Re: Using the Django Admin to change a password.

2011-05-06 Thread Aaron Fay
I was getting this error also, the tickets suggested I had a custom User 
proxy model or something, when in fact I didn't.  What I _had_ done was 
commented out the admin.autodiscover() in my urls and manually registered 
the django.contrib.auth.models.User model manually.

Using admin.autodiscover() seems to have fixed my problem.


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Re: newbie: Filter an inclusion tag

2008-06-16 Thread Aaron Fay


Filter it in your inclusion template, for instance if your tag returns a 
result from your auction object:

def il8n_attr(context, arg, arg2, lang_code):
# do you processing
return {'result': my_result}
register.inclusion_tag('il8n-inclusion.html', takes_context=True)(il8n_attr)

# template:

{{ result|truncatewords:50 }}

...for instance...


pihentagy wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have an inclusion tag:
> {% i18n_attr auction 'description' LANGUAGE_CODE %}
> I don't know how can I filter it with truncatewords.
> {% i18n_attr auction 'description' LANGUAGE_CODE|truncatewords:10 %}
> doesn't work.
> Any ideas?
> thanks
> >

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Re: Newbie FileField/ImageField Problems

2008-06-11 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi Brian,

Something like this should work for you:

if form.is_valid():
photo = Photo()
# redirect/etc


brianmac wrote:
> For the life of me I can't get django to upload a file.
> I have all of the settings correct, PIL installed and correct enctype.
> My model is as follows:
> class Photo(models.Model):
> source = models.ImageField(upload_to='images')
> Then in my view I try:
> Photo(request.FILES).save  # I receive and Index error.
> Photo(request.POST, request.FILES).save  # I receive and Index error.
> Photo(source = request.FILES).save  # I receive and Index error.
> Photo(source = request.FILES['image']).save  # puts dictionary(ie:
> {'content':,'file-type':...) in db and does not upload file
> Also the model works when I use the admin interface.
> Any Ideas?
> >

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Re: {{ media_url }}

2008-06-05 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi Bobby,

If you are referring to the media url that should be available via the 
context processor, then the variable in your template should be:

Unless you specifically are defining 'media_url' in your view.


Bobby Roberts wrote:
> i've got two templates in the same directory.  My css works fine on
> one template but not the other.  My link to the css is
> Can you think of any reason it would work fine for one template and
> not the other when the templates are in the same dir?
> BR
> >

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Re: why so slow?

2008-06-03 Thread Aaron Fay

If it makes any difference to you at this point:

I run django-nfa on a intel 825 dual core with 2GB of ram, eclipse, and 
a multitude of other apps running, and django dev server reloads my 
applications about as fast as I can change from the ide to the browser.  
My other developer, on the other hand, is running a core2duo with 2GB 
ram on vista, same setup, and he generally gets 5 second page loads for 
the admin side of things, and around the same for the dev server to reload.

Could possibly just depend on the machine?


> im running part 2 of the tutorial right now and im inside the admin.
> when connecting to localhost it is s slow, why?
> >

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Re: Building filter strings dynamically

2008-05-09 Thread Aaron Fay

Similarly, this will work also:
field = 'sections'
qry = qry.filter(**{field+'__name__exact': 'shooting'})


John Lenton wrote:

  On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Greg Fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to build filter strings dynamically.

The normal way works:
   qry = qry.filter(sections__name__exact='printing')

This does not work:
   filter_str = "sections__name__exact='shooting'"
   qry = qry.filter(filter_str)
The error is "too many values to unpack" at django/db/models/sql/ in add_filter, line 933

I realize something outside normal name-spacing is probably happening,
since "sections__name__exact"  doesn't have to be defined anywhere.

