Here is a tutorial for adding a plus sign for custom dropdown box in custom admin pages

2010-04-20 Thread Asim Yuksel
If you registered your models with adminCreate a and put
the following code there

from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from ivl.views import *

def SelectWidgetWithPopUp(url):
class SelectWithPopUp(forms.Select):

def render(self, name, *args, **kwargs):

html = super(SelectWithPopUp, self).render(name, *args,
popupplus = render_to_string(url, {'field': name})
return html+popupplus
return SelectWithPopUp

url will be the link where it will open a popup for adding new data.

now create the following html file anywhere in your template dir.


href location is where my tblpeople model is and I am pointing the
"add" view.

Now in the
#Import the widget
from yourapp.widgets import SelectWidgetWithPopUp

#This is the form I will use for people dropdownlist
class PeopleForm(forms.Form):


people_popup_plus.html is the url for pop up.

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Re: Please help me make a SELECT box!

2010-04-19 Thread Asim Yuksel
Why dont you use a widget with charfield

forms.CharField(max_length=1, widget=forms.Select

and your choices are

('A', 'A'),
('B', 'B'),
('C', 'C'),

On Apr 19, 4:56 pm, amyhalf  wrote:
> For the life of me I can't get Django to render even the simplest of
> HTML  boxes.
> Here's a recent example that I have which I cannot get to work.
> This is the form:
> class CreditCardForm(forms.Form):
>         fullname = forms.CharField(128, 1, required = True)
>         mm_expiry = forms.ChoiceField(required = True)
> In the view, I do the following before sending it to the template:
> form = CreditCardForm()
> form.mm_expiry.choices = (('1','1'), ('2','2'))
> Here's how I print it in the template:
> Expiration date:
> {{ form.mm_expiry }}
> It does make the  tag but will not populate the individual
> items.
> Help!
> --
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How to set the size for Inline Dropdown lists

2010-04-18 Thread Asim Yuksel
I have an inline model. It lists the foreign keys in a dropdown list.
It adjusts its size according to the largest text in it. How can I
have a small dropdown list? It is too big.

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Re: Dynamic Inline fileds

2010-04-08 Thread Asim Yuksel
Hi Asim :)

Here is the solution step by step:

1) Go to Lib\site-packages\django\contrib\admin\media\js directory and
copy the following js files to js folder

 jquery-1.4.2 from jquery website

 dynamic_inlines_with_sort.js from

and create the following css under css folder

.inline-group .tabular tr.has_original td { padding-top:0.5em; }
.inline-group .tabular tr.has_original td.original p { display:none; }

2)Add following media class to your inline admin model

class Media:

js = ['/media/js/jquery-1.4.2.js',
css = { 'all' : ['/media/css/dynamic_inlines_with_sort.css'],}

You will see a plus sign or add new row text below. I was able to
duplicate text fields,dropdown lists successfully.

On 8 Nisan, 13:46, Asim Yuksel <> wrote:
> How can I add dynamic inline fields? I want to use the extra=1 and I
> want to have a plus sign which will add more dynamic fields so the
> extra field will increase

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Dynamic Inline fileds

2010-04-08 Thread Asim Yuksel
How can I add dynamic inline fields? I want to use the extra=1 and I
want to have a plus sign which will add more dynamic fields so the
extra field will increase

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ModelMultipleChoiceField and plus sign

2010-04-07 Thread Asim Yuksel
I have a field called peopleid. The default admin page displays this
as a dropdown list and shows a green plus sign near it. Instead of
dropdown, I want to use MultipleChoiceField. But if I define this
field. I dont see the plus sign? How can I make it appear near the

Here is the form field I am using

peopleid =

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2 Views In One Admin Template

2010-04-02 Thread Asim Yuksel
How can show two different views in one admin view(change_form.html)?

