Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread derek
My 2c (as a lowly Django user).  Having used Another Large Web
Framework (open source) for nearly 10 years, I can say with confidence
that Django's human-written documentation is superb.  The ALWF
documentation was never kept up-to-date (and the online API did not
really help much) - the user's had a wiki which attempted to fill that
gap but ended up exactly as per Jame's comments: "the wiki is where
useful things go to die. It's full of half-baked solutions, code that
only (maybe) runs".

Maybe the Django project/development team is making an unreasonable
assumption that people cannot generate the API using the appropriate
Python tools... assuming enough people feel this way, there is nothing
preventing any one of them from tackling this and putting it on a
website for the rest to browse.  If you have enough gumption to work
with an open source project this should be readily "doable".

On Jan 11, 9:55 am, James Bennett  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 12:44 AM, Sam Lai  wrote:
> > This isn't about patches to the existing docs (which are great for
> > their purpose). It is about Django missing an API reference manual,
> > something like .NET Class Library Reference
> > (, PHP's
> > Function Reference ( or
> > Java's (rather hideous looking) API reference
> > (
> I've already addressed this point politely, so perhaps it's time to
> turn it up a notch:
> If your computer is incapable of running pydoc, epydoc or other
> similar scripts, how is it simultaneously able to run Django?
> Or, not quite so snarkily:
> If your computer *is* capable of running pydoc, epydoc, etc., why
> aren't you using those tools? And if you're not using them now, why
> should I believe you'll make use of epydoc-generated API references if
> someone else generates them for you?
> (OK, so that was pretty snarky, but I think it's a valid question to ask)
> > P.S. what's the short answer to why the current Django docs aren't on
> > a wiki site instead of being versioned inside SVN?
> There's already a wiki on; it's part of Trac.
> If you think wikified documentation would be a good idea, you should
> feel free to start putting some up there.
> What you'll find pretty quickly, though, is that there's a good reason
> why the official docs live in the repo and are maintained by the core
> team rather than being on a community-edited wiki: the wiki is where
> useful things go to die. It's full of half-baked solutions, code that
> only (maybe) runs on Django 0.96, etc., etc., because the nature of a
> wiki doesn't really encourage people to make long-term maintenance
> commitments. Those of us who have commit bits *have* made such
> commitments, and incidentally do a lot more than just committing
> documentation patches as they come in; for anything bigger than a typo
> fix, there's almost always heavy editing going on for style,
> consistency, readability and a bunch of other factors that a wiki can
> only manage at the cost of massive bureaucracy and high barrier to
> entry (it's no coincidence that Wikipedia is notoriously hard to edit
> successfully -- I'm pretty sure they have more documentation on
> policies than we have documentation, period).
> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: TestCase and fixtures

2011-01-11 Thread Simone Dalla
Thank Shawn

2011/1/11 Shawn Milochik 

> It sounds like you're doing everything correctly.
> Just a few thoughts:
>Is your app definitely in INSTALLED_APPS in


>Check typos in fixture name and filename (and include extension in
> test).

Are ok.

>Are you definitely using a Django TestCase instead of a unittest
> TestCase?


> If all else fails, try adding your fixture path to FIXTURE_DIRS:

I've added  FIXTURE_DIRS in my but same results...

This is my real initial code in file

from django.test import TestCase
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from employee.models import Dipendente, CategoriaEconomica,
CategoriaGiuridica, Contratto
from organigramma.models import Organizzazione, UnitaOrganizzativa
from lesspaper.models import RichiestaAutorizzazioneStraordinario
from lesspaper.exceptions import AssegnamentoContrattoError

class CalcoloCostoRichistaStraordinarioTest(TestCase):
fixtures = ['myfix',]
# fixtures = ['myfix.json',]

def setUp(self):


- Registered Linux User #395060

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Runtime Error: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling Python object

2011-01-11 Thread Derek
Working with Django 1.2.3

I had an application that was running well.  However, some recent changes
(not to the models themselves) have caused the "Runtime Error: maximum
recursion depth exceeded while calling Python object" to start showing up
everywhere; typically in conjunction with the def __unicode__(self)
function.  The only major change I have made recently to the system is the
enabling of flatpages, but i cannot see that this is likely to relate to the
model's __unicode__ functions...

I realize that this is a very "sloppy" error report, but I am wondering if
anyone else has encountered this type of problem (code for models working
and then suddenly generating numbers of the same type of error) and can give
some general pointers on how to solve this (short of ripping out all the
recent changes)?


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Re: TestCase and fixtures

2011-01-11 Thread Simone Dalla
2011/1/12 Piotr Zalewa 

> Hi Simone
> Try fixtures = ['myfix']

Thank Piotr,
I've already done but same result:

No fixtures found.
Ran 3 tests in 0.419s


- Registered Linux User #395060

- Software is like sex, it is better when it is free  --> Linus B. Torvalds

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Doug Ballance
The reason I chose django in the first place was the documentation.
Compared to everything out there, it was incredible.  Back then it
also had a helpful comments section on each page where people chimed
in to clarify various parts of the document.  It reads like a text
book, which is a big help when learning the framework.

Unfortunately it reads like a text book, which is a big pain when you
know the story and just need the details.  The wonderful code snippets
lose their context.  The lengthy explanations and sequential
introduction of facts becomes more hinderence than help when trying to
find that one bit you know is in there somewhere, but it's a needle in
a haystack.  It's designed for reading, not so much for reference.
It's also definitely not for the impatient.

After several years with Django, I usually find it easier to just poke
around the source. It's all layed out logically and, and if you have a
general overview of the framework it's much faster than trying to scan
through the online docs.  Unfortunately this approach requires a
certain level of familiarity with how django works to get the most out
of it.

