Re: using API to populate db

2006-04-05 Thread Todd O'Bryan

Never mind. I saw the issue about having to create


rather than just


and that solved the problem.

Is this viewed as a bug or just an unfortunate circumstance?


On Apr 5, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

> I've exported some old data, in an old (somewhat terrible) format as
> XML, and I'm trying to read it back in and populate a Django model.
> When I try to save an object, however, I get this error:
>File "/Users/tobryan1/Documents/eclipse/workspace/django-projects/
> dmi_mr/../dmi_mr/", line 34, in load_questions
>File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/
> python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/
>", line 158, in save
>  pk_val = self._get_pk_val()
>File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/
> python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/
>", line 76, in _get_pk_val
>  return getattr(self,
> AttributeError: 'Question' object has no attribute 'id'
> Isn't the model supposed to assign the id, or do I have to do that
> myself?
> Todd
> >

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using API to populate db

2006-04-05 Thread Todd O'Bryan

I've exported some old data, in an old (somewhat terrible) format as  
XML, and I'm trying to read it back in and populate a Django model.

When I try to save an object, however, I get this error:

   File "/Users/tobryan1/Documents/eclipse/workspace/django-projects/ 
dmi_mr/../dmi_mr/", line 34, in load_questions
   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ 
python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/", line 158, in save
 pk_val = self._get_pk_val()
   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ 
python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg/django/db/models/", line 76, in _get_pk_val
 return getattr(self,
AttributeError: 'Question' object has no attribute 'id'

Isn't the model supposed to assign the id, or do I have to do that  


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mr: DateField and "global name 'date_query' is not defined" error

2006-04-05 Thread arthur debert

I stumbled upon this error message after porting a project to
magic-removal. In the admin, if I try to get the list view for
something like:

class SomeModel(models.Model):
 title = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
 date_due = models.DateField(blank= True, null=True)

class Admin:
date_hierarchy ='date_due'

I get this confusing error:
"Exception Value:   global name 'date_query' is not defined
Exception Location: magic-removal/django/db/models/ in
iterator, line 479"

it took me sometime to realize that you can't have 'date_hierarchy' on
a datefield that can be blank.
anyways, I though I'd post it here in case someone struggles over this

ps: on trunk I get no error.

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, Simon Willison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5 Apr 2006, at 12:26, limodou wrote:
> > Why you need do this? Because django can auto judge the language from
> > your browser request http head, or context settings, or settings. If
> > you like , you can provide a language selection in web page, and
> > that's enough. The url doesnot need to be special processed I think.
> I for one much prefer the language to be specified in the URL rather
> than being derived from the browser settings. I would prefer this
> behaviour to be supported (at least as an option) in Django core. I
> know that language detection based on browser HTTP headers is a
> feature of the HTTP specification, but personally I believe that it's
> a mistake in the spec. Here's my reasoning:
> 1. Serving up content from the same URL in a different language
> depending on browser settings is an idea that is based on the ideal
> situation where each translation is a perfect representation of the
> content's underlying meaning. This is clearly not a realistic
> proposition. Some languages have phrases that do not perfectly
> translate to other languages, and translations may not be perfect in
> any case due to human error. The French version of a page is
> fundamentally different from the English version, and I believe that
> the URL should reflect that.
> 2. Passing URLs around. If I copy and paste the URL of a page and
> send it to a friend / post it to my weblog, my expectation is that
> they will see exactly what I see. Likewise, if I quote something and
> cite the original URL, my expectation is that I'm pointing back to
> the source of that quote. Changing the content based on the language
> header breaks that expectation. Again, I know it's part of the HTTP
> spec - but it's so rarely implemented that very few users expect it
> to happen.
> 3. Related to the above: What if I spot a typo in a page and want to
> report it to the site owner? Sending them the URL is no longer enough
> - I have to tell them my browser's language setting as well.
> Given the above, I much prefer the approach taken by most sites that
> feature content in multiple languages where the language code is
> included somewhere in the URL.
> That's not to say that the user's browser language setting should be
> ignored - you can use it to inform them that the page is available in
> their preferred language (maybe with a nice big note at the top of
> the page, written in their native language of course).
> Tim Berners-Lee and the W3C may disagree with me on this one, but I'm
> convinced that using URLs to distinguish between languages is smarter
> than relying on browser settings alone.
> Cheers,
> Simon

The reasons are good enough. And I think these things are more
concerned with application. Maybe someone doesn't need it I think, or
current status in django is enough.

If you want to implement it, I can give my opinion.Firstly it should
be optional. Secondly, I also think maybe we need to resolve the apps
prefix first. Because how to design the url. Just set the locale
string after domain?

