Re: Choosing an auth module: Login via Facebook, Google, ...

2015-05-05 Thread rush
Hi, What kind of issues do you have?It should support 1.8 now. You can even check that support request for 1.8 is already closed at github ( -- wbr,rush.   06.05.2015, 09:17, "guettli" :I need a library to let users loging via Facebook, Google, ...I looked at this page:'s hard for me to decide which one to use.I have no special requirements except the end user experience should be good.The login for new users should be as simple as possible.Can you give me an advice?I tried django-all-auth, but it has issues with Django 1.8 --  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, send email to Visit this group at To view this discussion on the web visit For more options, visit

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Choosing an auth module: Login via Facebook, Google, ...

2015-05-05 Thread guettli
I need a library to let users loging via Facebook, Google, ...

I looked at this page:

It's hard for me to decide which one to use.

I have no special requirements except the end user experience should be 
The login for new users should be as simple as possible.

Can you give me an advice?

I tried django-all-auth, but it has issues with Django 1.8

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Grouped Select in admin django

2015-05-05 Thread Luis Salvay
I have a model "Company" having many to many relationships with Country and 
City while country and city have one to many relationship between them. The 
problem is that when loading an "enterprise" have to select the countries 
atienede the company and the cities they serve, but the list of cities is 
very long and also the cities are all mixed without distinguishing what 
country you are. What I'd like is to group the cities by country. It is 
exactly what django-smart-selects, only this plugin does not work in many 
to many relationships. Someone could help me adapt this plugin to work with 
many to many relationship or comment me if they think of another 
alternative. Thank you very much!

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Re: design pattern to handle multiple groups from the same view

2015-05-05 Thread Filipe Ximenes
An alternative [but not a simple one] is to have this customisations as a
generic configuration in a database table.
If changes are "visual" only, you could have multiple templates and only
change the one you are rendering for given client. Or have this handled by
template tags. "Partial templates" may also help.
It really depends on what is changing and how many of this customisations
you need.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Abraham Varricatt <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm working on an e-commerce site. There is a generic version of the site
> available to the open internet and customized versions available to
> enterprise users. Now, when I say 'customized', I'm mostly talking about
> really minor customization's. If the current user belongs to ABC
> organization, change the menu display order. If she comes from XYZ company,
> don't show certain options .. etc. A lot of our view code looks like this;
> def view1(request):
> ...
> ...
> if ( == 'ABC'):
>context['ABC-option1'] = 'something'
>context['ABC-option3'] = 'different'
> ...
> if ( == 'XYZ'):
>context['XYZ-option1'] = 'an option'
>context['XYZ-option3'] = 'manager'
> ...
> ...
> return render(request, 'templates/index.html', context)
> The template isn't any better. Sure, we inherit from a base.html, but
> there is a LOT of if..else..if set of statements scattered everywhere.
> My instincts tell me that there has to be a better way of handling this
> situation - that there has to be a better way of handling these different
> scenarios than using so many if-else statements everywhere. I'm aware that
> I could set something up using inheritance in my views, but .. ... well,
> what I'd like is some way to handle the different scenarios OUTSIDE the
> views and templates. Something like say, if I have an about-me page, for
> all my users I want to be able to do,
> def about_me(request):
> ...
> return render(request, 'aboutme.html', context)
> Primarily, this is about keeping the code clean. All the about-me view
> function should (ideally) do is return a view. It (ideally) shouldn't have
> to worry about which organization a user might belong to, in-order to show
> a different set of addresses!
> Any suggestions/alternatives will be appreciated.
> -Abraham V.
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*Filipe Ximenes*+55 (81) 8245-9204

*Vinta Software Studio*

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Re: How to Process Multi Step Forms in Django?

2015-05-05 Thread Bernardo Brik
Hi Ken,
The problem with using Session is that the data will still be there when
you finish your “wizard". You have to manually delete it. It is state,
which is not good. Each request to your server should be an decoupled
operation. It’s ok to store in Session global state, like the current
language or user data, but I would not save something that belongs to a
“wizard”. What happens next time the same user runs the wizard? You have to
worry about that and makes your code complex.