A few things I think would help make a big difference (they would have
to me at least):

1) A couple of complete reference examples.  Not just snippets
introduced a few lines at a time, but full working examples you can
unzip and expect to work and provide a simple reference to the basics.
I've been using django for 3 years now in developing a fairly complex
project.  I'm still not 100% clear on the best way to layout a
project.  What I have obviously works, and I'm stuck with it now...
but it was a guess back when I first started.I realize there is no
one size fits all answer for that type of question, but a tiny working
example with one project and two apps would go along way to providing
someone first starting out, especially if the projects did simple
introductions to all the major topics: a view, a view with an
authentication decorator, a good example of template inheritance use
to 'theme' a site, a few of forms, severa of which don't use a helper
(ie no ModelForm) and requires some inter-field validation, maybe a
simple middlware that reads/writes a cookie.  A custom tag/filter or
two.  Something that showcases the "admin is not your app" principle.
I really would love to do this, but I'm a little concerned it would
turn out to be a bad example here and there!  If there is interest I'd
volunteer to give it a go though.

2) An overview of how django processes a request.  From start to
finish, concise on one page with links to the appropriate details if
necessary.  Possibly a paragraph or two explaining how it differs from
say php.  In my opinion this should be the first page of the
documentation, well before the tutorial. The following page is
ancient, but a good example of what I mean. It wasn't until I read it
that everything just kinda clicked. Too bad it took a good 6 months
for me to run across it more or less on accident.

3) The page comments for the existing documentation.  I really miss
that feature.  The comment system PHP uses improves their
documentation many times over.  With Django's great community I'm sure
we'd get a lot of good additions, though moderating the comments makes
more work for someone.

4) A small 'best practices' reference not about the django details,
but the big picture.  Using virtualev.  Project layout.  Admin vs
app.  Considerations to keep in mind for writing reusable apps.
Production vs Development configurations and switching. Handling
timezone conversions.  Avoiding performance pitfalls when using orm
queries.  Signals, how they can be useful.

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how to change the default label on a readonly ForeignKey

2011-01-11 Thread wongtsefei

I'm using django 1.2.4.

On the admin, the default label for a ForeignKey field reference to
User is User.username.

This is less desirable to me and I am able to create a full name label
on a drop-down menu, by subclassing ModelChoiceField and overriding
label_from_instance as per the django documentation.

However, when I save an instance and bring it up on a change form, I
set the ForeignKey field as a readonly_field, and the label reverts to

Is there any way to display an alternate label when the ForeignKey is
set to a readonly_field?


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Re: empty DateTimeField?

2011-01-11 Thread chris
As Justin mentioned,  my guess is that you would have to manually
update the table definition to allow nulls for that column.

On Jan 11, 7:21 pm, galago  wrote:
> I tried but I get:
> Exception Type: IntegrityError Exception Value:
> (1048, "Column 'publish_date' cannot be null")
> Exception Location: C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\ in
> defaulterrorhandler, line 36
> Field definition: publish_date = models.DateTimeField(editable=False,
> blank=True, null=True)

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login failed with correct username and password

2011-01-11 Thread Lin Tao(EXT-VanceInfo/Beijing)


I encounter this problem that I failed to login to my app with correct
username and password. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with my
login form. Here is what it looks like:


from django import forms

from django.contrib import auth


class LoginForm(forms.Form):

username = forms.CharField(label='User name:', max_length=30)

password = forms.CharField(label='Password:',
widget=forms.PasswordInput, max_length=30)

def clean(self):

username = self.cleaned_data.get('username')

password = self.cleaned_data.get('password')

if username and password:

self.user = auth.authenticate(username=username,

if self.user is None:

raise forms.ValidationError("Your username or password is

elif not self.user.is_active:

raise forms.ValidationError("Your account is inactive.")

return self.cleaned_data

def get_user(self):

return self.user


And login template:


Murmur - Login

 {% csrf_token %}

form.as_ul }}


Every time I tried to login with correct username and password, it would go
back to login page with error message "Your username or password is

I guess there is something wrong with authenticate function. As it always
return None even with correct username and password.


Can somebody please help me with this issue?


thanks in advance.


Tom Lin



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Re: Configure LAMPP with Django

2011-01-11 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 04:51 -0800, evstevemd wrote:
> I have learned alot in these few threads. Now my question was how do I
> deploy different Django apps using same Apache server. 

use virtual hosts - one virtual host per project - and keep your
projects somewhere in the file system, each in it's own place (anywhere
except under /var/www/)
Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: Configure LAMPP with Django

2011-01-11 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 07:39 -0500, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:37 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
>  wrote:
> > On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 11:12 -0500, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
> >> Django is not a page-based template system like PHP.  it's a
> >> long-running application that answers web requests.
> >
> > I do not think it is a long running application
> 'long' as compared to PHP processes, which are initialized and
> destroyed for each HTTP request.  Django, in contrast, stays up to
> handle many requests. 

I do not think it does - django is not a webserver or server like zope
for example. So what does 'stays up' mean?
Coimbatore LUG rox

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Re: Email and activation key in django.contrib.auth

2011-01-11 Thread Shawn Milochik
Yes, it's very easy to do.

For the e-mail address as the login, all you have to do is create your own auth 
backend. That is a LOT simpler than it sounds -- just a few lines of code.

As for the need to activate their account, that's very simply handled in your 
custom auth backend, since you'll be writing it anyway. Just check for 
activation status in your custom authenticate function.

Here's my "custom" auth backend. It uses the e-mail address for the login. 
You'll still have to give the User instance a unique username, but then you can 
ignore it. You can copy this verbatim and be done, other than "activating" the 
account, which you can easily work out.

Note: If you can work with the 1.3 beta (and eventually the final release), 
then you can just use the e-mail address as the username, as they've expanded 
the allowed characters in the username field of the User model. Chances are you 
can do that, since 1.3 is scheduled for final release in a few weeks.


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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Kevin Monceaux
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 05:12:46PM -0600, Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> Do you mean like the reference manual one can build from Django
> source?

The above wasn't entirely clear.  I meant the manual one can build
from the documentation source code which is included the Django source


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system?  One that works! 
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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Email and activation key in django.contrib.auth

2011-01-11 Thread Micah Carrick
Hey guys,

I've been looking into this for a few hours now and don't have a good
solution. I want to use the built in authentication system for a project.
However, it's essential that (a) users login using their email address and
password only (no username or username=email) and that (b) they must
"activate" their account via email containing an activation key.