Or permit user set it every where he want?


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Re: A model which is recursively referring to itself in Magic Removal

2006-04-05 Thread Luke Plant

On Wednesday 05 April 2006 21:35, Rudolph wrote:
> Is that an inconsistancy to be removed (ie a bug)?

No, it's intended behaviour. The _set stuff is only there because for 
the 'other' end of these relationships it is possible that there is no 
name defined, so there needs to be a way of coming up with name 
automatically.  The way it is at present allows you to write stuff like 
myobject.children.filter(..etc), rather than myobject.child_set


"Despair: It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black." 

Luke Plant || L.Plant.98 (at) ||

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Re: ImageField upload_to

2006-04-05 Thread Max Battcher

timster wrote:
> Should the super() method work even though I'm not using MR?

No.  super().save() only works in MR.  You'll need the _pre_save() and 
_post_save() hooks in .91 or trunk.

--Max Battcher--
"I'm gonna win, trust in me / I have come to save this world / and in 
the end I'll get the grrrl!" --Machinae Supremacy, Hero (Promo Track)

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Re: ImageField upload_to

2006-04-05 Thread Max Battcher

timster wrote:
> Should the super() method work even though I'm not using MR?

No.  super().save() only works in MR.  You'll need the _pre_save() and 
_post_save() hooks in .91 or trunk.

--Max Battcher--
"I'm gonna win, trust in me / I have come to save this world / and in 
the end I'll get the grrrl!" --Machinae Supremacy, Hero (Promo Track)

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread atlithorn

Glad I am not alone :) There is a little irritation in using the
middleware posted above because I obviously have to account for the
language in all lines in my (r'(\w\w/)?... and so on). I would
prefer for this to have the same result as using an "include"
statement, ie the prefix would be cut off. Going to look into that
tomorrow, if anyone knows where to look, a finger in the right
direction would be well appreciated.

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Re: Stupid newbie question about documentation

2006-04-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... and don't forget the excellent Django API browser here:


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Re: Stupid newbie question about documentation

2006-04-05 Thread James Bennett

On 4/5/06, arthur debert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) fire the shell (cd to your project dir) then:
>python shell
>from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>dir(User) or dir(User,objetcts.all()[0])

User.__doc__ will also get you this information, in a form which lets
you conveniently copy, paste and fill in values to instantiate a new

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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Re: Stupid newbie question about documentation

2006-04-05 Thread Todd O'Bryan

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

On Apr 5, 2006, at 5:10 PM, arthur debert wrote:
> I guess what you are looking for is:
> u = User.objects.get(username='namehere')
>  but you could also:
> 1) fire the shell (cd to your project dir) then:
>python shell
>from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>dir(User) or dir(User,objetcts.all()[0])
The second one works. I forgot that attributes wouldn't show up on  
classes, just instances.

> 2) on the admin site, on the top bar there's a "Documentation" link
> (mut have docutils installed ) this is very usefull for newbies, I use
> it all the time. As a side bonus you get to see ForeignKey and
> ManyToMany methods also.
Oh. That *is* nice.

> 3) checkout the source itself, since you are using this sintax you're
> probably using magic-removal, then you can see the python module in :
> django/contrib/auth/
This is where I finally found the answer. A bit of a pain, but not  
too awful.
Isn't there a Javadoc equivalent for Python?

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Re: Stupid newbie question about documentation

2006-04-05 Thread arthur debert

Hi Todd.

I guess what you are looking for is:
u = User.objects.get(username='namehere')

 but you could also:

1) fire the shell (cd to your project dir) then:
   python shell
   from django.contrib.auth.models import User
   dir(User) or dir(User,objetcts.all()[0])

2) on the admin site, on the top bar there's a "Documentation" link
(mut have docutils installed ) this is very usefull for newbies, I use
it all the time. As a side bonus you get to see ForeignKey and
ManyToMany methods also.

3) checkout the source itself, since you are using this sintax you're
probably using magic-removal, then you can see the python module in :


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Stupid newbie question about documentation

2006-04-05 Thread Todd O'Bryan

In m-r, I want to write

u = User.objects.get(login='namehere')

except that login isn't the name of the attribute.

Where can I look to find all the attributes of an instance? I know  
about the dir() function, but it just gives me methods, right?

Is there someplace Python-internal to do this, or do I have to look  
in the Django documentation. And, if the latter, where?

Thanks much, and sorry about the newbiness,

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Re: A model which is recursively referring to itself in Magic Removal

2006-04-05 Thread Rudolph

Is that an inconsistancy to be removed (ie a bug)?


