Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-29 Thread Gertjan Klein

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

>On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 14:33 +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
>> Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
>> I disagree. When I develop web pages (using Django or otherwise) I use
>> the Firefox HTML validator extension. This helps me write
>> standards-compliant HTML -- a big red cross indicates a problem in my
>> page. It is annoying if that big red cross no longer indicates anything
>> (there might be problems *I* caused, or it might just be Django stuff).
>You realise that you're effectively confirming what I said, right?. The
>big red cross is a cosmetic issue. The fact that it makes precisely zero
>difference to the practical matter of how a real-world web browser
>processes the page means it's not fatal/tragic.

No, I think you may have misunderstood me. The XHTML slash is cosmetic;
to my knowledge, all current browsers are capable of dealing with that
(thus deviating from what the standard dictates them to do, but
practicality beats purity, I guess ;)).

However, *my* HTML (as opposed to Django's generated HTML) may contain
errors as well, and regularly does. The big red cross in an invaluable
indicator that I messed something up, and losing that functionality is
annoying. Now, when using HTML as opposed to XHTML, I can no longer see
if I did something wrong, as the page is *always* in error (from a
standards compliance POV).

>Then you'll have no trouble creating a parallel set of form widgets or a
>form framework that can handle this and everybody will be happy. :-)

No, I have no desire to do such a thing. As I stated before, the
practical solution for me was to switch to XHTML.

>Or look at the django-html project on Google Code, where various ideas
>are being tried out.

I did, briefly, and didn't like what I saw. They overcomplicate things,
IMHO. I don't want DOCTYPE management, for example.

>(you're certainly paid just as much to work on Django as me, for

This payment thing comes up regularly here, and pollutes the discussion.
I have been using Django for a while, and found it to have good things
and downsides (both IMHO). I have not even critisized Django here (yet
;)), just expressed mild curiousity. I don't think I've given you reason
to bring up that you're not payed for your work on Django.

>Maintaining two copies of everything certainly adds to the workload.

I have not suggested such thing though. From a brief look at the source
code, it appeared to me that it would be easy to create a setting that
specifies whether to include the slash or not, and based on that setting
write either " />" or ">" at the end of input tags (and ). However,
like I said, I have not researched this thouroughly, and I most
certainly have not requested the Django developers to implement this. I
may have overlooked more complicated things, and besides, if I wanted
this badly I'd try and write it myself and if successfull, attempt to
get it included in Django.


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Re: Django Forms in HTML 4.01 Strict

2009-01-28 Thread Gertjan Klein

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

>In HTML, the requirement for errors of this form ( instead of
>), is that the parser *must* recover in a way that forces it to
>treat it as "" -- it has to ignore the invalid characters and
>recover in a particular, well-defined fashion.

Do you have a reference for that? It is my understanding that there is,
indeed, a well-defined meaning the SGML specification for HTML: the
slash inside a tag introduces a so-called "shorttag". This treats
everything up until the next slash as the element's contents. Browsers
don't treat it as such, but that is a deviation of what the standard
asks them to do, not error recovery per se.

>That's why non-validity for HTML, when it's this kind of non-validity
>isn't a really big deal. It's cosmetic, rather than tragic.

I disagree. When I develop web pages (using Django or otherwise) I use
the Firefox HTML validator extension. This helps me write
standards-compliant HTML -- a big red cross indicates a problem in my
page. It is annoying if that big red cross no longer indicates anything
(there might be problems *I* caused, or it might just be Django stuff).

As a result, I decided to switch to XHTML when developing with Django --
also not fully standards compliant (the doctype is wrong), but at least
when I see a big red cross I know *I* did something wrong...

Before I decided to switch and stop worrying about it, I also wondered
why Django didn't make this configurable. It didn't seem like a lot of
work, but I haven't really researched it.


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Re: Admin: design question

2008-09-14 Thread Gertjan Klein

Marc Boivin wrote:

[queryset method on ModelAdmin]

>It is valid, tested and working on Django 1.0. I have it working. It is not
>documented, you need to search in the source code to get around it.