You can encode the data form form1 view in the query string you redirect to
form2. It might be tricky since we are talking about formsets. You can use
urllib.urlencode, you pass a dict:
url = reverse('form2')
querystring = urllib.urlencode({ ... })
return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?%s' % (url, querystring))

Then in your form2 view you get the data from request.GET
key1 = request.GET[ ... ]

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Ken Nguyen  wrote:

> Hi Bernardo,
> I appreciate the feedback.  I've heard of many ways to pass data between
> methods in views such as session, write to a file, or use formwizard.  It
> is still a problem accessing the session from the "cleaned_data"?  This is
> my first time hearing about query string, care to explain or giving me an
> example of how it works?  In the meantime, I'll read up on it.
> Thanks,
> Ken
> P.S. - In some part of my code, you may notice the "location"parameter.
> You can ignore it or not include it in my code.  I was cut and paste so I
> didn't catch it.
> --
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Bernardo Brik

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Re: How to Process Multi Step Forms in Django?

2015-05-05 Thread Ken Nguyen
Hi Bernardo,

I appreciate the feedback.  I've heard of many ways to pass data between 
methods in views such as session, write to a file, or use formwizard.  It 
is still a problem accessing the session from the "cleaned_data"?  This is 
my first time hearing about query string, care to explain or giving me an 
example of how it works?  In the meantime, I'll read up on it.


P.S. - In some part of my code, you may notice the "location"parameter.  
You can ignore it or not include it in my code.  I was cut and paste so I 
didn't catch it. 

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design pattern to handle multiple groups from the same view

2015-05-05 Thread Abraham Varricatt
Hello everyone,

I'm working on an e-commerce site. There is a generic version of the site 
available to the open internet and customized versions available to 
enterprise users. Now, when I say 'customized', I'm mostly talking about 
really minor customization's. If the current user belongs to ABC 
organization, change the menu display order. If she comes from XYZ company, 
don't show certain options .. etc. A lot of our view code looks like this;

def view1(request):
if ( == 'ABC'):
   context['ABC-option1'] = 'something'
   context['ABC-option3'] = 'different'
if ( == 'XYZ'):
   context['XYZ-option1'] = 'an option'
   context['XYZ-option3'] = 'manager'
return render(request, 'templates/index.html', context)

The template isn't any better. Sure, we inherit from a base.html, but there 
is a LOT of if..else..if set of statements scattered everywhere. 

My instincts tell me that there has to be a better way of handling this 
situation - that there has to be a better way of handling these different 
scenarios than using so many if-else statements everywhere. I'm aware that 
I could set something up using inheritance in my views, but .. ... well, 
what I'd like is some way to handle the different scenarios OUTSIDE the 
views and templates. Something like say, if I have an about-me page, for 
all my users I want to be able to do,

def about_me(request):
return render(request, 'aboutme.html', context)

Primarily, this is about keeping the code clean. All the about-me view 
function should (ideally) do is return a view. It (ideally) shouldn't have 
to worry about which organization a user might belong to, in-order to show 
a different set of addresses!

Any suggestions/alternatives will be appreciated.

-Abraham V.

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Re: How to Process Multi Step Forms in Django?

2015-05-05 Thread Bernardo Brik
Hi Ken,
This is a good solution.
I like the part that you are redirecting instead of rendering directly
form2 from form1 view, that was a code smell that I missed.
I don’t like that you are using Session to save the data. You could run
into problems of having to invalidate that, clean data, when to do it, etc.
You should still redirect, but you could pass the data from form1 to form2
via query string.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 5:02 AM, Ken Nguyen  wrote:

> I've finally figured it out after weeks of troubleshooting and here's how
> I do it.
> In the original post, my views takes in the request from form1 and renders
> it to form2.  I would get the dreadful "Management Form Data is Missing"
> error no matter what I did and it led to asking a bunch of questions on
> here.  I decided to isolate the 2 forms to see if that rendered.  It took a
> few tries before getting both forms and templates to work separately.  What
> I noticed was form1.html's action was equal to "none" which was what I
> wanted.  It would render and posted the form with the errors to itself
> without redirecting to another page.  I then discovered that the address
> was still hooked to form1 instead of form2 after it had rendered.  In
> another word when form1 rendered the data to form2, the address was still
> on userinfo/form1.html when it should have been userinfo/form2.html in
> order for action to call the correct form in views.  The magic that I used
> to fix the issue was *HttpResponseRedirect*.  I saved the data retrieved
> from form 1 in a session and recovered it from beginning of form 2.  I used
> session to render data from form 2 instead of rendering directly from form
> 1.
> *Changes to form1 in*
>- Save the data in a session for access in different part of views
>- Re-direct to form2 instead of render data from form1
> def form1 (request):
> ...
> if formset.is_valid ():
> location = request.POST ['site']
> data = formset.cleaned_data
> request.session ['names'] = data
> return HttpResponseRedirect ('form2')
> ...
> *Changes to form2 in*
>- Retrieve data from session
>- Do something with data from form2.   For my case, I merged both
>dictionary into one.
> def form2 (request):
> data = request.session ['names']
> ...
> if checkbox_formset.is_valid ():
> for i, form in enumerate (checkbox_formset.cleaned_data):
> data [i].update (form)  # This will give me a list of
> name dictionary with the checkbox appended
>   context = {'data': data}
> return render (request, 'userinfo/success.html', context)
> else:
> checkbox_formset = CheckBoxFormSet (prefix = 'checkbox')
>  context = {'checkbox_formset': checkbox_formset, 'data': data,
> 'location': location}
>  return render (request, 'userinfo/form2.html', context)
> *form2.html*
> {% load staticfiles %}
> Confirmation
> Submitted Entries:
> {% csrf_token %}
> Firstname
> Lastname
> Location
> Overwrite
> Index
>   {% for info in data %}
> {{ info.first_name }}
> {{ info.last_name }}
> {{ location }}
> {{ checkbox_formset.management_form }}
>  name="checkbox-{{ forloop.counter0 }}-overwrite" type="checkbox"/>
> {{ forloop.counter0 }}
>   {% endfor %}
> Cancel
> All there's left to do is create a template for success.html
> Success
> Submitted Entries:
> {% for info in data %}
> {{ info.first_name }} {{ info.last_name }} {{
> info.overwrite }}
> {% endfor %}
> Add more names
> Hope this will help some stragglers.  Nevertheless, thanks to Bernardo for
> helping me all along.
>  --
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Bernardo Brik

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Re: Two projects fail to import the same main app when I turn on both in Apache

2015-05-05 Thread Tom Evans
On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Thomas Levine <> wrote:
> Hi,
> For like the first time ever I want to make complicated websites,
> so using Django finally seems like a good idea. And it is! All the
> small building blocks that I had never thought of are already here.
> Anyway, the part that's relevant to my present concern is that I
> haven't deployed Django many times before and thus don't really know
> what I'm doing.
> I have two sites that I want to host on the same computer.
> I have root access on this computer. The two sites are called
> "dadaportal", which is on, and "scott",
> which is on
> I also have a bunch of other sites configured in Apache, but
> none of those uses wsgi or even Python.
> Both sites work fine if I disable the other. Here is what its
> configuration looks like.
> And here is the other.
> I have problem when I try to run both at the same time.

You're missing the process-group argument from WSGIScriptAlias so it
tries to run both of them in the default process group.



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Two projects fail to import the same main app when I turn on both in Apache

2015-05-05 Thread Thomas Levine

For like the first time ever I want to make complicated websites,
so using Django finally seems like a good idea. And it is! All the
small building blocks that I had never thought of are already here.
Anyway, the part that's relevant to my present concern is that I
haven't deployed Django many times before and thus don't really know
what I'm doing.

I have two sites that I want to host on the same computer.
I have root access on this computer. The two sites are called
"dadaportal", which is on, and "scott",
which is on

I also have a bunch of other sites configured in Apache, but
none of those uses wsgi or even Python.

Both sites work fine if I disable the other. Here is what its
configuration looks like.

And here is the other.