I have a custom change_form.html for a model view. In that model's
view, I want to include another view
I tried the following but it shows same view again

{% for fieldset in adminform %}
  {% include "admin/includes/Brdgauthorseditors/
authors_editors_fieldset.html" %}
{% endfor %}

{% for fieldset in adminform %}
  {% include "admin/includes/Brdgmediapublications/
media_publications_fieldset.html" %}
{% endfor %}

I understand the reason why it shows the same view. Because it is
accessing the current model's adminform. How can I access another
view's adminform?

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Re: How to display other field(not the foreign key) in admin dropdown list

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
Okey I want to answer this :) just add a unicode method to your model
something like this

def __unicode__(self):
return "%s" %

On 31 Mart, 16:37, Asim Yuksel <> wrote:
> I have a people table and a bridge table which are related. bridge
> table has a foreignkey field for people table.
> When I click add from django admin it shows the peopleid in a drop
> down list. What I want to do is I want to show the field
> instead of peopleid foreignkey field? How can I do this?

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Re: Displaying the fields of two tables on the same admin page

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
The people and publication are not related so I cant use manytomany

On 31 Mart, 15:30, "Giovannetti, Mark"  wrote:
> > I am entering them on the same page otherwise I will have to note down
> > the ids of people and publications table and then go to bridge table
> > and insert the ids there. So the reason I want to enter in the same
> > page is I will insert the ids into bridge table whenever I click save.
> > I am not allowed to change the db design by the way and it sucks :)
> Does this not work the way you expect?
> class People(models.Model):
>      other fields
>     publications = models.ManyToManyField('Publication',
>                                     through='PeoplePublication',
>                                     )
> class Publication(models.Model):
>      other fields
> class PeoplePublication(models.Model):
>     people = models.ForeignKey('People',...)
>     publication = models.ForeignKey('Publication',...)
> in
> class PublicationInline(admin.TabularInline):
>     model = PeoplePublication
>     extra = 1
> class PeopleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     inlines = [PublicationInline]
>, PeopleAdmin)

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How to display other field(not the foreign key) in admin dropdown list

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
I have a people table and a bridge table which are related. bridge
table has a foreignkey field for people table.

When I click add from django admin it shows the peopleid in a drop
down list. What I want to do is I want to show the field
instead of peopleid foreignkey field? How can I do this?

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Re: Admin Add Page

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
Thanks but I get error when I try to extend it

it says:Caught an exception while rendering: opts

and it highlights

{% submit_row %}

Any ideas?

On 31 Mart, 11:23, Brandon Taylor <> wrote:
> You can extend the change_form.html and change_list.html templates for
> those views, or the base_site.html template.
> Look in your: django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ folder to see all
> of the templates. Also, check out the documentation 
> at:
> Cheers,
> Brandon
> On Mar 30, 1:16 pm, Asim Yuksel <> wrote:
> > I want to use a custom admin add page with custom admin look and feel.
> > What is the template to extend? I want to use something like this
> >
> > I tried to hack the html by viewing the source but it is time
> > consuming and it always show a message "This field is required.". I
> > want to show this message when I click save.

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Admin Add Page

2010-03-30 Thread Asim Yuksel
I want to use a custom admin add page with custom admin look and feel.
What is the template to extend? I want to use something like this

I tried to hack the html by viewing the source but it is time
consuming and it always show a message "This field is required.". I
want to show this message when I click save.

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Re: Displaying the fields of two tables on the same admin page

2010-03-29 Thread Asim Yuksel
I am entering them on the same page otherwise I will have to note down
the ids of people and publications table and then go to bridge table
and insert the ids there. So the reason I want to enter in the same
page is I will insert the ids into bridge table whenever I click save.
I am not allowed to change the db design by the way and it sucks :)

On 29 Mart, 06:49, ""  wrote:
> > I cant use inlines option ind admin,py because the
> > tables should be related.
> If they aren't related why would you want to be entering them on the
> same page?
> When you come to edit them again what two instances should be loaded
> together if they are completely unrelated?
> Given what you first said:
> > 2) I also want to insert the id values of people and publication to a
> > bridge table(lets say PeoplePublication) whenever I do the first step.
> you want a ManyToManyField and Inlines. A ManyToManyField
> automatically sets up this bridge table. If you want more information
> associated with the relationship, look into the "through" option.
> Peter

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How to customize admin's save button functionality?