Ah, yes, it does work -- but not in the way I expected it to! I spent
the better part of two hours trying to figure out why the queryset
method wasn't called, and wondering if my was somehow wrong.
(The documentation on this at

could use some more information on how to put it all together,
especially if you *don't* want a custom AdminSite, but even if you do.)

Anyway, I have found that the *only* time the queryset method is called
is on the list page for ProjectCodes. I don't need a filter there! I
need a filter on the edit page for Hours instances, but queryset isn't
called there.

It appears that the queryset method is intended mainly to restrict what
a given user can see in the list. Useful for implementing complicated
permission systems, but not appropriate in my case I believe.


Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Admin: design question

2008-09-13 Thread Gertjan Klein

Keith Eberle wrote:

>Maybe you can do something similar to what's in this post (using queryset):

Is that still valid? I can find no documentation for a queryset method
on the ModelAdmin class here:

I added one regardless to my ProjectCodeAdmin class:

class ProjectCodeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def queryset(self, request):
return super(ProjectCodeAdmin, self).filter(
Customer= request.Customer) 

but it seems to be ignored. (I also wonder -- is this supposed to get
called *everywhere* I need a ProjectCode dropdown? Even if there is no
Customer on that page, and hence the request? ...)

That said, placing it there feels wrong. IIUC, a site-specific
and ModelAdmin instances are ment to tweak the admin interface. Limiting
the list of ProjectCodes in the dropdown can be done there, but
resticting the allowed ProjectCodes should be done in the model. Doesn't
that mean the code now has to be written twice?

My biggest worry, though, is updating the user interface if a new or
different Customer is selected. I have seen no suggestions yet that
admin is able to cope with that without too much intervention on my
part... Hopefully that's because people knowing it can, and how, are
currently busy with more important stuff like going out and having fun.


Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Admin: design question

2008-09-13 Thread Gertjan Klein

Steve Holden wrote:

>Gertjan Klein wrote:
>> However, there is one obvious problem
>> here: when editing an Hours instance, the ProjectCode dropdown lists
>> *all* project codes, not just those related to the selected customer.

>As long as you only want this in th admin, check out the
>"ForeignKey.limit_choices_to" attribute. However, I don't know whether
>this would give you the correct results where no project code was
>specified, and I'm not sure how to do this in general applications yet.

Thanks. I have just tried that, but failed. In the model, I don't know
how to specify that the result should be limited to an attribute of the
instance (e.g., something like, as there is no self at
that point. This may very well be my lack of understanding, I'm just
starting with Django.

However, that would still only help with saved instances; when creating
a new Hours entry, the Customer value will be empty, so the dropdown
with appropriate ProjectCodes would be too.

So the question remains whether the django admin code helps make this


Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Admin: design question

2008-09-13 Thread Gertjan Klein


I am writing a timekeeping app with Django, and have some design
questions. Stripped down, I have a model somewhat like this:

class Customer(models.Model):
Name = models.CharField(max_length=200)

class ProjectCode(models.Model):
Customer = models.ForeignKey('Customer')
Code = models.CharField(max_length=30)

class Hours(models.Model):
Customer = models.ForeignKey('Customer')
ProjectCode = models.ForeignKey('ProjectCode', blank=True)
Date = models.DateField()
Hours = models.FloatField()

That is, the time registration class (Hours) has both a customer, and
(optionally) a project code.

I am currently using the standard admin interface to enter/edit objects,
and it works to my expectations. However, there is one obvious problem
here: when editing an Hours instance, the ProjectCode dropdown lists
*all* project codes, not just those related to the selected customer.

Obviously, I am going to need either a wizard-like interface or an Ajax
solution to fix this. My preference here would be Ajax (to populate the
ProjectCode dropdown based on the selected Customer).

My question is twofold:

- Does the standard admin application have provisions for something like

- Alternatively, is there a change in my design I can make so the admin
interface *can* cope with this?

I'd really prefer to keep using the standard admin for now, focussing on
adding functionality rather than getting the user interface the way I
want it.


Gertjan Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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