But is there any way to build the parameter to the filter dynamically?

the usual python way of building dynamic args:

filter = {'sections__name__exact': 'shooting'}
qry = qry.filter(**filter)


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Re: mod_python error

2008-04-18 Thread Aaron Fay

You could have also used:
 urlpatterns = patterns('',
 (r'^$', 'qsm.recs.views.matrix'),
 (r'^users/', include('qsm.recs.urls')),

because (as you know now) the python path was looking up to your
project directory, but not as far as your application directory...


bcurtu wrote:

  I got it!

It was my apache config, I have included the path to the root of the

 PythonPath "['/home/bcurtu/ws-python','/home/bcurtu/ws-python/qsm'] +

Now it works, thanks!

On 18 abr, 19:17, "Michael Wieher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i guess the relative path is the question

i assume ws-python is the directory your main urls file is in
and the recs directly lives in it, with an file ?

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 12:15 PM, bcurtu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   I have set up my apache with mod_python. When I call my main page
 on /, it works fine. However, when I try to access to other
 applications (/users/23) I get this error:

   ImproperlyConfigured: Error while importing URLconf 'recs.urls': No
 module named recs.urls

   My main code is:

   urlpatterns = patterns('',
 (r'^$', 'qsm.recs.views.matrix'),
 (r'^users/', include('recs.urls')), ... and more

   And of course, I have a recs/ file with a correct

   My mod_python config is :

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
PythonPath "['/home/bcurtu/ws-python'] + sys.path"
PythonDebug On

   Everything looks fine, isn't it?



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Re: wordpress hooks and actions system in django?

2008-02-23 Thread Aaron Fay
I thought I would chime in here as well, having a good deal of code written
for WordPress, and now some experience with Django.

I had originally contemplated the same idea, create a plugin system like
that of WP until I started to understand the power of applications.  In my
mind it would be a terrible amount of work to create a system to read a
plugin's structure, handle permissions (if needed) and then be compatible
with the template system, when it's very simple to create an app to do
something pluggable (say a classifieds application).  The ease with which
you can build new features in django, and make them available to other
projects far outweighs any advantage I can think with some kind of plugin
system (just my opinion).  I try to write the applications for my project as
if they needed to be pluggable, as few dependancies as possible, etc.  And
as far as wp filters go, the signal system should be more than capable.

Do your need to provide the ability for another person to write 'plugins' or
functionality for django?  I'm thinking maybe there is something you know
how to do well in wordpress but aren't sure how it's done/available in


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Re: Displaying the id in admin

2008-02-11 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi Tom,

In some places I *believe* object_id gave me results in my own 
templates.  The next option is to try to access the context, but I 
believe you may have to write a template tag to use it (not totally 
sure).  Here's an example I used:

### //test/templatetags/
from django.template import Library, Node
from django import template
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from test.models import MyUserProfile

register = Library()

class CurrentUserProfile(Node):
  def render(self, context):
  pid = MyUserProfile.objects.get(user=context['object_id']).id # 
get the id for the profile of the currently edited user
  pid = 0 # no user? (bad code, just an example)
return pid

def user_profile_id(parser, token):
return CurrentUserProfile()
user_profile_id = register.tag(user_profile_id)

### //templates/admin/auth/user/change_form.html
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% load my_tags %}
{% block form_top %}
  {% if user_profile_id %}
  Edit this 
user's profile
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

Make sure your template dir is in your settings.  There could be an 
easier way too, but this worked for me.


Tom Badran wrote:
> Is there a way i can display the id of an object in the admin pages? 
> I've had a look over the docs and nothing jumps out. This is using 
> django svn
> Thanks
> Tom
> >

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Re: newforms-admin inlines question

2008-02-11 Thread Aaron Fay

Hey guys, 

Thanks for the replies.  Part of the issue I was having is I had the
extras keyword in the wrong subclass (I had it in the options class for
my model, instead of the inline class).  It appears the functionality
is working as it should be for now...


Brian Rosner wrote:

I am using newforms admin and have a custom UserProfile model set in my
inlines for my User, is there a way to limit the UserProfile to 1 for
the User?  Right now it's trying to offer 4 profiles for the user, and
'extras=1' doesn't seem to affect how many are displayed (I don't want
extras anyway, I just want 1).