This is a VERY common authentication paradigm and I can only assume I'm
missing something. I've seen many people with the same problem, however,
most responses seem to be hacks or very outdated. I'm relatively new to
Django (10 years PHP) and am hoping somebody has a link or a few vocabulary
words to point me in the right direction. Obviously I could implement this
myself, but, I really want to use the built-in auth system. DRY. I would
expect it to be relatively simple... override a few class methods or
something along those lines.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Micah Carrick, Founder

*Green Tackle* - *Environmentally Friendly Fishing Tackle* 

 Phone: 971.270.2206
 Toll Free: 877.580.9165
 Fax: 503.946.3106

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Re: empty DateTimeField?

2011-01-11 Thread Justin Murphy
Did you create a new DB and run syncdb or is it the same DB based on the old 


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Re: empty DateTimeField?

2011-01-11 Thread galago
I tried but I get: 
Exception Type: IntegrityError Exception Value: 

(1048, "Column 'publish_date' cannot be null")

Exception Location: C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\ in 
defaulterrorhandler, line 36

Field definition: publish_date = models.DateTimeField(editable=False, 
blank=True, null=True)

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Login support for external applications?

2011-01-11 Thread Stodge
I need to let client applications, primarily written in Java and Python 
login to my Django site. What's the best way? Request the form, parse it and 
POST the username, password and csrf token? Or provide an Ajax login view?

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Re: Problem with django auth login_required and lighttpd

2011-01-11 Thread Eric Chamberlain

We have a similar configuration, try adding:



On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:44 PM, John Finlay wrote:

> I'm trying to serve django pages using mod_fastcgi from a lighttpd server. 
> Everything works well using the setup recommended in the documentation except 
> for the initial login. The porblem seems to be that when the user tries:
> http://server/
> the login page comes up with a url of:
> http://server/accounts/login/?next=/mysite.fcgi/
> After the user login lighttpd returns a 404 looking for 
> http://server/mysite.fcgi/mysite.fcgi
> How do I fix this? A change in or a change in lighttpd.conf?
> Thanks
> john

Eric Chamberlain, Founder -

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Kevin Monceaux
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 12:36:26AM -0800, mrmclovin wrote:

> I guess your post should be replaced by my first one :). It's exactly
> what I was trying to say: django need a reference manual to complement
> the existing documentation.

Do you mean like the reference manual one can build from Django
source?  I think it can be built in several formats.  I've only tried
the PDF version myself.  The PDF manual for Django 1.2.3 weighs in at 945
pages, complete with index.  Chapter 5 is titled API Reference.


Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system?  One that works! 
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.

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Re: TestCase and fixtures

2011-01-11 Thread Piotr Zalewa
Hi Simone

Try fixtures = ['myfix']

On 01/11/11 21:25, Simone Dalla wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm testing my application with a TestCase class, specifing "fixtures"
> attribute in my class like:
> class MyTestCase(TestCase):
> fixtures = ['myfix.json']

> I've created the folder "fixtures" in my directory application like:
> /home/simo/Projects/myproject/myapp/fixtures/myfix.json
> where myfix.json was created by "dumpdata" command, but when I execute
> the command
> test myapp
> fixtures data don't load, and the command report "...0 fixtures
> loads..." but they are load only when I rename the fixtures file
> "initial_data.json". I've already read the documentation
> to
> I'm making something wrongs??
> Regards,
> Simone
> -- 
> Simo
> - Registered Linux User #395060
> - Software is like sex, it is better when it is free  --> Linus B. Torvalds
> -- 
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Problem with django auth login_required and lighttpd

2011-01-11 Thread John Finlay
I'm trying to serve django pages using mod_fastcgi from a lighttpd 
server. Everything works well using the setup recommended in the 
documentation except for the initial login. The porblem seems to be that 
when the user tries:


the login page comes up with a url of:


After the user login lighttpd returns a 404 looking for 

How do I fix this? A change in or a change in lighttpd.conf?



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TestCase and fixtures

2011-01-11 Thread Simone Dalla
I'm testing a part of my application with a TestCase class specifing the
'fixtures' attributes like

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Re: TestCase and fixtures

2011-01-11 Thread Shawn Milochik

It sounds like you're doing everything correctly.

Just a few thoughts:

Is your app definitely in INSTALLED_APPS in

Check typos in fixture name and filename (and include extension in 

Are you definitely using a Django TestCase instead of a unittest 

If all else fails, try adding your fixture path to FIXTURE_DIRS:

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Re: empty DateTimeField?

2011-01-11 Thread Justin Murphy
Yes. A quick read of the Model Field Reference docs would have answered 

my_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True).


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TestCase and fixtures

2011-01-11 Thread Simone Dalla

I'm testing my application with a TestCase class, specifing "fixtures"
attribute in my class like:

class MyTestCase(TestCase):
fixtures = ['myfix.json']

I've created the folder "fixtures" in my directory application like:


where myfix.json was created by "dumpdata" command, but when I execute the
command test myapp

fixtures data don't load, and the command report "...0 fixtures
loads..." but they are load only when I rename the fixtures file
"initial_data.json". I've already read the documentation to
I'm making something wrongs??