I have problem when I try to run both at the same time.
The 010-dadaportal.conf and 015-scott.conf are in my
/etc/apache2/sites-available directory, so I have been
enabling them and disabling them like this.

  a2dissite 010-dadaportal && a2ensite 015-scott &&
  service apache2 reload && sleep 1s &&
  a2dissite 015-scott && a2ensite 010-dadaportal &&
  service apache2 reload

If I disable both of them and access either one in a web
browser, this shows up in the error log corresponding to
the If I try to access either one.

  [Tue May 05 09:10:14.433772 2015] [wsgi:error] [pid 4155] [remote] ImportError: No module named 'dadaportal'

For example, here is a line from /var/log/apache2/scott2-error.log,

  [Tue May 05 09:10:14.433772 2015] [wsgi:error] [pid 4155] [remote] ImportError: No module named 'dadaportal'

and here is one from /var/log/apache2/dadaportal-error.log.

  [Tue May 05 09:13:01.552357 2015] [wsgi:error] [pid 4338] [remote] ImportError: No module named 'dadaportal'

Note that both projects look for "dadaportal". dadaportal is the
app containing the settings file in the dadaportal project.

It is not in the scott2 project; I checked by running the following
command from the root of the scott2 project.

  $ grep --include='*.py' -r dadaportal .

It printed nothing. Here are versions of things.

$ pip3 freeze|grep Django
$ python3 --version
Python 3.4.2

Any idea of what I'm doing incorrectly? Thanks


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Re: How to Process Multi Step Forms in Django?

2015-05-05 Thread Ken Nguyen
I've finally figured it out after weeks of troubleshooting and here's how I 
do it.

In the original post, my views takes in the request from form1 and renders 
it to form2.  I would get the dreadful "Management Form Data is Missing" 
error no matter what I did and it led to asking a bunch of questions on 
here.  I decided to isolate the 2 forms to see if that rendered.  It took a 
few tries before getting both forms and templates to work separately.  What 
I noticed was form1.html's action was equal to "none" which was what I 
wanted.  It would render and posted the form with the errors to itself 
without redirecting to another page.  I then discovered that the address 
was still hooked to form1 instead of form2 after it had rendered.  In 
another word when form1 rendered the data to form2, the address was still 
on userinfo/form1.html when it should have been userinfo/form2.html in 
order for action to call the correct form in views.  The magic that I used 
to fix the issue was *HttpResponseRedirect*.  I saved the data retrieved 
from form 1 in a session and recovered it from beginning of form 2.  I used 
session to render data from form 2 instead of rendering directly from form 

*Changes to form1 in*

   - Save the data in a session for access in different part of views
   - Re-direct to form2 instead of render data from form1
def form1 (request):
if formset.is_valid ():
location = request.POST ['site']
data = formset.cleaned_data

request.session ['names'] = data

return HttpResponseRedirect ('form2')

*Changes to form2 in*

   - Retrieve data from session
   - Do something with data from form2.   For my case, I merged both 
   dictionary into one.

def form2 (request):

data = request.session ['names']
if checkbox_formset.is_valid ():
for i, form in enumerate (checkbox_formset.cleaned_data):
data [i].update (form)  # This will give me a list of name 
dictionary with the checkbox appended
  context = {'data': data}
return render (request, 'userinfo/success.html', context)
checkbox_formset = CheckBoxFormSet (prefix = 'checkbox')

 context = {'checkbox_formset': checkbox_formset, 'data': data, 
'location': location}
 return render (request, 'userinfo/form2.html', context)


{% load staticfiles %}


Submitted Entries:
{% csrf_token %}

  {% for info in data %}
{{ info.first_name }}
{{ info.last_name }}
{{ location }}
{{ checkbox_formset.management_form }}

{{ forloop.counter0 }}
  {% endfor %}


All there's left to do is create a template for success.html


Submitted Entries:

{% for info in data %}
{{ info.first_name }} {{ info.last_name }} {{ 
info.overwrite }}
{% endfor %}

Add more names

Hope this will help some stragglers.  Nevertheless, thanks to Bernardo for 
helping me all along.

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