This is a known issue with newforms-admin. See [1] for more details and 
a patch (I have not looked at the patch, but should soon). For the 
record, the keyword argument to inline_formset is not "extras". It 
should be "extra" without the "s".



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newforms-admin inlines question

2008-02-10 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi List,

I am using newforms admin and have a custom UserProfile model set in my 
inlines for my User, is there a way to limit the UserProfile to 1 for 
the User?  Right now it's trying to offer 4 profiles for the user, and 
'extras=1' doesn't seem to affect how many are displayed (I don't want 
extras anyway, I just want 1).

Thanks in advance,

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Re: using mod_python to host several django apps on the same vhost?

2008-02-08 Thread Aaron Fay

Hey Charles, 

I believe you will find that answer specifically here:
"If you need to put two Django installations within the
same VirtualHost,
you’ll need to take a special precaution to ensure mod_python’s code
doesn’t mess things up. Use the PythonInterpreter directive to give
directives separate interpreters..."



  using mod_python to host several django apps on the same vhost?

  I'd like to host several django
applications at,,
etc. Currently I'm managing them all in the same vhost, using Apache
locations to direct each URL to a different Django project. However,
this technique requires me to rewrite my to accept ^x/admin
instead of ^admin (which is bad and breaks portability). Is there a way
that I can use mod_python to proxy to
Django as /admin/ while still remembering which Django project it's

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Re: Strange issue with too many Foriegn Keys

2008-02-06 Thread Aaron Fay

Hey Michael,

I ran across this article a couple days ago that seems to have a 
workaround to your problem:

Hope that helps,

Michael Newman wrote:
> I am trying this new way of inheriting a lot of information for a
> project I am working on. This site I need to extend the user profile,
> then certain people can have their own sites and then those sites can
> have 10 photographs to add to a slide show.
> so I have:
> --
> class Profile(models.Model):
>models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
> class WebSite(models.Model):
> class WebsiteImage(models.Model):
>models.ImageField(upload_to='myimagedir', core=True)
>models.ForiegnKey(WebSite, edit_inline=models.TABULAR,
> num_in_admin=10,max_num_in_admin=10)
> I create a Website and save a bunch of images. I click back on the
> WebSite to edit it. I click save without editing anything. Go back to
> look at the item and the Images are no longer there. Nor are the
> database tables.
> This is really confusing. Does anyone have any ideas? Is this a known
> issue or something dumb that I am doing? Thanks in advance for any
> help.
> >

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Re: Setting up Apache & mod_python on my development computer

2008-02-06 Thread Aaron Fay


I just realized also, from your original error:
EnvironmentError: Could not import settings 'testproject.settings' (Is
it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named
Does it have syntax errors?

Aaron Fay wrote:

Hey Brandon, 
Here's my exact setup:
        SetHandler python-program 
        PythonPath "['C:\django'] + sys.path" 
        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython 
        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings 
        PythonDebug On 
        SetHandler None 
        SetHandler None 
"testproject" is here "C:\django\testproject", settings file is
"C:\django\testproject\".  I put both
"C:\Python25\Scripts;c:\Python25\" in my system PATH.
Running an XP SP2 box, wamp5 version 1.6.4, Apache 2.0.58(win32),
mod_python 3.3.1, Python 2.5.1
Don't know if there's anything else I can tell you that might help,
good luck with it...
Brandon Taylor wrote:
Hi Guys,

Yes, I've tried that as well. No dice. Ugh!