- Registered Linux User #395060

- Software is like sex, it is better when it is free  --> Linus B. Torvalds

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Rainy

On Jan 11, 3:36 am, mrmclovin  wrote:
> On Jan 11, 7:44 am, Sam Lai  wrote:
> > On 11 January 2011 13:39, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
> > This isn't about patches to the existing docs (which are great for
> > their purpose). It is about Django missing an API reference manual,
> > something like .NET Class Library Reference
> > (, PHP's
> > Function Reference ( or
> > Java's (rather hideous looking) API reference
> > (
> > I'm glad someone brought this up (although 'horrible' seems like too
> > strong a word). I miss not having these docs in some online form
> > because once you know enough about Django, you often know that Django
> > has capability x but you don't remember what class/namespace it is in.
> > You end up having to google and spend a while locating the info in the
> > existing docs. Browsing or grepping the code isn't much better (maybe
> > I'm missing an app or two here).
> > API docs also tend to be more structured and concise so you can
> > instantly see what parameters take what, what exceptions might be
> > thrown, what the return value is/represents etc.
> > Right now, I almost always have a browser tab open to
> > for this purpose.
> > Talk/ideas are cheap, so here's my take on possible API docs for Django -
> > An API reference site structured in a similar manner to the above
> > examples, with the ability to easily search; integrated pydocs; links
> > to relevant sections of the Django docs; a link to see the code of the
> > function/class/method etc. A wiki-style section for each page would be
> > nice too to document caveats, tips, tricks, relevant snippets etc.
> > Of course the dynamic nature of the code makes this harder to do and
> > will probably require some human intervention to ensure an entry
> > exists for every parameter, mapped method etc.
> > P.S. what's the short answer to why the current Django docs aren't on
> > a wiki site instead of being versioned inside SVN?
> > There are some minor clarifications here and there that I'd like to
> > add, but the overhead of producing a patch, creating a ticket,
> > flagging down a committer, getting a consensus, and finally having the
> > patch committed is a bit off-putting. I can understand the process for
> > code, but it just seems a bit over-the-top for docs. Maybe a
> > compromise would be adding something like the per-paragraph comments
> > that The Django Book site has; that way the docs stay official, yet
> > there's still a way for users to add to them.
> > > --
> > > -- Christophe Pettus
> > >
> > > --
> I guess your post should be replaced by my first one :). It's exactly
> what I was trying to say: django need a reference manual to complement
> the existing documentation.
> On Jan 11, 8:55 am, James Bennett  wrote:
> > If your computer is incapable of running pydoc, epydoc or other
> > similar scripts, how is it simultaneously able to run Django?
> > --
> > "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of 
> > correct."
> If you bought a game, would you rather like to get info on how to
> compile the game in order to play it.. or just install it and play it?

That's a stupid analogy, django devs have limited time and there
are things in django itself and existing docs that could be improved.
I would prefer if they spent the time on more important
things rather than relatively less important, e.g. things that can be
done automatically by modules like pydoc.

OTOH I would also appreciate it if someone made an nice online
module reference for django. I don't need it very often, but when
I do, it'd be nice to have, no doubt.

I think it's unfair to say Django docs are bad -- to the contrary,
they're the best docs I've seen in an open source project.

And forum interfaces and especially searching is pathetically
bad, I always end up using google to search forum sites instead
of built-in search.

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empty DateTimeField?

2011-01-11 Thread galago
Is it possible to set  DateTimeField in model to be empty?
I don't want to set it when adding it to database but edit it in future.

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Re: image servers?

2011-01-11 Thread garagefan
wow, this supports rackspace's cloud files already so i'll definitely
be taking a gander.

On Jan 11, 12:25 pm, Eric Chamberlain  wrote:
> You might want to look at django-storages 
> .  We use it with S3.
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 4:55 PM, garagefan wrote:
> > so i bit the hype and got myself a rackspace cloud account. i also got
> > a rackspace file account for image serving. i would like to write
> > something that overrides where all images are saved, regardless of the
> > model that requests the save.
> > what would this be? would i make this a middleware? I assume i need to
> > extend and "replace" the default "save file to MEDIA_ROOT directory"
> > i havent had to extend or replace django's default behavior, so before
> > i start digging in to this, i need to know the best place for this...
> > which, i assume would be middleware. yes?
> > thanks!
> > --
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> --
> Eric Chamberlain, Founder
> -

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Re: Screen/Form Fields

2011-01-11 Thread Tim Sawyer
Yep, something like this (which is off the top of my head - syntax 
/detail may be incorrect!)


Then, in jQuery

  var lValue = $('#flavours').val();
  if (lValue === "P"){
  else {

Hope that gets you started.


On 10/01/11 18:18, hank23 wrote:

So in the widget attrs for the dropdown I should define an event and a
javascript function to call whenever the event (like onclick) fires?
So where's a good place to find the javascript code to actually
display the field? So do I make the field I want to display originally
a hidden field and then change the type in the javascript or do I mkae
the field originally a text input field, but somehow set it to be
invisible initially?

On Jan 10, 12:03 pm, Tim Sawyer  wrote:

On 10/01/11 17:44, hank23 wrote:

First is it possible to conditionally hide a form field on a screen
until an item from a dropdown box has been selected? If so how can
that be done?

Yes, but you'll have to use jQuery or similar and script it with
JavaScript, so that when the droplist changes you fire some javascript
to change the fields that are displayed.

Second I have some message fields defined in a form which are
basically for information purposes. When I drop them on my screen they
are displayed in text boxes, which I do not like. Is it possible to
instead display them within label tags or somehow get rid of the boxes
surrounding them while also making them non-enterable(right now
they're being displayed in text boxes they can be typed over or
otherwise altered)? If so how? If not then should I just be displaying
them outside of the form portion of the screen then instead of within
the form?

Specify each field individually and just output text for the ones you
want to be readonly.  


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Re: image servers?

2011-01-11 Thread kRON
What your looking for is exactly achieved by providing a custom
default file storage class.

Have a look at:

Here's a simple example of how it might work in your case:

DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'core.models.ImageStorage'
FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
*('media', 'images'))

class ImageStorage(FileSystemStorage):

def __init__(self, location=None, base_url=None):
location = location or settings.FILE_STORAGE_LOCATION
base_url = base_url or settings.FILE_STORAGE_BASE_URL
super(DocumentStorage, self).__init__(location, base_url)

So now `ImageStorage` is the default storage class for all your model
file fields and, by default, all uploaded files are stored in '/media/

On Jan 11, 6:25 pm, Eric Chamberlain  wrote:
> You might want to look at django-storages 
> .  We use it with S3.
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 4:55 PM, garagefan wrote:
> > so i bit the hype and got myself a rackspace cloud account. i also got
> > a rackspace file account for image serving. i would like to write
> > something that overrides where all images are saved, regardless of the
> > model that requests the save.
> > what would this be? would i make this a middleware? I assume i need to
> > extend and "replace" the default "save file to MEDIA_ROOT directory"
> > i havent had to extend or replace django's default behavior, so before
> > i start digging in to this, i need to know the best place for this...
> > which, i assume would be middleware. yes?
> > thanks!
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> --
> Eric Chamberlain, Founder
> -

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HTML special chars in form labels

2011-01-11 Thread Vsevolod
Django known to escape whole form label text.
Still I have a need to insert special characters (nbsp, dashes etc.)
into the label text.
Is there any way to do it or disable escaping?

