Re: Geos (geos-3.1.0rc2) wont 'make' on Ubuntu 8.10

2009-02-12 Thread John Handelaar

2009/2/12 Rhoel_in_Asia :
> Okay, will give that a try - did wonder if its a script error in the
> latest version.

Your make failure says pretty clearly that the right compiler is missing.

Make sure on Ubuntu you have previously installed build-essential, g++
and python2.5-dev before trying to compile this again.


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Re: Can Someone Do something about ALL THIS SPAM

2008-06-05 Thread John Handelaar

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 6:05 PM, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * The way to train Google's spam filter is to use their spam-reporting
> mechanism.

One way to *completely waste your time* is to use their spam-filtering
mechanism.  I am absolutely not the only group member who flags every
single spam email here.  Effect?  None.

> * The alternative to this is to start moderating the list,

With respect, no.  There are a large number of other list hosting

Google Groups lets anybody/anybot with a Google account join
with no attempt at (eg) captchas, and *no email confirmation whatsoever*.
If you have a working account and a cURL script, Google Groups will happily
stand idly by while you crawl your way through ten thousand lists and
spam the crap out of everybody on them.

It's OK to say "we don't think this is important enough to warrant changing
away from Google Groups".  But neither one of these statements really
backs up the position.  I'd have more sympathy if the answer was "yes, it
sucks, but we're not moving because we think the inconvenience of moving
outweighs the inconvenience of staying".  Which also has the advantage
of being the truth :)


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SMS code examples

2008-07-14 Thread John Handelaar


I'm looking to use an SMS service provider to allow users to 'register'
their cell phones to receive updates.  The registration is necessary in
the same way that email confirmation is necessary.

Available gateways here (UK and Ireland) all seem to have HTTP POST
gateways for this sort of thing.  Is there some decent (documented)
example code somewhere for this sort of thing?  cURL, possibly?

I've seen this:  but it seems to
be a fake project.


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i18n escape-able quote marks

2009-03-22 Thread John Handelaar


So if my translation string in a template currently looks like this:

  A book called "Gulliver's Travels" do I convert that into something starting with "{% trans"   ?


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Re: i18n escape-able quote marks

2009-03-22 Thread John Handelaar

On Mar 22, 11:55 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick 
> On Sun, 2009-03-22 at 21:38 +, JohnHandelaarwrote:
> > Hello
> > So if my translation string in a template currently looks like this:
> >   A book called "Gulliver's Travels"
> > do I convert that into something starting with "{% trans"   ?
> You would mark the whole string for translation and, in the course of
> translating it, the translators would replace "..." with «...» or „...“
> or whatever. It's generally ill-advised (and very fragile) to mark only
> a portion of a sentence for translation,


> If that doesn't answer your question, could you explain a bit more what
> the problem is?

Specifically I'm looking at something I've inherited which writes out
a tiny snippet of JS which calls i18n/setlang and (ironically) appears
to be resistant to being localised itself. If I were able to use both
single and double quotes in a string I could put those 20 characters
in a translated string and have done with it.  But i18n doesn't
support escaping, it seems.

A better way of writing out a different link in a template based on
whether it's in one language or the other (this app uses only two)
would of course also be welcome.

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Re: i18n escape-able quote marks

2009-03-23 Thread John Handelaar

2009/3/23 Malcolm Tredinnick :
> To solve your particular problem here, though, it might be possible to
> write your own version of the url template tag. Writing custom template
> tags is easy enough (and documented). Writing a templtae tag that more
> or less wraps another template tag is probably even more
> straightforward.

I've just tried this:

{% load i18n %}
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% ifequal LANGUAGE_CODE "en" %}
{% include "web/langswitcher-english.html" 
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal LANGUAGE_CODE "es" %}
{% include "web/langswitcher-espanol.html" 
{% endifequal %}

...but  LANGUAGE_CODE is set to "en" even when the page is correctly
displaying in Spanish.  Is this a bug or am I doing it wrong?


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i18n template nightmare part two

2009-03-23 Thread John Handelaar


I've got a i18n-enabled page which calls i18n/setlang with a JS call.
In this page, clicking on the link to "javascript:lang('es')"
correctly reloads the page and renders everything that is currently
translated in Spanish.