On Feb 6, 1:22 pm, Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Is there a reason this line looks like this:

Instead of like this:


Brandon Taylor wrote:

Well, still no working solution, but here is my httpd.config now:

SetHandler python-program
PythonPath "['C:/django_projects/', 'C:/Python25/lib/site-packages/
django'] + sys.path"
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings
PythonDebug On

I'm wondering if I should move to a FastCGI setup versus mod_python,
as that's how my shared environment is going to be configured.
Thoughts anyone? I don't understand what the problem might be here.
I'll see if I have any more luck on my Mac when I get home.
- Brandon


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Re: Setting up Apache & mod_python on my development computer

2008-02-06 Thread Aaron Fay

Hey Brandon, 

Here's my exact setup:

        SetHandler python-program 
        PythonPath "['C:\django'] + sys.path" 
        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython 
        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings 
        PythonDebug On 
        SetHandler None 
        SetHandler None 

"testproject" is here "C:\django\testproject", settings file is
"C:\django\testproject\".  I put both
"C:\Python25\Scripts;c:\Python25\" in my system PATH.

Running an XP SP2 box, wamp5 version 1.6.4, Apache 2.0.58(win32),
mod_python 3.3.1, Python 2.5.1

Don't know if there's anything else I can tell you that might help,
good luck with it...

Brandon Taylor wrote:

  Hi Guys,

Yes, I've tried that as well. No dice. Ugh!


On Feb 6, 1:22 pm, Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a reason this line looks like this:

Instead of like this:


Brandon Taylor wrote:

  Well, still no working solution, but here is my httpd.config now:

SetHandler python-program
PythonPath "['C:/django_projects/', 'C:/Python25/lib/site-packages/
django'] + sys.path"
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings
PythonDebug On


  I'm wondering if I should move to a FastCGI setup versus mod_python,
as that's how my shared environment is going to be configured.

  Thoughts anyone? I don't understand what the problem might be here.
I'll see if I have any more luck on my Mac when I get home.

  - Brandon



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Re: Setting up Apache & mod_python on my development computer

2008-02-06 Thread Aaron Fay

Hey Brandon,

I have mine working on the same rig as you (looks like).  Here's a shot 
in the dark:

 # << add forward slash
SetHandler python-program
PythonPath "['C:/django_projects/'] + sys.path" # << remove 'testproject'
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings
PythonInterpreter testproject # << I don't have this line in my config, 
maybe try commenting it out
PythonDebug On

I'm guessing your error comes from django looking for the settings 
module in /django_projects/testproject/testproject/

Like I said, shot in the dark, but hth...

Brandon Taylor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have Apache 2 and mod_python installed on Windows. The mod_python
> module is loaded and active.
> Here's a breakdown of where things are...
> Python is installed at: C:\Python25
> Django is installed at: C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages
> \django
> My 'testproject' in installed at: C:\django_projects\testproject
> I have the following entry for 'testproject' in my Apache httpd.conf:
> SetHandler python-program
> PythonPath "['C:/django_projects/testproject'] + sys.path"
> PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproject.settings
> PythonInterpreter testproject
> PythonDebug On
> When I hit: http://localhost/testproject, I receive the following
> error:
> EnvironmentError: Could not import settings 'testproject.settings' (Is
> it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named
> testproject.settings.
> When I use the command line and start the built-in server for the
> project, it will run and I get the Django welcome page. I added an
> environment variable called PYTHONPATH and pointed it to C:
> \django_projects, but I still get the error.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd really like to be able
> to test in an Apache/mod_python environment versus the built-in
> server, as that is how my shared hosting provider is configured and
> I'd like to avoid surprises.
> TIA,
> Brandon
> >

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Insert relational record

2008-02-05 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi List,

First off, Django is wonderful :)

Okay, I'm overriding a save method on a model, and need to jack into 
another model to add an entry into the db.  Now if it was as simple as 
User, I could just create a new user, right?  But the problem is I need 
to create an entry in a table that is a relational table for the User 
model (Table: auth_user_groups).  Can I do that without custom sql?

Thanks :)

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Override admin filters

2008-02-04 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi list,

I'm wondering if there is a way to override the filters and and 
list_display on the built-in users view/model in the django admin.  I 
would like to be able to filter/sort by group if possible.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Template tag arguments

2008-02-04 Thread Aaron Fay

Thanks for the replies fellas...