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Re: image servers?

2011-01-11 Thread Eric Chamberlain
You might want to look at django-storages 
.  We use it with S3.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 4:55 PM, garagefan wrote:

> so i bit the hype and got myself a rackspace cloud account. i also got
> a rackspace file account for image serving. i would like to write
> something that overrides where all images are saved, regardless of the
> model that requests the save.
> what would this be? would i make this a middleware? I assume i need to
> extend and "replace" the default "save file to MEDIA_ROOT directory"
> i havent had to extend or replace django's default behavior, so before
> i start digging in to this, i need to know the best place for this...
> which, i assume would be middleware. yes?
> thanks!
> -- 
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Eric Chamberlain, Founder -

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Re: Field permissions in admin

2011-01-11 Thread Leandro Ardissone
Ok, I've just figured out, by using the get_form modelAdmin method. 
Here's my solution in case someone find it helpful:

class EventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'description')
search_fields = ('title', 'description')
inlines = [OccurrenceInline]

def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
self.exclude = []
# group name: Moderator
custgroup = Group.objects.get(name="Moderator")
if custgroup in request.user.groups.all():
return super(EventAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)

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Re: Generic views

2011-01-11 Thread Dorival Ben Molinari Martinez
Thank you. I am reading the tutorial 'Django - writing your first app'.
version 1.2.

2011/1/11 Piotr Zalewa 

> On 01/11/11 14:02, martinez wrote:
> > I would like to know if I could work without generic views.
> >
> Sure you can - simply define your own in [application]/
> Please read the doc
> zalun
> --
> blog
> jobs
> twit
> face
> --
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Re: default _ storage path

2011-01-11 Thread prasad iyer
Give www-data rwx permission /va/www/dir and start the application
using the user who is member of www-data

On Jan 11, 4:56 am, Tonton  wrote:
> hello
> may we use default storage to write outside of project or only in media
> because i can writ in media path ...
> my porject : /home/user/project
> and i 'd like to write in
> /var/www/myoutputdirectory  own by what ever you want but i've truy www-data
> and the user in my WSGIDaemon in apache conf for mod wsgi ...
> so i 've SuspiciousOperation
> attempte access '/var/www/myoutpudirectory/myfilename ' denied

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Re: default _ storage path

2011-01-11 Thread urukay
One solution is to create your own storage to upload files outside
MEDIA folder.
Also you will have to write own views to rwtrieve and display these
Or you have to configure your server to serve static files in the way
you want.

Maybe there's better solution, but i did it this way.


On 11. Jan, 13:56 h., Tonton  wrote:
> hello
> may we use default storage to write outside of project or only in media
> because i can writ in media path ...
> my porject : /home/user/project
> and i 'd like to write in
> /var/www/myoutputdirectory  own by what ever you want but i've truy www-data
> and the user in my WSGIDaemon in apache conf for mod wsgi ...
> so i 've SuspiciousOperation
> attempte access '/var/www/myoutpudirectory/myfilename ' denied

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Field permissions in admin

2011-01-11 Thread Leandro Ardissone

I don't know if it's possible or if there's a better way to do that.

I'm working on a website with 3 user groups (administrators, moderators and 
content editors). All of them can edit content, but I want to remove some 
fields from the content for the editors and moderators groups. 
For example, I don't want a content editor change the content creator (which 
is a ForeignKeyField).

Is that possible?

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Re: Generic views

2011-01-11 Thread Marc Aymerich
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 3:02 PM, martinez  wrote:

> I would like to know if I could work without generic views.
This issue was discussed in this list a couple months ago:


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Re: Generic views

2011-01-11 Thread Piotr Zalewa
On 01/11/11 14:02, martinez wrote:
> I would like to know if I could work without generic views.
Sure you can - simply define your own in [application]/

Please read the doc


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Generic views

2011-01-11 Thread martinez
I would like to know if I could work without generic views.

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Re: image servers?

2011-01-11 Thread garagefan
Rackspace has an API for connecting to the server and writing to it...
I'll see if the ability to mount it is there as that would be...

On Jan 10, 10:59 pm, Dustin  wrote:
> I haven't used Rackspace, but i would assume (hope) they support
> remote mounting.
> I would use sshfs to mount the Rackspace server on your local drive
> (on the Django server) and reference that in MEDIA_ROOT
> e.g.
> sshfs usern...@my.rackspace.domain:/path/to/rackspace/home/dir /mnt/
> rackspace
> change MEDIA_ROOT to
> MEDIA_ROOT = '/mnt/rackspace/'
> MEDIA_URL = 'my.rackspace.domain'
> On Jan 10, 6:55 pm, garagefan  wrote:
> > so i bit the hype and got myself a rackspace cloud account. i also got
> > a rackspace file account for image serving. i would like to write
> > something that overrides where all images are saved, regardless of the
> > model that requests the save.
> > what would this be? would i make this a middleware? I assume i need to
> > extend and "replace" the default "save file to MEDIA_ROOT directory"
> > i havent had to extend or replace django's default behavior, so before
> > i start digging in to this, i need to know the best place for this...
> > which, i assume would be middleware. yes?
> > thanks!

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Masklinn
On 2011-01-11, at 14:39 , shofty wrote:
> but by the same token, ive not seen a mailing list that hasn't made me
> want to gouge my own eyes out. its not a great place for reading code
> is it? you can't do a [code] [/code] to isolate an example on it.
If you configure your MUA to display text with a fixed-size font, it's
pretty easy to display code in an email. There is no need to "isolate"
an example of it, just indent it a bit to create a separate block if
you really want to. And clearly no need for [code] tags.