2010-03-28 Thread Asim Yuksel
How can I edit admin's save button, so whenever I click save, I can be
redirected to a page after successfully inserting the values into db?

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Re: Displaying the fields of two tables on the same admin page

2010-03-28 Thread Asim Yuksel
Sorry for not making it clear. The idea is to use default admin
template and help the admin to enter data from admin interface. I will
enter data via admin's default template. Lets say I have People and
Publications Table in my database. So when I click admin's add button,
it will display some fields to enter data for People and Publication
Tables. When I click save, the data will be saved to People and
Publications table. People and Publications are not related. They are
different tables. I cant use inlines option ind admin,py because the
tables should be related.

On 28 Mart, 15:37, Gramware <> wrote:
> On Mar 28, 8:40 pm, Asim Yuksel <> wrote:
> > I have two questions.
> > 1)I have two tables(People, Publication) and they are not related and
> > I want to display the fields of these tables on the same admin page.
> > So when I fill all the fields, I want to insert these values into
> > people and publication tables.
> I do not fully understand your question, but if you would like to
> Iterate (loop over) 2 values in your template at  the same time, you
> can use the zip command like blow
> In your
> peo = People.objects.all()
> pub=Publications.objects.all()
> render_to_response(template.html, {'tables':zip(peo,pub)})
> in your template (template.html)
> {% for pe, pu in tables %}
> {{pe.field1}} {{pu.field1}}
> {% endfor %}
> I am assuming that for each record in people, there is a matching one
> in publications
> > 2) I also want to insert the id values of people and publication to a
> > bridge table(lets say PeoplePublication) whenever I do the first step.
> > I guess I cant do the 1st one with inlines. How can I do this?
> Why not use a ForeignKey?

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Displaying the fields of two tables on the same admin page

2010-03-28 Thread Asim Yuksel
I have two questions.
1)I have two tables(People, Publication) and they are not related and
I want to display the fields of these tables on the same admin page.
So when I fill all the fields, I want to insert these values into
people and publication tables.
2) I also want to insert the id values of people and publication to a
bridge table(lets say PeoplePublication) whenever I do the first step.

I guess I cant do the 1st one with inlines. How can I do this?

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Re: ForeignKeyField

2010-03-26 Thread Asim Yuksel
You know what I am trying to solve this for about 2 days. Thank you so
much it worked :) All my respects to your brain :)

On 26 Mart, 20:04, Karen Tracey <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Asim Yuksel <>wrote:
> > I've tried this.
> > The model is
> > class Advisors(models.Model):
> >     advisorid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True,
> > db_column='advisorId') # Field name made lowercase.
> >    maphdid = models.ForeignKey(Tblmaphds, db_column='maPhDId') #
> > Field name made lowercase.
> >    rank = models.SmallIntegerField()
> >    def __unicode__(self):
> >        return self.maphdid
> >    class Meta:
> >        db_table = u'Advisors'
> You are showing a __unicode__ method for the Advisors model. A ForeignKey
> field where the related model is a Tblmaphds will use the __unicode__ method
> of the Tblmaphds model to display the value of the related field. You need
> to add a __unicode__ method to the Tblmaphds model.
> Karen

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Re: ForeignKeyField

2010-03-26 Thread Asim Yuksel
I've tried this.
The model is

class Advisors(models.Model):
advisorid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True,
db_column='advisorId') # Field name made lowercase.
maphdid = models.ForeignKey(Tblmaphds, db_column='maPhDId') #
Field name made lowercase.
rank = models.SmallIntegerField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.maphdid
class Meta:
db_table = u'Advisors'

in I have

def AdvisorAdmin(model):
class BrdgadvisorsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
model = Brdgadvisors
list_display = [ for f in model._meta.fields]
return BrdgadvisorsAdmin,AdvisorAdmin(Brdgadvisors))