I got around it for the time being by using context['object_id'] in my
node class and it worked, but I'll rewrite it to use the resolver

Thanks for the tip,

Steven Armstrong wrote:

  Aaron Fay wrote on 02/04/08 21:21:
Hi list,

I have a custom template tag that is supposed to take an argument from 
the template kinda like this: {% profile_user_id object_id %}, problem 
is 'object_id' is literally showing up as 'object_id' and not 5 or 
whatever it's supposed to be.  I think the issue is I'm working within 
the context or something (no idea really)...

Read about resolve_variable at


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Template tag arguments

2008-02-04 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi list,

I have a custom template tag that is supposed to take an argument from 
the template kinda like this: {% profile_user_id object_id %}, problem 
is 'object_id' is literally showing up as 'object_id' and not 5 or 
whatever it's supposed to be.  I think the issue is I'm working within 
the context or something (no idea really)...

Any thoughts?

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Accessing user variable in edit user form

2008-02-04 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi list,

Stuck again :P  I have a couple questions:

  I'm trying to create a link in the {% block form_top %} of an
admin template to link to the profile of the current user I'm editing
but {{ }} always gives me the id of the user logged in (me). 
Does this form use a request object or something?
  If so, is there a way to 'inspect' the values of the object being
edited?  I have tried a couple things on the command line API but can't
seem to recreate the same conditions to give me workable results.
  Can someone shed some light on the 'inline_related_objects' block
in the admin ({% for related_object in inline_related_objects %}{%
edit_inline related_object %}{% endfor %})?  I've been digging and
can't find much for resources, although this one post promises to do
what I originally wanted to do, but I can't seem to get it to work

Thanks for your insight :)

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Re: Extend single admin template

2008-02-03 Thread Aaron Fay

Fixed my own problem :P turns out it was user error (go figure...)

did the trick...

Thanks anyway :)

Aaron Fay wrote:
Hi list,
I have successfully extended a custom model's template following the
instructions in the djangobook, but I tried to do the same with a
built-in template (edit user form) by adding 
  {% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}

{% block form_top %}
  Edit this user's profile
{% endblock %}
to a file called change_form.html ... my custom profile template is
I *thought* since the url pattern was similar for the edit user page, I
could just put the same form in another folder like one of these:
/templates/admin/test/users/change_form.html  << i was guessing
at this one

but none of those seem to work.  I checked the documentation (still
looking...).  Am I missing something obvious?

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Extend single admin template

2008-02-03 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi list,

I have successfully extended a custom model's template following the
instructions in the djangobook, but I tried to do the same with a
built-in template (edit user form) by adding 
{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% block form_top %}
  Edit this user's profile
{% endblock %}

to a file called change_form.html ... my custom profile template is

I *thought* since the url pattern was similar for the edit user page, I
could just put the same form in another folder like one of these:
/templates/admin/test/users/change_form.html  << i was guessing
at this one

but none of those seem to work.  I checked the documentation (still
looking...).  Am I missing something obvious?


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Re: Conditional admin template inheritance

2008-02-01 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi again,

Found the answer in the documentation (right in front of my face...)


Aaron Fay wrote:
> Hi List :)
> I want to be able to include some javascript on a specific automated 
> admin page, is there a way to just include my custom template block if 
> I'm editing a specific model?  I really like the automated admin forms, 
> but it may be that I just have to sit down and write custom templates...
> Thanks for your insight,
> Aaron
> >

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Re: Complex relationship for user profile

2008-02-01 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi Peter, 

I did a little more digging, and I'm not sure if my answer is in option
1 or 2... I am just using the automatic admin interface for my model at
this point, with Django configured to use AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE =
'myapp.myuserprofile'.  Is it safe to assume either model is saved
first, or is there a reference to this behavior somewhere?

2nd question: does option 1 assume that I am using a custom
form/template?  If 'no', is it then possible to have the UserProfile
model display the within it's form? And what might that
look like?