Hell, there are lists (hg's for instance) where code review is handled
by posting patchbombs inline on the list and reviewers commenting on
the patch. And it works pretty damn well too.

> ASIDE: you'd think there'd be a djangonaut smart enough to amend the
> existing forum code im sure i've seen (in pinax maybe) to add in a
> [stacktrace][/stacktrace] and then start a community helpsite.
I'm sure there is, the question is if there's a djangonaut able to do
that who sees *value* in doing this. Apparently hasn't been the case
so far, you might be the one to change this no?

> all im doig here is pointing out that it is hard to find working
> examples of code on the web for many reasons.
And a forum would *not* help with that: forum posts get outdated just
as anything else, and people aren't going to go edit their old code
all the time in order to ensure it stays current. Just as bloggers
rarely go through their archive to cleanup or fix breakage in their
previous code.

Furthermore, form management is much more heavyweight than a mailing
list in that you have to deal with more extensive moderation and spam
management needs. And the bigger the community using them, the harder
and more expensive (in terms of time) it is.

If you have the time to launch yourself into such a project, you
should go ahead, I don't think the django core team really has that
kind of time on their hands. Especially while they're trying to
release 1.3.

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread shofty
but by the same token, ive not seen a mailing list that hasn't made me
want to gouge my own eyes out. its not a great place for reading code
is it? you can't do a [code] [/code] to isolate an example on it. the
point im trying to make is that your choice isn't necessarily my
choice. who is right? (nobody, but then you know that).

ASIDE: you'd think there'd be a djangonaut smart enough to amend the
existing forum code im sure i've seen (in pinax maybe) to add in a
[stacktrace][/stacktrace] and then start a community helpsite.

don't worry, i fully understand that the ethos exists within django
that the tools are there and we can if we feel we need to go out there
and do it. im not sure im ready yet, but maybe in time. for now i'll
cope with the google groups.

also to pick up on another point mentioend in here that there are a
lot of blogs. there are. tons. bloody loads and loads of blogs, all
with old outdated code on. and not many people blogging point out what
version they are running when blogging.

also check stack overflow out. lots of django examples on there,
hardly any of which are moderated by a community who know the code
inside out, and again, nobody pointing out what version of django
they've copied and pasted their supposedly fix all code from.

all im doig here is pointing out that it is hard to find working
examples of code on the web for many reasons. the documentation is
great, but it doesn't go far enough sometimes. IMO.

On Jan 10, 11:51 pm, Russell Keith-Magee 
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 5:49 AM, mrmclovin  wrote:
> > Im just curious
> > why the django project haven't set up any proper forum?
> I'll address this one.
> I am yet to meet an online forum interface that doesn't make me want
> to gouge my own eyes out. For my money, email is a vastly preferable
> interface in almost every respect. Google's Groups could certainly do
> with some work, but it's a lot more serviceable than any forum
> interface I've ever used.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread mrmclovin

On Jan 11, 1:51 pm, Masklinn  wrote:
> On 2011-01-11, at 13:47 , mrmclovin wrote:> On Jan 11, 9:59 am, Masklinn 
>  wrote:y?
> Because you don't have to compile APIDocs to be able to use Django.
Okey, the analogy was not about django itself, but a reference manual.

> In fact the APIDocs are pretty irrelevant to a new Django user, and the 
> handcrafted guides will likely be much more valuable.
Yes, that's true. As you learn basic django quickly you'd want fast
access to api reference in order to extend and customize django
further efficiently.

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Re: Follow relations on three tables

2011-01-11 Thread Matias Aguirre
So, basically you want this:



Excerpts from's message of Tue Jan 11 07:58:05 -0200 2011:
> Let's say I have a model like:
> class A:
> class B:
>  Dref = ForeignKey('D')
> class C:
>   Aref = ForeignKey('A')
>   Bref =  ForeignKey('B')
> class D:
> I also have a view taking a D_id parameter and in this view I would
> like to create and show the list of A objects that are related to D
> through the B and C class.
> Assuming this decription makes any sense ( I'm struggling myself to
> read it :) ), is there any way to accomplish what I need?
> Cheers
> G.
Matías Aguirre 

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Follow relations on three tables

2011-01-11 Thread
Let's say I have a model like:

class A:

class B:
 Dref = ForeignKey('D')

class C:
  Aref = ForeignKey('A')
  Bref =  ForeignKey('B')

class D:

I also have a view taking a D_id parameter and in this view I would
like to create and show the list of A objects that are related to D
through the B and C class.

Assuming this decription makes any sense ( I'm struggling myself to
read it :) ), is there any way to accomplish what I need?



Gianluca Sforna -

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default _ storage path

2011-01-11 Thread Tonton
may we use default storage to write outside of project or only in media
because i can writ in media path ...

my porject : /home/user/project

and i 'd like to write in

/var/www/myoutputdirectory  own by what ever you want but i've truy www-data
and the user in my WSGIDaemon in apache conf for mod wsgi ...

so i 've SuspiciousOperation

attempte access '/var/www/myoutpudirectory/myfilename ' denied

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Masklinn
On 2011-01-11, at 13:47 , mrmclovin wrote:
> On Jan 11, 9:59 am, Masklinn  wrote:
>> This analogy makes no sense whatsoever, I fear.
> hehe why?
Because you don't have to compile APIDocs to be able to use Django.

In fact the APIDocs are pretty irrelevant to a new Django user, and the 
handcrafted guides will likely be much more valuable.

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Re: Configure LAMPP with Django

2011-01-11 Thread evstevemd
Thanks friends,
I have learned alot in these few threads. Now my question was how do I
deploy different Django apps using same Apache server.
I tried instructions in links given above but I ended screwing my
Apache and ended falling back. May be my PHP background keeps me that
Please help me and thanks!

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread mrmclovin
On Jan 11, 9:59 am, Masklinn  wrote:
> This analogy makes no sense whatsoever, I fear.

hehe why? Wouldn't it be nice to host an online reference instead of
letting users "compile" the source themselves?