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Re: Help with performance?

2006-04-05 Thread akaihola

Here's one technique for optimizing cases where you just get too many

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Re: Help with performance?

2006-04-05 Thread akaihola

Joseph, actually the page behind that link describes my profiling hack
for the internal webserver, not mod_python.

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread Rudolph

I would like to add another good reason: Another nice effect language
codes in the URL is that search engine crawlers can easily get all your

My customers often want something like this: -> site in the main language of your visitors -> site in Dutch -> site in Dutch

I would highly appreciate such middleware.


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Re: Help with performance?

2006-04-05 Thread akaihola

It's also useful to inspect {{sql_queries}} (see
core/ If Django is doing tons of SQL queries,
you'll have to sort out how to optimize. I reduced the number of
queries on one of my more complex pages from over 6000 to just five.

I'll contribute something about this on the Django wiki in a moment...

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Re: How do I handel multiple foriegn keys in single model

2006-04-05 Thread akaihola

First you retrieve the person and e-mail type objects, then add a
PersonEmail object using them.

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Re: How do I handel multiple foriegn keys in single model

2006-04-05 Thread akaihola

Kenneth, what, many persons can have the same e-mail address?!?

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread akaihola

I very much agree with Simon and Jan. A middleware like this would be
nice to have in django.contrib.

One useful enhancement would be the ability to specify in where in the
URL the language can be specified. On one of my sites the syntax of the
URL is always /userid/locale/page... so it would be safest to have the
middleware only accept locale codes from the second part of the URL.

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Re: ImageField upload_to

2006-04-05 Thread timster

Thanks for the reply Ian.

I seem to have solved this for the most part. The second message in
that thread was very helpful. I was able to use that solution almost
exactly. I added the following save() method to my model:

def save(self):
if self.image:
import shutil
from os import path
from django.conf import settings
pathname, filename = path.split(self.image)
new_image = path.join(pathname, '%s-%s' %
(str(self.gallery_id), filename))
new_location = path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, new_image)
old_location = path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, self.image)
if new_location != old_location:
shutil.move(old_location, new_location)
self.image = new_image
print self.image
super(Image, self).save()

I decided to add the gallery_id to the image filename rather than as a
subfolder. It still prevents duplicate filenames -- which is what I
wanted -- but it is more simple.

However, when I call the save() function, it chokes on the last line:

>>> from import galleries, images
>>> i = images.get_object(pk=1)
>>> i.image
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "/.../gallery/models/", line 44, in save
super(Image, self).save()
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'save'

Should the super() method work even though I'm not using MR?

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Re: django-admin and without shell-access

2006-04-05 Thread Waylan Limberg
On 4/5/06, òÏÍÁÎ éÍÁÎËÕÌÏ× <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for your reply
> 2006/4/5, limodou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > I think the answer is NO. And I have a question, if you haven't telnet
> > access, and how to configure your and how to configure
> > your web server config?
> and .htaccess are configured locally then uploaded on a server

For that matter, I don't see why you can ftp up all the files. After
all, you should have a copy running on a test box. True, some of the
settings and config stuff might be different, and it isn't exactly
easy to edit/upload/test, edit/upload/test ..., but it works.

The only other concern is the db setup. However, assuming you are
using the same db on your test box, save all the sql output from to files and then input them into whatever db cleint the
host offers. Again, not as elegant, but it works.


Waylan Limberg

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread Jan Claeys

Op wo, 05-04-2006 te 16:34 +0100, schreef Simon Willison:
> I for one much prefer the language to be specified in the URL

Or sometimes using a cookie...

> rather  
> than being derived from the browser settings. I would prefer this  
> behaviour to be supported (at least as an option) in Django core. I  
> know that language detection based on browser HTTP headers is a  
> feature of the HTTP specification, but personally I believe that it's 
> a mistake in the spec. Here's my reasoning:
[snip 3 good reasons]

One more reason is when you are using someone else's computer and you
don't prefer the same language as the owner.  (That owner might also be
a "cybercafé" or such.)

Jan Claeys

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Re: A model which is recursively referring to itself in Magic Removal

2006-04-05 Thread Nebojsa Djordjevic

Rudolph wrote:
> parent = models.ForeignKey('Item', blank = True, null = True,
> related_name = 'child',)
> When trying to get the childs of an object by issueing
> item.child_set.all(), it raises an exception:
> 'Item' object has no attribute 'child_set'.

Because you used related_name='child', you must also use item.child.all(). It 
seems that _set stuff is added only when
relation name is not explicitly given.