I'm trying to wrap my head around this new framework...still puzzled :S

Thanks again,

Peter Rowell wrote:

Failing a response to that one must mean I'm asking for something that
is undoable.

Uh, this isn't McDonald's. Slow/no response does not immediately
equate to undoable. It more likely means that people who might have
answered the question were doing something else (watching the debate,
coding, sleeping, having a life).

Regarding your question:

Depending on the dynamics of your app, you might investigate the

1. If the profile is updated first and you want to propagate some
changes to the associated User record, try overriding the save()
method for UserProfile, do your thing, and then call
super(UserProfile, self).save() to finish.

2. If the opposite is true (User is changed and you want to propagate
to UserProfile), avoid the temptation to hack contrib/auth/
Instead, use signals. See
for a discussion on the difference between custom save and signals.

3. Modifying the admin can be useful, but can the data only be changed
through the form? If yes, then proceed. If no, then option 1 or 2 is a
better way to capture the change, regardless of the source of the



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Conditional admin template inheritance

2008-02-01 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi List :)

I want to be able to include some javascript on a specific automated 
admin page, is there a way to just include my custom template block if 
I'm editing a specific model?  I really like the automated admin forms, 
but it may be that I just have to sit down and write custom templates...

Thanks for your insight,

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Re: Complex relationship for user profile

2008-02-01 Thread Aaron Fay

I'll try those, Peter, thanks for the response...


Peter Rowell wrote:

Failing a response to that one must mean I'm asking for something that
is undoable.

Uh, this isn't McDonald's. Slow/no response does not immediately
equate to undoable. It more likely means that people who might have
answered the question were doing something else (watching the debate,
coding, sleeping, having a life).

Regarding your question:

Depending on the dynamics of your app, you might investigate the

1. If the profile is updated first and you want to propagate some
changes to the associated User record, try overriding the save()
method for UserProfile, do your thing, and then call
super(UserProfile, self).save() to finish.

2. If the opposite is true (User is changed and you want to propagate
to UserProfile), avoid the temptation to hack contrib/auth/
Instead, use signals. See
for a discussion on the difference between custom save and signals.

3. Modifying the admin can be useful, but can the data only be changed
through the form? If yes, then proceed. If no, then option 1 or 2 is a
better way to capture the change, regardless of the source of the



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Re: Complex relationship for user profile

2008-02-01 Thread Aaron Fay


Failing a response to that one must mean I'm asking for something that 
is undoable... could anyone provide an easy way to accomplish this by 
maybe extending the admin template or something?  I'm convinced 
retrieving the data would be very simple, but is there a way to get it 
to save as well?  Can you extend the form handler for an admin page?

Thanks again,

Aaron Fay wrote:
> Hi list! (first post)
> I've created a small application to suit a new project I am working on, 
> however I have a question regarding using the user profile feature.  I 
> have the setup working properly according to the documentation and it 
> works, what I need to know is if I can create a field in my user profile 
> model that will mimic or update fields on the users table.  For example, 
> when I add a model for the profile, I would like to create a 
> relationship so I can display and update the user's email on my admin 
> page for the profile model, and not have to go to the users edit page to 
> do so (and actually it would be handy for a couple fields...)
> Not sure how to pull this off, I'm only a couple days into Django (and 
> loving it!)
> Thanks for the help,
> Aaron
> >

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Complex relationship for user profile

2008-01-31 Thread Aaron Fay

Hi list! (first post)

I've created a small application to suit a new project I am working on, 
however I have a question regarding using the user profile feature.  I 
have the setup working properly according to the documentation and it 
works, what I need to know is if I can create a field in my user profile 
model that will mimic or update fields on the users table.  For example, 
when I add a model for the profile, I would like to create a 
relationship so I can display and update the user's email on my admin 
page for the profile model, and not have to go to the users edit page to 
do so (and actually it would be handy for a couple fields...)

Not sure how to pull this off, I'm only a couple days into Django (and 
loving it!)