Guess I will try pydoc now and get my own html reference. I hope next
time someone is looking for this is able to Google this post ... :)

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Re: Configure LAMPP with Django

2011-01-11 Thread Javier Guerra Giraldez
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:37 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
> On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 11:12 -0500, Javier Guerra Giraldez wrote:
>> Django is not a page-based template system like PHP.  it's a
>> long-running application that answers web requests.
> I do not think it is a long running application

'long' as compared to PHP processes, which are initialized and
destroyed for each HTTP request.  Django, in contrast, stays up to
handle many requests.


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Re: Reconnecting after a database restart

2011-01-11 Thread Brennan Sellner
On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 09:09 -0800, Euan Goddard wrote:
> As far as I know Django maintains a persistent connection to the
> database server and restarting the server without restarting the
> client isn't possible. We never restart our live database server in
> production (we fail over to a secondary server so that the app is
> essentially only vulnerable for a few seconds whilst the failover
> happens and a subsequent app restart). I think the only thing you can
> do is to restart the app as soon as you've restarted the DB server.

Okay, good to know.  It looks like the right solution may be to try to
get a hook into Postgres to trigger an app restart.  FYI, this behavior
was also triggered when an emacs process went rogue and OOM'd the
server: postgres reinitialized itself (without actually restarting)
after the kernel killed emacs, which nuked Django's connection.

> All that said, it may be possible to get Django to reconnect, but from
> reading the source in the DB layer, I don't recall seeing anything
> like that.

Right, I wasn't finding anything either.  If I can't get a restart hook
in place, I'll give Jirka's suggestion a go.

Thanks everyone!


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Re: Flatten template?

2011-01-11 Thread Danny Adair
Just in case someone needs this... I now have a working module.

It "resolves" via the source files - no context, no "real rendering".
Therefore only literal string parameters are supported for the
template paths of {% extends ... %} and {% include ... %}. That's ok
for my current purposes.
Otherwise I don't see any drawbacks, and it handles multiple
inheritance and nested blocks just fine.

If anyone ever runs across the problem of having to "flatten" django
templates, happy to provide the source
(130 lines incl. lots of comments, bit much for email)

The main issue I had to tackle were nested {% block ... %} across
inherited templates.
1. failing with regular expressions (they can't balance the opening
with their corresponding closing tags, for arbitrary levels of
2. failing with pyparsing (I still think there could be an elegant
pyparsing solution, but blocks have different names - they're not just
nested parantheses - so nestedExpr() gets a little more complicated
here - I believe similar issue to
3. failing with Node objects. They lose the original source ("origin")
unless TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True. I subclassed and forced the source to
always be kept, but realized that the source is not kept per node,
rather the complete source is kept (per ExtendsNode) together with
start and end index of where (just the opening of!) the tag was found.
4. the end result looks like a stripped down sgml parser - iterative
regex finding, cutting up, together with matching corresponding {%
endblock %}'s and some simple string replacements.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:51, Danny W. Adair  wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to get the template source of a template "after inheritance",
> i.e. render just the loader tags "include", "extends" and
> "block" (incl. variable block.super), so that I end up with one
> independent template which is otherwise unrendered.
> Has anyone done this before or has pointers?
> I'm still undecided whether to work with Node objects (maybe borrowing
> some ideas from ) or just use
> regex on the source and manually "glue together".
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Danny

Kind regards,

Danny W. Adair
Unfold Limited
New Zealand

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Re: upload files via ajax

2011-01-11 Thread Mauro

On 11 Gen, 12:05, Łukasz Rekucki  wrote:
> On 11 January 2011 11:28, Jani Tiainen  wrote:
> > On Monday 10 January 2011 16:05:13 Mauro wrote:
> >> On 23 Dic 2010, 23:12, Paul Osman  wrote:
> >> > On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:39 AM, Mauro  wrote:
> >> > > Hello,
> >> > > is it possible touploadfiles viaajax?
> >> > > I would like touploadmultiple files in my application but i have the
> >> > > following exception:
> >> > > MultiPartParserError: Invalid boundary in multipart: None
> >> > > I'm using django 1.1.
> >> > > Theajaxrequest has the content type header set as mulitpart/form-
> >> > > data
> >> > This was recently posted to the Mozilla Webdev blog. Might help you:
> >> >
> >> > -Paul
> >> Hi, thanks for replying, but would like to choose the files at once
> >> and thenuploadthem one by one (without flash, only html).  Using an
> >>ajaxrequest, django returns the MultiParseError. Moreover i try to
> >> user request._post_raw_data, but i would like to send also some other
> >> informations together with the files, and i do not to retrieve them
> >> from raw_data,
> >> Any other idea?
> > First at all this is not possible. It is not possible send files usingajax.
> Yes you can: only works
> fully in Firefox 4 and Webkit browsers (last I tested). Firefox 3.6
> lacks the FormData object, but has an API to read files from
> JavaScript, so you can form-encode the data yourself and use
> xhr.send(). An almost complete implementation can be seen 
> here:
> > But you can use ajaxy like approach. Common way is to create (invisible)
> > iframe where you clone original form and just do normal post there.
> > When iframe loads you can post back response from server to your 
> > application.
> > It's not fullyajaxbut as close as it can get without using flash.
> I call this HTML4 fallback. I have a whole jQuery plugin that
> transparently uses an IFrame if the user's browser doesn't have any of
> required HTML5 capabilities. It lets youuploadmultiply files with
> additional POST data (e.g. file description, tags). Sadly, I can't
> open-source it just yet.
> --
> Łukasz Rekucki

Thanks a lot! It seems very interesting!