Nebojša Đorđević - nesh
Studio Quattro - Niš - SCG  | |
Registered Linux User 282159 []

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread Simon Willison

On 5 Apr 2006, at 12:26, limodou wrote:

> Why you need do this? Because django can auto judge the language from
> your browser request http head, or context settings, or settings. If
> you like , you can provide a language selection in web page, and
> that's enough. The url doesnot need to be special processed I think.

I for one much prefer the language to be specified in the URL rather  
than being derived from the browser settings. I would prefer this  
behaviour to be supported (at least as an option) in Django core. I  
know that language detection based on browser HTTP headers is a  
feature of the HTTP specification, but personally I believe that it's  
a mistake in the spec. Here's my reasoning:

1. Serving up content from the same URL in a different language  
depending on browser settings is an idea that is based on the ideal  
situation where each translation is a perfect representation of the  
content's underlying meaning. This is clearly not a realistic  
proposition. Some languages have phrases that do not perfectly  
translate to other languages, and translations may not be perfect in  
any case due to human error. The French version of a page is  
fundamentally different from the English version, and I believe that  
the URL should reflect that.

2. Passing URLs around. If I copy and paste the URL of a page and  
send it to a friend / post it to my weblog, my expectation is that  
they will see exactly what I see. Likewise, if I quote something and  
cite the original URL, my expectation is that I'm pointing back to  
the source of that quote. Changing the content based on the language  
header breaks that expectation. Again, I know it's part of the HTTP  
spec - but it's so rarely implemented that very few users expect it  
to happen.

3. Related to the above: What if I spot a typo in a page and want to  
report it to the site owner? Sending them the URL is no longer enough  
- I have to tell them my browser's language setting as well.

Given the above, I much prefer the approach taken by most sites that  
feature content in multiple languages where the language code is  
included somewhere in the URL.

That's not to say that the user's browser language setting should be  
ignored - you can use it to inform them that the page is available in  
their preferred language (maybe with a nice big note at the top of  
the page, written in their native language of course).

Tim Berners-Lee and the W3C may disagree with me on this one, but I'm  
convinced that using URLs to distinguish between languages is smarter  
than relying on browser settings alone.



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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread atlithorn

I understand how django does it. Unfortunately I am forced to maintain
a web structure that requires this functionality so that's why I wrote
it. But I actually prefer this over the ambiguity in the browser
settings which most people do not set anyway and the extra step
required to select the right language if someone sends you a url that
ends up in the wrong language.

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magic-removal ebuild

2006-04-05 Thread Douglas Campos

For the gentooers, I've built a magic removal svn ebuild

If anyone wants it, pvt-me

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Re: Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, atlithorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just in case anyone is interested... I wrote my own middleware class to
> support selecting languages from the URL itself. eg:
> - default english
> - same page with german trans
> It was a simple copy-paste of the LocaleMiddleWare from the distro:

Why you need do this? Because django can auto judge the language from
your browser request http head, or context settings, or settings. If
you like , you can provide a language selection in web page, and
that's enough. The url doesnot need to be special processed I think.

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Locale from URL Middleware

2006-04-05 Thread atlithorn

Just in case anyone is interested... I wrote my own middleware class to
support selecting languages from the URL itself. eg: - default english - same page with german trans

It was a simple copy-paste of the LocaleMiddleWare from the distro:

from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers
from django.utils import translation
class LocaleURLMiddleware:

def get_language_from_request (self,request):
from django.conf import settings
import re
supported = dict(settings.LANGUAGES)
lang = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE[:2]
check = re.match(r"/(\w\w)/.*", request.path)
if check is not None:
t =
if t in supported:
lang = t
return lang

def process_request(self, request):
language = self.get_language_from_request(request)
request.LANGUAGE_CODE = translation.get_language()

def process_response(self, request, response):
patch_vary_headers(response, ('Accept-Language',))
return response

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread PythonistL

Thanks a lot for the explanation and help.
Best regards,

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, PythonistL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Limodou,
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Now I understand much better.
> Best regards,
> L.

You are welcome.

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread PythonistL

Thanks a lot for your help.
Now I understand much better.
Best regards,

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, PythonistL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Limodou,
> Thanks for replies.
> I am also working on a application that more users should be used by.
> So, I would like to learn a little more how to create
>  url dynamicly( on fly). Can you please let me know where in you
> file(s) you make that.
> Thanks a lot
> L.

