Normal|   Keywords:  Model
   Triage Stage:  Unreviewed|  Has patch:  0
Needs documentation:  0 |Needs tests:  0
Patch needs improvement:  0 |  Easy pickings:  0
  UI/UX:  0 |
 ModelChoiceField use ModelChoiceIterator for its {{{ queryset }}}/{{{
 self.choices }}}, which use {{{.iterator()}}} and doesn't cache the query
 under some conditions.

 If the field is required, the method use_required_attribute
 fetch the first choice, making a duplicate query to the database (worse
 than a useless query, the data may have changed):
 class Select(ChoiceWidget):

 def use_required_attribute(self, initial):
 first_choice = next(iter(self.choices), None)

 Disabling the use of {{{.iterator()}}} (by adding an arbitrary
 {{{.prefetch_related}}} for example) leads to no duplicate queries.
 class ModelChoiceIterator:

 def __iter__(self):
 # Can't use iterator() when queryset uses prefetch_related()
 if not queryset._prefetch_related_lookups:
 queryset = queryset.iterator()

 One solution would be to add another test to the previous piece of code :
 if not queryset._prefetch_related_lookups and not
 queryset = queryset.iterator()

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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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