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Re: upload files via ajax

2011-01-11 Thread Łukasz Rekucki
On 11 January 2011 11:28, Jani Tiainen  wrote:
> On Monday 10 January 2011 16:05:13 Mauro wrote:
>> On 23 Dic 2010, 23:12, Paul Osman  wrote:
>> > On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:39 AM, Mauro  wrote:
>> > > Hello,
>> > > is it possible to upload files via ajax?
>> > >
>> > > I would like to upload multiple files in my application but i have the
>> > > following exception:
>> > >
>> > > MultiPartParserError: Invalid boundary in multipart: None
>> > >
>> > > I'm using django 1.1.
>> > > The ajax request has the content type header set as mulitpart/form-
>> > > data
>> >
>> > This was recently posted to the Mozilla Webdev blog. Might help you:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -Paul
>> Hi, thanks for replying, but would like to choose the files at once
>> and then upload them one by one (without flash, only html).  Using an
>> ajax request, django returns the MultiParseError. Moreover i try to
>> user request._post_raw_data, but i would like to send also some other
>> informations together with the files, and i do not to retrieve them
>> from raw_data,
>> Any other idea?
> First at all this is not possible. It is not possible send files using ajax.

Yes you can: This only works
fully in Firefox 4 and Webkit browsers (last I tested). Firefox 3.6
lacks the FormData object, but has an API to read files from
JavaScript, so you can form-encode the data yourself and use
xhr.send(). An almost complete implementation can be seen here:

> But you can use ajaxy like approach. Common way is to create (invisible)
> iframe where you clone original form and just do normal post there.
> When iframe loads you can post back response from server to your application.
> It's not fully ajax but as close as it can get without using flash.

I call this HTML4 fallback. I have a whole jQuery plugin that
transparently uses an IFrame if the user's browser doesn't have any of
required HTML5 capabilities. It lets you upload multiply files with
additional POST data (e.g. file description, tags). Sadly, I can't
open-source it just yet.

Łukasz Rekucki

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Masklinn
On 2011-01-11, at 09:36 , mrmclovin wrote:
> If you bought a game, would you rather like to get info on how to
> compile the game in order to play it.. or just install it and play it?
This analogy makes no sense whatsoever, I fear.

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread Masklinn
On 2011-01-11, at 07:44 , Sam Lai wrote:
> On 11 January 2011 13:39, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Simon W wrote:
>>> For such a good web framework it's a shame that the documention is not 
>>> structured well .. at all.
>> I have no doubt that the project would be more than receptive to doc patches 
>> to fix the problem.
> This isn't about patches to the existing docs (which are great for
> their purpose). It is about Django missing an API reference manual,
> something like .NET Class Library Reference
> (, PHP's
> Function Reference ( or
> Java's (rather hideous looking) API reference
> (
And what part of this can not be done by providing patches to the existing 
documentation to add apidoc extracts/refs?

> P.S. what's the short answer to why the current Django docs aren't on
> a wiki site instead of being versioned inside SVN?
Because wikis stink and a documented versioning means it's easy to keep in sync 
with the corresponding source, it's easy to package documentation with the 
corresponding release, documentation fixes can go through the same process as 
code fixes (including documentation bugs on the tracker) and documentation 
contributions are treated as first-class contributions and have the same status 
as code one, also serving as a "gateway drug" to contribution to Django's code?

> There are some minor clarifications here and there that I'd like to
> add, but the overhead of producing a patch, creating a ticket,
> flagging down a committer, getting a consensus, and finally having the
> patch committed is a bit off-putting.
Only the first two are your job (why would you have to "flag down a 
committer"?) and unless your changes are extensive and/or controversial in my 
experience getting a document patch in is trivial.

Which leaves three tasks: 1. editing the rst files, 2. running `svn diff` and 
3. creating a ticket. Last time I did it, it was pretty painless.

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Re: Django's documention is horrible

2011-01-11 Thread mrmclovin
On Jan 11, 7:44 am, Sam Lai  wrote:
> On 11 January 2011 13:39, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
> This isn't about patches to the existing docs (which are great for
> their purpose). It is about Django missing an API reference manual,
> something like .NET Class Library Reference
> (, PHP's
> Function Reference ( or
> Java's (rather hideous looking) API reference
> (
> I'm glad someone brought this up (although 'horrible' seems like too
> strong a word). I miss not having these docs in some online form
> because once you know enough about Django, you often know that Django
> has capability x but you don't remember what class/namespace it is in.
> You end up having to google and spend a while locating the info in the
> existing docs. Browsing or grepping the code isn't much better (maybe
> I'm missing an app or two here).
> API docs also tend to be more structured and concise so you can
> instantly see what parameters take what, what exceptions might be
> thrown, what the return value is/represents etc.
> Right now, I almost always have a browser tab open to
> for this purpose.
> Talk/ideas are cheap, so here's my take on possible API docs for Django -
> An API reference site structured in a similar manner to the above
> examples, with the ability to easily search; integrated pydocs; links
> to relevant sections of the Django docs; a link to see the code of the
> function/class/method etc. A wiki-style section for each page would be
> nice too to document caveats, tips, tricks, relevant snippets etc.
> Of course the dynamic nature of the code makes this harder to do and
> will probably require some human intervention to ensure an entry
> exists for every parameter, mapped method etc.
> P.S. what's the short answer to why the current Django docs aren't on
> a wiki site instead of being versioned inside SVN?
> There are some minor clarifications here and there that I'd like to
> add, but the overhead of producing a patch, creating a ticket,
> flagging down a committer, getting a consensus, and finally having the
> patch committed is a bit off-putting. I can understand the process for
> code, but it just seems a bit over-the-top for docs. Maybe a
> compromise would be adding something like the per-paragraph comments
> that The Django Book site has; that way the docs stay official, yet
> there's still a way for users to add to them.
> > --
> > -- Christophe Pettus
> >
> > --

I guess your post should be replaced by my first one :). It's exactly
what I was trying to say: django need a reference manual to complement
the existing documentation.

On Jan 11, 8:55 am, James Bennett  wrote:

> If your computer is incapable of running pydoc, epydoc or other
> similar scripts, how is it simultaneously able to run Django?

> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

If you bought a game, would you rather like to get info on how to
compile the game in order to play it.. or just install it and play it?

You seem to be missing the point of having a convenient way of
providing a reference manual. I didn't know about pydoc until now,
maybe it's got what im looking for. However, I rather spend my time
writing django code instead of using different 'tools' to get simple
reference docs.

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