Thanks for the help,

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problem with database

2007-07-01 Thread fay

my db is sqlite3
when i use admin , i shows me the tables but i can't do anything with
them :

Database error

Something's wrong with your database installation. Make sure the
appropriate database tables have been created, and make sure the
database is readable by the appropriate user.

what's wrong here?

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Re: Inconsistent SQL generated for ForeignKey fields

2007-05-23 Thread Fay

Forgot to mention, I use MySQL 5.1.

On May 23, 4:29 pm, Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I encountered a situation that foreign key constraints were generated
> differently for the same data model.
> Below is my test model that has 2 identical sets of 1-to-many tables.
> When I run django sqlall command, however the foreign key constraints
> were built differently, one used column constraint while the other
> used table constraint. It seems the table names contribute to this
> behavior. Although they function very similarly, I wonder why that
> happened.
> from django.db import models
> class a1(models.Model):
> a1c1 = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
> class a2(models.Model):
> a2c1 = models.ForeignKey(a1)
> a2c2 = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True)
> class x1(models.Model):
> x1c1 = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
> class x2(models.Model):
> x2c1 = models.ForeignKey(x1)
> x2c2 = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True)
> Results from sqlall command:
> CREATE TABLE `test_a1` (
> `a1c1` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> );
> CREATE TABLE `test_x2` (
> `x2c1_id` integer NOT NULL,
> `x2c2` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> );
> CREATE TABLE `test_x1` (
> `x1c1` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> );
> ALTER TABLE `test_x2` ADD CONSTRAINT x2c1_id_refs_id_11de27b2 FOREIGN
> KEY (`x2c1_id`) REFERENCES `test_x1` (`id`);
> CREATE TABLE `test_a2` (
> `a2c1_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `test_a1` (`id`),
> `a2c2` varchar(200) NOT NULL
> );
> CREATE INDEX `test_x2_x2c1_id` ON `test_x2` (`x2c1_id`);
> CREATE INDEX `test_a2_a2c1_id` ON `test_a2` (`a2c1_id`);
> Thanks.

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Inconsistent SQL generated for ForeignKey fields

2007-05-23 Thread Fay


I encountered a situation that foreign key constraints were generated
differently for the same data model.

Below is my test model that has 2 identical sets of 1-to-many tables.
When I run django sqlall command, however the foreign key constraints
were built differently, one used column constraint while the other
used table constraint. It seems the table names contribute to this
behavior. Although they function very similarly, I wonder why that

from django.db import models

class a1(models.Model):
a1c1 = models.CharField(maxlength=200)

class a2(models.Model):
a2c1 = models.ForeignKey(a1)
a2c2 = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True)

class x1(models.Model):
x1c1 = models.CharField(maxlength=200)

class x2(models.Model):
x2c1 = models.ForeignKey(x1)
x2c2 = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True)

Results from sqlall command:

CREATE TABLE `test_a1` (
`a1c1` varchar(200) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `test_x2` (
`x2c1_id` integer NOT NULL,
`x2c2` varchar(200) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `test_x1` (
`x1c1` varchar(200) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `test_x2` ADD CONSTRAINT x2c1_id_refs_id_11de27b2 FOREIGN
KEY (`x2c1_id`) REFERENCES `test_x1` (`id`);
CREATE TABLE `test_a2` (
`a2c1_id` integer NOT NULL REFERENCES `test_a1` (`id`),
`a2c2` varchar(200) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX `test_x2_x2c1_id` ON `test_x2` (`x2c1_id`);
CREATE INDEX `test_a2_a2c1_id` ON `test_a2` (`a2c1_id`);


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How to define unsigned integer primary keys with auto increment for MySQL

2007-05-22 Thread Fay

I'm using MySQL. The primary key field generated by django uses
integer, not unsigned. I'd like to us unsigned integer instead. I can
explicitly specify PositiveIntegerField with primary_key option, but
that doesn't seem to give me auto increment. Any ideas? Thanks.

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