Unfortunately, this:

  {% load i18n %}
  {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}

... prints "en" even when the page renders in Spanish.

Anybody got any ideas?

Thanks for your time.

John Handelaar
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Help with splicing models to a legacy DB, please

2009-10-19 Thread John Handelaar


For reasons I won't bore you with, a Mysql legacy DB *whose schema I
cannot alter* contains (inter alia) two tables.  I'm trying to write
an alternative front-end to this DB in Django which would be

tableone has a primary key called tableone_id

tabletwo contains rows which have a 1:1 relationship with equivalent
rows in tableone, and a column called tableone_id to allow me connect
them with a JOIN.  It does not, however, have a primary key of its

It seems obvious to me that these two tables belong in one Model
definition. How do I define a single model which spans the two tables
and returns querysets containing all columns from both tables?

a)  With a model manager?  If so, where do I put that manager and are
there any examples I can steal?
b)  With custom SQL in the model definition?  If so, again, does
someone have an example online I can see somewhere?
c)  Somewhere else?

Any help gratefully received.


John Handelaar

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Howto output rows as HTML columns instead?

2009-12-13 Thread John Handelaar

I'm trying to render the spending of members of a parliament as part
of their information pages.

The expenses are stored as rows in a model called Expense, so right
now I can show a horizontal table with the Year on the Y axis with

{% for expenserow in member.person_id.expense_set.all %}

{{ expenserow.year|date:"Y" }}
€{{ expenserow.salary|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{ expenserow.mea|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
expenserow.officegrant|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
expenserow.consphone|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{ expenserow.cta|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{ expenserow.isdn|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
expenserow.allowance|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{ expenserow.ssa|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
expenserow.committeetravel|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
expenserow.cttee_ent|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{ expenserow.bpa|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
€{{ expenserow.ipu|floatformat:2|intcomma }}

{% endfor %}

My problem, and question:  how on earth can I instead spit this data
out with years as the column headers and the categories as rows,
instead?  There are far more categories of data than there are years
of data, and what I have now simply won't fit into the horizontal
space of the average browser window.

Tips (which don't involve creating a dozen new
semantically-much-less-meaningful models) gratefully received...


John Handelaar


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Re: Major Tech Start up – NYC –Python Developer - Django/ Python Java/J2ee

2010-07-11 Thread John Handelaar
On 11 July 2010 14:17, Tech Scout  wrote:
>  Major Tech Start up – NYC –Python Developer - Django/ Python Java/J2ee FTE
> opportunity
> View, Refer or Apply confidentially here:
> Tech Scout

Why you just got spam filtered:

1) Posting in HTML
2) No name
3) No phone number
4) No company email address
5) Massive OverUse Of CapitalIZation
6) Concealed URL
7) Nonsensical spraying of Java terms you don't understand in a post
to python devs.

Not bad for two lines.

Please go away now.


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Recipe request: Nginx, Django as fcgi, PHP app in subdirectory also as fcgi

2010-04-02 Thread John Handelaar

I'm having trouble with porting a Django site, which currently uses
apache2 and mod_python with Wordpress running at /blog/, to nginx.

I have several other sites which use a fastcgi process and Django as
the root directory in a server {} configuration but adding a Location
directive to pass /blog/ to a different php-fastcgi server on another
port simply results in Django catching the URI and returning a 404

(No, I don't want to keep running a huge apache2 server on another
port to proxy the thing. I want rid of apache2 - it's permanently
sitting on a quarter of the memory of a client's VPS.)

I'm sure someone's done it before. Certainly I've had no trouble
running each app separately as distinct virtual hosts in this way.

Any pointers, please?


John Handelaar

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Re: Randomly clearing database tables

2011-10-04 Thread John Handelaar
On 4 October 2011 15:11, msbuck  wrote:
> Twice now, I have had most of my django tables cleared from my
> database including my app tables. Obviously I need to track this down.
> In addition to the two tables created by my app, the AUTH_USER,
> not cleared. Just to be clear, the tables still exist, there just
> isn't any data in them.

Theory: you have a fixtures data file and you ran syncdb ?


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Re: Job opening: Malaria Atlas Project, Oxford University

2008-05-09 Thread John Handelaar

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:50 PM, anand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Further particulars can be downloaded from

That's not true.


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