So this doesnt work.
On 26 Mart, 19:10, Karen Tracey <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Asim Yuksel <>wrote:
> > here is the list display
> >
> > I want that to appear in a list display, because that is what the
> > client wants :)
> > I tried writing unicode method , but it has no effect.I dont know
> > why.
> Since you haven't shown exactly what you tried there, we don't know either.
> As documented here:
> if the field is a ForeignKey, Django will display the __unicode__() of the
> related object.
> Thus if your Tblmaphds model had a __unicode__ method, whatever it returned
> would be what you see instead of "Tblmaphds object" in list display.
> Adding a __unicode__ method to that model is the easiest way to accomplish
> what you are asking for. There are also other options, as noted in that doc
> you can define callables on your model or model admin that return whatever
> you'd like to be shown in the list display, but really the easiest thing
> here would be the __unicode__ method on that model, so I'd suggest you try
> to figure out why that easiest solution isn't working before trying other
> more complicated things.
> Karen

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Re: ForeignKeyField

2010-03-26 Thread Asim Yuksel
here is the list display

I want that to appear in a list display, because that is what the
client wants :)

I tried writing unicode method , but it has no effect.I dont know
why.And when I try to use maphdid_id, it says it deosnt exist

On 26 Mart, 13:11, Daniel Roseman <> wrote:
> On Mar 26, 4:44 pm, Asim Yuksel <> wrote:
> > Yes foreignkey is an object but there must be a way to display the
> > value in a list_display. I am a newbie too. doesnt
> > work
> The underlying id field is called "maphdid_id", so you should be able
> to use that. But I have no idea why you'd want that to appear in a
> list_display, it's of no use to users of your application.
> Much more worthwhile is to define a useful __unicode__ method on the
> Tblmaphds model itself, which will then appear in the list_display in
> place of 'Tblmaphds object'.
> --
> DR.

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Re: ForeignKeyField

2010-03-26 Thread Asim Yuksel
Yes foreignkey is an object but there must be a way to display the
value in a list_display. I am a newbie too. doesnt

On 26 Mart, 06:05, Thierry Chich <> wrote:
> Le vendredi 26 mars 2010 04:14:51, Asim Yuksel a écrit :
> > I have a question about model.ForeignKey field.Foreign key fields are
> > shown as object in admin page. How can I show them in other types like
> > integer type
> > for example I have a Model like this:
> > class Advisor(models.Model):
> >     advisorid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True,
> > db_column='advisorId')
> >     maphdid = models.ForeignKey(Tblmaphds, db_column='maPhDId')
> >     def __str__(self):
> >         return smart_str('%s' % (self.maphdid))
> >     def __unicode__(self):
> >         return smart_str('%s' % (self.maphdid))
> >     class Meta:
> >         db_table = 'Advisor'
> > The problem is I see the maphdid value as "Tblmaphds object" instead
> > of a normal integer value.
> > What should I do to see a integer value?
> I am not sure of what I say because I just begin with django, but it seems to
> me that you are confusing foreignkey in models and foreignkey in SQL database.
> For me, a foreignkey in django is an object, not an id.
> So, it seems to me that maphdid is an object Tblmaphds. If you want to print
> the value, you shoud have
> to write
>          return smart_str('%s' % (

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Re: ForeignKeyField

2010-03-25 Thread Asim Yuksel
I cant show the foreignkey values in a list_display. I tried
raw_id_fields but didnt work

On 25 Mart, 23:18, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> This should help:
> Shawn

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2010-03-25 Thread Asim Yuksel
I have a question about model.ForeignKey field.Foreign key fields are
shown as object in admin page. How can I show them in other types like
integer type
for example I have a Model like this:

class Advisor(models.Model):

advisorid = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True,
maphdid = models.ForeignKey(Tblmaphds, db_column='maPhDId')
def __str__(self):
return smart_str('%s' % (self.maphdid))
def __unicode__(self):
return smart_str('%s' % (self.maphdid))
class Meta:
db_table = 'Advisor'

The problem is I see the maphdid value as "Tblmaphds object" instead
of a normal integer value.

What should I do to see a integer value?

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