First you should define url pattern in, just like:

in you will find:

(r'^blog/(?P.*?)/', include('apps.woodlog.urls')),

and in apps/woodlog/ you will find:

urlpatterns = patterns('',

(r'^(?P\d{4})/(?P\d{1,2})/$', 'apps.woodlog.views.month'),
(r'^/?$', 'apps.woodlog.views.index'),
(r'^categories/(?P\w+)/?$', 'apps.woodlog.views.view_category'),


So from two level url parsing, you will get 'username' and other
parameter. And you can process username in your view code, just like:

def index(request, user_name):
user = User.objects.get(username=user_name)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return Http404(), "Doesn't exist this user!"
objects = user.entry_set.entries()
page = Page(request, objects, paginate_by=__get_paginate_by(user),
urlprefix=get_app_root('blog') + '/' + user_name + '/')
context = RequestContext(request, {'page':page, 'blog_id':user_name})
return theme_render_to_response('woodlog/list', user,

So the user is retrieved from User model according to username. And
later, I pass the user_name as 'blog_id' in RequestContext, so I can
use the 'blog_id' variable in template.

In templte just like woodlog/list, you can use 'blog_id' to create your url:

{{ blog_id }}

That's all.

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Re: django-admin and without shell-access

2006-04-05 Thread Roman

Thanks, it looks like a satisfactory decision for the "poor man's

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread PythonistL

Thanks for replies.
I am also working on a application that more users should be used by.
So, I would like to learn a little more how to create
 url dynamicly( on fly). Can you please let me know where in you
file(s) you make that.
Thanks a lot

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Re: django-admin and without shell-access

2006-04-05 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Roman wrote:

>I need to place my django-powered web site on a server which haven't
>SSH-access (ftp only).  Can I execute analogues of "django-admin" and
>"" through web interface?
There is no web interface but you can write a script with something like 

from django.core import management

And execute it in server. Look in core/ for more options.

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Re: django-admin and without shell-access

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, Roman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to place my django-powered web site on a server which haven't
> SSH-access (ftp only).  Can I execute analogues of "django-admin" and
> "" through web interface?
> Is there something like web-wrapper for these commands?

I think the answer is NO. And I have a question, if you haven't telnet
access, and how to configure your and how to configure
your web server config?

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django-admin and without shell-access

2006-04-05 Thread Roman

I need to place my django-powered web site on a server which haven't
SSH-access (ftp only).  Can I execute analogues of "django-admin" and
"" through web interface?
Is there something like web-wrapper for these commands?

Thank you.

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, PythonistL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Limodou,thank you for your reply.
> I am sorry but I do not  fully understand your answer
> You say that every user has his own blog but also that  there is not
> user
> directory. But when I want to use my blog as a user, I have a different
> URL, e.i.a directory is also different, from another user.
> I would guess that every user must have a directory with some files.Or
> am I wrong?

Because url can be create dynamicly, so every user can have different
url, just like:

And in django, I saved almost everything in database. All posts store
in Entry table, and they can be grouped by user field. So if I want to
show all posts of a user, I can:

posts = user.entry_set.all()

> What is advantage of  xmlrpc access that you implemented it?
There are some xmlrpc apis used in blog system, just like bloggerAPI,
metaweblogAPI, and woodlog supports these standard xmlrpc api, so you
can edit your blog in an offline blog editor, and you don't need to
open a browser and sign in the blog system to edit your post. Using
these tools, you can also easily backup your blog. And these apis also
can be used in other purposes.

> Thank you for your reply.
> L.

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread PythonistL

Limodou,thank you for your reply.
I am sorry but I do not  fully understand your answer

You say that every user has his own blog but also that  there is not
directory. But when I want to use my blog as a user, I have a different
URL, e.i.a directory is also different, from another user.
I would guess that every user must have a directory with some files.Or
am I wrong?

What is advantage of  xmlrpc access that you implemented it?

Thank you for your reply.

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread limodou

On 4/5/06, PythonistL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Limodou,
> It looks very nice.
> Can you please answer my question?
> What is the file for?

woodlog support xmlrpc access. So is a xmlrpc functions congif file.

> Does every user have his own blog in his directory?

Yes. Woodlog is a multi-user blog system. But there is not user
directory, because all posts are saved in database. And every post has
a user field.

> And what files must every user have in his directory and which can be
> common(the same )?
> Thank you for your reply
> L.

So no need such directory.

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Re: ANN:Woodlog Testing

2006-04-05 Thread PythonistL

Hello Limodou,
It looks very nice.
Can you please answer my question?
What is the file for?
Does every user have his own blog in his directory?
And what files must every user have in his directory and which can be
common(the same )?
Thank you for your reply

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